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Plastid Origin and Advanced article Article Contents . Introduction Cheong Xin Chan, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA . Primary and Endosymbiosis . Secondary (and Tertiary) Plastids Debashish Bhattacharya, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA . Nonphotosynthetic Plastids

. Theft

. Plastid Origin and Evolution

. Concluding Remarks

Online posting date: 15th November 2011

Plastids (or in ) are within organisms that emerged ca. 2.8 billion ago (Olson, which takes place in . The ori- 2006), followed by the evolution of eukaryotic ca. 1.5 gin of the widespread plastid traces back to a cyano- billion years ago (Yoon et al., 2004) and finally by the rise of bacterium that was engulfed and retained by a plants ca. 500 million years ago (Taylor, 1988). Photosynthetic reactions occur within the in heterotrophic through a process termed primary . In eukaryotes, however, the reaction takes endosymbiosis. Subsequent (serial) events of endo- place in the , plastid (e.g. in plants). symbiosis, involving red and and potentially The plastid also houses many other reactions that are other eukaryotes, yielded the so-called ‘complex’ plastids essential for growth and development in algae and plants; found in photosynthetic taxa such as , dino- for example, the biosynthesis of fatty acids, biosynthesis of and euglenids. The field of plastid research also amino acids and carbohydrate storage. See also: Cyano- includes nonphotosynthetic organelles () ; Evolution of Photosynthesis; Photosynthesis; within the parasitic apicomplexans and the temporary Photosynthesis: The Calvin Cycle; Photosynthetic Carbon sequestration (‘theft’) of plastids by heterotrophic Metabolism; Chloroplasts and Other Plastids organisms () such as the sea slug Elysia chlor- Various forms of plastids have been found in eukaryotes, otica. The gain and loss of plastids, and nonlineal from the most ‘simple’ two-membrane (primary) plastid, the more ‘complex’ three- and four-membrane-bound transfer (associated with endosymbiosis) are key aspects (secondary and some tertiary) plastids, pigment-lacking of algal evolution that have decisive impacts on inference nonphotosynthetic plastids (e.g. apicoplasts), to the non- of their phylogenetic positions in the tree of . permanent, ‘stolen’ plastids in a number of heterotrophic Deciphering plastid origin therefore provides general organisms (a phenomenon known as kleptoplasty). These insights into the evolution of eukaryote lineages. diverse forms differ with respect to how the plastid ori- ginated in the ‘host’ cell and in the case of kleptoplasts, their level of genetic integration and dependence on host cell metabolism. Unfortunately, the frequency of complex Introduction plastid transfers between related eukaryote groups such as ‘chromalveolates’ (e.g. diatoms, , One of the landmark evolutionary events in the history of and dinoflagellates) is difficult if not impossible to divine, life is the origin of oxygenic photosynthesis (photo- resulting in an incomplete understanding of this process. autotrophy), whereby organisms were able to harness light Given that endosymbiosis involves the wholesale transfer energy to produce biochemical energy that is utilised across of genetic material between lineages, plastid evolution is all metabolic processes. Perhaps more importantly, wide- one of the key complicating factors in understanding spread photosynthesis led to oxygenation of the atmos- eukaryote genome evolution. Therefore, deciphering the phere, laying the foundation for the evolution of diverse origin of plastids significantly enhances our understanding and abundant life forms that support extant ecosystems. of the basis of photosynthesis in plants, our primary food were the first dominant photosynthetic source on the planet, and its broader impact on eukaryote evolution. eLS subject area: Evolution & Diversity of Life

