Processional All Creatures of the Earth and Sky Words: Attributed to St. Francis of Assisi Music: Ralph Vaughan Williams Performed by the First Parish of Sudbury Choir

Welcome Rev. Dr. Marjorie Matty

Call to Worship Rev. Christana Wille McKnight

Chalice Lighting Jay Kinslow Dan Kinslow Stephanie Deerwester

Invitation to Generosity Rev. Tera Klein

Offertory Sure on This Shining Night Words: James Agee Music: Morten Lauridsen Performed by the First Parish of Sudbury Choir

Prayer Sarah Donnell Emily Drummond Li Kynvi Lauren Levwood Amanda Schuber

Reading Rev. Beverly Waring

Musical Response The River Words and music: Coco Love Alcorn Performed by the First Parish Church in Taunton Ensemble

Homily Rev. Andrea Greenwood and Rev. Mark W. Harris

Musical Response Swimming to the Other Side Words and music: Pat Humphries Performed by the First Parish Church in Taunton Ensemble

Act of Ordination Valerie Tratnyek Mary Vaeni


With microphones remaining muted, please join in these words as directed:

Members of First Parish of Sudbury: We, the members of First Parish of Sudbury, of Sudbury, Massachusetts …

Members of First Parish Church in Taunton: We, the members of the First Parish Church in Taunton, of Taunton, Massachusetts …

All members of both congregations:

By the authority of our living tradition, we joyfully ordain you, Reverend Robert Patrick Kinslow, to the Unitarian Universalist ministry. Live into this call. May you minister from your whole self: heart and mind, body and spirit. May you always speak the truth as you know it with courage and wisdom, demonstrate grace, gentleness and good humor, celebrate the mystery and wonder of life, share in the joys and sorrows of our human condition, embody the living tradition of our faith, and above all, serve the world with compassion and love.

Rob’s family, friends and colleagues:

Rob, we have encouraged and comforted you on your long path to this moment. We will continue to provide you with love and support. With joy we affirm your ordination today and offer our blessings on your ministry. May your ministry be a source of hope and healing for the world.

Bestowing of Gifts Fran Sharp Janice Zazinski

Laying on of Hands Rev. Christopher Holton Jablonski

Charge to the Minister Rev. Katie Lee Crane

Blessing from the Congregations and All Present Rev. Dr. Marjorie Matty Rev. Christana Wille McKnight

Everyone present: Rob, with love we send you on your way. We bless you on your journey. May it be a long and fruitful one filled with the joy of learning, the promise of hope and the pursuit of justice for one and all.

Benediction Rev. Rob Kinslow

Recessional Get Together Words and music: Chester Powers Performed by the First Parish Church in Taunton Ensemble

With deep gratitude to today’s participants … Rev. Dr. Marjorie Matty serves as minister of First Parish of Sudbury, MA. Rev. Christana Wille McKnight serves as minister of First Parish Church in Taunton, MA. Jay Kinslow and Stephanie Deerwester live in Quincy, MA. Dan Kinslow lives in Tewksbury, MA. Rev. Tera Klein serves as pastor at Throop Unitarian Universalist Church in Pasadena, CA. Sarah Donnell, Emily Drummond, Li Kynvi and Amanda Schuber attend Starr King School for the Ministry. Lauren Levwood is a graduate of Starr King. Rev. Beverly Waring serves as interim minister for First Parish Unitarian Universalist-Canton of Canton, MA. Rev. Andrea Greenwood is a retired Unitarian Universalist minister and religious educator. She lives in Owls Head, ME. Rev. Mark W. Harris is a retired Unitarian Universalist minister, Minister Emeritus at First Parish of Watertown, MA, and on the adjunct faculty at Boston University School of Theology. He lives in Owls Head, ME. Valerie Tratnyek serves as chair of the board of trustees for First Parish of Sudbury, MA. Mary Vaeni serves as chair of the board of trustees for First Parish Church in Taunton, MA. Fran Sharp is a member of First Parish of Sudbury. She lives in Maynard, MA. Janice Zazinski is a member of First Parish of Sudbury. She lives in Medford, MA. Rev. Christopher Holton Jablonski serves as senior minister for The First Church in Belmont, MA. Rev. Katie Lee Crane is a retired Unitarian Universalist minister. She lives in West Roxbury, MA. Special thanks to today’s music directors, Rev. Debra Morris-Bennett and Kaeza Fearn, and all the musicians who gave voice to the words. Special thanks also to Rob’s Ordination Committee: Rev. Debra Morris-Bennett, Kaeza Fearn, Louise Desrochers, William McCaffrey, Fran Sharp and Michael Tyo. Thank you to William B. Kinslow, Jr. and Sara Egan for the cover photographs.

“Wherever you are, and whatever you do, be in love.” ― Rumi