Established June 4. PORTLAND, TUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 28. 1865 23,1802.—Vol. Terms $$ a year, in advance.

“To the Yankee Bbaggabts — The PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, to be met EDUCATIONAL. FOR SALE & TO CARDS. American crisis is one which is only MISCELLANEOUS. LET. BUSINESS BUSINESS CARP8. •TOHM T.U1XJ4AJT,Editor, by the most unmitigated swagger, and Mr. : merchandise. himself head Punch constituting swag- ■ STHEET.by hastily hetuhn PORTLAND ACADEMY! For Sale. paMv.bed at Ho. 32* JCXCHAHGK to the British nation, hereby answers Dana & Co. «jr k s gerer The well known Hotel, situated at Gray New the Yankee ‘with shouts as loud and OF THE drop Molasses. W. A. If 08TBB * CO. journals The Spring Term will Begin Feb. 27. ;Comer, I6inileafrcm Portland, wi.h Sia- Clayed shrieks as fierce' as their own. War with ibles, Homs, hheds, fee. Fish and Salt, SEWING MACHINES! Sahool is for both Misses and One indeed, you long-faced, wizened, ug- MORRIS Masters,'with- | Also, Hundred and Fifteen Aores of 137 landed from T*u Poutlamc DAILY Fasasis published at 88.00 England, THISout regard to age or attainments. Laud, about bri'gCu^Un Occidentals. Do know what _iGooo iliirty-flve of whiuli is Luther in Advance. ly, ignorant you Pupils any be admitted at any time in the term. W ood The rest i3 divlied into Dana, j Portland, WOODMAN, TKVE per year Fire and Mowing, Tillage and ( * co^ ALflOgl fan Mauds drs m Penas Is published every Thun- you are really talking about? Defy the flag Inland Insurance Co., For lurther particulars apply to Psstnrage. Woodbury Dana, In J. il. John A. a. M AiJUC. 400 day morning,at 82.03 per annum, advance; 82.26 that has braved a thousand years the batttle HANSON, For further particulars inquire ot the subscriber on Dana.) IAQENTb, HHDS. Prime Sierra Morena Waved Molau. If paid within six month..: and 82.6U.if payment be OF NEW YORK. feb!3tf871 Congress St. the premises. THEOPHILUS luneldtf ,M*M 1,4 ee, for sale by and the breeze ? Laugh at the lion and 8TIMSOM. _ *«.* Ule delayed beyond six months. give Gray, Ftb 21, 18B6—d2w* .traat. to the un,corn, bah 1 bosh! tremble! JANUARY 1st, 1865. Beadle# anil THOS. ASENCIO A CO., umbrage No. Yarmouth Academy, Wholesale rimming* alwayr oehaaa Do you know what we should do in the flash SEPVR 10,1864. and Retail. tuaxau janlOtf Cu.tom Hoiue Whirl. Batesoi COMMENCED BUSINESS Fa*m lor Sale. Advertising: of a luclfer match ? We should the recognize MAINE. riiue Subscriber off.rs hi* Farm, situated lu Gneluch in of constitute: Davis YARMOUTH Cape ofepaoe length column, Confederacy, proclaim king of the Amount of Capital paid in, *200,000. X Elizabeth, abou If miles Irom Portland H. L. ID ^ A CARD. Apples. *s<. rAOS." A Par Value. *100 eb. 21st, 1865. For full THEElizabeth, from No, Exchaa*e Btreet, Portland, Mo. Portland, 36, ISO. 81,00 square Lee, Portland Acres May If f a *1.00; one week, particulars apply to the Principal, Wm. G. Lord, A. bridge, containing 70 Land, Build- h» square, throe Insertions, South to exterminate all your sober Total Assets, 1st, Jnneldti *1.60. Generals, January 1?65, *831,41122 M., or to JOHN A. WATERMAN, ines good, Fences substantial 8* one wall, young Or- ______• or while we marched Dr. Advertisement* Inserted in the Maims Stats tipsy, upon Washington, Amount of Losses reported upon 'whieh fsb8dtf Sec’y ol Trustees. chard, choice grafted Fruit. About 200 cords wood, OKAS. J. Jt. H. HEA1 D In part of and lor the second the of the is not half Oak and Walnut. Also aud 50 SCHUMACHER, i Bah) (which has a largo circulation every time, ha, ha! give it to the liability company Farming tojls, disposed of his entire Interest in hfr first 00 cords Treenails. 'he Stria) for 8100 per square for insertion, and flames. We should over determined, *13,270 dressing. HAVISOOffioe to Dr. devouring then walk ! made Fresco and 8.C.FEHNALD, woaJd ohoerlo“ 60 cents icr each subsequent insertion. Amount of all other Claims, 82 75 FRYEBUHfr ACADJEMY Terms of payment easy. Banner reecommend per square you all and into where we Painter, him to his iormer patients and the pal- TJtJ£lGHAIL8,f©r straight Canada, Amount of Cash received for Premiums Term of this Institution will com- For particulars enquire of 8COTT DYER on the jfimuA L Serious at usual rates. Spring No. 142l lon