How to cite: Chan, Cheong Xin; and Bhattacharya, Debashish (November 2011) Primary Plastids and Endosymbiosis Plastid Origin and Evolution. In: eLS. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Chichester. The simplest forms of plastids, the primary plastids, are DOI: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0023639 found exclusively (except for , see below) within

eLS & 2011, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. www.els.net 1 Plastid Origin and Evolution the eukaryote supergroup Plantae (or ) a permanent and ultimately a functional (Rodrı´guez-Ezpeleta et al., 2005) that comprises the glau- organelle that has been vertically transmitted to sub- cophyte algae (Glaucophyta), (Rhodophyta), sequent generations for over a billion years (Figure 1). as well as green algae and plants (collectively known See also: ; Glaucocystophytes; Green as ). The Plantae plastid, bound by two Algae; Plant ; Red Algae membranes, originated from a cyanobacterium that was The idea of endosymbiosis was based on the observation engulfed and retained by a free-living, unicellular hetero- of the symbiotic relationship between fungi and algae in trophic protist, in a process termed primary endosymbiosis lichens, made by the Russian biologist, Konstantin Mer- (Margulis, 1970; Kutschera and Niklas, 2005). Rather than eschkowsky (Mereschkowsky, 1905). He championed the being digested, the captured cell in the food vacuole became idea that complex cells are derived from the symbiotic

Heterotrophic protist Primary endosymbiosis

Cyanobacterium Endosymbiont Paulinella

Plantae Plants

Green algae Red algae algae

Heterotrophic Heterotrophic protist protist Secondary endosymbiosis

Red alga Peridinin Ancestral

Haptophyte Loss Tertiary endosymbiosis

Fucoxanthin dinoflagellates (b) (a) (c) “” (SAR + )

Figure 1 Current understanding of plastid origins in eukaryotes. Primary cyanobacterial endosymbiosis is thought to have given rise to the plastid shared by all Plantae lineages. An independent primary endosymbiosis gave rise to the plastid in the photosynthetic of Paulinella (). Subsequent events of endosymbiosis, involving a red algal cell are implicated in the origin of plastids in chromalveolates (lineages that bear the complex a+c plastids). Three proposed evolutionary histories of chromalveolate plastid origin based on current literature are shown: (a) a single secondary red algal endosymbiosis that gave rise to the plastid in most chromalveolate lineages, according to the chromalveolate hypothesis; (b) secondary red algal endosymbiosis giving rise to the plastid in peridinin-type dinoflagellates, with a tertiary endosymbiosis giving rise to the plastid in - type dinoflagellates; (c) secondary red algal endosymbiosis that was potentially preceded by a cryptic green algal endosymbiosis, giving rise to the ancestral chromalveolate plastid but a genome with hundreds of of both green and red algal origin.

