07-024 Managing Functional Biases in Organizational Forecasts: A Case Study of Consensus Forecasting in Supply Chain Planning Rogelio Oliva Noel Watson Copyright © 2007 by Rogelio Oliva and Noel Watson. Working papers are in draft form. This working paper is distributed for purposes of comment and discussion only. It may not be reproduced without permission of the copyright holder. Copies of working papers are available from the author. Managing Functional Biases in Organizational Forecasts: A Case Study of Consensus Forecasting in Supply Chain Planning Rogelio Oliva Mays Business School Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843-4217 Ph 979-862-3744 | Fx 979-845-5653
[email protected] Noel Watson Harvard Business School Soldiers Field Rd. Boston, MA 02163 Ph 617-495-6614 | Fx 617-496-4059
[email protected] Draft: December 14, 2007. Do not quote or cite without permission from the authors. Managing Functional Biases in Organizational Forecasts: A Case Study of Consensus Forecasting in Supply Chain Planning Abstract To date, little research has been done on managing the organizational and political dimensions of generating and improving forecasts in corporate settings. We examine the implementation of a supply chain planning process at a consumer electronics company, concentrating on the forecasting approach around which the process revolves. Our analysis focuses on the forecasting process and how it mediates and accommodates the functional biases that can impair the forecast accuracy. We categorize the sources of functional bias into intentional, driven by misalignment of incentives and the disposition of power within the organization, and unintentional, resulting from informational and procedural blind spots.