Tan Sri loves to use symbols such as birds, wings and the act of flying represents creativity that has no limitations or boundaries. This is emphasized in the way he lives. acts and thinks. This is even evident in the way he designed his own residence. Distilled to its essence the legacy of a man is most visible in the people he has inspired and in the social value he has amassed. For a man the likes of Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Paduka Limkokwing the telling is more a compendium requiring several volumes. But in this publication we will attempt to compress a journey of over 40 years into 80 pages. This is a man who lives his life in nanoseconds, enriching every moment with plans that he implements to make life a meaningful journey for others. He has inspired thousands across the globe. A diversity of people of various races and different social stations who hold dissimilar views about life but agree that this one man has been a turning point in their lives.

“He is a man who has influenced many and in the course of the last three decades the influence has extended across the globe to touch millions of lives. A creative thinker he always responds with sincerity to assist the Government overcome many socio- economic issues. Limkokwing University is an institution that has been pushing innovation in education for the past 20 years and at its helm is a man who has been advocating change through innovation for more than three decades. I truly applaud the vision and drive of this University for its pioneering efforts in globalising Malaysian education through its campuses established in the three continents of Asia, Europe and Africa. Its online presence had brought to the notice of millions of people in 222 countries and territories. This University is greatly valued as a partner to achieve national aspirations encapsulated in the Economic Transformation Programme.” YAB Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak Prime Minister of Malaysia, 2010 Tan Sri’s house is his sanctuary where he escapes the hustle and bustle of his professional life. Here he has created the ambience for peace and tranquility using works of art that he has collected all through his life. THE HEART OF LIMKOKWING The house of Limkokwing – a mirror of his public image We have chosen to share his story with pictures of things he loves. The house he built is a perfect example of the kind of man he is. From the outside the house is a modern structure, provocative in its styling and a construction that remains etched in your mind. It mirrors quite aptly, his public image. The interior, however, tells a different story. As you enter the garden there is a sense of peace and tranquility made possible by a fusion of stone, wood, water and greenery. The inside of the house, however, is the most revealing as space is given to well-placed works of art wrought in wood, metal, fibre, clay and ceramics. Most are centuries old which he has been collecting avidly for most of his life. This house has given him the space to display them so he may admire them at his whim.

“Tan Sri Limkokwing is among the people who shared my views. He believed as I do in the abilities of Malaysians. This enabled us to get along very well and to work together on the process of convincing Malaysians, and in particular, Malays, that they can do what others can do and probably do it better.” YABhg Tun Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad Former Prime Minister of Malaysia, 2000

Tan Sri’s love of the arts knows no boundaries. His vast collection of antiques of all different shapes and sizes and from all corners of the globe symbolizes his passion for unique and beautiful things. A connoisseur of art and artifacts The interior of the house reveals the softer side of the man. It shows his sensitivity to beauty, how he relishes the exquisite craftsmanship and the artistic flow of lines and shapes of works of art, no matter which part of the world they came from. And they came from the remotest parts of Asia, Middle-East, right across to Africa, and Europe . The love of art has been with him from birth. It was his first and everlasting passion, one that fills him with joy and through which he has built his life. He was born humble. He has tasted the bitterness of poverty. The only son of Chinese parents he was burdened with traditions to uphold, restrictions that he rebelled against to design a life that suited his talents and fired his passion.

The passion to excel made him an industry legend And art was never an Asian priority as a career choice. But he persisted even if he had to try his hand at other jobs in sales and publishing, he never gave up his search for the one career that would give him both satisfaction as well as the zest to excel. He found it in the multi-faceted, high-pressured world of advertising. He entered the industry as an illustrator and within a short span of time rose up to become creative director of one of the world’s largest international networks, McCann Erickson, the youngest to hold the position and also the first Asian. However, being the sole Asian voice in a business dominated by foreigners he could not project his ideas strongly.

Wings Creative Consultants was the business he set up in 1975, then a young man of 29. He had his own ideas about the advertising industry and developed his company in a unique way that resulted in his astounding success. He built his business to be among the top ten in the country outshining multinationals and stamping his mark on the industry. Featured here is an extract from the brochures he created to communicate his philosophy. The trigger point that motivated him to strike out on his own came unexpectedly. It was a huge challenge to design a ground-breaking exhibition that was to cover an entire stadium.It was 1974, an election year, and the Prime Minister,Tun Abdul Razak, had an enormous task to convince Malaysians to accept a revolutionary new policy to overcome racial tensions that had brought the nation to a standstill five years earlier at the last general election when the ruling party had suffered heavy losses. That responsibility fell on Tan Sri Limkokwing, a young man of 28, to design an exhibition that would clearly communicate the New Economic Policy in a manner that the ordinary Malaysian will understand and embrace its introduction. And he was given a few days to work out his concept and another few days to go into production. Pesta Pembangunan or Development Carnival travelled across the nation. The result was a resounding landslide win for the ruling party.

“Malaysia and the world should indeed be very proud of Tan Sri Lim Kok Wing, President of the Limkokwing University for his enlightenment, vision and wisdom; for this great entrepreneur, who has made things happen and continues to make things happen in the interests of a better humanity.” Sir James R. Mancham, KBE Founding President, Republic of Seychelles, 2008

Pesta Pembangunan (Development Carnival) was a landmark exhibition presenting the country’s plans for the future. It was the biggest organ- ized in the country, occupying the length and breadth of the national stadium. It provided the main thrust of the election manifesto developed by Prime Minister Tun Abdul Razak as he faced a country recovering from the racial riots of May 13, 1969. Tan Sri Lim, at that time a young man in his 20s, was given only a few days to visualise the concept of the exhibition and develop a story in a way that would be palatable to a divided nation. Finding the Wings to fly - striking out on his own For Tan Sri Limkokwing it gave him the vigour and confidence to set up his own enterprise in 1975. He called it Wings Creative Consultants. It became a trailblazer from the start and for the first time in the industry a home-grown agency had the talent, the courage and the business acumen to woo and win blue chip accounts. Within 10 years he grew to become an industry legend as he transformed the local advertising industry to reach sophistication in approach and professionalism in execution. The third largest communication network in the world at that time – BBDO – signed a merger to create Wings BBDO. He had reached the pinnacle of his profession. But a brand new chapter awaited to take him up into the corridors of political power. It came through Malaysia’s fourth and most controversial Prime Minister, Tun Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad. It was Tan Sri Limkokwing, the cartoonist that made the connection. Guli Guli was a series of cartoons that was featured in the New Straits Times. Guli Guli, which means marbles in Malay, gave him the opportunity to connect with the common Malaysian as he highlighted Malaysian’s foibles in a friendly, inoffensive manner. The cartoons had an admirer in Tun Dr Mahathir. He gave Tan Sri Limkokwing the task to use his Guli Guli characters – Ahmad, Ah Boo and Muthu – in a courtesy campaign that was featured in billboards across the country.

