Jeff Lemire | 224 pages | 07 Aug 2012 | Top Shelf Productions | 9781603090742 | English | Georgia, United States Underwater - A Dangerous Occupation? | IE

Goodreads helps The Underwater Welder keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. The Underwater Welder by Jeff Lemire. Steve Wands Goodreads Author Letterer. As an underwater welder on an oilrig off the coast of Nova Scotia, Jack Joseph is used to the immense of deep-sea work — but not the pressures of impending fatherhood. While Jack dives deeper and deeper, he seems to pull further and further away from his young wife and their unborn son. Then one night, deep in the icy solitude of the ocean floor, Jack has a myste As an underwater welder on an The Underwater Welder off the coast of Nova The Underwater Welder, Jack Joseph is used to the immense pressures of deep-sea work — but not the pressures of impending fatherhood. Then one night, deep in The Underwater Welder icy solitude of the ocean floor, Jack has a mysterious and supernatural encounter that will change the course of his life forever. Equal parts blue-collar character study and mind-bending mystery, The Underwater Welder is a graphic novel about fathers and sons, birth and death, memory and reality, and the treasures we all bury deep below the surface. Get A Copy. Paperbackpages. Published August 7th by Top Shelf The Underwater Welder published July 11th More Details Original Title. Susie JosephJack Tenpenny. Other Editions Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about The The Underwater Welder Welderplease sign up. Be the first to ask a question about The Underwater Welder. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of The Underwater Welder. This is what a graphic novel should be. A brilliant story, fleshed-out characters, deep emotions and The Underwater Welder art that captures the mood of the story and the character's feelings. While diving, Jack, an underwater welder on a deep sea The Underwater Welder rig, sees and hears strange things. These strange occurrences seem to be related with his fear of becoming a father in a few weeks, and with his own childhood. Jack becomes obsessed with this strange experiences and with his repressed memories of his own father. W This is what a graphic novel should The Underwater Welder. What kind of relationship did they have? What happened? Is Jack becoming like his father? Can we learn from our parents' mistakes? The story unfolds through dreamlike flashbacks and the atmosphere of The Underwater Welder deep sea and the remote harbor city capture Jack's inner struggle perfectly. A poignant graphic novel with real heart and great storytelling. The raw, yet beautifully atmospheric black, grey and white illustrations are mesmerizing. View all 24 comments. Oct 15, David Schaafsma rated it it was amazing Shelves: books-lovedgraphic-literature. I am not sure why others are not liking this book more. I think it is amazing, with terrific drawing and storytelling and depth. Have been reading Sweet Tooth, another father-son story from Lemire that is in a more dystopian setting. I really liked The Nobody. I liked Essex County, too, maybe his best work that I have read from him. But this is also great, pretty consistent tone with Essex, an indication of his potential extending even more, maybe. Why do I like this so much? Is it because I am I am not sure why others are not liking this book more. Is it because I am a father of sons? It is haunting, but not exactly Twilight Zone scary, in my opinion contrary to the intro. It is more about a father, abandoned by his own father, coming to terms with his long unresolved father issues as he prepares to be a father himself. That makes sense to me, and works in sync with my own experience. You sometimes get dragged into lots of issues as you prepare to parent, duh! Jack, the main character and an underwater welder, likes to dive deep and make connections, weld them together, make sense of them, but this particular episode of The Underwater Welder life is traumatic for him, needs to be faced for him to go on. Always for Lemire it is the human, it is empathy, we care deeply about the characters, Jack, his wife, his Dad, his wife, and all their deep sadnesses, all good people, all a little lost, and trying to get found and to find each other. No one seems to completely give up. Beautiful book. The "dream" or fantasy sequences are particularly compelling, deftly done. View all 3 comments. Jul 22, Swaroop Kanti rated it really liked it. He lives with his wife Susie, who is nine months pregnant. That Halloween, Jack should be home with them, but he feels there is something down in the water, that he will have to find What am I supposed to do here? That's how I feel right now, like two broken pieces that need to be put back together. I wasted so much time looking back that I haven't let myself look forward. Mar 22, Donovan rated it really liked it Shelves: hardcover-to-buyall-time-classic-comicshighly-recommended. Jeff Lemire is awesome. This is bittersweet, ethereal, but still somehow ending on a high note. I always open an indie Lemire book and think, great, black and white. The Underwater Welder I'm really into a good colorist. Then a few pages in I think, I'm an ass, this is awesome, and it clearly creates an appropriate tone