Avonmouth & Lawrence WestonNeighbourhood 2015/16 - 2017/18 Partnership Plan


Our vision:

The & Lawrence Weston Neighbourhood Partnership brings together the four village communities of Avonmouth, Lawrence Weston, Sea Mills/Combe Dingle and to use their skills, knowledge, voice and influence alongside City Council and other service delivery partners to improve their neighbourhoods for the benefit of all their residents

Version 6.00 June 2016 Background Four Neighbourhood Forums are held in each of three of the ‘villages’ over the year (SCAF hold their own equivalent in Shirehampton). These are open meetings where Avonmouth and Lawrence Weston Neighbourhood Partnership is situated at the North information is shared, concerns gathered and updates on previous forum issues West edges of the city of Bristol. The 2011 census describes a resident population of updated. Residents from the area are encouraged to attend through publicity in the 22,822. 87.7% are White British; 4.8% are White Other (4.4% from EU countries); 6.8% local community newsletters, mailings, flyers, by email and through letter drops. of the population is Black and minority ethnic. Two Lower Super Output Areas (LSOAs) The Neighbourhood Partnership currently has no formal sub-groups or theme groups, in Lawrence Weston are in the lowest 10% in in terms of multiple deprivation; but this Plan proposes to develop some in order to deliver much of the work set out in 9 LSOAs out of the 15 which make up the NP area are in the lowest 30% for multiple the Plan. deprivation. The NP effectively consists of ‘four village’ neighbourhoods: Lawrence Weston; Sea Mills/Combe Dingle; Shirehampton and Avonmouth which each have their The Neighbourhood Partnership makes Wellbeing Grants available to deliver work own character, history and community networks. The Ward Boundaries changed in against the priorities set out in its Plan. The Partnership also adds value by managing May 2016 to lose the south part of Sea Mills, below Sylvan Way to the other external funding such a Green Capital within the neighbourhood. Ward. This created a single ward, Avonmouth and Lawrence Weston, with 3 Ward Councillors. (see 2016 Ward map) The Neighbourhood Partnership aims to: Purpose  listen to residents to identify and address local needs and problems  engage all the different sections of the community in its work This plan will give a full picture of the work the Neighbourhood Partnership can deliver,  deliver improvements directly using the resources it has and bringing in new influence and support over the next 3 years 2015-18 as well as work it aspires to resources deliver if resources become available. The Plan has been developed from issues  bring residents, local organisations and services together in creative and which have been raised through local consultation; at Neighbourhood Forums and enjoyable ways to create positive improvements events. The Plan:  support the neighbourhoods to be well-informed with good quality information  Prioritises work and projects using resources – funding; staffing; BCC and other delivery partnerners, such as the Police and Health - at its disposal  Sets out the key issues of community concern which residents what to improve Evidence and influence and aspirational work and projects to support the quality of life and  The Plan sets out both qualitative and quantitative data and evidence to show aspirations of the four village communities. Some will need additional resources where the need arises and why the priority is included. in order to be delivered  Will be reviewed annually Neighbourhood Partnership Resources Where possible the Plan links local priorities and projects which contribute towards delivery with the themes of the Mayors corporate plan for Bristol. People Neighbourhood Partnership –  Neighbourhood Partnership Coordinator (18.5 hours per week)  Neighbourhood Officer (18.5 hours per week) The Neighbourhood Partnership has a minimum of four formal Partnership and  Community Development (4 hours per week) Committee meetings annually where decisions on any devolved budget are made by  BCC Neighbourhood Management Team with Streetscene Enforcement & the Committee of local ward Councillors and by the full Partnership board on wider Community Development contributing to specific pieces of work issues not related to the spending and allocation of any devolved funds.  Local ward Councillors, Neighbourhood Partnership members; A&K community groups and resident groups

1  Other funds which are allocated to the Neighbourhood Partnership for consideration such as Bristol Green Capital Money Partners  Devolved budget annually allocated includes Highways, Wellbeing and Clean and The Neighbourhood Partnership works together with others to develop a rounded Green budgets 2014/15 budget was £87,747 approach to neighbourhood working. These partners bring in expertise, funding, staff  Section 106: this is money that developers pay to the council to offset the or all three. These partners include but this list is not exclusive negative impacts of their developments. A Section 106 Agreement is a legal document that specifies what the money is spent on and where. For example,  The wider Bristol City Council family such as Estate Management, Highways, S106 money is used to make improvements to highways, parks, public transport Parks and Public Health and schools. Some S106 funds are devolved to the Neighbourhood Partnership  Other Public bodies such as the Police and the Fire Service for decision by the Councillors.  Voluntary and community organisations  CIL or Community Infrastructure Levy allows local planning authorities to raise  Registered Social landlords funds from developers who are undertaking new building projects in their area.  Charities The funds raised will go towards infrastructure that is needed to support the  The Business Community growth of the city, such as schools and transport improvements. 15% of CIL  RESIDENTS of the four village communities in Avonmouth & Kingsweston contributions raised in the NP area are devolved for

Making Contact

Information about Avonmouth and Kingsweston Neighbourhood Partnerships can be found at: http://www.bristol.gov.uk/page/council-and-democracy/avonmouth-and-kingsweston- neighbourhood-partnership

Avonmouth & Kingsweston Neighbourhood Partnership Co-ordinator: Keith Houghton e-mail: [email protected] tel: 0117 922 2135

Summary of Themes and Priorities

Active Citizenship, Equalities and Community Cohesion (BCC Corporate Plan: ‘Addressing Inequalities; Active Citizens ; Empowered City’) Priority: Engaged, active residents; including everyone in the community and bringing diverse communities together

Community buildings and facilities (BCC Corporate Plan: ‘Building Successful Places’) Priority: Communities with sustainable, thriving facilities which meet the needs of all community members

2 Families, younger & older people. (BCC Corporate Plan: ‘Vibrant Bristol’; ‘Healthy and Caring Bristol’) Priority: NP will support activities for all sections of the community.

Environment: Streetscene; Parks & Open Spaces; : Pollution & Quality of Life; Green Capital (BCC Corporate Plan: ‘Vibrant Bristol’; ‘Global Green Capital’) Priority 1: The NP area’s streets and public places are clean and attractive Priority 2: Parks and Open Spaces are good quality and well-maintained Priority 3: Address community concerns about industrial & environmental pollution Priority 4: More sustainable neighbourhood

Traffic and transport – Keep Bristol Moving (BCC Corporate Plan: ‘Keep Bristol Moving’) Priority 1: Reduce the impact of HGV traffic on our communities Priority 2: Support Residents to influence Public Transport services Priority 3: Improve Problem Parking Priority 4: Deliver better Highways infrastructure

Housing, Planning and major projects (BCC Corporate Plan: ‘Building Successful Places’; ‘Empowered City’) Priority 1: Our communities increase their voice and influence on how their neighbourhoods develop

Employment, training and economic development (BCC Corporate Plan: ‘Addressing Inequalities; Active Citizens ; Empowered City) Priority 1: Local people benefit from a thriving economy

Crime and Community Safety (BCC Corporate Plan: ‘‘Healthy and Caring Bristol’) Priority: Crime and fear of crime is effectively addressed

1 2 priority

Engagement Engagement who (to output and of type of timescale Priority (what we by doing - local evidence of need (and Resources performance engage) how outcome Person