“I practically discovered him. I was impressed with his ideas. It is good to listen to him because he comes up with ideas and he sees things from a different angle. He is Guli-Guli (marbles in Malay) by Tan Sri Lim was the first locally produced cartoon series commissioned by a local newspaper, the New Straits truly a Malaysian because he understands the needs of Malaysia. Times. It had an admirer in Tun Dr Mahathir who liked the subtle jibes taken against fellow Malaysians to deliver larger messages. The Prime ” Minister used Guli-Guli on billboards nationwide as part of a national courtesy campaign. YABhg Tun Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad Former Prime Minister of Malaysia, 2010 New challenges loom in the corridors of power Thus began a long friendship that resulted in some of the most memorable campaigns covering a wide range of subjects. The Prime Minister had introduced a vision called Vision 2020 to transform the nation into a fully developed nation by 2020. He had started the transformation from the time he took office in 1982 focusing on moving the economy to the next level. The changes were both drastic as well as revolutionary. These included a national car project, moving manufacturing into high-value-added production, changing the landscape of Kuala Lumpur through the building of the world’s tallest buildings and a new international airport, introducing rapid transit systems, setting up the multimedia super corridor, among many other projects that raised Malaysia’s profile in the global market.

Campaigns to build confidence and address key concerns Tan Sri Limkokwing was there working alongside doing what he could to strategically communicate the Prime Minister’s aspirations, interpreting them through meaningful campaigns aimed at changing both people and nation. It made him one of Asia’s best known strategic thinkers. The Malaysia Inc publication, for example, was an outstanding promotion of Malaysia’s policies to the foreign world. The Rakan Muda youth development movement was adopted by a number of countries. He set out the communication parameters when Kuala Lumpur won the bid to host the 16th Commonwealth Games. And when the currency crisis hit the region he countered attacks on the country by producing a book called Hidden Agenda, In The Eyes Of The Tiger. The book set the record straight on Tun Mahathir’s decision to impose currency controls to stop speculation of the Ringgit that had devastated its purchasing power. The Yakin Boleh (Yes We Can) signature line of the Rakan Muda campaign became the aspiration for the Malaysia Boleh (Malaysia Can) battle cry that was heard the loudest during the 16th Commonwealth Games hosted by Kuala Lumpur in 1998, the first to be held in an Asian city. There were other books that defended Malaysia’s position in the global market. A major piece of work was Green Horizon a pictorial of the Malaysian rainforest. This was to counter attacks made on Malaysia regarding its rainforest management. The publication was part of a fully integrated communication campaign to tell the world the real story of Malaysia’s leadership. Branding Malaysia for the World began a focused positioning for Malaysian products facing global competition. It also provided the means for participating brands to connect with investors. Making a difference in South Africa and Bosnia Herzegovina When Nelson Mandela asked for assistance from his old friend Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad in 1994 as South Africa prepared for its first democratic election, there was none more suited for the task than Tan Sri Limkokwing. For six months Tan Sri Limkokwing worked with Nelson Mandela, stitching together a campaign that not only rallied the people but also taught them to vote. Of the 20 million eligible to vote, 18 million were voting for the first time. Of this figure 9 million were illiterate. But there was more to this campaign because it needed to remove hostility, close ranks, build unity and bring peace. Tan Sri Limkokwing’s response was to focus on reconciliation as the one main message which was clearly expressed in the visuals used nationwide. And none agreed with him more readily than Nelson Mandela, himself.

“Your untiring efforts on our behalf have touched the hearts of us all and you have shown true friendship and solidarity with the people of South Africa…The size and magnitude of your contribution will have a very meaningful impact on the outcome of the election and on behalf of the people of South Africa, I thank you.”

Tan Sri’s efforts for former South African President, Nelson Mandela’s highly successful electorial campaign for the African National Congress H.E. Dr Nelson R. Mandela (ANC).’A Better Life for All’ campaign inspired the largest number of new voters South Africa had ever seen participating in selecting their demo- Former President, Republic of South Africa, 1994 cratic candidate. Tan Sri Lim worked with Mandela to begin the reconciliation through the voter education process. He overcame obstacles to create the historic Tan Sri Lim with His Excellency Nelson Mandela during their time collaborating on South Africa’s democratic election campaign. image that helped to positon the African National Congress as a peace-loving democratic party. “Professor Limkokwing has written about men and women who have the passion for innovation, and do things. These people change the world they live in. They move mountains to look for answers. To them nothing is impossible. They see possibilities and opportunities and they put their energy and creativity to good use.” Ahmed Kathrada Chairman of the Nelson Mandela Foudation

“Tan Sri Limkokwing was one of those who came here, not to seek fame, or other benefits, but in a very humble way to work with us to make sure that the people who sacrificed so much for the freedom of this country would usher in a new government that would be led by Nelson Mandela and the team that he was going to select.” Dr Popo Molefe Former Premier of South Africa’s Northwest Province

“He has invested time and money to make the University the most hi-tech institution of higher education in Botswana. He has brought Botswana to the world and the world to Botswana through the website that has over 108 million hits a year from 190 countries worldwide.” H.E. Dr Festus G. Mogae Former Premier of South Africa’s Northwest Province

Tan Sri Lim with Ahmad Kathrada, Chairman of the Nelson Mandela Foundation and Dr Popo Molefe, former Premier of the Northwest Province at the conferment of Honorary Doctorate on Nelson Mandela in Johannesburg in June 2008. “The Limkokwing University of “We thank Limkokwing for Creative Technology brings an playing his part in capacitat- exciting dimension to Botswana ing our students to be able to education where creativity and play their part effectively in innovation will play primary transforming the continent. roles to unlock the potential Limkokwing University is of our young people. It is our providing the kind of degrees hope to transform Botswana that empower Swazi youths into Africa’s innovation hub and I strongly believe the future by tapping into the creativ- of Swaziland is effectively ity of Botswana and our cul- being transformed. For that tural heritage to develop the reason I take great pleasure economy beyond the mining in declaring that Limkokwing and tourism sectors which are University of Creative Tech- today the primary engines of nology is Swaziland’s Uni- growth.” versity of Transformation.” H.E. Dr Festus G. Mogae His Majesty King Former President, Mswati III Republic of Botswana King of Swaziland Addressing drug abuse, nuclear proliferation and world peace Tan Sri Limkokwing has a philanthropic side that goes beyond the provision of funds to organisations that need assistance. He also lends support through his talents. He produced “The Trap” an anti-drug filmlet which was presented at a world conference and was voted one of the top ten public service films in a worldwide competition in New York. He also produced “Take the first step” for the World Red Cross to promote world peace. Another effort called “Ceasefire ‘89” was used worldwide as part of an international campaign against nuclear build-up. After the September 911 incident he worked quickly to create the Kuala Lumpur World Peace Conference to counter global association of terrorism with Muslims. He wanted Malaysia to take the lead in showing the world that Muslims stood for peace.

