This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at
[email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(
[email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) Prange Date Submitted by Submitted by (based Control No. Date Submitted Censored Hold No. Source News Agency (Japanese) Submitted by on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Censorship Action Writers Japanese Article Pages of Number Duplicate Photograph(s) Oversized 48-frn-0526 [2]/[6]/194[8] Associated 時事通信; 共同通信; Jiji Tsushin; Kyodo Kyodo; Jiji Tsushin; Communists asked French workers to When questioned by H, D; Mecola Sameshima 4 Press (22, Nippon Times Tsushin; Nippon Nippon Times participate in demonstrations Sunday Communists, French workers H Paris); Times against the Government's monetary replied that the governments' Associated measures. monetary measures aid Press, Kyodo American imperialists Tsushin (Paris) 48-frn-0527 2/6/194[8] International 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 一オンスの毒物で二億人を殺す. ソ連の細菌戰術 Y 1 News Service (San Francisco) 48-frn-0528 2/6/1948 Associated 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi 對日講和會議. 三月、眞珠湾で極東委員會檢討中 H Y 1 Press (Manila) 48-frn-0529 [2]/[6]/194[8] 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo General Dwight D. Eisenhower told the Eisenhower told National P 2 National Press Club today that his Press Club that his "I am not recent "I am not a candidate" statement a candidate" statement was was not intended as a slap at General not intended as a slap at Gen.