
AP Summer Assignment Mr. Trinci [email protected]

Welcome to AP psychology. Please complete the Famous Contributors and experiments review sheet. Due to the time constraints we will face during the school year, it is necessary that we get a head start on the material most important to the course. All of these contributors are an important part of the and deserve your best work. This is a 300 point research project that will significantly impact your first quarter grade. Please turn this in handwritten and in your own words. No word processed copies will be accepted. Please make sure that your work is neat and legible. Do not include any biographical information, just the facts and details of the experiment or contribution. There are many quality websites available to help you complete this assignment (Wikipedia being one such website). Please be thorough in summarizing these contributors and experiments as they are deserving of your best work. This assignment is due the first day of class in August. Have a great summer, pace yourself, do your best work. The first one will be done for you as an example. Any problems or help please e-mail me on my school e-mail above.

Hawthorn effect- Refers to the simple fact that workers became more productive when they are aware that they are being studied. The original experiment was conducted between 1924 and 1932 and was meant to measure the increase of production due to increase in lighting. The original experiment lasted from 1927-1932 and measured the productivity of two women working in the relay assembly section of the Western Electric Factory outside Chicago. It turned out that any increase in productivity was actually due to attention being paid to them by the experimenters. Another variation of the productivity experiment was done in 1931-1932 where Elton Mayo and W Lloyd Warner attempted to increase productivity by offering pay incentives that rewarded the workers for each part that they produced. The productivity actually dropped because the workers feared the company would decrease the base rate if production increased. The workers formed informal work groups or “cliques” who formed informal rules of behavior and mechanisms to enforce them. In both of the studies above, confounding or hidden variables affected the results of the experiment.

• Roger Sperry- the first to propose” split brain surgery” to help epileptic patients. • -Proposed four stages of cognitive development. Summarize all. • -Proposed eight stages of social development. Summarize all. • - Proposed three stages of moral development. Summarize all three. What were some criticisms of his theory? • Konrad Lorentz- Imprinting studies. Showed how baby animals would follow the first object they saw after birth. Survival mechanism • Jerome Kagen- studies to indicate that inborn temperament may explain many behaviors. • - Showed the importance of physical touch over nourishment in infant monkeys (contact comfort). • -secure infants have good bonds with mothers. Insecure infants don’t. • Eleanor Gibson- “visual cliff” experiment. Depth • Hubel and Weisel-Feature detectors/visual processing • Earnest Hilgard-the “hidden observer” in hypnosis • -Classical conditioning experiments. Describe the process in detail. Draw outline. • Robert Rescola-Unconscious connection between the CS and UCS in classical conditioning experiments. • John B. Watson- “little Albert “classical conditioning experiment. • B. F. Skinner- famous for Skinner box. Describe in detail how this works. • “BO-BO Doll experiment • Wolfgang Kohler- insight in great apes • Stanford-binet-Modern IQ formula describe how the Simon-Binet test became the Stanford- Binet test • David Wechsler- modern IQ tests/specialized subtest/WISC and WAIS/Factor analysis • James and Lange-theory of /physical then emotion • Cannon and Bard-physical and emotion at same time • Schachter and Singer- have both a physical and cognitive component • Maslow and Rogers- their contributions to (include Maslow’s hierarchy and Rogers’s idea of unconditional positive regard). • Aaron Beck-Cognitive therapy approach • - Rational Emotive behavioral therapy (ABC Model). • Eysenck and Myers-Briggs- personality tests to validate the trait perspective. • Hans-Selye- General adaption Syndrome(GAS) • Solomon Asch- line test experiment to show group conformity • Stanley Milgram-Conformity test to show the power of an authority figure/% who complied. • Muzafer Sherif-Cooperation between diverse groups when the have shared goals/Robbers Cave experiment. • - misinformation effect/ false memories • Martin Seligman-“ experiment with dogs. How does this generalize to humans? • Carol Gilligan-Studied gender differences-males value accomplishments, women value relationships. • Did you do quality work?