“It’s heartening to see people of different races, religious and cultural background from all over the world here today. As someone who promotes inter-faith dialogue, it is indeed something which is to be applauded. In Malaysia, people live happily side by side and it accepts all racial and religious groups. This culture is also manifested in the establishment of campuses in different countries by the university. At this campus and I’m sure at other campuses, the spirit and culture of buoyancy and enthusiasm is shown by the students who are here. They are very enthusiastic and indeed I’m sure they will do well in the future.” Lord Sheikh British Peer, Lord of Cornhill in the city of London, UK

After the 9/11 terrorist attack on New York in 2001, Tan Sri Lim was disturbed with the association that was being made between terrorism and Muslims. To overcome the perception he organized a global peace conference in 2003. Here you see Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir who came to offici- ate the opening. On his right is H.E. Jacob Zuma, who is now President of South Africa. “The moment you step into Limkokwing you can’t help feeling enthusiastic about the whole notion of being creative. Everything here is different; it is not the run-of-the-mill university. I am sure you will be imbued with the right kind of ambience thinking. The “On behalf of the Council of cultural milieu here is exciting. He is a man who has influenced many in the course Minister of Bosnia-Herzegovina of his life and over the last three decades the influence has extended across the globe to and my own behalf, I would touch millions of lives. A creative thinker he always responds with sincerity to assist like to express our heartfelt the Governmen overcome many socio-economic issues.” gratitude for your support to YAB Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak Bosnia and Herzegovina and its Prime Minister, Malaysia people. Your noble endeavours in promoting the Global Hu- manitarian Appeal for Bosnia “The university is globally identified by its unique philosophy of merging the best of and Herzegovina represent an East and West. This is something that young Cambodians will need as the country important contribution to the interacts with the global economy. Your gracious humanitarian act is your excellent process of strengthening the contribution to training and developing human resources, leading them to having peace and stability in Bosnia good morals and virtues of high quality to continue constructing and developing the country.” and Herzegovina.” Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen Prime Minister, Kingdom of Cambodia Dr Haris Silajdzic Co-Chairman, Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina “It shows how really this university is in the eyes of the world especially the wonderful work that His Excellency Tan Sri Limkokwing has been pioneering in the field of education for over two decades. And by doing so you have built many bridges to cement better relationships with countries across the world because you share in building the human capital of these countries and, thereby, you are contributing to the progress and the prosperity of these countries.” A. Kohilan Pillay Deputy Foreign Minister, Malaysia One of Asia’s Heroes of Philanthropy He does not see his humanitarian efforts as separate from his daily activities. It is incorporated into everything he does. Wherever he sees the need he will provide the support. He set up Cancerlink to help families that are looking after loved ones who are undergoing treatment. He established the Society for the Severely Mentally Handicapped for children too disabled to be taken care of by other homes. To date he has spent over RM100 million to help the poor, the disabled, victims of natural disasters, refugees and people living in war-torn countries. Every year without fail he lends support in cash, in kind and in talent. In 2009 Forbes Magazine named him one of Asia’s Heroes of Philanthropy.

“Partnering with Limkokwing University is not just about partnering with a university but partnering with people who mean business. We want to change the way we do business. We want to work with people who are working differently in a world that is changing rapidly. We want to work with people that are innovative, people that are creative.” Youssouf Omar UNICEF Representative, Malaysia and UNICEF Special Representative Brunei

“Tan Sri Limkokwing is not known only in Malaysia but he is a man who is talked about outside Malaysia, in different countries, for his creativity and his innovation which exceeds the borders of Malaysia. He has put into practice a new system of education in Limkokwing University and other campuses of Limkokwing overseas. I was amazed actually to see more than 140 countries representated at the Limkokwing University campus in Kuala Lumpur.” Ahmed Kathrada The University partnered with UNICEF to improve the knowledge and understanding of young people issues relating to children and their rights. Chairman of the Nelson Mandela Foudation A prolific writer, speaker and award-winning blogger Creativity and innovation have been part of his vocabulary throughout the four decades that he has served Malaysia and the world. His views may seem controversial but they are thought-provoking and it is undeniable that he is Malaysia’s foremost creative expert and strategist. A keen observer and futurist, he can be considered a visionary because he alerts people on trends that are emerging and how they will impact the country. In education he has been able to put into practice what he knows will transform the sector through his University. Where industry and government are concerned he tries his best to get his views across through speeches at conventions and conferences as well as through his publications and blogs.

“Tan Sri Professor Lim Kok Wing is giving the lead in education to transformational leadership. He more than qualifies for our original specification of a dangerous man – with vision he makes come true – both a new vision and a global vision. We have seen a prodigious output, in terms of the scope and versatility of his activities, born of enthusiasm and enterprise, both commercial and artistic. These owe much to a rare combination, that of an artist, writer, innovator and entrepreneur.” YBhg Datuk Dr Paddy Bowie, OBE Honorary Professor, Thames Valley University

Tan Sri Limkokwing’s blog which is on the univerity webite that has reached 260 million hits from over 222 countries and territories around the globe was a winner at the World Bloggers and Social Media Awards 2012. “It is for people like Tan Sri Lim, who understands the art of communication, to package our ideas so that they are better understood and thus, become more acceptable. Tan Sri Lim’s creative mind enables him to see things from many perspectives. He is able to get to the heart of the matter and, thereby, help rally public support.” Tun Abdullah Haji Ahmad Badawi Former Prime Minister, Malaysia

