I Marriage Preparation Policy Bethlehem U

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I Marriage Preparation Policy Bethlehem U I n s i d e I Marriage Preparation Policy Bishop Leonard to prom ulgate policy on De Bishop Leonard will officially demonstrating a loving concern Pre-Marriage Programs; and for a personal interview to d tance must be resolved as promulgate the new Marriage for each engaged couple as they Planning the Wedding Liturgy. plans for marriage. Afte s possible before the date Preparation Policy for the prepare for marriage. ’ ’ The policy meeting has been held, an vedding can be firmly set. Diocese of Pittsburgh on Sunday, was announced by the diocese on Fr. Paul Bradley, coordinator of the priest and the coupl e is a saying,” Fr. Dec. 26, the Feast of the Holy Sept. 24. the Marriage Preparation Policy assured that all the nec< continued: " ‘A wedding Family. for the Diocese, described the conditions are in order a marriage is a lifetime.’ assessment stage in this way. “ As properly understood, the d; Fr. Jack Price, Director of the THE PO LICY sets forth certain an engaged couple is soon as a decision to be married the wedding can be finalize Office of Family Life, said “ The guidelines to be followed when a has been made, but at least six ig for marriage in the initial announcement of the policy couple is planning to be married in months before the proposed date In the event that sp c Church, the whole was well received throughout the the Catholic Church. There are for the wedding, the engaged circumstances are encour sis is on the full diocese. The preparation policy three main stages of preparation: couple should arrange to see the during the stage of assess anding of what the shows that the Church is Assessment and Setting the Date; parish priest of the bride’s parish Fr. Bradley noted, the part mtinued on page 3) G ifts nsylvania’s Fr. Steven Paisa, in his book lest w eekly review column, suggests some gifts for Christmas. See Page 7. r c u l a t i o n Also, Dolores Curran, in her column on Page 5, has book selections suitable for family 15 Cents' life. 138th Year, CXLIII No. 40 Established in 1844: America s Oldest Catholic N ews p a per in Continuous Publication Friday, December 10, 1982 T r i p to M ideast Potholes seem trivial T V r e v ie w after 14-day journey TV Columnist talks about some of the problems private citizens By ROBERT MELDER have with the media. See page Editor 12. Humphrey Bogart. Casablanca. Trench coats with wide belts and high collars. These thoughts come easy sitting in the lobby of the Holiday Inn Pyramids in Cairo, Egypt as American tunes come from a piano near the bar and conversations from those sitting in soft chairs around you are in German, French, Italian, Arabic and English dialects. But you know it’s no movie. Bogart’s not around, Casablanca is in another part of Africa, it’s too warm for trench coats, the piano player isn’t black, his name isn’t Sam and no one is asking him to play it again. A N D A F T E R spending 14 days in Jordan, Israel and Egypt with D r a f t a group of 35 from the Catholic press you’re convinced that reality is more interesting, dangerous and confusing and a memorable Columnist Dale Francis ending to the volatile Middle East situation is not imminent. discusses the bishops’ pastoral draft on page 4. Israel feels insecure and wants to keep its homeland; the Palestinians feel insecure and want a homeland; the Christians leaders keep a quiet profile because they don’t want to make waves with the Israeli government; Bethlehem University Also inside students and faculty feel harassed by the military rulers in the occupied territories; the Palestinian Liberation Organizations Ed itorial..................................4-5 members say the American people aren’t being told the real story Around the diocese............... 11 and that their land is being taken away from them by the Israelis Classified............................... 19 — and both Israeli and Palestinian leaders say they want peace Home Again .............................. 9 and to coexist. A young Palestinian refugee guides his donkey through the streets of the camp in Baqaa, Jordan. (Continued on page 6) v , Bethlehem U. Israelis bar 5 from teaching TEL AVIV, Israel (NC) — Five Three other foreign teachers at ON NOV. 21 Israel said it would foreign lecturers at Bethlehem the university were told Dec. 3 incorporate an anti-PLO pledge in University were ordered by that they would also have to sign its new one-year work permit Israeli authorities to cease the pledge as part of conditions for documents for foreign teachers. It teaching by Dec. 6 because of getting a work permit. did this after controversy erupted disagreements over the signing of If they too are forced to stop over its general requirement, a pledge opposing