Theme activity/project detail interventio required (year and

want) priority base line if known) funds needed measure when

Order n month) lead

Activity 1: Over 50% of a. Work with Avonmouth Community BCC CD, NO; NO Who: Output: Support local Avonmouth Community Centre & Developme MSS Avonmouth Support the Approx. 500 residents to set respondents to 2013 local residents to nt budget Comm. Centre; existing people to up more local QoL wanted more support Make Sunday AVONA attend final Project event.

together events and outdoor events – one Special ‘Party in the Park’ Group and activities which the three wards in event ACC Outcome: bring residents City most requesting Manager. Well together this How: by supported attend event. A Only 9% of meetings. confident communities Avonmouth residents When: group willing say their Invited to take on neighbourhood is task of diverse getting better; 22% of organising Cohesion Kingsweston residents future say it’s getting better events. With the ability of bringing (Bristol average: working 20.4%) – QoL 2013 together and without too

Community Satisfaction with the much Neighbourhood is H conflict of and lower than the Bristol I ideas or Average (83.9%) in agendas. community both wards: b. Support residents G Community W/b CD or NO CD Who: Output: 1

the Avonmouth: 73% group to stage Xmas H Developme grant or support; AVONA Christmas

in Kingsweston: 70% event in Avonmouth nt externa Avonmouth project event per Equalities l grants Comm. Centre group or Ian year to take – QoL 2013 staff Smith. place. (Unknown at Outcome: this time). Avonmouth everyone Fewer residents feel How: Invited supports the they can influence to future event.

Citizenship, decisions in our NP planning Group area than the Bristol meetings. confident in including average (26.9%) When: From organising Avonmouth:25% September the event. Active Kingsweston:21% c. explore interest in Community W/b BCC Playing Out CD Avonmouth: Output: 1 setting up ‘playing out’ Developme grant or team; CD/NO Conflict in per A&L residents; Fewer feel they can events – 1 in each A&K nt externa support; local community area. influence decisions village l grants residents unsure of Focusing on feasibility of LW and

active that affect public organising SMills. services they use: event. Outcome: Bristol average: 21.1% Who: Introduce Avonmouth: 19% LW/SMills. the idea and Engaged, Kingsweston: 14% How: Judge gauge - QoL 2013 interest at interest to 3 priority Engagement Engagement who (to output and of

type of timescale Priority (what we by doing - local evidence of need (and Resources performance engage) how outcome Person

Theme activity/project detail interventio required (year and

want) priority base line if known) funds needed measure when

Order n month) lead

forum or pursue the public idea. events. When: July onwards d. Audit of Community Community None NO NO Who: Output: 1 Events and aspirations at Developme Contact all calender to Spring Forums to set nt known include all baseline for future years groups in villages. A&L Outcome: How: Note date, Contact via confirm with email, organiser facebook or and add to phone. Also dairy. looking at Attend local where noticeboards possible. When: from Spring onwards. e. Set as Priority for NP Funding & Wellbei NPC; Wellbeing NPC Who: all Output: Wellbeing Fund– Marketing/ ng Fund Assessment email, Communicat advertise Wellbeing Communica Panel facebook, e throughout Fund widely tion newsletters the year. and e- Organised an bulletins. event for How: Use A&L to established publicise contacts. wellbeing When: grants and Publicise 1 opportunity month for before networking, closing date. to also include training session if needed. Outcome: increase in new orgs applying for wellbeing grants.

4 priority Engagement Engagement who (to output and of

type of timescale Priority (what we by doing - local evidence of need (and Resources performance engage) how outcome Person

Theme activity/project detail interventio required (year and

want) priority base line if known) funds needed measure when

Order n month) lead

Activity 2: a. Bring together key Community NM NPC & NO; NP NPC Who: Output: Develop a community Dev & budget residents/Counc & Organise a One effective Communication groups/residents to Marketing/ illors; local NO meeting with plan to plan and deliver develop a Communica community those who include all 4 improved Communication Plan tion orgs/infrastruct support villages but communicati be able to communication which links NP ure on structures look at between service communication with within their villages providers and the existing networks and organisation separately. community, identifies clear How: including improvements and Contact Outcome: improved actions incorporate into editors of Effective traditional routes NP Plan newsletters, meeting that (notice boards, key project delivers a newsletters) and managers useable plan social media to from all of increase villages via communicati phone, email on for A&L. engagement in or facebook, Encourages the NP and wider When: communicati community Investigate on between when next orgs and H editions due individuals in I and set date A&L. for Autumn Collective G 2016. use of H volunteers for deliveries. Establish who does what, where. b. Deliver identified Delivery – NM NPC & NO; NPC Who; NO, AC Output: activities and report back Communica budget training in social & How: Outcome: to NP quarterly tion and media NO When: staff 2015/2016

c. Set as Priority for NP Funding & Wellbei NPC; Wellbeing NPC Who: all Output: Wellbeing Fund /16 – Marketing/ ng Fund Assessment email, Communicat advertise Wellbeing Communica Panel facebook, e throughout Fund widely tion newsletters the year. and e- Organised an bulletins. event for How: Use A&L to established publicise contacts. wellbeing When: grants and 5 priority Engagement Engagement who (to output and of

type of timescale Priority (what we by doing - local evidence of need (and Resources performance engage) how outcome Person

Theme activity/project detail interventio required (year and

want) priority base line if known) funds needed measure when

Order n month) lead

Publicise 1 opportunity month for before networking, closing date. to also include training session if needed. Outcome: increase in new orgs applying for wellbeing grants. Activity 3: a. Set NP Governance Governance NM NPC; NP NPC Who; Output: Develop resident meeting to consider NP budget members and How: Use Outcome: membership of membership and Councillors existing the NP and sub- recommendations and staff networks, do groups to ensure Sub-Group structures to more and targeted Avonmouth take to NP AGM meeting outreach Village, 2015 – as agreed at Dec activities, Shirehampton, 2014 NP meeting M use social Lawrence Weston E media, use and Sea Mills D existing communities are I group well represented networks in U the villages, M When: On going. b. Implement approved Governance NM NM service NPC Who: Output: communities developments over – delivery staff training; NPC; How: Outcome: diverse 2015/16 in time for 2016 NP members When: AGM and Councillors

Activity 4: Both wards are lower a. Develop targeted Community NM NPC; NP NPC Who: Output: part and

community Support residents than the Bristol engagement activity plan Developme budget members and How; of 1600 NO’s everyone residents; including to influence average (69%) for on as part of Equalities Plan M nt & staff Councillors When: engagement active the bringing target. decisions and QoL measure of for inclusion in future NP E service provision ‘people treat other Plan from AGM 2015 Outcome:

in D through the NP, people with respect

in particular to in their I increase the neighbourhood’ U Community Citizenship, Equalities Cohesion engagement of M Active Engaged, and minority or more Avonmouth: 58% marginalised Kingsweston: 59%


priority Engagement Engagement who (to output and of

type of timescale Priority (what we by doing - local evidence of need (and Resources performance engage) how outcome Person