“Limkokwing graduates are different because they will steadfast in facing future challenges. The government of Malaysia needs the skills that mould the new face of Malaysia as it grows globally. We need many tech-savvy smart negotiators, knowledgeable about the world and comfortable with other cultures.” Datuk Ir Idris Haron Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Malaysia

“A man with vision, a man who is able to transform anything that he does today with passion, with conviction, and that’s what is Limkokwing University today. He is able to actually bring Limkokwing University from zero, literally, to a globalized university that we have known today and has already surpassed more than 150 countries.” Dato’ Hafsah Hashim CEO of SME Corporation, Malaysia

YABhg Tun Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad at the conferment of his Honourary Doctorate in Humanity - A tribute to his vision and achievement in transforming Malaysia. He is pictured here celebrating with the global community represented in the diverse student body of Limkokwing University. Honorary Consul of the Republic of Tajikistan Most recently the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan appointed him as Honorary Consul representing its interests in Malaysia. The appointment underscores the enormous respect he is gaining in the developing world as he works with them to build their human capital. Further testimony is in the list of the renowned personages who have accepted Honorary Doctorates from him. They include the Prime Minister of Malaysia YAB Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Tun Haji Abdul Razak, former Prime Minister YABhg Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, former Prime Minister YABhg Tun Abdullah Haji Ahmad Badawi, former President of South Africa HE Nelson Mandela, former President of the Republic of Botswana HE Festus Mogae, former Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Lesotho HE Pakalitha Mosisili and Lord Sheikh, Duke of Cornhill of the United Kingdom, among others.

“It is fantastic that Limkokwing University has students from over a 150 countries around the world. It is indeed the United Nations of Malaysia. It is so multicultural and globalized.” Duli Yang Maha Mulia Sultanah Sultanah Dr Hajjah Kalsom DK Limkokwing University Chancellor

The biography of Tan Sri Lim traces his 4 decade professional journey providing insights into his philosophy that has been embedded into the University that bears his name in the book entitled Limkokwing The man who designed the future. British Professor Lawrence Watson in his book Limkokwing The University that changed the rules delves deeply into the University to outline its success in changing education by breaking the norm. The Limkokwing University campus in Cyberjaya completely changed the whole idea of what a university should be, from the outside as well as the inside. The use of a wrap was to stimulate the imagination at first glance. “My role as chancellor of this prestigious University, gives “I would like to commend Tan me such a wonderful oppor- Sri Dato’ Sri Dr Limkokwing tunity to be part of nurturing for his dedication and outstand- the talent of young people from ing leadership in pioneering all over the world. It is fantastic creativity and innovation over that Limkokwing University the last 35 years. In pushing has students from over 150 for change and progress he different countries. It is indeed has taken the concept of in- the United Nations of Malaysia. novation to many countries It is multicultural and globalized. where he has helped build a My sincere wish is that all of strong reputation for Malaysia. you be an inspiration of great and I am certain the many change which will make a students who hone their crea- difference to our society and tive talents at his learning make us proud when you are institutions are inspired by recognized as having gradu- his dedication and zest for all ated from the Limkokwing things new and innovative.” University.” YAB Dato‘ Sri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak Duli Yang Maha Mulia Prime Minister, Malaysia Sultanah Hajjah Kalsom binti Abdullah Sultanah of Pahang “I would like to bestow a title “This is a very impressive for Tan Sri Limkokwing institution. It is obviously as the ‘’Father of Innovation a creative place and every- in Creative Education’’ in thing you see has a message. Malaysia and in the region. Limkokwing University is a ‘The Ministry of Science, world of creativity. You have Technology and Innovation everything here from design and Limkokwing University to fashion to animation and can work together, not only film. The university is an ex- to institutionalise much of plosion of culture from Asia the thinking, but many of the to Europe to Africa and the programmes based on crea- Middle East. It’s overwhelm- tivity and innovation can be ing seeing and speaking to formalised in a vehicle to assist so many people from around the government in making the world here!” Malaysia an innovation- Mel Gibson driven economy.” Award-winning YB Datuk Seri Panglima Hollywood Actor, Dr Maximus Johnity Producer and Director Ongkili Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Malaysia “He’s a person who has de- signed the future and has been innovative in what he’s undertaken and continues to undertake. As a business man who has been innovative and successfully built several companies, I very much appre- ciate a person with this trait. Limkokwing University has set a standard for globalization, Malaysia should be proud to have such a well-respected brand to call its own. This is what new age, future-thinking education is all about.” Lord Sheikh British Peer, Lord of Cornhill in the city of London

On 18th July 2010 Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Paduka Dr Limkokwing was honoured by His Majesty King Letsie III of Lesotho with the award Commander of the Most Meritorious Order of Mohlomi (CMMOM) in honour of his contribution to global education. Dato’ Tiffanee Marie Lim received the award on her father’s behalf. THE SOUL OF LIMKOKWING If the house revealed the heart of the man, the university he established is where his soul resides. It gives full expression to all that he believes. It opened the part of him that reveled in designing the future. And in the burgeoning talent of the young he found his inspiration. He found joy in their ability to express themselves. And he gave them the freedom to go beyond their chosen studies to find new forms of expression in other fields. He knew from his own experience that the young need the space and the time to fully explore and bring forth all that they are capable of. He sought to arouse their passion, the emotion all successful people possess that takes them from ordinary to extraordinary. Designing the future through the world’s next generation The campus that he built in Cyberjaya, Malaysia, reflects his philosophy that education is a holistic delivery that must shape the mind and mould the budding character of a young individual. The first glimpse of the campus, even from afar, excites every visitor to expect something different. The exterior is wrapped in what he calls “skin” that has larger than life images. Every three to four years the “skin” is replaced with vibrant images that underscore its positioning as a university of the future. The interior is always a surprise because of its openness. It is akin to a covered stadium but with a “café” like atmosphere. The fringe, rising up three floors, is filled A prolific writer the thoughts of Tan Sri Limkokwing are captured in these books that have compiled his articles as they had appeared in newspapers, with business units that began as incubators offering a variety of services from hair magazines as well as his blog. The books also feature his speeches. salon, a starbucks-type café, gym, alfresco dining, dance studio, an international club, a laundromat, a wellness centre, an art shop, a printshop, a creativity gallery, a design studio, a music recording studio, a talent management unit, a publishing unit and a media relations unit. “In response to greater mar- “Tan Sri Limkokwing has been ket liberalization, the devel- involved in many collaborative opment of a knowledgeable, efforts with the government highly skilled and creative of Malaysia. We’ve acknowl- workforce is necessary to edged his big contribution to enhance the competitiveness the country and this is yet and reliance of the Malaysian another step in the direction of economy. In this context, closer collaboration with public higher learning institutions and private sectors. He has in Malaysia assume a major done us proud. He has built role in developing programs the Malaysian global brand. that are relevant to the de- He has built the Malaysian mands and needs of the mar- brand not only in Malaysia ket. Congratulations and it is but throughout the world.” hoped that the achievements YB Dato’ Sri Mustapa of Limkokwing could serve bin Mohamed as an example for other pri- Minister for International vate institutions of higher Trade and Industry, learning.” Malaysia YB Dato’ Seri Rafidah Aziz Minister of International Trade & Industry, Malaysia Just outside, next to two four-storey apartment blocks and a swimming pool is the Digital Innovation Centre where Tan Sri Limkokwing has forged strong collaborations with high-end technology providers to enable his final semester students to gain expertise in the use of high-end software and hardware. The Digital Innovation Centre has taken what he began over two decades ago to a new level of industry partnership.

