CRUSTACEAN RESEARCH,NO .25: 151-157 ,1996

Charybdis hellerii (A. Milne Edwards,1867) (Brachyura: ),eighth nonindigenous marine decapod recorded 仕omBrazil

Marcos Tavares and Joel Braga de Mendonca Jr.

Abstract. - In the western Atlantic (Lemaitre,1995). C. hellerii has now hellerii was first discovered as reached the Brazilian coast. Nineteen an e玄otic species in the Caribbean Sea crabs,including adults,an ovigerous fe- (1987 and 1988),northeastern male and juveniles,were obtained by (1987) and eastern (1 995). The snorkel dive in Guanabara Bay,Rio de species is now recorded 仕 omthe south・ J回目iro ,仕 omNovember 1995 to January eastern Brazilian coast (Rio de Janeiro). 1996,at depths ranging from 0.5 to 3m. It soccurrence in and the introduc- The circumstances of the occuπence ofC. tion of seven other exotic marine deca- hellerii along with comments on previous pods in Brazil 町 edi舵 us艶 d. records of seven other exotic marine deca- pods introduced to Brazil are presented Introduction herein. The specimens studied have been de- Chαrybdis hellerii (A. Milne Edwards, posited in the Carcinological collection of 1867) is aportunid native to the Indo- Universidade Santa Ursula,Rio de West Pacific ocean. However its geo・ , Janeiro (USU),and in the Museu Nacio・ graphical range has been expanded west- nal do Rio de Janeiro (MNRJ). Measure- ward as aresult of recent human activi- ments are given in millimeters (mm),as ties: invasion of the eastern part of the C 訂 apace length and carapace width. Mediterranean Sea through the Suez Ca- nal (Steinitz,1929; Crosnier,1962; Por, 1971); and ballast-mediated invasion of Chαη Ibdis hellerii (A. Milne Edwards, the western Atlantic. 1867) In the New World (Fig. 1) ,the first specimens of C. hellerii were found in Restricted synon戸ny: 1987: (January and February, Goniosoma Hellerii A. Milne Edwards,1867: G6mez & Martinez・Iglesias,1990); 282. Ensenada de Turpialito,northeastern Goniosoma hellerii: A. Milne Edwards,1873 : Venezuela (May Hernandez Bolanos 167; Miers,1886: 190. , & , Chαrybdis (Chαrybdis) Hellerii: Leene, 1995) and the Caribbean coast of Colom- 1938:44,figs. 15 ,16 a-d, 17a-c. bia (December,Campos & Turkay,1989). Chαrybdis (Chαη ,bdis) hellerii: Stephenson & In November 1988 another catch was Rees,1967a: 10; Dai &Yang ,1991 :233 ,fig. made in Colombia,about 250 kmfro 'm 126 (1); pl. 28 (6); Wee & Ng,1995: 32,fig. where the species had first been discov- 14A-G. Charybdis (Chαη ,bdis) helleri: Crosnier,1962: ered (Campos & Turkay,1989). S江 years 77,figs. 133-135,pl. V ,fig. 1; Stephenson, later (April 1995) it was caught in the In- Hudson & Campbell,1957: 497,figs. 1A ,2 dian River lagoon system of Florida 1,3J; pl. 1,fig. 4; pls 4C ,5B. 152 M. TAVARES &J .B. DE MENDONCAJ R.

700 60。

+ 十 一一 -25。

ー一一一 10。

ー- ー C.C . 』申 B.c.

Fig. 1. Chronological order and locations of capture of Chαrybdis hellerii: J87,January 1987 (Cuba); F87,February 1987 (Cuba); M87,May 1987 (Venezuela); D87,December 1987 (Colombia); N88,November 1988 (Colombia); A95,August 1995 (Florida); N ・D95,November and December 1995 (Brazil); J96,January ,1996 (Brazil) .Bc ,Brazilian current; Cc,Caribbean current.