Theme activity/project detail interventio required (year and

want) priority base line if known) funds needed measure when

Order n month) lead

communities - QoL 2013 b. include evidence of Governance NM NPC & NO; BCC NPC Who: Output: (including resident ; Influencing staff services How: Use Outcome: Equalities People from different influencing/consultation information communities – backgrounds get on activity and how it’s collated in young people; well together informed NP work in all internal older people; NP proposals and papers Engagemen disabled people; Bristol average: 62.2% t Eastern European Avonmouth: 47% Performanc and newer BME Kingsweston: 62% e data to communities) - QoL 2013 inform NP papers. The QoL Survey 2012 When: NP asked a more specific meetings question: c. Hold an NP Plan Governance NM NPC; NO & CD; NPC Who: Output: ‘People who agree Review event in early & budget NP residents How: Outcome: Ethnic differences are 2016 to review Plan and Consultatio & staff and Councillors; When: respected in their priorities – deliver n marketing/publi Neighbourhood’ engagement/consultatio city distribution; n across venue Bristol average: 61.6% Summer/Autumn to Avonmouth: 54.8% inform and engage wider Kingsweston: 41.6% input a. set up meeting to Community NM NPC & Comm NPC Who: Output: 1 consider applying for Dev budget Dev; Community AVONA completed First Steps support from for First Panel and How: Avonmouth Community venue NP members; When: Community Activity 5 Development interested Directly Plan. Explore the Foundation to follow on residents feeds into Outcome: option to create a from Community First L the Shared, Community Plan programme in O priorities of effective in Avonmouth Avonmouth. Potential to W the A&L NP. community (Sea Mills also develop further project plan that mentioned) work. links into the Delivered priorities and delivery of A&L NP. Activity 6: a. Hold community Community NM NPC; NO; NP NPC Completed Support existing infrastructure meeting to Developme budget members & community explore their L nt & staff Councillors; A&K infrastructure development/support O infrastructure groups in each of needs and how the NP groups

together W the 4 villages can work alongside to build more effective

7 priority Engagement Engagement who (to output and of

type of timescale Priority (what we by doing - local evidence of need (and Resources performance engage) how outcome Person

Theme activity/project detail interventio required (year and

want) priority base line if known) funds needed measure when

Order n month) lead members

community engagement. Bring report to NP to include in Plan project Who: How: Output: community Activity 7: a. Hold NP Equalities Training & NM Trainer; NPC & NPC Develop an learning event April 2015 Community budget NO; NP When: Outcome: all Equalities Action to produce Equalities Developme members and of Plan as part of Vision and activities plan nt and councillors; the NP Plan – to to bring to NP AGM L delivery wider A&K meet needs be agreed at the meeting for approval and O community June NP 2015 inclusion into NP Plan groups the W (include b. Bring 6-monthly Community progress reports to NP Cohesion) meetings to track progress priority

Engagement Engagemen of

type of timescale Priority (what we by doing - local evidence of need (and Resources performance who (to t output person

Theme activity/project detail interventio required (year and

lead engage) how and

want) priority base line if known) funds needed measure

Order n month) when outcome Activity 1: ‘Satisfaction with a. deliver community Community ? CIL AM; library AM Libraires Support the Libraries’ is lower in engagement and support Developme service; NPC staff development of both NP wards than to community groups nt; employed to

which support quality Library the Bristol average emerging from Phase 2 H Influencing services which (69.7%): of BCC Libraries for the existing Library enhance Avonmouth: 58.2% Future consultation: I groups and

facilities G community Kingsweston: 50.1% consultation facilities facilities in - QoL 2013 1. Sea Mills H s. Avonmouth, Lawrence Weston 2. Avonmouth; and

thriving Shirehampton residents rated 3. Shirehampton Public Hall and following facilities as Sea Mills ‘Poor and needs Activity 2: improvement’: a. Set as Priority for NP Funding & Wellb NPC; NPC Who: all Output: buildings Support resident Wellbeing Fund 2015/16 Marketing/ eing Wellbeing email, Communic

sustainable, groups to enable Sports/Leisure Communica Fund Assessment facebook, ate them to improve facilities: 62.7% tion Panel newsletters throughout H and e- the year. with local facilities Places to socialise: I bulletins. Organised 62.% G How: Use an event

Community established for A&L to - LW H contacts. publicise Community When: wellbeing Survey 2012

Communities Publicise 1 grants and ‘% satisfied with month opportunit 8 priority required

Engagement Engagemen

of type of timescale Priority (what we by doing - local evidence of need (and Resources performance who (to t output

Theme activity/project detail interventio person (year and

lead engage) how and

want) priority base line if known) funds needed measure

Order n month) when outcome leisure facilities/ before y for services for all’ closing date. networking Bristol average: 65.7% , to also Avonmouth: 38.3% include Kingsweston: 52.6% training session if - QoL 2013 needed. Outcome: increase in new orgs applying for wellbeing grants. b. share information Research NM NPC Who: all 4 Output: 1 about relevant funding and Staffin villages. article in opportunities – Funding g How: via each information various newsletter, communicati facebook on channels page, When: ebulletin, information website. is available. Outcome: informatio n is available to all 4 villages. c. work with BCC to Influencing Port AM; NPC; NP AM & April – Sept Who: Output: develop a community- & Delivery Fund Councillors NPC 2015 How: Outcome: focused process for using When: the £1million Port sale fund proposed by Mayor

Activity 3: 80% of Lawrence a. influencing BCC to Influencing Sale AM; NPC; AM 2015 – end Who: Output: Support the Weston residents support through financial receip ALW; NP 2016 How: Outcome: development of agreed they wanted investment from sale t Councillors; When: Lawrence Weston to see a new Library and co-location of BCC service Community Hub facility; 62% wanting services to support M providers on the former to see bigger sustainability of running E College Site premises; the Hub. D through 80% wanted to see I influencing BCC sports facilities; 63% U and supporting wanted to see arts M engagement facilities and 53% activities wanted to see (including new training facilities y Communit

facilities Library) -LW buildings

and 9 priority

Engagemen Engageme

of type of timescale t who (to nt output Priority (what we by doing - local evidence of need (and Resources performance person priority Theme activity/project detail interventio required (year and engage) and

want) priority base line if known) funds needed measure required

Order n month) how when outcome lead

Engagement Engagemen

of type of timescale Priority (what we by doing - local evidence of need (and Resources performance who (to t output

Theme activity/project detail interventio person (year and

lead engage) how and

want) priority base line if known) funds needed measure

Order n month) when outcome Community Survey 2012

Activity 4: Fewer residents feel a. Share information Influencing; NM NO; NPC; NO Across 2015 Who: A&L Output: 1 Support local they can influence about powers available Community budge residents presentaio residents to decisions in our NP to communities at all Developme t; and n if and understand and area than the Bristol Forums nt organisations when use powers average (26.9%) plus forum necesesary members Outcome: available to them Avonmouth:25% How; ability for such as Kingsweston:21% Through info residents Community Asset via facebook, and Transfer; Fewer feel they can email, orgnaisatio Community Right influence decisions ebulletins, ns to make to Buy that affect public also informed services they use: presentation choices Bristol average: 21.1% , on request about Avonmouth: 19% L at relevant community Kingsweston: 14% O meetings. asset - QoL 2013 When: when transfer W requested. and right to buy. b. explore holding an NO; NPC; NP NO 2016 Who: Output: ‘Assets of Community residents and How; Outcome: Value’ listing event in Councillos; When: each village to support Forum Community Right to Bid residents; Has this been Young People requested by via youth the services; A&K communities community organisations

10 the community . of

sections activities for all

will support NP

Activity 1. In Lawrence Weston a. Set as Priority for NP Funding & Wellb NPC; NPC From April Who: all Output: Support activities 34.6% rated Wellbeing Fund Marketing/ eing Wellbeing 2015 email, Communic which reduce ‘Activities for Older Communica Fund Assessment facebook, ate isolation and People’ as ‘poor and tion Panel newsletters throughout increase social needs improvement’ and e- the year. bulletins. Organised activities for older - LW Community How: Use an event people Survey 2012 people . established for A&L to

contacts. publicise “It is thought that 10- When: wellbeing

older 15% of older people Publicise 1 grants and

& feel lonely “often” or month opportunit “always”.” Bristol before y for Ageing Better closing date. networking , to also include younger training session if needed. H Outcome:

Families, I increase in G new orgs H applying for wellbeing grants. b. Explore when Bristol Research & none NPC From April Who: Output: Ageing Better (BAB) will communica 2016 Leading on Definitive start working in A&K tion BAB? date on How: Ask when someone starting to who Knows. work in When: A&L. Summer Outcome: 2016 Able to advertise, communica te pieces of work to wider communiti es.

