Incorporated in 1894 to unite, represent, promote and enhance the profession and practice of architecture in the borough of Brooklyn. JUNE 2014 AIA BROOKLYN Board of Directors LITCHFIELD VILLA - PROSPECT PARK OFFICERS: - President: dwin Clark Litchfield, (1815-1885), son of this “Rural Palazzo” style. Ida Galea, AIA a U.S. Congressman, moved from upstate
[email protected] NY in 1848 to the City of Brooklyn. He At some later time and for some unknown rea- - Vice President: E made his fortune in railroad financing and real es- son the stucco was removed exposing the brick Anthony Marchese, AIA
[email protected] tate. He acquired many properties on the “slopes” walls. Exposing the brick with out the protection - beginning at the Brooklyn shoreline, the slopes of the stucco – is evidence that the brick is a high - Treasurer: Patricia Sears, AIA rise up in height to the east (present day Park quality face brick and has been able to withstand
[email protected] Slope) attaining the greatest height in what later the harsh New York weather all these years. It (1873) became Prospect Park. In 1853 as the site seems there was some underlying thought that - Secretary: Vincent Nativo, AIA for his Villa he selected the high point of a tract in the future the building would reinvent itself into
[email protected] with a view to the west towards Upper New York a different style and pay less homage to the for- - Chapter Attorney: Bay, and to the east the Atlantic Ocean. eign aesthetic. Ray Mellon, Esq. Honorary, AIA DIRECTORS: He chose architect Alexander Jackson Davis.