9124 Supplement to the London Gazette, 9 November, 1914
9124 SUPPLEMENT TO THE LONDON GAZETTE, 9 NOVEMBER, 1914. 3th Battalion, The Prince of Wales's Volun- Princess of Wales's Own (Yorkshire Regi- teers (South Lancashire Regiment); Robert ment)), to be Lieutenant. Dated 7th Heaton to be Second Lieutenant. Dated October, 1914. 28th October, 1914. The undermentioned to be Second Lieu- 4th Battalion, The Welsh Regiment; Captain tenants. Dated 7th October, 1914: — John R. Williams to be Major (temporary). Cyril Claude Newton Wade (late Cadet, Dated 21st October, 1914. King Edward VII. School Contingent, 7th (Cyclist) Battalion, The Welsh Regiment; Junior Division, Officers Training Corps). John James Egerton Biggs1 to be1 Second Edward Almond Jackson (late Cadet Lieutenant. Dated 16th October, 1914. Lance-Corporal, Leys School Contingent, 4th Battalion, The Oxfordshire and Bucking- Junior Division, Officers Training Corps). hamshire Light Infantry; the announcement Charles Cuthbert Snow. of the appointment as Second Lieutenant of Edward Haigh. Gilbert C. W. White, which appeared in the Stanley Hedley Garside'. London Gazette of the 7th October, 1914, is Private' Albert Butler Henkensfeldt cancelled. Clayton-Smith (from the 1st Hull Battalion, 5th Battalion, The Sherwood Foresters (Not- East Yorkshire Regiment). Dated 10th tinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment); November, 1914. Captain Bertram J. F. C'rossley resigns his Private William Bentley, from the 1st commission on account of ill-health. Dated Hull Battalion, East Yorkshire Regiment. 10th November, 1914. Dated 10th November, 1914. Private Samuel Sheard Chappell, from the &th Battalion, The Sherwood Foresters (Not- 1st Hull Battalion, East Yorkshire Regi- tinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment). ment. Dated 10th November, 1914. Captain John E. Blackwell to be Major Private Alfred Cecil Lynn, from the 8th (temporary).
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