11 c. support impact of BAB Influencing NM CD; From Who: older Output: 1 programme through & staff Autumn 2015 people’s article in engagement with older Consultatio – March groups in 4 each people’s groups n 2016 villages. newsletter, How: and on research, established

people . where and face book who they are pages, if not already websites.

older known. Use Outcome:

& existing wide

communicati communica on tools in tion of each village. programme Visit groups. younger When: know priority dates. Engagement Engagemen of type of timescale by doing - local evidence of need (and Resources performance who (to t output Theme activity/project detail interventio (year and Families, priority base line if known) needed measure engage) how and Order n month) when outcome required funds person lead In Lawrence Weston a. Set as Priority for NP Funding & Wellb NPC; NPC From April Who: all Output: 52.9% rated Wellbeing Fund Marketing/ eing Wellbeing 2015 email, Communic ‘Activities for Communica Fund Assessment facebook, ate Teenagers’ and 49% tion Panel newsletters throughout rated ‘Activities for and e- the year. bulletins. Organised children’ as ‘poor and How: Use an event needs improvement’ established for A&L to - LW Community contacts. publicise Survey 2012 Activity 2. M When: wellbeing Support activities Publicise 1 grants and Satisfaction with E which provide month opportunit Leisure D before y for social and facilities/services for closing date. networking recreational I Teenagers was much , to also events for U lower than the Bristol include families M average (29.2%): training session if Avonmouth: 13.2% needed. Kingsweston: 24.2% Outcome: - QoL 2013 increase in new orgs applying for wellbeing grants. Activity 3. a. Set as Priority for NP M Funding & Wellb NPC; NPC From April Who: Output: Increase activities Wellbeing Fund E Marketing/ eing Wellbeing 2015 How: Outcome: When: and events for D Communica Fund Assessment young people tion Panel I U M 12 b. re-introduce the Community Wellb NPC; CD; Juicy NPC; From April Confirmation Output: Young People’s Developme eing Blitz; young CD 2015 via the NP Outcome: Wellbeing Fund, via Juicy nt & Fund people; NP before any Blitz Funding residents; work on this Councillors can take place. c. Link to CYPS/BYL and Research None NO; Youth NO April/May Who: local Output: Sport for Life activities service 2015 providers advertise 1 programme – bring to providers - and stat orgs programme Forums and identify gaps LPW with brief to per each in provision provide half term activities. or holiday How: email period. or phone. Outcome: Arrange villages meeting with well North Youth informed of and play provision providers via during Charleen R. holidays. When: Ready for each holiday period. March 2016, July 2016, October 2016 d. bring potential Research; NM CD; NO; LPW; NO; Summer Who: North Output: development ideas for Consultatio staff BYL; Juicy Blitz CD 2015 – Bristol Youth Organised young people’s services n; Planning and A&K March 2016 and Play 1 event or to 2016 NP Plan Review community Partnership link into event organisations via Charleen existing R events with How: Discuss young at meeting people of and A&L nominate Outcome: groups or Include individuals to ideas in engage in 2016 NP. the process. Or use existing events and reports to feed into the process. When: date priority of review? type of funds Resources lead timescale performance Engagement Engagemen of Priority (what we by doing - local evidence of need (and interventio requir needed perso (year and measure who (to t output activity/project detail want) priority base line if known) n ed n month) engage) how and

Order when outcome

13 Activity 4. Fewer residents feel a. connect LPW Youth Influencing; NM NPC; CD; LPW; NPC; Summer Who; Use Output: 2 the community . people . Engage young they can influence Forums; Juicy Blitz and Planning staff BYL; Juicy Blitz CD 2015 – existing A&L young people’s voices in decisions in our NP BCC Youth Links and and co- and A&K March 2016 networks. people all relevant area than the Bristol Mayor’s Youth ordination community Also involved in older citywide. either the aspects of NP average (26.9%) Parliament reps to agree organisations;

& How: Talk to NP or NF work and Avonmouth:25% way of increasing yp Youth Mayors all sections of

key workers structure. evidence how the Kingsweston:21% influence on and other Outcome: for voice of young neighbourhood NO’s about Enthusiasti people has development their c young younger influenced and is experiences, people reflected in the how can we involved in final product L do this. the formal When: Start or less O Families,

support activities Summer formal W 2016, but on structure of going piece the NP of

NP will of work. A&L. Ability to bring ideas and suggestions on the views of young people into those structures. Activity 5. Over 50% of a. publicising city-wide Communica NM NM staff; NO ongoing Who: A&K Output: Connecting Avonmouth events within A&K tion/Publici staff How: Add when Bristol wide respondents to 2013 ty Investigate available events such as QoL wanted more what’s going and suits the Celebrating outdoor events – one on in Bristol timescale and pull to 1 Age Festival and the three wards in resources newsletter, ensuring that City most requesting together. facebook local people are this When: Once page, A&L reflected from a month. ebulletin. Avonmouth and Avonmouth residents L Outcome: Kingsweston NP report lower than Keep A&L O area city-average (34.7%) informed of participation in W city wide creative activities: events. Avonmouth: 26% Kingsweston is slightly higher than average at 36%. However, Redland and report 61% & 62% - QoL 2013

14 b. where possible Delivery & Wellb Who: A&K Output: 1 bringing city-wide events funding eing; How: event into A&K by creating other Through publicised local activities which extern various in citywide contribute into city-wide al groups and publication the Outcome: events and programmes: fundin information Successful g from events event and eg. Make Sunday Special; plan. funding Pride; Celebrating Age; Encourage to application. Black History Month; apply for International Women’s events Day; Green Capital funding or other funding that would support community events. When: appropriate and have knowledge of funding timetables. c. Make events which Funding & Wellb NPC; NPC From April Who: Outputs: engage community and Marketing/ eing Wellbeing 2015 How: Outcome: equalities communities Communica Fund Assessment When: with city-wide events a tion Panel Wellbeing priority

Fewer residents feel a. conduct engagement Influencing NM CD; From Who: Groups Outputs: A&L who Outcome: Activity 6. they can influence activities with older & staff Autumn 2015 decisions in our NP peoples groups to inform Consultatio – March focus on Develop Engage older older people effective people’s voices in area than the Bristol about BAB and to feed n 2016 average (26.9%) into NP Plan Review How: Making links. all relevant direct Avonmouth:25% Event 2016 aspects of NP L contact with work and Kingsweston:21% O facilitators evidence how W and project older people have managers. influenced and When: are reflected in Appropriate activities or the final product events take place.