2 eLS & 2011, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. www.els.net Plastid Origin and Evolution relationship between more simple forms (i.e. symbiogen- The Paulinella plastid traces its origin to esis). The term ‘endosymbiosis’ (Greek origin: endo ‘with- or type cells (Yoon et al., 2006). Also known in’; syn ‘with’; biosis ‘living’) refers to the phenomenon of as cyanelles or chromatophores, these plastids lie free in the an organism living within another, and was extended by , unbounded by a vacuolar membrane (i.e. Ivan Wallin (an American biologist) to explain the origin of characteristics of an organelle), but retain cyanobacterial mitochondria in eukaryotes. In the 1960s, Lynn Margulis features such as peptidoglycan and carboxysomes (John- established the endosymbiotic hypothesis as an explan- son et al., 1988). Interestingly, the closely related, phago- ation for the origin of both mitochondria and plastids in trophic sister lineage, Paulinella ovalis, although lacking a eukaryotes based on evidence from palaeontological, bio- plastid, is an active predator of cyanobacteria that are chemical and cytological sources (Margulis, 1970). commonly localised within food vacuoles (Johnson et al., Whereas her idea was first treated with much scepticism, 1988). A recent analysis of individual P. ovalis cells cap- nowadays endosymbiosis is a widely accepted explanation tured in the wild using single-cell reveals the for the provenance of organelles. presence of genes derived from Prochlorococcus and The hypothesis that algal plastids originated from Synechocococcus lineages in the nuclear genome of P. ovalis cyanobacteria (via endosymbiosis) has been rigorously cells; that is, these cyanobacteria were likely to have been tested in the past two decades, in parallel with the avail- ingested as food and are the source of the transferred ability of molecular data, and the rapid advancement of nuclear genes. These results provide an intriguing and techniques in molecular and computational biology. The apparently direct link between the cyanobacterial diet of cyanobacterial derivation of genes encoded in primary the phagotrophic lineage and the primary plastid in the plastid genomes and clear evidence of gene transfer from (sister) photoautotrophic Paulinella species (Bhattacharya the endosymbiont genome to the ‘host’ nucleus have been D, unpublished data). demonstrated in numerous studies, (e.g. Rodrı´guez-Ezpe- The surprising discovery in P. ovalis is supported by leta et al., 2005), in addition to other independent lines of recent analyses of P. chromatophora nuclear genes (Now- evidence based on protein transport and plastid bio- ack et al., 2008; Reyes-Prieto et al., 2010) that show clear chemistry, (e.g. Reyes-Prieto and Bhattacharya, 2007). evidence of EGT from alpha-cyanobacteria, as well as From the perspective of palaeontology, the limited and unambiguous support for genome reduction (and hence controversial fossil record of early algal forms has been a significant decay in the genetic potential) of the cyano- hindrance, but most scientists accept the Bangiomorpha bacterial