Congressional Record—House H2331
March 26, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2331 postal carriers, the service responds to more There was no objection. Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I than 1,000 postal-related assaults and credit Mr. DUNCAN. Mr. Speaker, I yield yield myself such time as I might con- threats, 75,000 complaints of consumer mail myself such time as I may consume. sume. fraud, and it arrests 12,000 criminal suspects Mr. Speaker, it is a real honor and (Mr. DAVIS of Illinois asked and was for mail-related crimes each year. privilege for me to bring this par- given permission to revise and extend Today, my colleagues have a special oppor- ticular legislation to the floor at this his remarks.) tunity to honor the entire United States Postal time because Floyd Spence was a close, Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, Service, by naming a postal facility after one personal friend of mine and one of the H.R. 917, which names a postal facility of their own heroes. With the passage of H.R. greatest Members this body has ever located at 1830 South Lake Drive in 825, The House of Representatives will re- seen. I had the privilege of traveling Lexington, South Carolina, after Floyd name the Moraine Valley, Illinois Post Office several different places with Congress- Spence, was introduced on February 25, the Michael J. Healy Post Office. man Spence and working with him on 2003, by the gentleman from South Finally, I would like to recognize Joan many different pieces of legislation. Carolina (Mr. WILSON). Healy, Michael’s mother, his brother David, H.R.
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