Portland Daily Press: February 28,1865
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PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. Established June 4. PORTLAND, TUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 28. 1865 23,1802.—Vol. Terms $$ a year, in advance. “To the Yankee Bbaggabts — The PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, to be met EDUCATIONAL. FOR SALE & TO CARDS. American crisis is one which is only MISCELLANEOUS. LET. BUSINESS BUSINESS CARP8. •TOHM T.U1XJ4AJT,Editor, by the most unmitigated swagger, and Mr. : merchandise. himself head Punch constituting swag- ■ STHEET.by hastily hetuhn PORTLAND ACADEMY! For Sale. paMv.bed at Ho. 32* JCXCHAHGK to the British nation, hereby answers Dana & Co. «jr k s gerer The well known Hotel, situated at Gray New the Yankee ‘with shouts as loud and OF THE drop Molasses. W. A. If 08TBB * CO. journals The Spring Term will Begin Feb. 27. ;Comer, I6inileafrcm Portland, wi.h Sia- Clayed shrieks as fierce' as their own. War with ibles, Homs, hheds, fee. Fish and Salt, SEWING MACHINES! Sahool is for both Misses and One indeed, you long-faced, wizened, ug- MORRIS Masters,'with- | Also, Hundred and Fifteen Aores of 137 landed from T*u Poutlamc DAILY Fasasis published at 88.00 England, THISout regard to age or attainments. Laud, about bri'gCu^Un Occidentals. Do know what _iGooo iliirty-flve of whiuli is Luther in Advance. ly, ignorant you Pupils any be admitted at any time in the term. W ood The rest i3 divlied into Dana, j Portland, WOODMAN, TKVE per year Fire and Mowing, Tillage and ( * co^ ALflOgl fan Mauds drs m Penas Is published every Thun- you are really talking about? Defy the flag Inland Insurance Co., For lurther particulars apply to Psstnrage. Woodbury Dana, In J. il. John A. a. M AiJUC. 400 day morning,at 82.03 per annum, advance; 82.26 that has braved a thousand years the batttle HANSON, For further particulars inquire ot the subscriber on Dana.) IAQENTb, HHDS. Prime Sierra Morena Waved Molau. If paid within six month..: and 82.6U.if payment be OF NEW YORK. feb!3tf871 Congress St. the premises. THEOPHILUS luneldtf ,M*M 1,4 ee, for sale by and the breeze ? Laugh at the lion and 8TIMSOM. _ *«.* Ule delayed beyond six months. give Gray, Ftb 21, 18B6—d2w* .traat. to the un,corn, bah 1 bosh! tremble! JANUARY 1st, 1865. Beadle# anil THOS. ASENCIO A CO., umbrage No. Yarmouth Academy, Wholesale rimming* alwayr oehaaa Do you know what we should do in the flash SEPVR 10,1864. and Retail. tuaxau janlOtf Cu.tom Hoiue Whirl. Batesoi COMMENCED BUSINESS Fa*m lor Sale. Advertising: of a luclfer match ? We should the recognize MAINE. riiue Subscriber off.rs hi* Farm, situated lu Gneluch in of constitute: Davis YARMOUTH Cape ofepaoe length column, Confederacy, proclaim king of the Amount of Capital paid in, *200,000. X Elizabeth, abou If miles Irom Portland H. L. ID ^ A CARD. Apples. *s<. rAOS." A Par Value. *100 <ach. Bridge, VIS, South, and steam into all the Confederate o. rf Share*, 2 0 0. contaiug 16 acrea of Lind, good. ®BL8. Choloe Appplee, Jut reoelved and 81.6'.' first oents week ports Term will oomnence Feb 13. For BoUdin^s per squire dally week; 76 per Amount qf Outstanding Risk*, *12.906,693. Spring Forrarticulars of E. N. at for .ale •fer; Hire*'insertions eve- armed with 300,000 guards, all six foot and THEparticulars address E. S. A. Princi- enquire PERRY, the aa. s. c. by or lees, 81.00; continuing Hoyt, M., Sheriff 's Office, or tho Pori laud I’ost Office f£r;jald, DANFOKTH & other dev first most six foot and three or JAMES through Bookseller, Stationer, CLIFFORD, ry alter week, 60 oents. quarters, all ASSISTS. pal, BATES, Bo* 1786. AMD sinking feblidtf MANUFACTURER OF ■ 6 Lime St. Jlolf square, three insertions or loss 76 oents; one your to David jan24tf Sec’y blockading ships Jones, except State* _ oct31tf__Mo. neeh tll.OO; 60 cent * per week after. ▲mount United Stocks, *100,10000 such as we should seize for our own use in 86 must, (,‘nrterhrad of Abusembstb, *2.00 persquare per ▲mount Cash on hand, 17,657 Premium Account Books. No. 176 Scotch Canvas*. New York. Cash in hands of 17 Paged Middl S treat* wo.k; one ifiiertior, $1,63. blockading We should put Sir Amount agen ts, 22,414 GOBHAM SEMINARY. Farm for Sale. Loaned on 00 * Son'*" first Rose at the head of our ▲mount Collateral, 122,800 Term of will com- subscriber offers hi* Farm, situated in PAPER HANGINGS. Evnnnona...Dn.fiieo anl Biaun Leith, Special Poncas, *2.00 per square week, Hugh stupendous 19 Spring Gorham Seminary Cape 200Corear ▲mount of all other Investmens, 68,639 mence about three and a halt miles 68 pet attar; three insertions or less, 