endosymbiont; that is, to ca. one-third of the pubescens fossil as indicative existence of sexual red algae genome size of the putative cyanobacterial donor. A recent ca. 1.2 billion years ago (Butterfield et al., 1990), providing comparative analysis (Reyes-Prieto et al., 2010) demon- a minimal estimate for the timing of the primary endo- strates a high degree of synteny between the plastid gen- symbiotic event. Molecular clock analyses often agree with omes of two photosynthetic species of Paulinella and the the Bangiomorpha data with the age of the primary plastid genome of their putative cyanobacterial donor. The same estimated at ca. 1.5 billion years old (Yoon et al., 2004), study also reveals that these two plastid genomes differ by although dating such an ancient event based on molecular only five inversions and a single translocation, with the vast methods remains controversial. Extant primary plastids majority undergoing purifying selection pressure (Ka/Ks contain either chlorophyll a only (glaucophyte and red ratios 51) and a small number of lineage-specific gene loss. algae), or a and b (the green algae and plants). These data provide direct evidence that preservation of See also: Algal Chloroplasts; Chlorophyll: Structure and gene order and differential gene loss are key characteristics Function; Chlorophylls of plastid genome evolution. Remarkably, in addition to Plantae, primary cyano- bacterial endosymbiosis has also occurred in the photo- synthetic lineages of Paulinella, filose amoebae within Secondary (and Tertiary) Plastids the disparate grouping of Rhizaria. The simple plastids found in Paulinella chromatophora are derived from an With the exception of the Plantae and Paulinella, plastids independent primary endosymbiosis involving a member found in other photosynthetic eukaryotes such as brown of the alpha-cyanobacterium (Yoon et al., 2006; algae, diatoms, dinoflagellates, and euglenids pos- Nowack et al., 2008). Nevertheless, in comparison to sess a more-complex membrane structure than the primary the ca. 100–200 kbp plastid genome size in Plantae, the plastids, usually bounded by three or four membranes. Paulinella plastid genome is nearly 1 Mbp in size, sug- These plastids also differ from primary plastids in that they gesting a clear instance of ‘work in progress’ with regard to contain chlorophylls a+c, or chlorophylls a+b (euglenids, outright gene loss and endosymbiotic gene transfer (EGT) ) instead of only chlorophyll a. The to the nucleus. Assuming plastid genome reduc- chlorophyll a+c lineages are often collectively referred to tion is correlated with the time of endosymbiosis, the as the chromalveolates (Cavalier-Smith, 1999) although Paulinella plastid is estimated to be ca. 60 million years old this group has recently been shown to be paraphyletic in the (Nowack et al., 2008), far more recent than what is tree of life (Hackett et al., 2007; Baurain et al., 2010). The observed in the ancient Plantae lineages. See also: Chloro- additional membrane layers in complex plastids have been plast Genome attributed to additional endosymbiosis event(s) involving