the Palestine working, the university will be left instituted earlier in 1982, that Liberation Organization, said with only two foreign lecturers in foreign teachers sign an anti-PLO Christian Brother Thomas addition to the 59-member local statement or face expulsion. At Scanlan, university vice staff, said Brother Scanlan. the time, the anti-PLO pledge was president. not part of the work permit The foreigners, three from the process. A total of 22 foreign United States and two from Great OFFICIAL teachers were expelled for Britain, were asked to sign refusing to sign the pledge. One of documents containing the pledge His Excellency, Bishop them was Mark Cheverton, a 23- as part of the process forgetting a Leonard, announces the year-old British citizen who was a work permit, said Brother following appointment and biology instructor at Bethlehem Scanlan in an interview Dec. 3 change, effective Monday, University. with the Tel Aviv bureau of December 13, 1982: The requirement that foreign Reuters, British news agency. ADMINISTRATOR teachers sign an anti-PLO pledge BETHLEHEM UNIVERSITY, a The Reverend John A. had drawn criticism from West Catholic institution administrated Harvey, to administrator, Saint Bank university officials and U.S. by the Christian Brothers of St. Mary of Mercy Parish, Secretary of State George Schultz Jean Baptiste de la Salle, is one of Pittsburgh. Father Harvey as a violation of academic three universities for Arabs in the retains his assignments as freedom. Israel had defended the Israeli-occupied West Bank. Director of the Society for the pledge as necessary to make sure The five lecturers offered to sign Propagation of the Faith and foreign teachers are aware that above the declaration saying this Executive Secretary of the aiding the PLO is illegal. indicated that they knew that it is PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC. Brother Scanlan has been a against the law to aid the PLO. But The Reverend John M. critic of the pledge signing they refused the Israeli request to O’Toole has been relieved as requirement. sign below the declaration, saying administrator of Saint Mary of “ We feel the oath is a political it was a violation of their freedom Mercy Parish, Pittsburgh, in statement,” he said. of conscience. order to give full time to his “ It’s offensive to the The Israelis did not give them charge as Director of Vocations Palestinians. If they say they want the >vork permit and ordered them in the Diocese. Father O’Toole the PLO to speak on their behalf, to stop teaching, said Brother will reside in a house on the then that's up to them. We’re Scanlan. They were not expelled grounds of Saint Paul Seminary, willing to sign a general because they had valid tourist 2999 Noblestown Road, declaration that we'll abide by the Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak greets members of the Catholic press group. visas, he added. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15295. (Continued on page 2) Priests to gather Professor views pastoral draft Cardinal to mark anniversary (The author is a professor of Archbishop Joseph L. Bernard­ shouldn't have a voice in the of the United States, if religious studies at The B Cardinal John F. Dearden, the retired archbishop of Detroit and in of Chicago to study the issue. political, economic and social necessary. Pennsylvania State University. The committee’s first draft is conduct of its church members. former bishop of Pittsburgh, will mark the 50th anniversary of his WHAT TH E bishops are priestly ordination with a Jubilee Mass of Thanksgiving in Detroit on His field of specialization is completed and the final draft is religious ethics and the sociology saying isn’t new or radical, but Thursday (Dec. 9) of this week. expected by next spring. of religion.) It is encouraging that they are they are exercising persuasive f Bishop Leonard and his two auxiliaries, John McDowell and Anthony THIS IS A surprising and exercising their voice since we authority over the more than 50 Bosco, will be in attendance from the Pittsburgh diocese. B y P A U L M. HARRISON almost unique action from a have no conipc 'able moral million American Catholics in The Roman Catholic bishops notably conservative group. authority in this country. What this country. The Reagan ■ Some 90 cardinals, bishops and priests will join in procession into have stimulated dialogue at The National Conference of the 275 bishops are saying in administration and others have Blessed Sacrament Cathedral in Detroit for the Mass. They will include every level of life in the church, Catholic Bishops, which had its their 1 19-page draft of a pastoral been compelled to take the .Cardinals Lawrence Shehan of Baltimore; John Krol of Philadelphia; government and among people.
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