Charybdis hellerii: Lemai仕e,1995:644,fig.2. Guanabara,Niter6i ,J .B .Mendonca Jr. coll. ,5. 1. 1996,2 m: 2males (onejuvenile) Material. - Praia da Urca,Baia de (USU 488). -M.Tavares coll. ,5. 2.1996, Guanabara,Rio de Janeiro,J. B. 0.5 m :1 female (USU 490). - Praia Luiz Mendonca Jr.coll. ,9.1 1. 1995,1-3 m :2 Rosa,Il ha da Gipoia,An gra dos Reis,Rio males (MNRJ 1586). J. B. Mendonca Jr. de Janeiro,J. B. Mendonca Jr. coll. , coll. ,4.1 2 .1 995 ,1-3 m: 9males (two juve- 18.5.1996,2m: 1female (USU 491). niles),3 females (1 juvenile) (USU 489),2 The largest male was 48 x 75 mm females (1 juvenile,1 ovigerous) (MNRJ (USU 489); the ovigerous female was 40 x 1587).- Praia da Boa Viagem,Baia de 62 mm(MNRJ 1587); the smallest juve- NONINDIGENOUS MARINE DECAPODS IN BRAZIL 153 nile was afemale 21 x33 (MNRJ 1587). Chengue) “can be explained by migration of adults or larvae with the Caribbean Description. - Leene (1938: 44-49) current." Similarly,the occu汀 ence ofC. furnished agood description and figure of hellerii in Brazil supports the view of a the type specimen (a female from New ballast-mediated invasion of the Carib- Caledonia); Por 971:150 p 2 fig. 1) (1 ,l. , bean (to one or more sites) ,transpo 此ation gave adrawing of aspecimen probably of larval stages by the Brazilian current from Haifa; G6mez & Martinez・Iglesias (north-south directed all year long,fig. 1) (1990:71 ,fig. 1) drew amale 企omCuba; and subsequent colonization of sheltered Lemaitre (1995: 645,fig .2) provided a sites in Brazil,rather than that of direct good photograph 合om出 1 adultmale 企om transport in ballast water of ships. Al・ eastern Florida accompanied by the most though C .hellerii has been found in important characters for its recognition; widely separated 訂 eas in the western At- Wee & Ng(1 995: 33,自 g. 14 A-G) gave lantic with breeding populations in east- drawings of amale 仕omSingapore. ern Florida (Lemaitre,1995) 田 ld Brazil (this report),it is still too early to tell Remarks whether the introduction is truly success- fullocally or what the long-term outcomes Mode of invasion.- C. hellerii arrived of these introductions may be.It is pos- in the western Atlantic probably 企omthe sible that C. hellerii may attain high den- eastern Mediterranean where it is now sities locally as has been the case with established (Por,1978; Galil,1992) ,as a other nonindigenous species (Galil & result ofthe increase ofship traffic (C田 n- Lewinsohn,1981; Por,1990; Hedgpeth, pos &Tu rkay,1989; G6mez &Martinez- 1993). Iglezias,1990; Lemaitre,1995). Campos & Turkay (1989) indicated that “the most Exotic decapods. - At least seven probable origin of the specimens discov- other exotic marine decapods have been ered at Bahia de Portete [Colombial is the recorded so far from Brazil: two brachy- Israeli coast."Sea water taken by ocean- uran crabs and five penaeid shrimps. Of going ships as ballast has been suggested these only the spider crab Pyromαi α as the mechanism of invasion of C. hellerii tuberculata (Lockington,1877) has be- in the NewWorld .A number ofintroduc- come established (Rio de Janeiro ,Sao tions of marine organisms,including de- PauloandP町田la .Thisis aspecies of east capods,have occu町 ed similarly (Carlton Pacific origin known from California to &Geller ,1993; Hedgpeth,1993). Wesub- Bay of Panama (Rathbun,1925; Garth, scribe to the suggestion (Campos & 1958),which has been introduced by ships Turkay,1989; G6mez & Martinez- 泊 Japan (before 1970,Sak 国, 1976),Aus- Iglezias,1990; Lemaitre,1995) that the tralia (in 1978,Morgan ,1990) and New occurrence of C .hellerii in the western Zealand (in 1978,Webber & Wear,1981). Atlantic possibly involves introduction at Its discovery in Brazil (Melo et α1.,1989) one or more sites ,and subsequent dis- represents the first record of the species persal via larval stages or adults. Campos in the western Atlantic.The other nonin- & Turkay (1989) estimated times of ar- digenous crab found in Brazil is the rival of C .hellerii in Colombia (Fig. 1) and portunid Scyllαserrαt α( F o r s k a l ,1775) . concluded that it fits the east-west pat- Melo (1983) reported on atransient fe- tern of the inshore flow of the Caribbean male of S .serr αt αc a u g h t by fishermen current (from December to April) .They near Peruibe,littoral of Sao Paulo. No pointed out that 吐le occuπence of the spe- subsequent record of S. serratαi s known cies in the western-most point (Bahia from Brazil since then (G.A. S .de Melo, 154 M .TAV ARES &J .B .DE MENDONCA JR. pers. comm.).It is worth noting that the Stephenson &Rees ,1967a: 10; 1967b: 7; species of Scyllαa r e presently restricted Dai &Yang ,1991: 233; Lemaitre,1995: to the Indo・West Pacific. However,from 643; Wee & Ng,1995 :32) and helleri the Oligocene throughout the Miocene (Stephenson,Hudson & Campbell,1957 : they inhabited the Atlantic,including the 497; Crosnier,1962 :77; Gu訂10t; 1962: 10; Brazilian coast,and the Mediterranean: Serらne,1968: 70; Moosa,1981 :144; S. costatαR a t h b u n ,1919 from the Oli- Campos &Turkay ,1989: 119; Gomez & gocene of the Anguilla (Whiters,1924); Martinez・Iglesias ,1990: 70) .According to probably from the Oligocene of Panama the ICZN (1985: Articles 32 and 33 c-d) (Rathbun,1918 :164 ,fig. 7,p l. 65 as hellerii is acorrect original spelling and Cα llinectes sp.,see Beurlen,1958 :21); should be preserved unaltered. Miocene of Haiti (Rathbun,1919); Mi・ ocene of Para Brazil (Beurlen,1958; The following key (adapted from Brito,1993 :59); S. floridanαR a t h b u n , Rathbun,1930) ,can be used to distin- 1935 from the Miocene of Florida 伊 ish C .hellerii and S .serrat α企omna- (Rathbun,1935); Miocene of Portugal tive Brazilian portunids. (Veiga Ferreira,1954); Miocene of Spain (Via,1941). Shrimp farmers brought five exotic 1. Carapace antero・lateral teeth 3to 6 species of penaeids to Brazil: Penαeus ..2 jα ponicus Bate,1888 (Indo・West Pacific - Carapace antero・lateral teeth 9to 11 and recently eastern Mediterranean ..4 through the Suez Canal,Holthuis ,1980); P. monodon Fabricius,1798 (Indo-West 2.An ter・o-lateral teeth 3. Front subentire. Pacific); P. penicillαtus Alcock,1905 Antenna excluded 仕omorbit (l ndo-West Pacific); P. stylirostris …Coenophthαlmus (1 sp.) Stimpson,1874 (eastern Pacific) ;and P. C. tridentatus A. Milne Edwards,1879 uα nnαmei Boone 1931 (eastern Pacific). , -Anter・o-lateral teeth 5to 6 .. .・H ・H ・H ・. . …..3 Escapees of P. jα:ponicus and P .monodon have been captured on the northeastern 3.An ter・o-lateral teeth 5 ・…・ ・Ovαl 中es (1 sp.) Brazilian coast (Fausto・Filho,1987) but neither of these two species has become O .trim αculαtus (De Haan,1833)