“The initiative taken by Limkokwing University is none other than to contribute towards the development of innovative and creative human capital in Malaysia through our higher education system. It proves that an institution of higher learning like Limkokwing University, can also become the country’s engine for growth by offering and sharing knowledge for the development of the nation’s economy.” YB Dato’ Seri Minister of High Education, Malaysia

“The Malaysian Design and Innovation Centre has a pivotal role to play in driving national competitiveness through superior design, branding and innovation. In this field the experience gained by Italy is second to none, and I will be glad to encourage ever increasing co-operation and joint ventures initiatives between Italy and Malaysia through exhibitions and intellectual exchanges.” H.E. Anacleto Felicani Ambassador, Embassy of Italy

Tan Sri Limkokwing with students enrolled into the Limkokwing New Generation Programme aimed at empowering youths from the rural sector. The University is arguably the only university that has created and pushed forward a programme for the benefit of the Malays. Father of Innovation in Creative Education He was bestowed the title - Malaysia’s Father of Innovation in Creative Education – by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation in 2009. The title recognises the leadership he has provided in building Malaysian education into a global brand. The award also puts on record his innovative methods to pioneer a new approach in education for countries that need to build their human capital rapidly. His formula for education enables developing countries to produce highly skilled, industry-ready human capital needed to fuel economic growth. He has been a stakeholder in education for just two decades and in that time he has overturned accepted norms of the academic world urging them to think of education as the pathway to produce the kind of human capital the real world needs. He refuses to accept the notion that education is for education’s sake.

“This University has institutionalized the whole field of creative thinking and the whole field of innovation. Tan Sri Limkokwing is an institution himself and it follows that the University has not only become an institution in this country but also the whole world over. In fact I would like to bestow a title for Tan Sri Limkokwing as the Father of Innovation in Creative Education in Malaysia and the region. I think his record speaks for itself.” YB Datuk Seri Panglima Dr Maximus Johnity Ongkili Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, 2009

Each year Limkokwing University graduates close to 3,000 creative professionals from its African campuses enriching the marketplace with new media skills that is already boosting economic performance of many countries within the continent. Addressing a national vacuum for skilled, talented & creative human capital He started the Limkokwing Institute of Creative Technology in 1991 to address a serious lack of professionally-trained creative talent. He was driven by a concern for the next generation and his emphasis on creativity as a competitive edge is only now receiving its due recognition after two decades of championing its value to both business and life. He started by bringing the world into the classroom not just through smart partnerships with some of the world’s most established and reputable universities and colleges, but also through companies and industry professionals. He changed mindsets helping people to grasp the elusive concept of creativity, and thus, enabling young people to build satisfying and rewarding careers in creative professions.

“The Limkokwing University of Creative Technology has been a trailblazer for Malaysian education. From a small beginning, it has grown from strength to strength to become what it is today: a truly internationally recognized Malaysian brand name that has educated students from 100 countries. I am excited at the merging of the best and brightest from the East and West. It is my hope that such an exchange will produce a burst of creativity and innovation that will illuminate our future. I also hope that this cross-pollination will give rise to greater understanding and empathy between cultures and civilizations – qualities that are sorely needed in today’s world.” YABhg Tun Abdullah Haji Ahmad Badawi Prime Minister, Malaysia. October, 2006

Students are encouraged to participate in events to sharpen their ability to work as a team by understanding the need for discipline and flexibility in meeting deadlines as well as knowing the expectations of their target audiences. Tan Sri Limkokwing sees this as an important part of student learning. Boosting industry’s competitiveness His entry into higher education was timely because it was a period when businesses were grappling with the intricacies of computer-related transactions. The Internet had become a tool for business to business and business to people transactions. He insisted that all his students must be computer literate and his first cohort of tech-savvy, creatively empowered graduates provided badly needed assistance for businesses to build their advantage in the marketplace. Many of the graduates climbed up the corporate ladder quickly while others set up businesses offering services in managing the web and producing content for all media. He believes that the education process must address the entire personality of the student so that a young person will transit into a career more confident and more capable. He developed the ecosystem of his institution to provide the encouragement for students to experiment and explore. They learnt to become problem-solvers and applied creativity to produce solutions to challenges that faced both industry and society.

“It is unusual to come across creative talents who possess a commercial mind. Tan Sri Lim not only demonstrates inventive ingenuity but also is able to carry through his ideas and make them into sound business ideas. We have seen his innovation applied throughout the Wings of Creativity book. We know Tan Sri is passionate about designing his own car and we at Lotus will give him our greatest support.” Kevin Algood Managing Director, Lotus Engineering, Malaysia, 2001

Tan Sri Limkokwing has inspired many to unlock their creative potential. In 2013 after a long gestation period the University gave birth to the world’s first in fashion by launching its own fashion label. It has been his vision to give students a solid platform to showcase their creativity in fashion. Making industry part of the education equation He worked closely with industry to ensure his students were career-ready. He brought industry into the classroom so that his students would learn the expectations of the real world. Many of the world’s best known brands, such as Nestle, L’Oreal, Samsung, Apple, Microsoft, Nokia as well as government agencies and NGOs tapped the creativity of his students. The result was miles and miles of creative output and millions of ideas that covered the gamut of creative industries, from architecture, fashion, product, to web, film, music and mobile apps. Turning Malaysia into a global hub for education When the Malaysian Government allowed private institutions of higher education to grant degrees he ranked up his machinery and went global, first to boost up his partnerships with some of the best universities in the world. The 3+0 Degree Programme, where students can obtain Australian, New Zealand, British, Canadian and American degrees in Malaysia, provided valuable lessons. He relished the challenge to promote education in Malaysia but he went beyond expectations to become the country’s most globalized institution of higher education.