of The Underwater Welder which complements the writing. Just great stuff. View all 8 comments. Jan 09, Lyn rated it liked it. On the surface, Nova Scotian oilrig welder Jack Joseph is a hard working blue- collar guy whose wife is expecting their first child. Under the surface, Jack is a mess of emotions as he reconciles his own expectations of fatherhood with his The Underwater Welder complicated and troubled childhood, torn between divorced parents. Lemire explores themes of family, loyalty, and duty with a character who is as elusive as the doubts that paralyze him and risk his relationships. Ultimately Lemire provides a meditative and pensive examination of heartfelt emotions. View all 4 comments. Jul 27, Sam Quixote rated it really liked it. Jack Joseph has a wife with a baby on the way and a job welding pipes underwater for an oil rig off the coast of Nova Scotia in the small town he grew up in. Things should be great - good job, happy The Underwater Welder - but Jack's haunted by the disappearance of The Underwater Welder father 20 years ago who went diving one night during Hallowe'en and never returned. His dreams have seeped over from the night into the daytime and under the sea, welding pipes, he begins to see and hear things from The Underwater Welder dreams. And lately his Jack Joseph has a wife with a baby on the way and a job welding pipes underwater for an oil rig off the coast of Nova Scotia in the small town he The Underwater Welder up in. And lately his dreams have seemed so real. Jeff Lemire's impressive comics career has really taken off in the last couple years with his brilliant creator-owned "Sweet Tooth" series for Vertigo, his one-off book "The Nobody", and signing on to DC's New 52 reboot series "Animal Man" and "Frankenstein, Agent of SHADE", and he continues this successful streak with the excellent story of "The Underwater Welder". It reads a lot like a Twilight Zone episode with supernatural elements creeping into the story early on before totally submerging it pun intended and taking the reader with it. Complete Guide: How to Become an Underwater Welder

Are you interested in subaquatic construction and technologies? One of the most promising careers in this field is underwater weldingwhich is the The Underwater Welder of fusing metals The Underwater Welder elevated pressures. If you feel that this is something you may want to pursue, the first thing you have to do is find an appropriate learning facility. A professional qualification is not only crucial to ensure you have the necessary skills to The Underwater Welder out a job correctly, but also to ensure The Underwater Welder you and the people around you are safe from . To choose the right academy, you have to consider several factors, including things like location, costs, and job placement assistance. The Underwater Welder this guide, we will discuss the best underwater welding schoolsthe danger that comes with the profession, as well as the salary expectations. If you want to get your training certification for hyperbaric weldingkeep reading to learn more. Dry welding is when a dry habitat, which is a hyperbaric chamber, shields the welder from the water. The process involves the creation of a seal around the structure that has to be welded. Hoses are connected to suck The Underwater Welder the water from the chamber and replace it with a circulating gas mixture that includes helium and . When the water is removed from the dry habitat, it has to be pressurized to the correct level to protect the welder from sickness. The welder has to insert the The Underwater Welder the habitat, which will form a seal around it. With this process, workers usually work in pairs and work shifts that are six to eight hours long. With wet welding, there is no chamber to shield the process from water. Instead, when the welder strikes an arc, the electrode creates a gaseous bubble that shields the weld from water and corrosive gasses like oxygen. Direct DC is also used in this setting, as it is safer than alternating current AC. Unlike dry welding, where many processes are suitable, wet processes are primarily limited to shielded metal arc SMAWalso called stick. The process is the most effective, and it is suitable for a wide range of applications. Precautionary measures are especially necessary for these situations. The worker should keep their clean and ensure that there are no obstructions and hazards in the area before they start the weld. Before carrying out the weld, will place the electrode on the target surface area before signaling their team to switch on the DC, which generates around The Underwater Welder amps of electricity. Wet welding is often used as a last resortas there is a higher danger involved, and the water tends to cool down the weld too quickly, The Underwater Welder increase the risk of cracking. is usually the result of differential or Delta P hazards, which is when a difference in water pressure causes water to move from high pressure to low pressurewhich holds the diver down. The that causes the diver to get stuck can be as high as a thousand pounds of pressure, and when this happens, there is very little that anyone can do. When repairing, say, a dam wall, a hole in the wall will cause the water to flow out, sucking the diver towards the opening