15 priority

Engagement Engagemen of

evidence of need type of timescale Priority (what Resources performance who (to t output Person

Theme by doing - local priority (and base line if activity/project detail interventio required (year and

lead engage) how and

we want) funds needed measure

known) Order n month) when outcome Activity 1: NP residents have a. research models of Research & NM NO; BCC NO April/May20 Who: Talk Output: 1 Develop a ‘litter/dog high levels of concern effective community Planning Staff StreetScene 15 colleagues model with mess reduction around dog fouling litter/dog-fouling Enforcement; who have some campaign’ with the and litter in the 2013 campaigns done this flexibility. local residents and QoL survey: before and Outcome: base on own effective agencies and track Dog Fouling: experience. model that impact and what works Bristol average: How: can be 78.3% Research via duplicated Avonmouth: 90.2% above in other Kingsweston: 75.5% When: areas. Ongoing. Littering: b. recruit resident Community NM NO; BCC NO May/June Who: A&K, Output: 1 Bristol average: volunteers and agencies Developme Staff Design 2015 PCSO, Dog campaign 77.1% to design A&K campaign nt & Warden, model and attractive Avonmouth: 80.3% Planning Street programme Kingsweston: 79.9% Enforcement . and , Waste Outcome: management effective and Waste campaign Doctors. that can be

are clean How: group used in

discussion other A&L H how do we areas. Streetscene places I do this? Effective G Based on programme research of events

public H from above with action. resident and When: BS10 volunteers experience and buy in. Environment: Jan 2016, on streets going c. produce materials and Planning NM NO; BCC NO June/July Who: A&K Output: 4 residents. sites

area’s identify 4 sites to focus and budge Design; A&K 2015 on Delivery t resident How; identified. NP volunteers Identify hot Outcome: spots, take effective The information materials collated from based on fayres 2015 previous as starting experience. mapping. Clarify at forums and environment sub group. When; Summer 2016

16 d. Delivery and assess Delivery NM NO; BCC SSE; NO Sept 2015 – Who: Those Output: 1 impacts; adjust campaign and Staff A&K resident March 2016 who took revised and plan next delivery Learning volunteers; part in the plan set stage BCC Housing campaign. against How: feedback. Meeting to Outcome: discuss how plan/camp it went , aign that taking note takes into of any form account of feedback. evaluation. Effective When: At workable least 2 future weeks after plan/camp delivery aign. Activity 2: NP residents have a. agree key sites to Research/Pl NM NO; BCC SSE; NO April – June Who: Street Output: Address fly-tipping at higher than city- deliver anning staff Police; BCC 2015 and Waste updated identified sites through average problems education/enforcement and Housing; Enforcement key sites education/ with fly-tipping in action from: Ableton budge Forums; NPC; . Forum and 1 plan enforcement 2013 QoL: Lane; Ridge; Gloucester t AM; NDT members of action. How: add to Bristol average: Road; Saltmarsh; area nr research street 52.1% Westcott Rooms whether enforceme Avonmouth: 65.7% they are still nt action Kingsweston: 60.8% the hot spot plans for areas or are 2016. M there others. Outcome: E link into effective D Street plan of Enforcement action that I action days. U Action plan M day, looks at flytipping, litter dog fouling all on the same day. Environment sub group action day? Split into 4 villages. When: 2016?

17 b. deliver interventions; Delivery/en NM NO; BCC SSE; NO April – June Who: Street Output: 1 assess impact; learning forcement staff Police; BCC 2015 and Waste plan for and report back; and Housing; Enforcement A&L areas. budge Forums; NPC; , all that Outcome: t AM; NDT were Effective involved in and above. supported How: Agreed plan of effective action and plan that events. involves residents and works. When: Agree date during planning.

c. Consider pros and cons Governance NM NPC; NP NPC April/May/ Who: A&L Output: 4 of setting up budge members and June 2015 residents meetings Environment Sub-Group t and Councillors and per year. for NP as part of NP staff organisation Outcome: Governance work How: Via enthusiasti meeting s. c members When: hip that Agreed and engages in progress. and set Dates for priorities future for A&L meetings set, areas. agreed terms of conditions set and dates publicised on BCC website. Activity 3: Avonmouth & a. Set as Priority for NP Funding & Wellb NPC; NPC From April Work with community SeaMills priority; Wellbeing Fund Marketing/ eing Wellbeing 2015 groups and residents to Green Capital priority Communica Fund Assessment enhance the appeal of tion Panel streets through b. Support through Clean M Funding & Clean NO; BCC Parks; NO March 2015 Who: A&K Output: 1 wildlife-friendly and Green Fund – E Delivery & –Sept 2015 residents, Clean and planting and growing in ‘wildlife friendly’ planting D Green Environment Green public spaces I Sub group, budget per NF financial U How: year. Used M Through proportion conversation ally across and set 4 villages. prioritites. Outcome: When: Set supported 18 Environment planting Sub Group throughout and forum A&L areas. dates c. explore interest in Community NM NO; N Forums NO Feb 2016 – ? Bristol in Bloom Developme Staff Oct 2016 competition in A&K nt d. stage Green Capital Learning & NM NPC; AM AM; Autumn 2015 ? learning event in late Planning budge NPC – March 2015/early 2016 t 2016 Activity 1: Avonmouth and a. Set Parks Priorities Planning & NM NPC; NO; NP NPC & April/May Who: A&L Output: 4 Review Parks/Open Kingsweston record Review meeting to: - Consultatio staff residents & NO 2015 Environment meetings spaces priorities across the lowest levels of look at existing and n & & Councillors; How: set a year. Avonmouth/ satisfaction with potential new priorities Decision S106 Friends of Meetings Outcome: Kingsweston and Children’s - identify use of current & CIL Parks Groups; When: Priorities Taking place being set develop new priorities Playgrounds in the and likely NP S106/CIL Forums; now. and April/ May 2015: city (average: 62.8%): funding and £1million ?Port residents and residents identify priority Avonmouth: 48.5% Port fund Fund A&K need to see locations for spend of Kingsweston: 37.6% - make recommendations ? Community changes. existing NP Section 106 to June 2015 NP meeting H Groups funds – decisions to And lower levels of b. Support consultation I Consultatio S106 NO; Comm NO; From June Who: A&L Output: June 2015 NP meeting satisfaction with the and influence on design n & Delivery & CIL Dev; BCC BCC 2015 Environment Agree

well-maintained G quality of Parks and and delivery of funded & Port Parks; NPC Parks sub Group number of Spaces Open Spaces Parks/Open Spaces H Fund? meeting projects for and (average: 84.1%) projects members. one How: financial

Open Avonmouth: 74.5% Through year. &

quality Kingsweston: 75.5% meetings Outcome: When: Now Delivered - QoL 2013

good until projects Parks completion that relate

are to the Environme nt Plan.