eLS & 2011, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. www.els.net 3 Plastid Origin and Evolution an already plastid-bearing, eukaryote endosymbiont, these currently plastid-lacking taxa (Reyes-Prieto instead of a cyanobacterium. See also: Chlorarachnio- et al., 2008). Similarly, dozens of algal genes have been phytes; ; Ciliophora; Dinoflagellates; ; identified in plastid-lacking oomycetes that support a photosynthetic ancestry for stramenopiles (Tyler et al., As originally conceived by Cavalier-Smith (1999), 2006). Chromalveolata comprised cryptophytes, haptophytes, Additional endosymbioses likely involving another stramenopiles and Alveolata (apicomplexans, ciliates and eukaryote endosymbiont has been implicated in the dino- dinoflagellates). The cryptophyte cells contain a remnant flagellates (Figure 1b), particularly among those lineages of red algal cell known as the within which bearing the fucoxanthin pigment, which include the com- extensive gene loss has been documented (Moore and mon species that causes ‘red tides’ in the , and Archibald, 2009), whereas the nucleus of the red algal . The plastid genomes of dinoflagellates are endosymbiont in the other chromalveolates is absent, however highly reduced with substantial gene transfer from suggesting the genes that are necessary to ensure a fully the endosymbiont to the host nucleus (Hackett et al., 2004). functional plastid have been transferred to the host Plastid-targeted proteins in many dinoflagellates trace their nucleus. The Chromalveolata is now known to include origin not only to red algae as expected, but also to other members of another supergroup, Rhizaria as well as a unicellular eukaryotes such as excavates, haptophytes and number of poorly studied heterotrophic lineages such as other chromalveolates (Ishida and Green, 2002; Yoon telonemids, and picobiliphytes (Not et al., et al., 2005). A preliminary analysis of 430 000 unique 2007; Yoon et al., 2011) and the putatively photosynthetic genes from the peridinin-containing dinoflagellate, Alex- rappemonads (Kim et al., 2011). These data, therefore, andrium tamarense reveal a high level of nonlineal gene invalidate the original chromalveolate hypothesis. An history (due to endosymbiotic or intriguing aspect of the original theory that remains of high (HGT)) involving other eukaryote lineages (Bhattacharya biological interest is the supposition that chromalveolates D, unpublished data). The complicated evolutionary his- ancestrally shared a single red algal secondary endo- tories of dinoflagellate genes demonstrate that resolving symbiont. See also: ; Chromista the eukaryote tree of life is a daunting task, even with the Phylogenetic analysis of plastid-encoded genes in most accumulation of significant genome data from under- chromalveolates shows a red algal origin of the organelle studied . See also: Dinoflagellates; Universal Tree (Khan and Archibald, 2008) (see Figure 1a); regardless of of Life whether it originated via a single red algal endosymbiosis Therefore, among photosynthetic chromalveolates, it is as suggested by Cavalier-Smith or potentially by serial possible that due to serial endosymbioses and recurrent endosymbioses in different lineages, that is, one chro- HGTs, nuclear-encoded plastid-targeted proteins repre- malveolate engulfs another, followed by plastid replace- sent phylogenetically distinct collections derived from ment. Such an alternative to the chromalveolate hypothesis different genetic sources. Under this scenario, the obser- is the independent acquisition hypothesis (also known vation that diatoms (and most chromalveolates) contain a as serial eukaryote–eukaryote endosymbiosis, or the red algal plastid does not conflict with the hypothesis that serial EEE; Baurain et al., 2010), which suggests that they may once have harboured other endosymbionts that the origin of the secondary plastids in different groups of were later replaced by the red algal-derived plastid. This chromalveolates, for example, haptophytes, cryptophytes notion gained significant support with a recent study of and stramenopiles, is the result of independent, serial proteins from two diatoms, and endosymbioses involving unicellular eukaryotes, not Phaeodactylum tricornutum (Moustafa et al., 2009), of necessarily red algae. Under this scenario, the invocation of which the genomes are completed sequenced. This work massive gene loss events or the subsequent loss of the red provided strong evidence of gene sharing between the lin- algal endosymbiont is unnecessary to explain the non- eages of diatoms and green algae, specifically of the ancient plastid containing lineages of chromalveolates such as diverged prasinophytes, in hundreds of genes (see Figure 1c). ciliates. The massive transfer of green algal genes in diatoms indi- One approach to help unravel the complex history of cates a likely cryptic endosymbiosis event involving a plastid evolution in chromalveolates is by searching green algal cell, in a concurrent manner with, or predating nuclear genomes for genes of endosymbiont origin that the canonical red algal capture, during the early evolution have plastid-related or other functions. This sort of gene of chromalveolates. Similarly, the movement is explained by intracellular gene relocation (i.e. amoeba natans harbours a green algal-derived EGT). Because the majority of plastid proteins are encoded plastid and therefore contains a large number of green in the nucleus (only ca. 120–200 are plastid-encoded), algal-derived nuclear genes to support the function of the nuclear genes can provide insights into past endosymbiosis plastid (Archibald et al., 2003). This genome however also via phylogenetic ‘footprints’ of EGT events, even if encodes a significant number of red algal-derived, plastid- the plastid has long been lost or replaced. For example, a targeted proteins that again suggest a more complex his- phylogenomic analysis of nuclear genes turned up tory of gene transfer in chlorarachniophytes than would be over a dozen genes of algal origin in expected based solely on current plastid identity. See also: and that suggest a photosynthetic past for Chlorarachniophytes; Diatoms

