Lok Sabha Debates

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Lok Sabha Debates Fifth M i Vfjft. L X f f l - N o , x. TnwJay, Aagurt i p , t f 7< Srmvan* if, 1998 (Soft^F LOK SABHA DEBATES (Seventeenth S— ion) (V ol. L X lll contains Nos. 1 — 10 ) LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW D E LH I P ric* : R s. 2.00 CONTENTS Fifth Series, Volume LXI1I, Seventeenth Session, 1976 N o. 1, Tuesday, A ugun 10, 1976JSravana 19, 1898 (Saka) C o 1 UMKS Alphabetical List of Members ....... iii— x i Officers of the House ......... x iii List of Members of the Cabinet, Ministers of State and Deputy Ministers xiv— xvi Obituary References ......... 1 — 3 Introduction of Minister ........ 3 Oral Answers to Questions : •Starred Questions Nos. r, 3 and 6 to 10 . 4— 33 Written Answers to Questions : Starred Questions Nos. 2,4,5 and 11 to 20 . 3 3 — 43 Unstarred Questions Nos. 1 to 8, 10 to 30, 32 to 43, 45 to 63 and 65 to 1 4 8 .........................................................................................................4 3 — 171 Papers Laid on the Table ........ 1 7 1— 82 Calling Attention to Matter of Uigent Public Importance Reported rise in prices of foodgrains, sugar and other essential commodities . ........ 183— 212 Shri Indraiit Gupta ....... 183, t86—91 Shri A. C. George . 183—86,200—202 Shri C. Subramaniam ........ 1 9 1 — 98 Shrimati Parvathi Krishnan ....... 19 8 — 200 Shri M . Kalyanasundaram ....... 202— 204 Shri Bhogendra Jha ........ 205— 210 Shri S. M . Banerjee ........ 2 10 — 12 Resignations by Alembers ........ 212 (Sarvashri Kale and A . S . Kastura) Statem ent re. Flood Situation in the country : Shri Kidar Nath Singh ........ 213— 20 '&ills> Introduced : (1) Presi4 ent's J?ensipn (Asnendment) J3ill .... 221 •The sign -j- marked above tbe name ot a Member indicates that the question was actually asked on the floor of the House by that Member. Columns (2) Maintenance of Inter nal Security (Second Amendment) Bill . 221—30* Shri S. M. Banerjee ................................................................. 221— 25 Shri K.. Brahmananda Reddy 221, 226-27* (3) Conservation of Foreign Exchange and Prevention of Smuggling Activities (Second Amendment) B i l l ..................................... 231 Statement re. Maintenance of Internal Security (Amendment) Ordi­ nance, 1976— Shri K . Brahmananda Reddy . ...... 231 Statement re. Conservation o f Foreign Exchange and Prevention o f Smug­ gling Activities (Amendment) Ordinance, 1976— Shri Pranab Kumar M u k h e r je e ...............................................231-32 Motion re. National Policy for Children— Shri Friya Ranjan Das M u n s i ...............................................232—39 Shri R. N. B a rm a n ................................................................. 239—45 Shri C. K. C h a n d ra p p a n ........................................................245—51 Sard ar S war an Singh S o k h i ........................................................ 251—56 Shri M. C. D a g a ...........................................................................256—62 Shri S. P. B h a tta ch a ryya ........................................................ 