Bournemouth, Poole and Dorset Local Transport Plan 3 April 2011 Implementation Plan 2011 -2014 Bournemouth Borough Council Borough of Poole Dorset County Council Local Transport Plan 3 Strategy Document 2011-2026 April 2011 Price: £25.00 Copies obtainable from: Dorset County Council Business Support Section, Environment Directorate County Hall Dorchester Dorset DT1 1XJ Email:
[email protected] Tel: 01305 (or 01202) 221305 ISBN: 978-0-86251-037-4 Acknowledgements: Consultancy Partners – Mouchel, Atkins and Buro Happold. Photographs – Tim Britton, Stephen Hardy, David Diaz. BPD LTP3 Implementation Plan 1 (2011 - 2014) L TP3 1 Introduction 2 Implementation 2 Background to local issues, challenges and priorities 6 13 3 Priority actions and focus of Implementation Plan 1 Plan - 4 Resources 17 FINAL 5 2011 - 2014 Investment Programme 26 6 Outline Investment Programme beyond 2014 35 7 Programme Delivery & Management 39 8 Performance Management 42 Appendices A SUMMARY INVESTMENT PROGRAMME 2011 - 2014 46 B RISK ASSESSMENT 49 Glossary Glossary 50 1 Introduction 2 1.1 Background to The Local Transport Plan BPD L 1.1.1 The Bournemouth, Poole and Dorset Local Transport Plan (LTP) is a statutory document TP3 which sets out the long term goals, strategy and policies for improving transport in the plan Implementation area over the next fifteen years. 1.1.2 A series of five Implementation Plans, each covering a three year period, are planned during the life of the LTP3. They will set out how available funding and resources will be used to deliver the LTP3 strategy and policies, and will be closely aligned with the LDF’s, LSP’s and Plan wider strategic priorities.