established (P.C. Scott,pers. comm.). -Antero ・lateral teeth 6 , While P .jαponicus,P. monodon and P. ...・ H ・Charybdis (1 sp.) stylirostris are no longer cultured in Bra- C. hellerii(A. Milne Edwards,1867) zil ,P. penicillatus and P .vα nnαmei have been farmed in the region since 1987 4. Movable portion of antenna not ex- (Bueno,1989) . cluded 企omorbit. …・・ H ・H ・- …H ・H ・... .・H ・ ・- 5 - Movable portion of antenna excluded Spell血.g. ー τ'h e specific name hellerii from orbit by aprolongation of its W 倒 proposed by A. MilneEdwards (1867: basal article. Anter ・o・lateral teeth al- 282)for Goniosomαhellerii A. Milne ternately large and small Edwards.It was spelled consistently ... Cronius (2 spp.) throughout A Milne Edwards,text,how- ever,in the subsequent literature,the 5. Chelipeds robust,palm inflated and specific name is spelled in more than one smooth,not costate ... ・H ・...8 り II α(1 sp.) way:hellerii (Miers,1886 :190; A .Milne S. semαta (Forskal ,1775 ) Edwards,1873: 167;Leene ,1938: 44; - Palm costate and usually with spines NONINDIGENOUS MARINE DECAPODS IN BRAZIL 155