262—64 Shri Ram Singh B h a i .................................................................264—69 Shri B. R. Shukla.......................................................................... 269—74 Shri Shivnath Singh 274—80 Shri Nathu Ram A h ir w a r ........................................................280—84 Shri Amamath Vidyalankar........................................................ 284—89 Shri Jambuwant Dhote ...................................................... 289—94 Shri B. V. Naik . ...... 294—99 Shri Chapalendu Bhattacharyyia...............................................299—301 Shri R. S. Pandey 301—306 Shri xM. Ram Gopal Reddy 307-308 Shri Ramavatar Shastri.................................................................308—11 , Shri Sukbdeo Prasad Verma 31 t—.15 Prof. Narain Chand Parashar ............................................... 315 ...........17* Shri Shanker Dayal Singh ................................................318—20 Shri D. Basumatari • ••••„., 320—22 Prof. S. Nurul Hasan ............................................... 3 ^ ALPHABETICAL LIST OF MEMBERS FIFTH LOK SABHA A Banerjee, Shri S. M. (Kanpur) Achal Singh, Star! (Agra)) Banerjee, Shrimati Mukul (New 41 Delhi) A**, Shri Syed Ahmed (Baramuila) Barman, Shri R. N. (Balurghat) Agarwal, Shri Vlrendra (Moradabad) Barua, Shri Bedabrata (Kaliabor) Agrawal, Shri Shrikrishna (Mahasa- mund) Barupal, Shri Panna Lai (Gang*- nagar) Ahirwar, Shri Nathu Ram (Tikamgarh) Basappa, Shri K. (Chitradurga) Alagesan Shri O.V. (Tiruttani) Basumatari, Shri D. (Kokrajhar) Ambesh, Shri Chhatrapati (Firoza- bad) Berwa, Shri Onar Lai (Kota) Anand Singh, Shri (Gonda) Besra, Shri S. C. (Dumka) Anfcineedu, Shri Maganti (Gadivada) Bhagat, Shri B. R. (Shahabad) Ansari, Shri Ziaur Rahman (Unnao) Bhagat, Shri H. K. L. (East Deltr) Anthony, Shri Frank, (Nominated— Anglo-Indians} Bhagirath Bhanwar, Shri (Jhabua) Appalanaidu, Shri (AnakapaUi) Bhargava, Shri Basheshwar Nath Arvind Net am, Shri (Kanker) (Ajmer) Austin, Dr. Henry j(Ernakulam) Bhargavi Thankappan, Shrimati A wad hesh Chandra Singh Shri fFarrukha- bad) (Adoor) Azad, Shri Bhagwat Jha iBhagalpur) Bhatia, Shri Raghunandan Lai (Amrit­ sar) Aziz Imam, Shri (Mirzapur) Bhattacharyya, Shri Dinen (Seram- pore) B Bhattacharyya, Shri Jagadish (Ghatal) Babunsth Singh, Shri (Surguja) Badal, Shri Gurdas Singh (Fazilka) Bhattacharyya , Shri S. P. (Uluberia) Bad', Shri R. V. (Khargone) Bhattacharyyia, Shri Chapalendu (Gttidih) Bajpai, Shri Vidya Dhar (Amethi) Balakrishnan, Shri K. (Ambalapuzha) Bhaura, Shri B. S. (Bhatinda) Batakrishniah, Shri T. (Tirupathi) Bheeshamadev, Shri M. (Nagarkumool) Bananudi Babu, Shri (Sambalpur) Bhuvarahan, Shri G. (Mcttur) Banera, Shri Hamendra Singh (Bhil- Birender Singh Rao, Shri (Maheadra- wara) garh) ■ 1282 LS—1 IV Bight, Stud Nareodra Singh (Almota) Bora, Shri Jyotirmoy (Diamond Har- boor) Dig^ Shi M, C. CPtt») Brahman, Shri Rattaalal (Darjeehng) Dalbir Singh, Shn (Sim) Brahmanandji, Shri Swam) (Harair- Dalip Singh, Shn (Outer Delhi) pur) Damam, Shri S. R. (Sholapur) Bnj Raj Singh—Kouh, Shri (Jhata- war) Dandavate, Prof. Madhu (Rajapur) Bata Singh, Shri (Rupar) Darbara Singh, Shn (Hothiaxpur) Dm, Shn Anacb Charan (Jaipur) C Das, Shn Dhamidhar (Mangaldai) Ghakleshwar Singh, Shri (Mathura) Das, Shn R.P. (Krishnagar) Chandra