Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1971-11-05
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., , I IN THE NEWS Friday, Nov. 5, 1971 ... , Still one thin dim. riefly Iowa City, Iowa 52240 Christmas Gee, Christmas is coming early this year. Roy J. Carver will announce a multl-mLUlon dollar gift to the University Largest gift ever goes to U I today of Iowa today. And the day's weather is also beginning to look more like Christ· Iy KEVIN MeCORMALL Y night, ".. Dally 10WIII Itarn· will be In Iowa City this morn· friend of the university." Car· the grant would go to the ath· to attend Boyd's 8:30 a.m. an· mas: Highs today are expected near 50, D.ily low.n City Editor ed that the contribution, pos Ing for a press conference UI ver's four children attended letic department, and rumor nouncement of the gift during wbile tonight's lows will be In the lOs. It Copyrl,M "71 sibly In tbe form of securities, officials have called to an· the university. has It that artificial turf will the press conference In the ltutMnl 'ubllcallonl, Inc. will be mostly cloudy with a cbance of will be donated by Muscatine nounce Ifa very stgnificant gift Wyrick also refused to re be installed in the Iowa Sta Union's State Room. The largest monetary g t f t businessman Roy J. Carver, to the university." fused to release the amount of dium and that the stadium will Carver patented throughout sca tered showers. Saturday's highs wLU ever donated to the University When contacted ill Musca· Informed sources said Car· the grant unUl texia)"s press be renamed in honor of Car· the world a low-temperature be in the 40' of Iowa by a private Indivl. tine late Thursday night, Car. ver's grant "will be in the conference but he said, "It's ver. tire retreading processing. His dual, possibly as much as $4 ver, II, ., "I couldn't p0s neighborhood of $3 million to big, it's very good." Wben contacted late Thurs· , firm, Bandag, Ino., handles the mllUon, will be announced tbis sibly tell you anything about $4 mUUon." Gordon B. Strayer, director day nlght, Iowa Athletic Di· retreading process and his morning by UI Pres. Willard it. I'd like to belp you but Darrell D. Wyrick, execu· of Ul office of public Infor· rector Chalmers "Bump" El Muscatine foundry manufac Delay busing L. Boyd. this Isn't supposed to be out tlve director of the UI Founda· mation, also refused to give liott said the rumor was "fool tures pumps. Although Boyd and several until • o'clock In the morning." tion, would not release Car· Th, Dtlly low.n any ilforma· isb.' ' Carver was graduated from WASmNGTON 1M - The House voted other UI officials had no com· Carver, owner of Carver ver's name but said the donor tlon on the gift. Gov. Robert D. Ray and oth the University of illinois In 1934 Thursday nigbt to postpone the effective ment on the gift late Thursday Foundry In Muscatine, said he Is not a UI alumni but "a Slrayer indicated that part of er state officials are expected with a B.S. in engineering. .• date of federal court orders requiring busing of pupils to overcome segregation until all appea ls have been exhausted. - UI supplies low- ~ The provision, which could delay bus Tenant union Ing orders for two or three years, was adopted 235 to 125 on a recorded teUer head won't vote. Women employes of the State of Iowa Coal strike could Offered by Rep. William S. Broom-t may receive sick leave pay when they • fleid, (R-Mich.), as an amendment to a be evicted have an abortion, but not when they are higher education bill, it was supported by many Northerners who generally vote Bob Handy, president of the pregnant and want to have their baby. mean cold winter against antibusing provisions aimed at Westhampton Village tenants That's what the new state merit rules ~ the Soull- Union, will not be evicted from say, and soon similar rules will apply It could be a slightly chilly sity has managed to store about 10,000 tons of coal , but il bls apartment. to women employes of state Board of winter at Iowa 's three state Regents' institutions. universities if the nationwide the strike "should continue on He said Thursday that his through this month, we would Women's rights supporters objected to eviction case was "settled" Obiect to coal strike cuts further into the have a problem ." Consolidate when apartment man:lgement the rules at a meeting this week of the universities' fuel supplies. University of Iowa Human Relations At the University of Iowa, WASmNGTON 1M - A $2-miUlon study agreed to give him a rebate