Spaces Existing play c. consult Avonmouth 1 Consultatio @£40 Resident NO; Sept 2015 – New play Who: Output: equipment is at end community and find n, funding -£50k group; NPC Nov 2016 equipment Richmond 1 installed and Terrace successfully Open of life or unsafe and funding to replace and delivery Neighbourhoo Environment: recommended for Richmond Terrace Play d Officer; BCC opening event Residents. funded and and removal; existing area with new Play Officer; held How: via delivered meetings new priority in 2011 Parks equipment NPC; and leaflet playarea. Parks Improvement Plan drops. Outcome: When: f rom Residents now. of Richmond Terrace engaged with the 19 process and have a new park. Existing Priority in d. consult and develop 2 Consultatio Depe BCC Play NO July 2016 – Designs for Who: Output: 1 2011 Parks plans to improve n, funding ndent budget; NP Dec 2017 development Residents park. Improvement Plan Beachley Walk/St Mary and delivery on Section 106 of Park in from the Outcome: Recreation Ground; devel funding; Parks place; new immediate Consulted research and identify opme and Play features area. on and installed How: door delivered funding sources nt – Officers; NO; knock, consultatio to NPC; residents consultation n in identi in the park, partnership fy meeting. with SCAF When: and other Autumn. residents. East Lawrence e. consult and identify 3 Consultatio @£50 BCC Play NO Nov 2016 – Who: Output: Weston has gaps in location for new play n, funding - £80k budget; Dec 2017 Residents. Deliver 1 play provision – does provision in east and delivery S106/CIL How: via consultatio not meet the Lawrence Weston funds; external forum, n Children’s distance to funds; Parks & conversation Outcome: at forum and Engaging play space standard Play officers; outreach consultatio residents; NO; sessions n that NPC; When: After provides June location for Environment East sub Group. Lawrence Weston. Activity 2: ‘Residents satisfied a. Set as Priority for NP Funding & Wellb NPC; NPC From April Who: Output: Support local resident with the range and Wellbeing Fund Marketing/ eing Wellbeing 2015 How: Outcome: groups/organisations to quality of outdoor Communica Fund Assessment When: hold community events events in Bristol’ – M tion Panel in Parks and Open QoL 2013 b. Identify and support Research & NM NO; CD; NO February Who: A&K Output: 1 spaces E groups to build capacity Community Staff Forums; A&K 2016 How: Link event in Bristol average: D to hold events in Developme community into existing each area. 73.5% I events or parks/open spaces nt organisations Outcome: Avonmouth: 67.3% U future Variety of Kingsweston: 69.1% planned M events events. taking When: place in 4 Planned. villages.

20 Activity 3: QoL 2013 a. identify existing Research & NM NO; CD; NO April 2016 Who: A&K Output: Support the ‘Satisfaction with Friends of Groups and Community Staff Forums; A&K Environment Outcome: development of quality of Parks & potential residents to Developme community sub group new groups How: established resident Friends of Green Spaces’ support as new Groups – L nt organisations Groups for local Bristol average: deliver work with up to 3 meetings O When: ? This should parks/open spaces 68.3% groups a year W be linked to Avonmouth: 58.8% Sarah Tyler Kingsweston: 64.7% work.

Activity 4: ‘visit parks and open a. deliver consultation Planning & NM NPC; NO; NP NPC & April/May Who: Output: Disabled Access: work with BCC spaces at least once a work with disabled Consultatio staff residents & NO 2015; Across Outcome: people and Parks and the Bristol week’ – QoL 2013 people and families to n & Councillors; 2015/6 improveme families in Physical Access Chain identify key parks/ open Decision Friends of nts made A&K, Group and local Bristol average: spaces to improve access Parks Groups; A&K parks Environment residents to identify 37.9% Forums; and open Sub Group. how access to parks can Avonmouth: 32.8% residents and spaces. be improved Kingsweston: 33.7% A&K How: Talk Disabled people Community with disabled Has this (Bristol-wide): 21.7% Groups access chain. Do work been consultation completed with schools, ? older people’s groups When: linked L to monies O available W through bcc b. deliver disabled access Delivery BCC BCC Parks July 2016 – Who: improvements: Acces team; Sept 2016 How: -Nibley Road Open Space s - improve access to Fundi When: entrance by the river by ng Cotswold estate, East end - Create a wheelchair- accessible entrance to Avonmouth Park c. deliver accessible play Delivery BCC BCC Parks/Play NO; 2017/2018 Who: equipment into Henacre Play How: and Ridingleaze play fundin areas g When:

21 d. negotiate with BCC Delivery 106 & NPC; NO; NDT 2016 & 2017 Who: Police, Output: Parks, Estates service and Police CIL Outcome: Estates and to deliver access and any ?Port Reduce A&K necessary enforcement Fund nuisance residents, of misuse by motorbikes ? caused by How: motorbikes Conversation . s with police estates, have agenda item at forum, generate discussion at NP. When: 2016 start conversation . Activity 5: Avonmouth and a. research potential Research & NM NPC; NPC 2015 Who: Output: Identify potential Kingsweston record funding support from Delivery staff How: Outcome: sources of funding to the lowest levels of external sources, local support aspirations satisfaction with business, regional and When: which cannot be Children’s national funds and funded by available NP Playgrounds in the submit bids/support bids funds Parks/Opens city (average: 62.8%): b. explore establishment Governance NM NPC; NO; NPC; April/May/ Who: Output: spaces Avonmouth: 48.5% of Environment Sub- & Planning staff Parks; BCC SSE NO June 2015 Environment Outcome: Kingsweston: 37.6% Group to share research Sub Group share and how A&K bids – via members research And lower levels of local groups; via BCC. How: via and satisfaction with the L meetings informatio quality of Parks and and email. n relating Open Spaces O When: When to possible (average: 84.1%) W information funding Avonmouth: 74.5% relevant. opportuniti es at Kingsweston: 75.5% relevant meetings. c. report to NP funding Governance NPC NPC On-going Who: Keith Output: activity and outcomes so Houghton Reports 4 times a NP maintains overview How: Via NP year. papers Outcome: When: When Keep NP up NP takes to date. place.

22 Activity 1 Consistently raised in a. support up to 3 Public Influencing; NM NPC; NO; NPC; April 2015 to Who: Output: track Air Quality Avonmouth meeting to report back Planning budge Forums; BCCP December How: Outcome: monitoring, support – 2008 QoL: results during the t venues and ollutio 2015 When clear reporting to the ‘say air quality and remaining 9 months of marketing n community about the pollution is a problem the Air Quality H Review results and review in their monitoring in I March 2016 future of Air Quality neighbourhood’ Avonmouth and future monitoring from Sept work G 2015 Bristol average: b. work with BCC to H Communica NM NPC; NO; BCC NPC; April 2015 to Who: Output; 65.5% deliver clear tion Budge Pollution Public March 2016 How: Outcome: Avonmouth: 72% communication plan on t team; BCC Healt When: pollution results emerging and Public Health; h their health implications Port Activity 2 Avonmouth Forum a. support the Influencing; NM NPC; NO; BCC NPC; April 2015 to Who: Output:

Life monitor ‘nuisance’ priority 2015 NP community and BCC to Planning; budge Pollution Public March 2016 How: Outcome: of

dust, noise and smell priorities work together to identify Delivery t; BCC team; BCC Healt When: impacts in partnership sites for dust monitoring; Polluti Public Health; h environmental with local residents and set up report back on & report back on findings; process and action M team Quality work with Port and planning work agreed by budge

& E local agencies/industry residents, BCC and Port D t

industrial to minimise the b. undertake research to Research; NM NPC; Port; BCC NPC; Summer Who: Output:

negative impact on explore sources of I Planning; staff Pollution; Port; BCC 2015 – Dec How: Outcome: residents quality of life nuisance smells across U Delivery Forums Polluti 2016 When: about Pollution Avonmouth and M on Lawrence Weston; report back via Forums and explore with Port and concerns BCC actions to mitigate impact

Environment: Activity 3 Avonmouth Forum a. link into existing work Influencing; NPC; Severnet; NPC Summer Who: Output: Support the local priority; 2015 NP with Severnet and Port Planning Port; 2015 – How: Outcome: M community community to priorities Avonmouth March 2016 When: understand and E Employment & influence the future D Economy development of Group Address I industries in the Port U which will impact on M their quality of life and/or health