Gowda, Shri B. D. Chika- Dasappa, Shn Tulsidas (Mysore) nugalur) Daschowdhury, Shn B. K. (Gooch-* Chanda Sekhar Singh, Shri (Je- Behar) hanabad) Deb, Shri Dasaratha (Tripura East) Chandrakar, Shri Chandulal (Durg) Deiveekan, Shn (Kallakunchi) Chandrappan, Shri C. K. (Tellicherry) Deo, Shn P. K. (Kalahandi) Chandrashekharappa Veeradasappa, Deo, Shn R.R Singh (Bodangir) Shn T. V. (Shimoga) Deo, Shn S.N. Singh (Bankura) Chandrika Prasad, Shn (Ballia) Desai, Shn D.D. (Kaira) Chattctjee, Shri Somnath (Burdwan) Desai, Shn Morarji (Surat) Chaturvedi, Shn Rohan Lai (Etah) Deshmukh, Shn K.G. (Amravati) Chaudhan, Shn Amarsinh (Mandvi) Deshmukh, Shn Shiv a) 1 Rao, S. Chavrihary, Shn Nitiraj Singh (Hoshanga- (Parabhani) bad) Deshpandc, Shnmati Roza Vidyadhar Chaudhry, Shri Ishwar (Gaya) (Bombay Central) Chaudhuri, Shn Tridib (Berhampore) Dhanuuikar, Shn (Bhiwandi) Ghavan, Shri mat 1 Premalabai Dajisaheb Dhandapani, Shri C. T (Dharapuram) (Karad) Dharamga) Singh, Shn (Shahbad) Chmn, Shn Yeshwantrao (Satara) Dharia, Shn Mohan (Poona) Chayda, Shn K. S (Patan) Dhillon, Dr. G S. (Taran Taran) Chdlachami, Shn A. M. (Tenkasi) Dhote, Shn Jambuwant (Nagpur) Chhotey Lai, Shn (Cbail) Dhuaia, Shri Anant Prasad (Bastt) Gdnitten Lai, Shn (Sawai Madhopur) Chjfckalingaiah, Shn K. (Mandya) Dtnesh Smgh, Shn (Pratapgarh) Shn C. K. (Tirupattur) Dixit, Shri G.C. (Khandwa) Chhubabu, Shn C. (Chingjcput) Dixit, Shri Jagdish Chandra (Sitapur) Cheudhari, Shri B. E. (Bijapur) Doda Shn Hirakil (Banswara) Chowhan, Shn Bharat Singh (Dhar) Dube, Shri J. P. (Bhandara) Ttmu Hj Shri 1« K. (Dahaatt) Gopal, Shri K. (Kaeur) | Deerimm, Shri A* (Petambahir) Gopalan, Shri A.K. (Pafehat) PON, Shri Btan (Tripura W«st) Goswami, Shrimati Bibha Ghosh Nabadwip) Ihriwti, Shri Nageahwsr (MicUiI h faahr) Goswami, Shri Dincsh Chandra(Gauhati) Gotkhinde Shri Annasaheb (Sangli) B Gowda, Shri Pampan (Raichur) Bqfti, Shri Blren (Diphu) Gowdcr, Shri J. Matha (Nilgiris) Guha, Shri Samar (Contai) G Gupta, Shri Indrajit (Alipore) G abnd, Shri Fafesinghrao (Baroda) Gandhi, Shrimati Indira (Rae Bareli) B G«mh, Shn K. R. (Andaman & Nicobar Islands) Haidar, Shri Madhuryya (Mathura- pur) Gang* Devi, Shrimati (Mohanlalganj) Haider, Shri Krishna Ghardra (Aus>- Gaagadeb, Shri P. (Aogul) gram) Gaxcha, Shn Dcvindcr Singh (Ludhiana) Hansda, Shri Subodh (Midnapore) Hanunxanthaiya, Shri K. (Bangalore) Gautam, Shri C.D. (Balaghat) Han Kishore Singh, Shri (Pupti) Gavit, Shri T. II. (Nan durbar) Han Singh, Shn (Khurja')^ Gayatn Devi, Shrimtfi (Jaipur) Ha'hmi, Shn M.M. (Secunderabad) Ganda Singh, Shri (Padrauna) Hazara, Shn Manoranjan (Arambigh) George, Shri A. C. (Mukanasdapuram) Horo, Shn N.E. (Khumi) George, Shn Varkey (Kottavam) Huda, Shri Noorui (Cachar) Ghosh, Shri P. K. (Rare 0 Gill. Shri Mohindcr Singh (Tterczc- pote) Gin*! Shri S.B. (Warangal) Giri, Shn V. Shanker (Damoh) Ishaqnc, Shn A K. Al. (liasirhat) Godara, Shri Mani Ram (Hissar) Godfrey, Shrimai M. (Nominated— Anglo-Indians) Jade>a, Shri D. P. (Jamragar) Goeoto, Shri R, N. (Vidisha) Jaffer Shane f, Shri C. K. ( Kanaka- puraj Gogoi, Shri Taruft (Jorhat) Jagjivan Ram, Shri (Sasaram) Gohain, Shri C. C. ( Nominated—North But Frontier Tract of Assam) Jamilurrahman,
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