on "We've got to have some Marshall Stewart, superin ten· back rent payments he claim Committee. They say that under the pro coal. We're worried sick," said released Thursday urges more school state/s new posed regents rules governing merit em· dent of utilities, said the coal consolidallons and much heavier federal ed were violations of the Duane Nolisch, director of the on hand would last only two wage·price freeze. ployment, the present 10 paid days of and state spending to equalize public ed· sick leave granted to a pregnant when physical plant at the University weeks if no other fuel is used. ucation and laxation. He received a $10 rebate on merit rules he has her baby will be scrapped. of Iowa. "We haven't had a ton If the strike runs througb The five-volume report by the Nation his September rent and agreed of coal shipped since the first Nov. 13, he said, "We're prob to take his October rent, also Read Dally Iowan reporters Dave Yep of October." al Educational Fmance Project recom· sen and Holly Teare's report on page ably going to be in pretty mends that property taxes pay for only $10 less than he was supposed three of today's newspaper. Nollsch and other officials at serious trouble." to to 15 per cent, rather than the present to pay, out of escrow and pay Iowa State University and the In their story, the two explain how Right now, he said, the power &2 per cent, of the naUon's annual $46- it. University of Northern Iowa system which serves 27,000 bll\ion school bill. abortions fall under the state's sick leave say there is enough coal on Handy said about 40 West· time, while pregnancies are classified people, is burning all the na· The study, fundcd by the U.S. Office of hampton tenants received reo hand now , but the su pplies tural gas it can and filling in Education and four years in the making, under maternity leave , mak.ing the wom· could be depleted if the United bates because or the freeze and an not eligible for sick leave benefits. with oil, "trying to stretch our comes in the wake of recent California sees the refunds as "a suc· Mine Workers strike continues coal out as much as we can ." and Michigan court decisions holding un· cess for the union ...maybe and Iowa experiences a ' cold Stewart said once the coal is the heavy reliance 011· even a ubtle victory." winter. gone, two of the boilers - rep on property taxation lor public educa- He had received an eviction Northern Iowa and the Uni resenting a third of Ihe power tion. nollce Oct. 14. verSity of Iowa get all their station's capacity - would be In lieu of local taxes, the report Tee· coal supplies from out-of-state idled. lJmmends that the present 7 per calt mines . while Iowa State gets " If it got real cold." he said, ~ federal spending be boosted to 22 to 30 h.llf of its coal needs frorn Iowa "the only solution would be to per cent, with slate governments mak· Whit~ House turns aside protests - ' . mines, unaffected by the strike curtail the heating of the build Ing up the difference because they are non·union. ings ." But Robert Rasmussen, suo Stewart said the Iowa physl perintendent of utilities at Iowa cal plant has a priority system State, said the university's one on curtailment. He added, "The Loan rate Alaskan bomb test still on Iowa supplier "won't be able to hospitals would never be cur meet the demands" should the tailed. We keep them warm re NEW YORK !AI - The nation's biggest WASHINGTON tA'l The opposing the explOSion prepared the Amchitka Island Command Act of 1969 by refusing to in nationwide strike continue. gardless of whal happens in the banks lowered the prime interest rate on White House turned a sid e their appeal to the Supreme post 37 miles from the site of clude adverse comment on the Rasmussen said the univer· other buildings." corporate loans Thursday for the second mounting protests against a Court, asking for an injunction the blast, code named Canni test in its environmental im· time In two weeks. planned underground nuclear kin. The explosion is to take Chase Manhattan Bank, the nation's against the blast. pact statement. test off the Alaskan coast Sen. Democratic Leader Mike place almost 6,000 feet under third largest. initiated the cut to 5~ per Thursday as opponents pre Mansfield of Montana lold reo ground. They pointed to formerly se· cent from 5% per cent. pared a last-ditch appeai to the cret documents that showed Chase coupled this move with across porters he hopes the court stops Mansfield said the test poses Supreme Court.