“What is totally impressive about Tan Sri Limkokwing’s approach towards education is a globalisation of that education. We are going to work with Limkokwing in recognising the skill elements of their courses. So students come out with a degree that indicates the intellectual capacity to work at a high level. There are not many universities that have indicated as strongly as Limkokwing in making sure that students go out ready for the world.” David Grailey CEO, Northern Council for Further Education (NCFE) Tan Sri Limkokwing is a strong advocate in terms of giving support and guidance to his students. Here he is, as always showing deep interest and fascination in the creative ideas of students at their fashion graduate show at the Putrajaya International Convention Centre in 2012. Bridging the gap, merging both sides of the world He devised strategic collaborations with universities across the world that provided credit compatibility for any of his students to transfer comfortably across nations. This gave students over 200 courses located in every continent for a multi-campus study that was unprecedented by any other institution of higher education. This spoke volumes of the quality of the education he provided and for which he began to win recognition from Milan, London, Barcelona, Rome, New York, Dubai, Beijing and Korea.

“I would like to congratulate you and all your staff on the magnificent achievement of creating the Limkokwing University of Creative Technology. Creating a global university is laudable in itself. Creating one that features creativity and innovation, two characteristics in short supply in the world, is an even greater achievement.” Dr Clive Kinder Commonwealth Business Council, 2007

“I see him as a man who I believe has a positive way of thinking and I also learnt that he does some charitable activities which according to the Bible is one of the best things one should do to help your brother and teach the brother how to fish rather than to give the brother the fish, and I think he is doing that, he’s teaching us to fish.” Senatla James Rutherford Deputy City Clerk, Gaborone City Council, Republic of Botswana, 2010

Students respond with amazing dexterity to encouragement. Limkokwing fashion students, for example, were given the opportunity to take their collections across the world to London and Paris. Picture shows student collection being showcased at the J Summer Fashion Show in Paris which took place on a glass boat at the River Seine. The Limkokwing University campus is always abuzz with people visiting, training being conducted, students celebrating their national days or festivals, Tan Sri Limkokwing has a “superstar” status with the young people at all his campuses. Everyone wants a picture with the “man who has changed lives”. student clubs holding events. Picture shows the huge welcome that was created when the King of Swaziland, King Mswati III arrived to receive his Honorary Doctorate in Human Capital Development in July 2013. Educating the world’s next generation of leaders He has created a campus that welcomes students from around the world. It is a tes- tament to his skill in communications that students from over 150 countries come to pursue international degrees at the university. The campus has been described as a kaleidoscope of different cultures and colours where students from diverse range of backgrounds network with each other. The unique approach to education has prompted governments overseas to invite him to establish campuses in their coun- tries. He has travelled across three continents to set up 12 campuses, including one in the heart of London. In the near future he will be in the Middle-East, Central Asia and five more countries in Africa. He believes education cannot develop in isolation from socio-economic development. He set up the Branding Innovation Centre as a testimony to how education can be the catalyst to bridge the rural-urban divide. The centre has become integral to the Malaysian Government‘s efforts to transform rural industries. At the same time he has been the key driver to change the skillset and mindset of the rural next generation through the Limkokwing Global Generation Programme. He believes change can only take place through the empowerment of rural youths.

“Tan Sri is an enigma. I think it’s amazing, how he manages to keep everything in and that he stays so calm. He is a man who had a dream when nobody would have thought about that and who has been able to successfully implement that dream and a whole lot of us today are benefiting from that dream.” Godwalk Moses Ethocoal Assistant Director, Nigeria Export Promotion Council

Working in close collaboration with the Malaysian Government, Tan Sri Limkokwing involves his students in the shaping of events aimed at rallying youths. Often these require creating the personality of the events through song and the design of the event identity. Fusing the Best of East and West His campus in Malaysia is a showcase of innovation in education. Here you will see a range of professional services that began as incubators. The creative team that manages the University’s website has built a formidable online system where the University receives over 300 million hits from 222 countries and territories. They comprise of alumni whose online wizardry have received close to 100 international awards. He has encouraged his most talented graduates to set up units that offer 3D animation, video editing, publishing, advertising, training, music design, public relations, event creation and management as well as fashion and hair design. His vision is to dismantle barriers to education and increase access to knowledge and skills. By doing so he is convinced that the world will be helping to create more economic winners and to transform a culture of war into a culture of peace and pro- gress. He works across continents to bridge the divides in many areas of people’s lives. In Europe he seeks to enlighten and educate people on the need to understand the richness and diversity of the East. He has stitched together a programme that merges the East and West to enable thousands of young people to cross borders for the sake of learning and researching the wealth of hidden knowledge trapped within other cultures.

“In recent years, Limkokwing University has emerged as a pioneer ‘Global University’. In the process it has become an international benchmark for innovation in higher education. Limkokwing has, in turn, become an important player in our own efforts to build a more educated and informed nation.” H.E. Festus G. Mogae Former President, Republic of Botswana, 2008 Enthusiastic Swazi students ecstatic that they are now able to turn their talent into careers through Limkokwing University based in their capital city of Mbabane. Building Africa’s potential Since 2006 his University has become an intrinsic part of the African education land- scape through its physical presence in Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland. Thousands of youths from across the African continent who graduated from these campuses are employed by governments and the private sector and many have opted to engage in entrepreneurial pursuits. Through the University he has been changing lives and facilitating social and economic transformation in each of the countries in which his University is established. He has a mission to reach a million students living in un- developed countries via online delivery. By doing so he believes he can reduce the “brain drain” of precious human capital.

