Life Options Rehabilitation Program Kidney 414 D’Onofrio Drive, Ste. 200 Madison, WI 53719 & Q 4-12A months

Q: Why does it matter when I take my phosphate binders?

Phosphate binders work in your gut capsules to take, depending on how much like magnets to pull phosphorus out you eat at a meal or snack. In general, the A: of the food you eat and then pass it more food you eat at a meal, the more binders out through your stool. Take them you will need. In time, you will learn to adjust when the phosphorus is present— your phosphate binder dose for the meal you while you eat or as soon as you fin- are eating. ish your meal or snack. If you wait too long, the food you eat will move out How I can take my binders correctly: of your gut and your binders won’t be able to bind the phosphorus from J Ask my dietitian how I can decide how many your food. binders to take with meals and snacks. Phosphate binders can also bind other drugs J Tell my care team about any over-the- and make them less effective. Follow your counter drugs I take, including antacids doctor’s advice about whether certain other and herbal products. Some antacids medicines can be taken at the same time as are good phosphate binders; others the phosphate binder or whether they must have ingredients that could harm me. be taken separately. J Visit module 9 of Kidney School™: Below is a list of FDA-approved phosphate Nutrition and Fluids at binders and how to take them: to learn about binders. How many binders to take. Your doctor or dietitian can tell you how many pills or

Phosphate Binder How to Take

Calcium acetate (PhosLo®) Swallow capsule whole during your meal carbonate (Tums®, Os-Cal®, Caltrate®, etc.) Chew them up and take them during your meal hydrochloride (Renagel®) Swallow capsule whole during your meal (Fosrenol®) Take one or more tablets with each meal Why does it matter when I take my phosphate binders?