23 b. bring BCC Planning; Influencing NPC; AM; co- NPC Autumn/ Who: Output: Port and new Planning ordination of Winter 2015/ How: Outcome: Group in Avonmouth Service 2016 When: together to increase Providers; understanding about ALW Planning how Port developments Group; take place and how the emerging community can play a Avonmouth more active role in Planning influencing Group

c. report back through Communica NM NPC; NO NO Quarterly Who: TEB, Output: 4 NP and Forums tion & budge 2015/ KH times a Influencing t 2016 How: via year. paperwork Outcome: or Update NP presentation and NF on s to NP and any agenda for developme NF. nts, When: When informatio NP and NF n relating take place to the Port. Activity 4 Avonmouth Forum a. maintain regular Reporting & NM NO; NPC NO Quarterly Who: Output: maintain a ‘community priority 2015 NP reporting via Forums and M Influencing 2015/ How: Outcome: watch’ on other priorities BCC Customer Services E 2016 When: potential pollution and D links to agencies to be able to respond and to I address sources of U pollution/community M nuisance

24 Activity 1 ‘fairly or very a. set up a ‘Green Capital Learning NM NPC; AM; NO – AM; Autumn 2015 ? NP holds a ‘Learning concerned about the Learning’ event towards and budge explore option NPC; or Spring from Green Capital impact of climate end of Green Capital Plannng t of North NO 2016 good practice’ event to change in the UK’ – year/early 2016; explore event; identify what work has QoL 2013 if other North NPs want marketing/pub Capital taken place on our area to do jointly to take licity; co- and how effective Bristol average:66.5% forward effective ordination; practice can be taken Avonmouth: 61.2% practice into NP plans L venue; neighbourhood Green forward for the future Kingsweston: 62.6% O W sustainable Environment: More

Activity 1: Priority issue in a. Deliver Operation Delivery – NM Streetscene NO April – May Who: Police, Output: Actions to deter HGV Avonmouth Forums Sleep in Avonmouth education/ budge enforcement; 2015 Port Police, Outcome: drivers from parking up village – education and enforcemen t NO; Highways; Highways, Identify on Avonmouth village enforcement t Port staff; Vosca whether and identified streets: Police How: Keep in anything Relevant highways contact else needs establish to signage and lining whether completed, installed to enable there is a establish enforcement; need to do clear links Encourage use of further work. with Police, formal Lorry Park When: 2016 VOSA. communities Publish H

our informatio I n on how on G to report H HGV’s in Transport

traffic local newsletter,

and website, HGV facebook of pages. b. Review Operation Planning NM & Streetscene NPC; May – July Above Traffic Sleep and other and Highw enforcement; AM 2015; impact Avonmouth problem Delivery ays NO; Highways; Autumn 2015

the HGV Parking sites and staffin Port staff; – Autumn develop holistic delivery g Police 2016 plan to resolve Reduce Activity 2: Priority issue in a. explore potential Influencing BCC BCC Highways NPC; 2016/17 Who: Output: H Explore how HGV Avonmouth Forums action through Traffic budge and Mayoral AM How: Outcome: impact on streets could and Transport Group and I ts decision When: be reduced by put in Mayoral Request G measures to deflect H Work on this action 25 lorries from unsuitable together routes and onto more appropriate routes Activity 3: ‘Satisfied with bus a. Invite First Bus to Influencing NM First Bus; BCC NO Summer/Aut Who: A&K Output: 1 Provide opportunities service’ – QoL 2013 relevant Neighbourhood staff Passenger umn 2015 NP members joint A&L for residents to Forums to influence and Transport How: meeting or influence service Bristol average:53.3% link into BCC service Team; NO; Research consultatio improvements on Avonmouth: 64% review and Forums when First n exercise. Bus and BCC Outcome: public transport: o 508 Kingsweston: 40.6% Neighbourhood Forums reviewing Relevant in SeaMills; o 40 41 to influence services. and Avonmouth and When: engaging Lawrence Weston & Autumn meeting Sea Mills; o 501 in 2016. Avonmouth and b. Bring back to Traffic H Influencing NM NPC; BCC NPC Autumn 2015 Who: Traffic Output: Lawrence Weston; and Transport Group to I staff Passenger and Feed into services o 901 influence Services Transport, Traffic and G A&K Transport H How: group Research Outcome:

Transport when they Provide take place relevant and link. informatio

Public Add to n agenda or paperwork or

influence presentation

. to When: ? Activity 4: Fewer feel they can a. Set up regular Traffic Governance NM NPC; BCC NPC Minimum 2 x Who: Output: Create opportunities influence decisions and Transport sub-Group staff Highways per year from How: Outcome: When:

Residents for the community to that affect public meetings budge April 2015 influence the services they use: t development of Bristol average: 21.1% b. publicise new Traffic M Communica NPC & NO NPC April – June Who: Output: highways and transport Avonmouth: 19% Choices and Tracker iton 2015 How: Outcome: Support services to access Kingsweston: 14% website E When: employment, leisure - QoL 2013 D and community I services (bus, cycle, U road, rail) (‘community c. set up ‘interest’ M Communica NM NPC; NO NPC; By December Who: Output: bus service’) mailing list and explore iton & budge training AM 2015 How: Outcome: use of social media to Training t When: share information

26 Activity 5: NP and Forum Priority a. produce updates Communica NM Traffic & NPC & Across 2015, Delayed due Keep community 2015 through Forums, local tion & staff Transport sub- NO 2016 & 2017 to BCC informed and enable websites and local M Influencing group; as needed decision? them to influence the newsletters E Forums; introduction of a D Loop rail I service U M

Activity 6: Forum issue a. Identify 5 key sites Planning NM NO; Forums; NPC Autumn 2015 Who: A&K Output: 1 Problem Parking: staff Traffic & residents, plan with 5 explore how new QoL 2013 indicates Transport sub- traffic and key sites. legislation could be better than average group transport Outcome: used to improve the parking in our NP subgroup NF. Recommen How: dations for issue of nuisance area: Conversation further parking on pavements ‘respondents with . Learning discussion and verges parking issues’: from Bristol average: 6.7% conversation Avonmouth: 4.6% that have Kingsweston: 4.1% happened in . However, 76% of LW When: 2016 residents indicated b. explore delivery of Planning NM Highways and NPC & Autumn 2015 Who: Traffic Output: 5 improvement actions M and delivery staff Streetscene AM to March subgroup key sites

Parking that parking was a problem in the 2012 through Traffic & E Enforcement/ 2016 and BCC. identified. How: Take 5 Outcome: 5 Community Survey Transport sub-group and D BCC Housing BCC services sites and projects I discuss how delivered Problem U the works against 5 M can be key sites delivered. identified.

Improve When: Mid 2016. c. Review impacts and Learning NPC; Highways March 2016 Who; Traffic Output: 5 how effective practice and and Transport sites. can be taken forward to Planning Streetscene and BCC Outcome: other priority sites and delivery Enforcement/ How: Evaluation BCC Housing; Through of 5 project plan projects Traffic & and end that can Transport sub- result. feed group When: effective 2016/2017 practices into future sites.

