CRUSTACEAN RESEARCH,NO .25: 151-157 ,1996 Charybdis hellerii (A. Milne Edwards,1867) (Brachyura: Portunidae),eighth nonindigenous marine decapod recorded 仕omBrazil Marcos Tavares and Joel Braga de Mendonca Jr. Abstract. - In the western Atlantic (Lemaitre,1995). C. hellerii has now Charybdis hellerii was first discovered as reached the Brazilian coast. Nineteen an e玄otic species in the Caribbean Sea crabs,including adults,an ovigerous fe- (1987 and 1988),northeastern Venezuela male and juveniles,were obtained by (1987) and eastern Florida (1 995). The snorkel dive in Guanabara Bay,Rio de species is now recorded 仕 omthe south・ J回目iro ,仕 omNovember 1995 to January eastern Brazilian coast (Rio de Janeiro). 1996,at depths ranging from 0.5 to 3m. It soccurrence in Brazil and the introduc- The circumstances of the occuπence ofC. tion of seven other exotic marine deca- hellerii along with comments on previous pods in Brazil 町 edi舵 us艶 d. records of seven other exotic marine deca- pods introduced to Brazil are presented Introduction herein. The specimens studied have been de- Chαrybdis hellerii (A. Milne Edwards, posited in the Carcinological collection of 1867) is aportunid native to the Indo- Universidade Santa Ursula,Rio de West Pacific ocean. However its geo・ , Janeiro (USU),and in the Museu Nacio・ graphical range has been expanded west- nal do Rio de Janeiro (MNRJ). Measure- ward as aresult of recent human activi- ments are given in millimeters (mm),as ties: invasion of the eastern part of the C 訂 apace length and carapace width. Mediterranean Sea through the Suez Ca- nal (Steinitz,1929; Crosnier,1962; Por, 1971); and ballast-mediated invasion of Chαη Ibdis hellerii (A. Milne Edwards, the western Atlantic. 1867) In the New World (Fig. 1) ,the first specimens of C. hellerii were found in Restricted synon戸ny: 1987: Cuba (January and February, Goniosoma Hellerii A. Milne Edwards,1867: G6mez & Martinez・Iglesias,1990); 282. Ensenada de Turpialito,northeastern Goniosoma hellerii: A. Milne Edwards,1873 : Venezuela (May Hernandez Bolanos 167; Miers,1886: 190. , & , Chαrybdis (Chαrybdis) Hellerii: Leene, 1995) and the Caribbean coast of Colom- 1938:44,figs. 15 ,16 a-d, 17a-c. bia (December,Campos & Turkay,1989). Chαrybdis (Chαη ,bdis) hellerii: Stephenson & In November 1988 another catch was Rees,1967a: 10; Dai &Yang ,1991 :233 ,fig. made in Colombia,about 250 kmfro 'm 126 (1); pl. 28 (6); Wee & Ng,1995: 32,fig. where the species had first been discov- 14A-G. Charybdis (Chαη ,bdis) helleri: Crosnier,1962: ered (Campos & Turkay,1989). S江 years 77,figs. 133-135,pl. V ,fig. 1; Stephenson, later (April 1995) it was caught in the In- Hudson & Campbell,1957: 497,figs. 1A ,2 dian River lagoon system of Florida 1,3J; pl. 1,fig. 4; pls 4C ,5B. 152 M. TAVARES &J .B. DE MENDONCAJ R. 700 60。 + 十 一一 -25。 ー一一一 10。 ー- ー C.C . 』申 B.c. Fig. 1. Chronological order and locations of capture of Chαrybdis hellerii: J87,January 1987 (Cuba); F87,February 1987 (Cuba); M87,May 1987 (Venezuela); D87,December 1987 (Colombia); N88,November 1988 (Colombia); A95,August 1995 (Florida); N ・D95,November and December 1995 (Brazil); J96,January ,1996 (Brazil) .Bc ,Brazilian current; Cc,Caribbean current. Charybdis hellerii: Lemai仕e,1995:644,fig.2. Guanabara,Niter6i ,J .B .Mendonca Jr. coll. ,5. 1. 1996,2 m: 2males (onejuvenile) Material. - Praia da Urca,Baia de (USU 488). -M.Tavares coll. ,5. 2.1996, Guanabara,Rio de Janeiro,J. B. 0.5 m :1 female (USU 490). - Praia Luiz Mendonca Jr.coll. ,9.1 1. 1995,1-3 m :2 Rosa,Il ha da Gipoia,An gra dos Reis,Rio males (MNRJ 1586). J. B. Mendonca Jr. de Janeiro,J. B. Mendonca Jr. coll. , coll. ,4.1 2 .1 995 ,1-3 m: 9males (two juve- 18.5.1996,2m: 1female (USU 491). niles),3 females (1 juvenile) (USU 489),2 The largest male was 48 x 75 mm females (1 juvenile,1 ovigerous) (MNRJ (USU 489); the ovigerous female was 40 x 1587).- Praia da Boa Viagem,Baia de 62 mm(MNRJ 1587); the smallest juve- NONINDIGENOUS MARINE DECAPODS IN BRAZIL 153 nile was afemale 21 x33 (MNRJ 1587). Chengue) “can be explained by migration of adults or larvae with the Caribbean Description. - Leene (1938: 44-49) current." Similarly,the occu汀 ence ofC. furnished agood description and figure of hellerii in Brazil supports the view of a the type specimen (a female from New ballast-mediated invasion of the Carib- Caledonia); Por 971:150 p 2 fig. 1) (1 ,l. , bean (to one or more sites) ,transpo 此ation gave adrawing of aspecimen probably of larval stages by the Brazilian current from Haifa; G6mez & Martinez・Iglesias (north-south directed all year long,fig. 1) (1990:71 ,fig. 1) drew amale 企omCuba; and subsequent colonization of sheltered Lemaitre (1995: 645,fig .2) provided a sites in Brazil,rather than that of direct good photograph 合om出 1 adultmale 企om transport in ballast water of ships. Al・ eastern Florida accompanied by the most though C .hellerii has been found in important characters for its recognition; widely separated 訂 eas in the western At- Wee & Ng(1 995: 33,自 g. 14 A-G) gave lantic with breeding populations in east- drawings of amale 仕omSingapore. ern Florida (Lemaitre,1995) 田 ld Brazil (this report),it is still too early to tell Remarks whether the introduction is truly success- fullocally or what the long-term outcomes Mode of invasion.