TIITIT TTSFT{ ffiq o.rqfdq, ctrqq ft GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Regional Office,"d*qfu**' Western Regicn rlqtct{T1, qM.T riil-f,q Tq W trd{fg "Kendriya Paryavaran Bhavantt MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT, FOREST futr Tls t'o-a,LinkRoad No.3 qrn/Ravi ssi-q q{A & CLIMATE CHANGE E-S,rfrrffi Shankar Nagar qlqra (qocoyBhopal-4620r6 (M.P.) Phone No. 0755-& 2466525, 2465496 frtr "i.,/Fax No. 0755-2463102 ugvro /E-mail:
[email protected] No.6-MPC ot2t2ot6-8""1 llg t D+- -azf ef rc To, The Principal Secretary (Forest) Forest Department Govt. of Madhya Pradesh Vallabh Bhawan, Bhopal Madhya Pradesh. Sub: Diversion of 11.351 ha Reserved & Orange forest land for widening/upgradation of Jablapur-Mandla-Chilpi road (NH-l2A) road from 21.850 km to 85.400 km total length 63.550 km in favour of Project Manager, MP Road Development Corporation in Mandla District of MP. Ref : l) APCCF(LM) & Nodal officer, MP letter No. F-5l78ll20l6lI0-1112486 dated 221tU2016. 2) REC minutes dated 0911212016. Sir. I am directed to invite a reference to APCCF (LM) and Nodal Offrcer, MP letter No. F- 5178112016110-1111437 dated 05107116, even letter No. 1771 dated 1110812016, 1855 dated 3l/08/2016,2180 dated 07l10116 and2486 dated 2211112016 on the above mentioned subject seeking prior approval of the Central Government under Section - 2 of the Forest (Conservation) Act, I 980. The proposal was duly considered and approved by the Regional Empowered Committee in its meeting held on0811212016 for issuance of in-principle approval. Therefore, the undersigned, on behalf of the Central Government, conveys In-Principle Approval for diversion of I 1.351 ha Reserved & Orange forest land for widening/upgradation of Jablapur- Mandla-Chilpi road (NH-12A) road from 21.850 km to 85.400 km total length 63.550 km in favour of Project Manager, MP Road Development Corporation in Mandla District of MP, subject to the following terms and conditions:- 1.