EdRev 2016 April 16th AT&T Park Tony J. Simon Ph.D. When Feeling Meets Thinking: How MIND Institute cognitive impairment and emotional University of California, Davis
[email protected] regulation drive (mis)behavior Twitter: @22qUCDMIND MIND INSTITUTE Outline of Talk ❖ Introduce several neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs) ❖ Present the Coper/Struggler challenge notion ❖ Show patterns of impairment across syndromes ❖ Explore the cognition/emotion relationship ❖ Ask if explains behaviors that can lead to diagnostic labels ❖ Some responses to reduce challenges & unwanted behavior TAKE AWAY: In challenged children, cognitive impairment and emotional dysregulation influence each other bi-directionally This account might help explain the problem and guide responses Chr. 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome Deletion on chromosome 22 at q11.2 (22q11.2DS) ❖ aka Velocardiofacial (VCFS), DiGeorge & other names ❖ prevalence of 1:1000 - 2000 live births (> fragile X syndrome) Major manifestations include: heart defects, cleft palate, facial dysmorphisms, autoimmune disorders (thymus), anomalous brain development - many MIDLINE anomalies ❖ ADHD (child - 20-50%), Anxiety (50-60% child/adult), ❖ Schizophrenia (adult ~30% vs. 1% general population) ❖ Autism Spectrum Disorders 20-50% (Antshel ’07; Vorstman ‘06) ❖ based on parental interview (ADI-R) alone ❖ Based ADOS & SCQ (& clinical impression) 0% Angkustsiri et al ‘13 Neuropsych/Cognitive Profile Standardized tests show a stable pattern for 22q11.2DS Full Scale IQ: 70-85 (±15) ❖ Verbal Domains (VCI) > Nonverbal