in the wall. Explosions typically happen when there are a build-up and mixture of hydrogen and oxygen gasses. Oxy-cutting, for example, involves the use of high quantities of oxygen, and the process produces hydrogen. When the hydrogen to oxygen ratio reaches a certain level, it forms an explosive mixture, which can ignite when an arc or spark reaches it. Before starting with an underwater operation, the team should carry out a detailed , and The Underwater Welder spaces should be flushed with an inert gas such as nitrogen. Introducing electricity to The Underwater Welder carries the inherent risk of electrocution, which is exceptionally high with wet welding. To mitigate the risk of electric shock, the welder should use DC electricity instead of ACall The Underwater Welder should be tested thoroughly before a weld is authorized, and ongoing training should be mandatory. is when there is a build-up of nitrogen bubbles in the bloodstream. Divers should also be in an excellent physical condition and schedule regular medical checkups. Proper training is crucial to mitigate the risk of compression sickness. Cold water directs heat away from the body, which can result in issues and, if the diver remains in the water for too long, organ failure. To prevent , the diver should wear a well-insulated that retains body heat. The time the diver spends underwater should also be limited. Proper training will help divers cope with the colder to prevent hypothermia. The company should also have the necessary safety protocols in place. The Underwater Welder include the GI Bill as a financial aid option, which is why many veterans attend this institute after completing their service. The Divers Institute of Technology offers an Unrestricted Surface Supplied Air , that opens the door for opportunities around the world. The latter requires more extensive coursework. The National University Polytechnic Institute is located in San Diego since and provides training in locations like the Embarcadero and Coronado bay harbors. The Ocean Corporation has proximity to many of the prominent welding companies and The Underwater Welder two programs, namely Ultimate and Non-destructive testing. The latter is an underwater welding program for wet . Throughout the training, students will spend around hours of learning and practicing to develop their skills as hyperbaric welders. The SCLTC curriculums include underwater cutting and welding, topside welding, and oxy-acetylene processes. The institution offers a five-month program that focuses on, among other things, underwater welding, oxy-arc underwater cutting, , and offshore survival training. Hydroweld USA also has a research and development department The Underwater Welder works in congruency with organizations like the Welding Institute. Training facilities include a twenty-foot deep dive tank, and training also takes place in the Trout River that is more than feet deep. Throughout the The Underwater Welder, students will spend time in the water quarry that The Underwater Welder sixty feet deep. Training consists of hours of study and application. The Underwater Welder you can see, there are many academies to choose The Underwater Welder, each with different training certifications, and hyperbaric welding training facilities. The one you should choose depends on your underwater welding career plans. Below, we will discuss each of these considerations and how they affect your decision. The location of a welder diving school is significant as it has several logistic implications. If The Underwater Welder want to attend a school that is far from where you live, you will have to arrange for housing The Underwater Welder ways to sustain yourself while you go through training. Diver training can be tiring, and some students may find it challenging to be far from their support framework. Many underwater welding organizations hire students who are certified by institutes that are close to them and who know the local circumstances. Underwater The Underwater Welder training is expensive. Several factors determine the cost of training, including the degree of specialization, the facilities that the institute has available, and the career opportunities that a certification from the school unlock. In addition to tuition fees, you will also have to pay for equipment, books, traveling, and other living expenses. Housing is one of the more significant expenses that you should take The Underwater Welder account. Some schools offer on-campus housing, which can lower your costs. The average length of a course in the United States is Longer courses can be as long as 35 weeks, and, if it is a specialization course, it can last as long as 88 weeks. Courses on the short end of the spectrum range between 6 and 12 weeks. Considering the course The Underwater Welder is crucial, as you want to factor this time into your career plans and living arrangements. The The Underwater Welder length is also The Underwater Welder indication of how in-depth your training as an underwater welder will be. Courses longer than thirty weeks are generally extensive and will provide you with all the necessary skills and experience you will need. Funding for training is The Underwater Welder a problem for students. Many reputable programs are approved for participation