AEMI JOURNAL Volume 1 • 2003 Volume 3 2005 Special Issue on Migrants Now and Then: Connecting Contemporary Migration with the Past Editor Hans Storhaug Association of European Migration Institutions Association of European Migration Institutions AEMI Journal Editor: Hans Storhaug Editorial board: Brian Lambkin, Centre for Migration Studies at the Ulster-American Folk Park, Omagh, Northern Ireland Henning Bender, Danish Emigrant Archives, Aalborg, Denmark Layout and design: Hans Storhaug, Norwegian Emigration Center, Stavanger, Norway The Association of European Migration Institutions - AEMI, founded in 1991, is a network of organisations in Europe concerned with the documentation, research and presentation of European migration. AEMI board: Brian Lambkin, Chairman Henning Bender, Secretary Hans Storhaug Per Nordahl Armando Oliveira Manuscripts and editorial correspondence regarding AEMI Journal shouldshould bbee ssentent tto:o: Hans Storhaug, Norwegian Emigration Center, Strandkaien 31, 4005 Stavanger, Norway, or by e-mail to
[email protected]. Statements of facts or opinion in AEMI Journal are solely those of the authors and do not imply endorsement by the editors or publisher. Published in October 2005 © AEMI ISSN 1729-3561 AEMI - Secretariat, Arkivstraede 1, Box 1731, DK - 9100 Aalborg, Denmark Phone: + 45 99314230 Fax: + 45 98102248 E-mail:
[email protected] Internet: Printed in Norway by Omega Trykk, Stavanger Contents 4 From the Editor 5 Protocol of the AEMI 2004 meeting in Växjö, Sweden 16 Chairman´s Report