..6 95-3). 6. Alongitudinal ridge on the palate …. . . 7 Literature Cited - N0 longitudinal ridge on the palate. Beurlen,K., 1958.Contribuicao aPaleon- Superior fissures of orbit open,V- tologia do Estado do Para Crustaceos shaped.... .・H ・. . ・ H ・. . .・H ・. . Arenaeus (1 sp.) da Formacao Pirabas 1. A. cribrarius (Lamarck,1818) (Arthropoda,Crustacea) .Boletim do Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi ,nova serie , 7. Anteroexternal angle of merus of third Geologia,5: 1-48. maxillipeds not strongly produced lat- Brito,1. M.,1993. 0 aspecto moderno da erally; carpus of cheliped with carcinofauna da Formacao Pirabas,Oligo- mesiodistal spine; male abdomen tri- ceno-Mioceno do Estado do P 訂 a. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias,65(1): 組伊I訂… H ・H ・- … H ・H ・. . . …… H ・H ・. . .・H ・- … ..8 57-61. - Anteroexternal angle of merus of third Bueno,S. L. de S. ,1989 .Tecnicas ,pro- maxillipeds strongly produced later- cedimentos emanejos para aproducao de pos-larvas de camaroes peneideos. Ex- ally; carpus of cheliped without periencia vivida pela Maricultura da Bahia mesiodistal spine; male abdomen T- S. A. Comissao Intermisnisterial para os

shaped …. . . ・ H ・. . . . . ・ H ・Cα llinectes (6 spp.) Recursos do Mar (CIRM),Brasilia: 1-107. Campos,N. H.,& Turkay,M. ,1989. On a 8. Pterygostomial region of the carapace record ofChαrybdis helleri 企omthe Carib- without astridulating ridge bean coast of Colombia (Crustacea: .. .. Portunus (7 spp.) : Portunidae). Senckenbergiana maritima,20(3/4): 119-123. - Pterygostomial region of the carapace Carlton,J. T. ,& Geller ,J. B., 1993. Ecological with astridulating ridge roulette: the global transport of nonindi- genous marine organisms. Science 261: .. .・H ・...Lαleonectes (1 sp.) , 7ι82. L. v町 ans Milne Edwards 1878) (A. , Crosnier,A. ,1962. Crutaces Decapodes Portunidae.Faune de Madagascar,16: 1- Acknowledgments 154. Dai,A. Y. ,& Yang,S. ,199 1. Crabs of the Wesincerely thank Rafael Lemaitre China Seas. China Ocean Press ,Beijing: 1- (Smithsonian Institution,Wh ashington, 682. Fausto ・Filho,J. ,1987. Registro da captura de D. C.),Gary C. B. Poore (Museum of Penαeus monodon Fabricius,no litoral do Victoria,Melbourne) ,and the reviewers Estado do Maranhao,Brasil (Crustacea: of Research Alain Crosnier Penaeidae). Arquivos de Ciencias do Mar, (Museum national d'Histoire naturelle, 26: 81-82. Paris) and Peter J.F. Davie (Queensland Galil ,B. S.,1992. Eritrean decapods in the Le- vant.Biogeography in motion. Bulletin de Museum,Brisbane) for reviewing the l'lnstitut oceanographique,Monaco , manuscript. They also kindly checked the numero special 9:11ι123. English of this paper. Wealso thank Galil ,B .,& Lewinsohn,Ch. ,198 1. Macro- Frederico W. Kurtz and Philip C. Scott benthic comumunities ofthe Eastem Medi- (both from Universidade Santa Ursula, terranean Continental Shelf. PSZNI Ma- rine Ecology,2(4):343 -352. Rio de Janeiro) for their help with the Garth,J. S. ,1958. Brachyura of the Pacific search for literature,and Paulo C .S . Coast of America,0 可 rhyncha. Allan Han- Onofre (artist at Universidade Santa cock Pacific Expeditions,21(1) :1-4 99; (2): Ursula) who prepared fig. 1. M. Tavares 501-584. thanks the National Council for the De- Gomez,0. ,& Martinez・Iglesias ,J. C .,1990. Reciente hallazgo de la especie indopacifica velopment of Science and Technology Chαrybdis helleri (A. Milne Edwards, (CNPq) for support through an ongoing 1867) (Crustacea: Decapoda: Portunidae:) grant (Bolsa de Pesquisa proc. no 520254/ en aguas cubanas. Caribbean Journal of 156 M .TAV ARES &J .B .DE MENDONCA J R.

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