in Federal Assistance Programs and offer financial assistance to help The Underwater Welder meet tuition costs. Contact the financial assistance offices of the schools you are considering and ask them about their financial aid opportunities, and if they would be willing to formulate you a package of financial assistance that meets your needs. Upon completion of your training, you ideally want your training school to help place you with an employer to complete an apprenticeship and, hopefully, secure permanent employment. Most training schools that require apprenticeship for a specific duration as part of certification will have job placement assistance in place. Job placement assistance eliminates the uncertainties of employment upon completion of your training and helps you plan your underwater welding career accordingly. Job placement also ensures that the skills you acquired during training are congruent with your apprenticeship. If possible, try to stick to The Underwater Welder that have these programs in place. However, experience and training are not the only factors that determine the salary you can expect. The location and work environment can also play a role. These projects include cleaning and inspecting water towers and bridges, freshwater pipe repairs, and maintenance, salvaging and recovering sunken boats, inspecting and repairing dam walls, and cutting underwater debris. Other onshore projects in this salary range include sewer pipe inspection, nuclear power station inlet structure maintenance, and shipping doc support pillar installation. The salary for veteran divers depends on how long they work during the year as well. The offshore season is typically from April to November as waves and winter patterns are usually The Underwater Welder during winter months. However, some offshore divers may work throughout the year if they work on topside construction or water vessel maintenance. Because of this, many diver welders prefer to work in oceanic job sites. Offshore employment is not for everyone, however, and you should consider the workload and schedule carefully before specializing in one or the other. Underwater welders generally have a relatively high earning potential. If you choose this career, you have to be proficient with dry- and wet welding, and you may be facing several risks, including delta P The Underwater Welder, electric shock, The Underwater Welder, and hypothermia. To The Underwater Welder as an underwater welder, mitigate these risks, and ensure the highest possible earnings, you have to receive extensive training from The Underwater Welder accredited school. There are several institutions to choose from and, to select the best one for your needs, you have to The Underwater Welder in location, costs, the program length, and job placement- and tuition assistance. We strive to inspire and inform new welders through skill-based tutorials, comprehensive training guides, and in-depth gear reviews. Our passion for creative thinking and professional guidance will deliver a seamless welding experience for hobbyist and professionals alike. Quick links What is Underwater Welding? What is Underwater Welding? There are four dry welding methods: — Pressure welding, a technique that is appropriate for welding in pressure vessels with one atmospheric unit of pressure. Professional training is crucial to prevent drowning as a result of differential pressure. Divers Institute of Technology. Santa Barbara City College. How to Become an Underwater Welder: 9 Steps (with Pictures)

The main character, Jack Joseph, is an offshore oil rig worker responsible for scuba-diving [ citation needed ] and repairing the rig. On shore, his wife is pregnant with their unborn son and Jack feels the pressure of impending fatherhood. On one dive, Jack encounters a supernatural presence at the bottom of the sea that puts him in contact with the ghost of his own father. The story explores themes dealing with The Underwater Welder relationship between father and sons and memory and reality. Various critical websites hailed The Underwater The Underwater Welder as one of the best graphic novels of Comic Book ResourcesThe A. Cluband ComicsAlliance listed the graphic novel in their "Best of " lists. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Comics Alliance. Archived from the original on 18 August Comic Book Resources. Retrieved 6 March Categories : graphic novels Canadian graphic novels Underwater novels Comics by Jeff Lemire Canadian comics stubs Graphic novel stubs s novel stubs Canadian novel stubs. Hidden categories: Articles with short description Short description is different from Wikidata Graphic novel pop All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from November Articles with unsourced statements from February All stub articles. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help The Underwater Welder to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as The Underwater Welder Printable version. Polski Edit links. Top Shelf Productions. This Canadian comics and cartooning-related article is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. This article about a graphic novel of the s is a stub. Further suggestions might be found on the article's talk page. This article about a Canadian novel is a stub.