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Nonphotosynthetic Plastids endosymbiont (Moore et al., 2008) and its relative spp. CCMP3155. Studies of these taxa The plastids described thus far are permanent organelles indicate an algal ancestry for apicoplasts as well as for the within eukaryotes that are needed for proper function of progenitor of dinoflagellates plus apicomplexans (Moore photosynthesis (among other processes). Apicoplasts in the et al., 2008; Janousˇ kovec et al., 2010). See also: Apicom- parasitic are a unique type of plastids that plexa; : the Variety of Parasites lack photosynthetic functions and are found in most api- Finally, it should be noted that mixotrophic (Stoecker, complexan lineages, including , the causative 1999) or nonphotosynthetic (plastid-lacking or with a relic agent of . Whereas the organelle and the corres- plastid) dinoflagellates (or closely related taxa) are widely ponding circular, organellar DNA have long been known, e.g. Noctiluca, Pfiesteria, , Proto- observed in the apicomplexans, they were not recognised as and some species (Jeong, 1999). a plastid until the 1990s, when the organelle genomes (ca. However, it is only recently that the genomic footprint of a 35 kbp in size) were unambiguously found to be highly past plastid (i.e. endosymbiont) was described in the he- similar to other algal plastid genomes, particularly with terotroph or (Dauville´e et al., respect to genome architecture, rearrangement and gene 2009), the early-branching dinoflagellate (plastid-lacking) content, with specific loss of genes that encode photo- marina (Slamovits and Keeling, 2008) and the synthetic functions (Gleeson, 2000). Irrespective of bivalve-parasite marinus (Matsuzaki et al., photosynthetic functions, apicoplasts are crucial organ- 2008). See also: Dinoflagellates elles for other important biological processes normally occurring in a plastid such as biosynthesis of fatty acids, isoprenoids, iron–sulfur clusters and haem (Ralph et al., 2004; Lim and McFadden, 2010). See also: Apicomplexa; Plastid Theft Plasmodium Previous studies based on molecular and microscopic We know that deciphering plastid origin and its evolution, (ultrastructural) data have demonstrated the presence of particularly of the secondary plastids, is complicated by the unique organelles of apicoplasts in most apicomplexan instances of nonlineal gene transfer resulting from multiple species with the possible exception in (and/or series) of endosymbioses. An interesting phenom- (Zhu et al., 2000). The high degree of similarity shared by enon that could further complicate our understanding of the genomes, for example, the near identical plastid evolution is kleptoplasty, the ‘stealing’, or rather gene order and content in the genomes between Plas- sequestering, of plastids by heterotrophic eukaryotes, in modium falciparum and , suggests a which the host retains the functional plastids temporarily single common origin of these organelles among apicom- within the cell. First described by Trench (1969), klepto- plexan lineages. plasty was observed between the sacoglossan mollusc (i.e. Most apicoplasts are surrounded by four membranes the sea slug), Elysia chlorotica and its algal prey, Vaucheria with the exception of Plasmodium that has three bounding litorea. membranes (Hopkins et al., 1999), suggesting that these are Similar kleptoplasty has also complex plastids. Similar to their sister lineages of dino- been observed between the heterotrophic and autotrophic flagellates, apicomplexans possess a eukaryote-type dinoflagellates (Gast et al., 2007), the ciliates and the nuclear-encoded, plastid-targeted glyceraldehyde-3-phos- algae (Johnson et al., 2007), as well as phate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) gene, that is distinct from between a number of species and the diatoms the cyanobacterium-type gene copy found among the (Bernhard and Bowser, 1999). Whereas the host seques- Plantae lineages (Fast et al., 2001). The finding suggests the tered only the plastids from preys in many cases, there are displacement of the cyanobacterial gene copy via gene instances where the whole algal cell was maintained within duplication before the divergence of dinoflagellates and the host (see Rumpho et al., 2011 for review). The seques- apicomplexans, therefore lending support to the idea that tered plastids assume photosynthetic functions for periods apicoplasts are derived from secondary plastids, similar to ranging from a few days, for example, in the dinoflagellates the other chromalveolates. Phylogenetic analysis of plas- (Gast et al., 2007), to almost a , for example, in the sea tid-targeted genes (Fast et al., 2001) and a structural slug E. chlorotica (Rumpho et al., 2011). See also: analysis of the apicoplast (Blanchard and Hicks, 1999) in ; Foraminifera apicomplexans have indicated the likely red algal origin of To ensure long-term plastid function in the sea slug, a the apicoplast. The architecture of the apicoplast genome is straightforward hypothesis is that extensive HGT occurred consistent with a red algal ancestry (Blanchard and Hicks, from the algal nucleus to the heterotrophic host genome. A 1999), although green algal-derived genes have also been large number of algal-derived genes related to photo- documented (Funes et al., 2002). These organelles have synthetic functions have been described in the sea slug subsequently lost their photosynthetic capability likely due (Pierce et al., 2009), however, thus far there is no empirical to the transition to obligate parasitism. The evolutionary evidence that suggest massive HGT from the algal source history of apicoplasts was significantly clarified with the into the host genome is necessary to ensure plastid func- recent discovery of their photosynthetic relative, the - tions (Rumpho et al., 2011).