- C. hellerii arrived of these introductions may be.It is pos- in the western Atlantic probably 企omthe sible that C. hellerii may attain high den- eastern Mediterranean where it is now sities locally as has been the case with established (Por,1978; Galil,1992) ,as a other nonindigenous species (Galil & result ofthe increase ofship traffic (C田 n- Lewinsohn,1981; Por,1990; Hedgpeth, pos &Tu rkay,1989; G6mez &Martinez- 1993). Iglezias,1990; Lemaitre,1995). Campos & Turkay (1989) indicated that “the most Exotic decapods. - At least seven probable origin of the specimens discov- other exotic marine decapods have been ered at Bahia de Portete [Colombial is the recorded so far from Brazil: two brachy- Israeli coast."Sea water taken by ocean- uran crabs and five penaeid shrimps. Of going ships as ballast has been suggested these only the spider crab Pyromαi α as the mechanism of invasion of C. hellerii tuberculata (Lockington,1877) has be- in the NewWorld .A number ofintroduc- come established (Rio de Janeiro ,Sao tions of marine organisms,including de- PauloandP町田la .Thisis aspecies of east capods,have occu町 ed similarly (Carlton Pacific origin known from California to &Geller ,1993; Hedgpeth,1993). Wesub- Bay of Panama (Rathbun,1925; Garth, scribe to the suggestion (Campos & 1958),which has been introduced by ships Turkay,1989; G6mez & Martinez- 泊 Japan (before 1970,Sak 国, 1976),Aus- Iglezias,1990; Lemaitre,1995) that the tralia (in 1978,Morgan ,1990) and New occurrence of C .hellerii in the western Zealand (in 1978,Webber & Wear,1981). Atlantic possibly involves introduction at Its discovery in Brazil (Melo et α1.,1989) one or more sites ,and subsequent dis- represents the first record of the species persal via larval stages or adults. Campos in the western Atlantic.The other nonin- & Turkay (1989) estimated times of ar- digenous crab found in Brazil is the rival of C .hellerii in Colombia (Fig. 1) and portunid Scyllαserrαt α( F o r s k a l ,1775) . concluded that it fits the east-west pat- Melo (1983) reported on atransient fe- tern of the inshore flow of the Caribbean male of S .serr αt αc a u g h t by fishermen current (from December to April) .They near Peruibe,littoral of Sao Paulo. No pointed out that 吐le occuπence of the spe- subsequent record of S. serratαi s known cies in the western-most point (Bahia from Brazil since then (G.A. S .de Melo, 154 M .TAV ARES &J .B .DE MENDONCA JR. pers. comm.).It is worth noting that the Stephenson &Rees ,1967a: 10; 1967b: 7; species of Scyllαa r e presently restricted Dai &Yang ,1991: 233; Lemaitre,1995: to the Indo・West Pacific. However,from 643; Wee & Ng,1995 :32) and helleri the Oligocene throughout the Miocene (Stephenson,Hudson & Campbell,1957 : they inhabited the Atlantic,including the 497; Crosnier,1962 :77; Gu訂10t; 1962: 10; Brazilian coast,and the Mediterranean: Serらne,1968: 70; Moosa,1981 :144; S. costatαR a t h b u n ,1919 from the Oli- Campos &Turkay ,1989: 119; Gomez & gocene of the Anguilla (Whiters,1924); Martinez・Iglesias ,1990: 70) .According to probably from the Oligocene of Panama the ICZN (1985: Articles 32 and 33 c-d) (Rathbun,1918 :164 ,fig. 7,p l. 65 as hellerii is acorrect original spelling and Cα llinectes sp.,see Beurlen,1958 :21); should be preserved unaltered. Miocene of Haiti (Rathbun,1919); Mi・ ocene of Para Brazil (Beurlen,1958; The following key (adapted from Brito,1993 :59); S. floridanαR a t h b u n , Rathbun,1930) ,can be used to distin- 1935 from the Miocene of Florida 伊 ish C .hellerii and S .serrat α企omna- (Rathbun,1935); Miocene of Portugal tive Brazilian portunids. (Veiga Ferreira,1954); Miocene of Spain (Via,1941). Shrimp farmers brought five exotic 1. Carapace antero・lateral teeth 3to 6 species of penaeids to Brazil: Penαeus ..2 jα ponicus Bate,1888 (Indo・West Pacific - Carapace antero・lateral teeth 9to 11 and recently eastern Mediterranean ..4 through the Suez Canal,Holthuis ,1980); P. monodon Fabricius,1798 (Indo-West 2.An ter・o-lateral teeth 3. Front subentire. Pacific); P. penicillαtus Alcock,1905 Antenna excluded 仕omorbit (l ndo-West Pacific); P. stylirostris …Coenophthαlmus (1 sp.) Stimpson,1874 (eastern Pacific) ;and P.
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