81-60; land force and relieve who would rush THE on Tuesday, >eb. 21st, 1865. For full THEElizabeth, from No, Exchaa*e Btreet, Portland, Mo. Portland, 36, ISO. 81,00 square Lee, Portland Acres May If f a *1.00; one week, particulars apply to the Principal, Wm. G. Lord, A. bridge, containing 70 Land, Build- h» square, throe Insertions, South to exterminate all your sober Total Assets, 1st, Jnneldti *1.60. Generals, January 1?65, *831,41122 M., or to JOHN A. WATERMAN, ines good, Fences substantial 8* one wall, young Or- ______• or while we marched Dr. Advertisement* Inserted in the Maims Stats tipsy, upon Washington, Amount of Losses reported upon 'whieh fsb8dtf Sec’y ol Trustees. chard, choice grafted Fruit. About 200 cords wood, OKAS. J. Jt. H. HEA1 D In part of and lor the second the of the is not half Oak and Walnut. Also aud 50 SCHUMACHER, i Bah) (which has a largo circulation every time, ha, ha! give it to the liability company Farming tojls, disposed of his entire Interest in hfr first 00 cords Treenails. 'he Stria) for 8100 per square for insertion, and flames. We should over determined, *13,270 dressing. HAVISOOffioe to Dr. devouring then walk ! made Fresco and 8.C.FEHNALD, woaJd ohoerlo“ 60 cents icr each subsequent insertion. Amount of all other Claims, 82 75 FRYEBUHfr ACADJEMY Terms of payment easy. Banner reecommend per square you all and into where we Painter, him to his iormer patients and the pal- TJtJ£lGHAIL8,f©r straight Canada, Amount of Cash received for Premiums Term of this Institution will com- For particulars enquire of 8COTT DYER on the jfimuA L Serious at usual rates. Spring No. 142l lon<t is 100,0003Bg?* should who had on Fire 76 or P. Middlo ?r‘ fr°m experience, prepar- SIMOMTON b instantly hang every Yankee Risks, 88,891 mence March 1st, and continue Promises, through Portland, O. 8tr«et, ed to insert Artificial " KNIGHT, must forln THE Wednesday, Teeth on tho Ynloantte Base Trraaienta iveitlseinents be paid ad- dared to set his foot on the sacred and Amount Fire Loeses last year, 7.409 16 eleven weeks. janSldtf. md all «» Commercial soil, paid PORTLAND, MR. other methods known to the *profession frnrL taaca. Amount paid lor Expenses ol Office, 16,116 3d Edwin F. A. B. Portland, June 13, !884. then we should annex the North to the Colo- Ambrose, Principal, BT Work exeouted in every part of thu State. Portland, May 26.188*. u BrPiMaseKoricaP,ii readlr v columns, 20 oents B. C. Morris, President. Ohardbb U. Barrows, A. B. Assistant, Farm for Sale. for one insertion. Ho lesi ny, making Quebec the Empire City. Mean- per lice charge than fifty Wm. W. Whithby. Secretary. Miss rllkn A. Barrows, Teacher of Musie, TLat A. 1 __janeltf for each insertion. time our Australian soldiers would be and superior farm, recently WABKEJi’8 IMPOUVEB sects up Miss Mariana Souther, Teacher oi Drawing. owned aud occupied by the late the Swan River Volunteers would oc- For further address tP$"A;icou:munieaUou:' Intendod for the paper doing; Amount and particulars Capt. Thaxter Prince, containing GET THE Capital Anets, January D. B. SEWALL, S. C. M. FIRE AND BEST! thoalii bo directed to tht“Xditer of the Press,’’and cupy Texas, the brave Van Diemans would 22 3oo'y. 8u acres of g od land, 15 of which is HUNKINS, D., WATER-PKOOl lit, 8331,411 1865. feL16d3w those of a business character to the Publishers. clear Missouri, the New South Welshers Amount Additional Capital being paid Freburg, Feb 14th, _wood. Good buildings and not a rou ot to&ote mud it. 8&id farm is situated in SURGEON & Bf'Jos Pkimtibo oi everydssoription executed would answer for Arkansas, while the New in (Feb 9 h) 8300,090 00 upon PHYSICIAN, FELT ARE TOUIJV fVAJYT OF A w;‘h tleyatoh Unking Total Aeeeto, 631,411 22 Portland. Yarmouth, about one aud half miles from the G. T. COMPOSITION, Zsaland natives, amnestied and thirsting to R. R. Depot. OFFICE 1*0. 2 CLAPP'S BLOCK. show their love for would Tike Enquire of Charles Humphrey at Yarmouth Vil- England, sweep Branch Office, 43 State Street, Boston. Business College, SQUARE Machine? a tattooed avalanche through Minnesota, Iowa lage. AgARKBT O-ravel Hooting Newing Feb. 1865. Yarmouth, Jan. 17,1S65. janl3 eoddfwif Board at United States Hotel, Tuesday Morning, 28, and Wisconsin. We should have a re- Joseph Horeisok, Resident Director and Gener- No. 8 St. grand Clapp’s Block, Congress novlb FOR FLAT ROOFS. CALL AND EXAMINE union al dti of forces at Michigan, where a British Agent. Institution offers to young men and ladies best for a Farm For Sale. E. HERSEY, Congress would proclaim aristocracy, primo- THISthe facilities obtaing thorough Busi- I Agent, A Democrat on the Constitutional J.