Florida State University Libraries Electronic Theses, Treatises and Dissertations The Graduate School 2002 A Study of Two Seventeenth-Century Teaching Manuals in Hamburg: Critical Editions and Translations of Thomas Selle's Kurtze Doch Gründtliche Anleitung zur Singekunst (c. 1642) and Heinrich Grimm's Instrumentum Instrumentorum, Hoc Est, Monochordum vel Potius Decachordum (1634) Joanna L. Carter Follow this and additional works at the FSU Digital Library. For more information, please contact
[email protected] THE FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC A STUDY OF TWO SEVENTEENTH-CENTURY TEACHING MANUALS IN HAMBURG: CRITICAL EDITIONS AND TRANSLATIONS OF THOMAS SELLE’S KURTZE DOCH GRÜNDTLICHE ANLEITUNG ZUR SINGEKUNST (c. 1642) AND HEINRICH GRIMM’S INSTRUMENTUM INSTRUMENTORUM, HOC EST, MONOCHORDUM VEL POTIUS DECACHORDUM (1634) By JOANNA L. CARTER A Dissertation submitted to the School of Music in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Degree Awarded: Fall Semester, 2002 The members of the Committee approve the dissertation of Joanna L. Carter defended on 8 November 2002. Jeffery T. Kite-Powell Professor Directing Dissertation Bruce Boehrer Outside Committee Member Hans-Friedrich Mueller Outside Committee Member Douglass Seaton Committee Member Charles E. Brewer Committee Member The Office of Graduate Studies has verified and approved the abovenamed committee members ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Over the years, several people have contributed their time and expertise to this project. In its initial phases, I was greatly encouraged and assisted by Hans Joachim Marx, professor emeritus of musicology at the Universität Hamburg, and Jürgen Neubacher, music librarian at the Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg. In particular, Dr. Neubacher aided me in procuring source materials and provided valuable information concerning them.