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Plastid Origin and Eukaryote of secondary plastids remain controversial. With the advancement of genome technologies in recent years; for Evolution example, next-generation sequencing, metagenomics and single-cell genomic approaches, the enrichment of novel Plastid origin and evolution significantly contributes to our data from understudied taxa will significantly enhance our understanding of eukaryote evolution in general. For understanding of eukaryote evolution, from both the instance, the existing Plantae supergroup, consisting of physiological and ecological viewpoints. Whereas add- glaucophyte, red and green algae (including plants), is itional studies and biochemical validation where possible partly based on the presence of the simple, primary plastids are needed to better test existing hypotheses about the in these lineages. Phylogenetic analysis of plastid genes and evolutionary origins of plastids in eukaryotes, genome data nuclear genes that encode plastid-targeted proteins (e.g. from glaucophyte algae, the photosynthetic Paulinella Rodrı´guez-Ezpeleta et al., 2005), have demonstrated species or the massive genomes of dinoflagellates provide strong support for Plantae monophyly. In a recent phylo- excellent opportunities to study the fundamental forces genomic analysis with the addition of novel red algal gene associated with endosymbiosis, EGT and protein trans- data from the mesophilic taxa, the unicellular Porphyr- port, and to elucidate its role in organellogenesis. See also: idium cruentum and multicellular coralline alga, Calliar- Genomics of Algae; Nuclear-encoded Protein Import into thron tuberculosum (Chan et al., 2011), ca. 50% of the Chloroplasts: Methods examined gene phylogenies show strong support for red- green monophyly; that is, supporting vertical inheritance under the assumption of Plantae hypothesis, and interest- ingly, the other 50% of the phylogenies show evidence of References nonlineal gene sharing between the red algae and other Archibald JM, Rogers MB, Toop M et al. (2003) Lateral gene eukaryote and taxa. Such findings suggest a transfer and the evolution of plastid-targeted proteins in the complicated evolutionary history of red algal genes, partly secondary plastid-containing alga . Pro- owing to endosymbiotic affiliations with many chro- ceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA malveolate lineages, such as the diatoms and dinoflagel- 100(13): 7678–7683. lates. See also: Algae: Phylogeny and Evolution; Baurain D, Brinkmann H, Petersen J et al. (2010) Phylogenomic Horizontal Gene Transfer in Evolution; Protozoan Evo- evidence for separate acquisition of plastids in cryptophytes, lution and Phylogeny haptophytes, and stramenopiles. Molecular Biology and Evo- In light of Plantae evolution, separating the chro- lution 27(7): 1698–1709. malveolate lineages from their plastid sources is far from Bernhard JM and Bowser SS (1999) Benthic foraminifera of resolved. Nevertheless, the advancement of genome tech- dysoxic sediments: chloroplast sequestration and functional nologies and the availability of gene data from under- morphology. Earth-Science Reviews 46(1-4): 149–165. studied taxa in recent years are shedding new insights into Blanchard JL and Hicks JS (1999) The non-photosynthetic plastid our understanding of eukaryote evolution. For instance, in malarial parasites and other apicomplexans is derived from based on microscopic analysis, a novel taxon, the Picobi- outside the green plastid lineage. Journal of Eukaryotic Micro- liphyta, was recently described as a plastid-bearing lineage biology 46(4): 367–375. Butterfield NJ, Knoll AH and Swett K (1990) A bangiophyte that is closely related to the cryptophytes within the chro- red alga from the Proterozoic of Arctic Canada. Science 250: malveolates. The picobiliphyte plastid was thought to 104–107. contain phycobiliproteins, most likely derived from a Cavalier-Smith T (1999) Principles of protein and lipid targeting cryptophyte endosymbiont (Not et al., 2007). However, in in secondary : euglenoid, dinoflagellate, and a recent analysis based on the single-cell genomic approach sporozoan plastid origins and the eukaryote family tree. Journal of three individual wild-caught picobiliphyte cells, no evi- of Eukaryotic 46(4): 347–366. dence of plastid genes or nuclear genes encoding plastid- Chan CX, Yang EC, Banerjee T et al. (2011) Red and green algal targeted proteins was found (Yoon et al., 2011). In this monophyly and extensive gene sharing found in a rich reper- case, not only did single-cell genomics provide a snapshot toire of red algal genes. Current Biology 21(4): 328–333. in time of the organisms with respect to biotic interactions, Dauville´e D, Deschamps P, Ral JP et al. (2009) Genetic dissection the approach also suggested that picobiliphytes are likely of Floridean synthesis in the cytosol of the model dino- to be heterotrophic, and that the observed phycobilipro- flagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii. Proceedings of the National tein-containing plastids within the cell are unlikely to be Academy of Sciences of the USA 106(50): 21126–21130. permanent; for example, resulting from kleptoplasty or Fast NM, Kissinger JC, Roos DS et al. (2001) Nuclear-encoded, simply prey. plastid-targeted genes suggest a single common origin for api- complexan and dinoflagellate plastids. Molecular Biology and Evolution 18(3): 418–426. Funes S, Davidson E, Reyes-Prieto A et al. (2002) A green algal Concluding Remarks apicoplast ancestor. Science 298(5601): 2155. Gast RJ, Moran DM, Dennett MR et al. (2007) Kleptoplasty in an The origin of primary plastids via endosymbiosis involving Antarctic dinoflagellate: caught in evolutionary transition? a cyanobacterium is well established but the origins Environmental Microbiology 9(1): 39–45.

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