Northern Greece Birding: April – May 2011 – summary list of seen by Elissa Landre

Little Grebe Great Crested Grebe White Pelican Dalmatian Pelican (Great) Cormorant (European) Shag Pygmy Cormorant Little Bittern Night Heron Squacco Heron Little Egret Great Egret Grey Heron Purple Heron White Stork Black Stork Glossy Ibis (Eurasian) Spoonbill Greater Flamingo Mute Swan Shelduck Mallard Pintail Shoveler Wigeon (Common) Teal Garganey Ferruginous Duck Griffon Vulture Black Vulture Egyptian Vulture White-tailed Eagle Lesser Spotted Eagle Short-toed Eagle Marsh Harrier Hen Harrier Montagu's Harrier Long-legged Buzzard (Common) Buzzard Sparrowhawk Kestrel Lesser Kestrel Eleonora's Pheasant Water Rail Little Crake (Common) Moorhen Northern Greece Birding: April – May 2011 – summary list of birds seen by Elissa Landre

Coot Oystercatcher (Pied) Avocet Black-winged Stilt Stone-curlew Collared Pratincole Little Ringed Plover (Common) Ringed Plover Grey Plover (Northern) Lapwing Spur-winged Plover/Lapwing Sanderling Little Stint Wood Sandpiper Common Sandpiper Redshank Spotted Redshank Greenshank Marsh Sandpiper Black-tailed Godwit Curlew Ruff Black-headed Gull Slender-billed Gull Mediterranean Gull Yellow-legged Gull Little Tern Sandwich Tern

Common Tern Black Tern White-winged Tern Whiskered Tern Rock Pigeon (Dove) Collared Dove Cuckoo Tawny Owl Scops Owl Swift Pallid Swift Hoopoe Kingfisher (European) Roller Rose-ringed Parakeet Great Spotted Woodpecker Syrian Woodpecker Skylark Crested Lark Calandra Lark Northern Greece Birding: April – May 2011 – summary list of birds seen by Elissa Landre

Sand Martin Rock Martin Barn Red-rumped Swallow House Martin White/Pied Wagtail Yellow/Black-headed Wagtail Grey Wagtail Wren Dipper Robin Nightingale Isabelline Wheatear Black-eared Wheatear Stonechat Blue Rock Thrush Blackbird Blackcap Orphean Warbler Lesser Whitethroat Sardinian Warbler (Common) Whitethroat Subalpine Warbler Sedge Warbler Cetti's Warbler (European) Reed Warbler Olivaceous Warbler Chiffchaff Spotted Flycatcher Collared Flycatcher Great Tit Coal Tit Blue Tit

Long-tailed Tit


Magpie Jay Jackdaw (Red-billed) Chough Hooded Crow Raven Starling Golden Oriole House Sparrow Spanish Sparrow Northern Greece Birding: April – May 2011 – summary list of birds seen by Elissa Landre

Tree Sparrow Chaffinch Goldfinch Greenfinch Serin Black-headed Bunting Corn Bunting