“Through this university we will have the human resource to expand the economy into new dimensions. It is our hope to transform Lesotho by tapping into the creativity of our young people and build them into leaders who will be well equipped to take Lesotho into a new future. For a long time, we have wanted to shake up the higher education system of our country. It is our firm belief that the establishment of this institution is seen as a catalyst that will enable us to achieve this objective. Indeed, Lesotho will never be the same again.” Rt. Hon. Dr Pakalitha Bethuel Mosisili Former Prime Minister, Kingdom of Lesotho

Hunger for knowledge : 6,000 Batswana turned up to enrol in Limkokwing University Botswana in 2008, determined to acquire world class education. “The coolest person in Limkokwing University is probably Tan Sri Dr Limkokwing since so many students admire his style as well as his awesome cars! Personally I think that a person needs grand role models as well as individuals whom one knows in order to have a really constructive form of beneficial inspiration in life. Along those lines I have been inspired first and foremost by my family members, both in the way they carry themselves and in the way they have conducted themselves through a number of strategies we have shared.” James Hobbs, USA

“Firstly I love the theme, it’s totally black out here and that’s my favourite colour! Limkokwing has worldwide connections from England to Australia. I feel proud of this university, every time I go back home I keep bragging about the university to my friends and they are just jealous of me. My family is really happy that I landed up at Limkokwing University finally. Hats off to Tan Sri!” Chetan Vijay Lalwani, Spain

“Tan Sri Limkokwing is a determined man in whatever tasks he takes on. He knows what he wants and he has what it takes to get there. It’s great to see someone so successful. He obviously has great knowledge in business and we can all learn vast amounts from him. Limkokwing is always around the corner of new ideas; opportunities are never missed, meaning the university is always first to reach the top.” Monika Schulz, Germany

“I love freedom. This university gives me lots of freedom as a student to explore my talents. Limkokwing University is very famous for winning awards in Malaysia and abroad, that’s why I feel very proud to be a student of this international university.” Limkokwing Swaziland students decked out in their traditional attire in honour of Tan Sri Limkokwing’s official visit to the campus. Gina, China “What this university has done for a lot of people has taught them how to think outside the box. A lot of universities are very theoretical and so far I’d say Tan Sri’s innovation idea in bringing Limkokwing into Africa has actually changed things a lot because now we have students going into the industry, not with theoretical thinking, or let me say that they’re thinking out of the box, they’re not thinking theory, theory, theory, any more like a lot of universities teach, but they’re now actually hands on. They’re actually doing something because they’re taught from base one which is University of Limkokwing that we have to be creative not just with our hands but with our minds, and just everything around us. That’s how Limkokwing is changing the economy of Africa.” Racheal Manda, Botswana

“Since there’s graduates from Limkokwing, I’d like to see changes like new jobs in Lesotho, I’d like to see graduates developing new sets of billboards in town, I would like to see transformation in the country that we have never seen before. I would like to see Limkokwing graduates making change of what Lesotho is right now.” Pelesana Mokete, Lesotho

“Well, I thought it was a risk because Africans are very resistant to new things especially if they’re not headed by someone who’s African as well. So they kind of scared to venture into things like this. But now that he has set up, I don’t think it was a mistake or a risk. I think it was very good of him. Well it will help me in different ways, instead of coming up with dull concepts and very, if I could say, black and white ideas. I can add colour and be creative and be innovative, bring all the ideas I have into life and that’s how I will transform Africa through this institution.”

Tan Sri Limkokwing is well-loved by his students in Africa who appreciate the fact that they now have the opportunity to pursue creative and innovation- Nomathamsaqa Nontokoza Dlamini, Swaziland focused programmes previously unavailable within the region. Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Paduka Dr Limkokwing lives a full life, making every second count. These following pages testify to the value he has gained in putting his ideas to work for the benefit of others. GLOBAL RECOGNITION Premier Brand Icon Leadership Awards CEO Award for Leadership in Manpower Honorary Doctor of Education 2006 2011 by The Brand Laureate, Malaysia Development Sector by International Business by University of East London, London, UK World Leader in Creativity & Innovation Review Malaysia CEO of the Year Award, 2006 by The Bizz Awards 2011, Europe Independence Award 1957 in “Strategist by Malaysia Canada Business Council Brand Laureate Legendary Award 2010 Category” by Selangor Petaling Business & Honorary Fellow Award, 1992 by Brand Laureate 2010-2011 Industry Association by Malaysian Institute of Directors Most Awards for Communications & Pioneering Leadership in Entrepreneurship Man of the Year Award, 1990 by Women Creative Education by Malaysia Book of Award ASEAN - BAC & ARFF At Work Magazine Record Awards Night 2010 Distinguished World Citizen of Peace & Lifetime Achievement Award for World Creative Master Award by 3rd China Humanity Award by H.E. Abdelaziz Abughoush, Humanitarian Efforts Real Estate New Trend Annual Meeting 2010 Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Inspiring Creativity and Innovation, “Your heart determines 2010 Master Class Awards ASEAN Embassy of the State of Palestine, Kuala Lumpur. 2006 by Technology Business Review Lifetime Achievement Asia’s Most Accomplished Educationist the way you will live your life. – Leadership in Transformational Education by Seo Kyeong University, South Korea World Entrepreneur of the Year Academy, ASEAN Retail – Chains & Franchise Honorary Doctorate for Leadership in 2006 by Ernst & Young, Monte Carlo, Monaco Federation (ARFF) Global Education by Seo Kyeong University, Malaysian Entrepreneur of the Year, 2005 Your heart determines Commander of the Most Meritorious Order South Korea by Ernst & Young of Malaysia of Mohlomi by His Majesty King Letsie III of the Lifetime Achievement Award in Human Advertising Personality of the Year, 2003 Kingdom of Lesotho, 2010 Resource Development by The Asia HRD by Malaysian Advertisers Association if you are a winner or a loser. Lifetime Achievement as Malaysia’s Father Congress 2009 by The World Distinguished Fellowship Award, 2002 of Creativity & Innovation World Business Leader by Paris Graduate School of Management by SMI-SME Worldwide Network, 2010 Confederation of Businesses, Dubai If your heart is in the right place, Creative Leadership in Global Education, Professor Emeritus for Innovation World’s First University Founded by a Lim Management, 2006 & Doctor of Civil by The Federation of Lim Association Country Branding Award 2008-2009 by The Brand Laureate Law, Honoris Causa, 2006 by The Board of Leadership in Innovation & Creativity Trustees, European University, Barcelona, Spain you will get to all the right places.” Innovative Leadership in Globalised by Malaysia Business Leadership Awards 2010 Education by Accreditation Service for Asia’s Most Creative Thinker and Global Leader in Innovation and Creativity International Colleges (ASIC) Personality, 2006 by The London Graduate Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Paduka Dr Limkokwing by 1st Middle East Business Leaders Summit and Malaysian Advertising Hall of Fame Award School of Management, London, UK Awards 2010 by Association of Accredited Advertising Agents Lifetime Achievement Award 2002 for CEO of the Year by Brand Laureate 2009-2010 Malaysia (4As) Mentor Entrepreneur of the Year Award Commitment to Education Excellence ASEAN’s Most Innovative Corporate by SMI and SME Worldwide Network, Malaysia by ADOI Magazine by the ASEAN Business Advisory Council Leader Lifetime Achievement Award by Malaysia Doctor of Design (Honoris Causa) 2002 (ASEAN-BAC) Business Leadership Awards 2009 by RMIT International Contribution to Humanity Honorary Professorship - 2007 by Moscow University, Melbourne, Australia and Philanthropy by Ramadhan Foundation, Academy of the State and Municipal Management, Honorary Doctorate of Letters, 1995 UK and Perdana Peace Foundation, at the 2nd Russia by Curtin University of Technology, Australia International Muslim Unity Contribution Honorary Professorship - 2007 CEO of the Year, 2000 by Institute of by Thames Valley University Public Relations Malaysia Platinum Award - SME Recognition Award Brand Personality Award 2007 Honorary Doctorate of Laws, 1994 2009 by SMI Association of Malaysia by The Brand Laureate by University of Hertfordshire, UK Worldwide Leadership in Innovative Honorary Certified Doctor of Business Honorary Associate Fellowship, The unique library occupying three floors presents the university’s achievements and its founder’s contributions in more than three decades. Through Education by The Oxford Centre for Leadership, Administration 2006 by Oxford Association United Kingdom of Management, Oxford, UK 1993 by Auckland Institute of Technology, pictorial panels, the library provides an insight into the power of creativity and the outcome of innovation. New Zealand HUMANITARIAN One of Asia’s 48 Heroes of Philanthropy Sun Yat-Sen Peace Award 2005 Krystal Awards 2004 for Kuala Lumpur by Forbes Asia Magazine Award for one-minute film, Ceasefire’89 World Peace Conference by Institute of Public by International Physicians for the Prevention of Relations Malaysia Challenge Trophy Award, 1990 for Global Nuclear War, USA Humanitarian Appeal for Bosnia- Civic/Social Education Category, 1991 Herzegovina by Institute of Public Relations Award-winning anti-drug filmlet, The for 30-seconds video clip, Unity is Malaysia Trap, 1987 by an International Conference in Vienna Everyone by the 34th International Advertising Festival of New York NATIONAL AWARDS Panglima Setia Mahkota (Tan Sri), Order Johan Mangku Negara, Order of Chivalry Ahli Mangku Negara, Order of Chivalry of Chivalry Second Class 1995 Knighthood Third Class 1991by the King, Malaysia Fifth Class 1982by the King, Malaysia from the King, Malaysia Johan Setia Mahkota, Order of Chivalry Darjah Paduka Seri Setia Sultan Abdul Darjah Kebesaran Sultan Ahmad Shah Third Class 1989 by the King, Malaysia Halim Mu’adzam Shah (D.H.M.S) Pahang Sri Sultan Ahmad Shah Pahang Darjah Dato’ Paduka Mahkota Selangor awarded by the Sultan of Kedah, 2012 (SSAP) - Gelaran Dato’ Sri 2010 dianugerahkan oleh DYMM Sultan Pahang (Pangkat Pertama) 1985 Knighthood from Sultan of Selangor EDUCATION Excellence in Information Technology Golden Star for Management Merit Award Peak of Success Award (Multimedia Education) - Technology Business 2009 by Worldwide Marketing Organisation, by The Bizz Awards 2011, Europe Review Gold Glendale, California Recognition Award for Supporting Reader’s Digest Trusted Brand 2011 for Malaysia Independence Award 1957 in Business Creativity and Innovation Private University/College, Voted “Grand Company Category” by Selangor by Malaysia Venture Capital and Private by Malaysian Consumers Petaling Business & Industry Association Equity Association International Gold Star Award for Quality Accredited Limkokwing Malaysia as Export Excellence Award - Malaysian and Excellence by World Quality Commitment, “Premier Status” by Accreditation Service for Ministry of International Trade and Industry Paris International Colleges (ASIC), UK Technology Business Review ASEAN Innovative Leadership in Globalisation for Award 2008 for Excellence in the ASEAN by Malaysian Institute of Directors 2011 Accredited Limkokwing Cambodia as Education “Premier Status” by Accreditation Service for Education Management Sector Brand Communications Award in Specialty International Colleges (ASIC), UK Winner of “Best in Media & Entertainment” Awards (Best Brand) 2010-2011 by MSC Malaysia APICTA 2008 by The Brand Laureate Accredited Limkokwing United Kingdom as “Premier Status” by Accreditation Service for Mentor Entrepreneur of the Year Award University of Innovation by Accreditation International Colleges (ASIC), UK & Superior Company of the Year Award Service for International Colleges (ASIC), 2010 Accredited Limkokwing Botswana as by SMI and SME Worldwide Network, Malaysia Global Innovation Leadership Award in “Premier Status” by Accreditation Service for Quality Summit Award for Visionary Education by BID International Quality Summit, International Colleges (ASIC), UK New York Leadership in Innovative Education, • Master in Marketing Management, Ne w York Peak of Success Business Award by The Bizz • Master in Quality Management, Awards 2010, Texas USA Brand Excellence Award & Export • Master in Business Leadership & Excellence Award (services) by Ministry Gold in Education & Learning by Putra • Master in Business Management of International Trade and Industry, Malaysia by The Bizz Awards 2008, Dubai Brand Awards 2010 International Arch of Europe Award, Top 10 Masters Awards in Education Creative Best Brands in Education (Creative Frankfurt Special Award for Globalising Technology by Brand Laureate 2009-2010 Technology) Award 2008-2009 Malaysian Education by Ministry of Higher by The Brand Laureate Education, Malaysia Recognition Award for “University of the International Quality Award Crown Future” by QS Asia Quacquarelli Symonds Pte Ltd, 2009 Diamond Summit Award for Leadership Award, London Limkokwing University in Lesotho is expanding very rapidly with over 4,000 students enrolled to focus on gaining digital skills badly needed to boost Golden Medal for Quality & Service Award in Quality, Paris Century International Quality Era the nation’s economic growth. 2009 from the Worldwide Marketing Organisation, Special Achievement Award for Award in Platinum category, Glendale, California by Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship Awards (APEA) Geneva The main plaza at the Limkokwing University campus in Malaysia is often the scene of huge events because the space is able to accommodate thousands of students and guests. Picture shows an inter-university dance competition organized by students.