27 Activity 7: Current NP priorities a. Delivery of Delivery NP BCC Highways; HW Summer WhO: Output: Deliver following Shirehampton village N’hoo Office 2015 How: Outcome: When: neighbourhoods identified Traffic scheme d r improvements: o budge Shirehampton Village t Improvements; o Work b. Traffic & Transport Planning & NP BCC Highways; NPC & Autumn Who: Output: with BCC Highways to Group to follow through M Delivery N’hoo T&T Sub- Highw 2015- How: Outcome: produce a scheme to progress with feasibility d Group; ays Summer When: E improve the junction of of delivering budge 2016 develop Shirehampton Road, Shirehampton/Westbury D t & Westbury Lane junction /Kingsweston junction I wider and identify alternative U BCC

infrastructure schemes if not feasible M fundin

to NP g c. deliver identified Delivery NP HW; NP HW Across Who: Output: their minor traffic works and N’hoo decision; T&T 2015/16 How; Outcome: Highways signing and lining work d sub-group When: how budge on

better t Activity 8: 40% of LW residents a. Develop aspirations Influencing S106 NO; Highways; HW 2015/ Who: NF, Output: 1 Improve cycling and agree lack of facilities list through Forums and & CIL Forums; 2016 T&T group agreed list. voice Deliver walking facilities using for cyclists is a T&T Group in 2016 for & Port Traffic/Transp members. Outcome: influence CIL and Section 106 problem - 2012 future action Fund? ort sub-Group How: Add to plan to be L the agenda used for and funding Community Survey O and have future W conversation developme about nts. projects priorities. When: Mid 2016 Activity 1: QoL 2013: a. NP Co-ordinator to act Co- NM NPC; Planning NPC Acros Who: Output: NP to work with Fewer residents feel as liaison with existing ordination staff Groups; ALW; 2015/16 How: Outcome: When:

their Planning Groups to they can influence Planning network Groups & SCAF planning major bring key decisions in our NP to link issues which need Influencing network; development/planning area than the Bristol wider NP support or and issues to public average (26.9%) action H increase awareness so residents Avonmouth:25% I can influence and get Kingsweston:21% b. consider how to G Influencing Wellb NPC; ALW; NPC June/July Who: Output: their voice heard on resource information and eing SCAF planning 2015 How: Outcome:

Planning H local developments around planning at NP- Funding Fund network; A&K When: which impact their lives wide infrastructure infrastructure communities groups meeting and groups; NP

Our recommend to NP for members & Housing, approval Councillors;

28 c. Set as Priority for NP Funding & Wellb NPC; NPC From April Who: Output: Wellbeing Fund 2015/16 Marketing/ eing Wellbeing 2015 How: Outcome: Communica Fund Assessment When: tion Panel

Activity 2: QoL 2013: a. recruit resident Community ? CD; NPC; CD; April 2015 – Who; A&L Output: 1 Support the setting up Fewer residents feel members to launch Developme Wellb Avonmouth ACC Dec 2015 residents planning and successful running they can influence Avonmouth Planning nt eing; Community How: group. of a resident-led decisions in our NP Group and broker extern Centre staff Conversation Outcome: Avonmouth Planning area than the Bristol support with Bristol al s at A&L NF, Establish a AVONA. planning Group (Sea Mills too) average (26.9%) Neighbourhood Planning funds When: In the group that Avonmouth:25% Network process of engages Kingsweston:21% being taken residents forward. and has a good link with BNPN. Keep M conversatio n and link E with D existing I interested U residents from M Avonmouth . b. explore options for Community CD CD Autumn 2015 Who: A&L Outputs: 1 similar development in Developme – Summer residents group per Sea Mills and nt 2016 How: explore area. Shirehampton at NF and NP Outcomes: those who Take might be forward interested in options engaging discussed. with the idea. When: March 2016 Activity 3: Fewer residents feel a. link into Severnet to Influencing; NM NPC; Severnet; NPC Summer Who: Outputs: NP brings the Port and they can influence develop plan to improve communica staff Avonmouth 2015 – How: Outcomes: When: other major employers decisions in our NP liaison between L tion; Employment & December together to area than the Bristol community and Port and delivery Economy 2016 O communicate with the average (26.9%) report recommendations Group; Coastal community to improve Avonmouth:25% to NP for approval and W Communities how they offer best Kingsweston:21% further action and Port benefit to each other

29 2015 NP plan a. include housing Community NM NPC & NO; NPC & April 2015 – Who: Outputs: 1 consultation providers in Dev & budge NP NO September Knightstone, communica development of Marketing/ t residents/Cou 2015 BCC and tion plan. other Communication Plan and Communica ncillors; local Outcomes; providers. to explore better joint tion community Better working orgs/infrastruc How: connection Activity 4: ture Research and Better links with who is who communica housing providers - L and invite to tion with make the most of NP, O engage with housing community and communicati providers housing organisation W on plan. for the 4 resources Also ideas on villages. how to keep in touch on regular basis. When: Communicati on plan?

Activity 1: In LW 54.6% of a. Set up meeting with Planning; NM NPC; NPC Spring 2016 Who: Output: Explore ways to residents rated Jason Thorne via influencing; staff Avonmouth How: Outcome: support High Shopping facilities as Economy Group to learning Employment & Streets/local shopping ‘poor and needs explore potential activity Economy When: economy

development centres to thrive improvement’ 2012 and options to support Group; ALW; Community Survey shopping centres SCAF; ST; BCC Economic thriving Priority in 2015 Development a H Forums b. explore visual I Delivery Clean NO; Forums NO April/May Who: A&L Output: improvements through & 2015 Environment

from Outcome: G subgroup hanging baskets/planter Green Possible

economic tubs and joint funding H budge How: Agenda ideas to with businesses via Clean t item further benefit

and develop and Green Fund When: with Spring 2016. businesses people on high

training streets in 4

Local villages. Activity 2: ‘Residents with no a. Set as Priority for NP Funding & Wellb NPC; NPC From April Who: Output: Support skills educational or Wellbeing Fund Marketing/ eing Wellbeing 2015 How: Outcomes: development which can technical H Communica Fund Assessment help residents into qualifications’ QoL I tion Panel When:

Employment, work or into more 2013: G skilled work Bristol average: 23.6% H econom thriving benefit people from

Local Avonmouth: 30.5%

y Kingsweston: 29.4%

a 30

b. NP Co-ordinator and Influencing NPC; Coastal Twice a year WhO; Outputs: LW Community Plan NP support delivery of and Communities update How: Outcomes: 2012 reported that Coastal Communities Information Fund delivery When: 60% of respondents Fund to maximise group; describe job benefits for A&K prospects as ‘poor residents and request and needs information from CC improvement’ Fund deliverers to support the delivery

Activity 3: Inaccessible public a. NP Co-ordinator and Influencing NPC; Coastal Twice a year WhO; Outputs: Work with local transport prevents NP residents support and Communities update How: Outcomes: organisations and people leaving their delivery of Coastal M Information Fund delivery employers in house when they Communities Fund to E group; When: Avonmouth Trading want to: QoL 2013: maximise benefits for D estate/docks to Bristol Average: 4.2% A&K residents and I increase access to work Avonmouth: 2.7% request information U Kingsweston: 7.4% from CC Fund deliverers M to support the delivery

Activity 4: Priority raised in 2015 a. Raise with Mayor as Influencing None Mayoral NPC April 2015 WhO; Outputs: Highlight to Mayor Forums/priority Aspiration request from decision How: Outcomes:

economy M impacts of on parking setting A&K NP for solution for people in care work E When: providing services to D

thriving vulnerable residents I a living in Resident U Parking Zones – find

from M way of exempting them from charges. Activity 5: Priority raised in 2015 a. present information Information NM NO; Forums; NO Across Who: Editors Outputs: 1 benefit Support information to Forums/priority sessions in A&K Forums; staff newsletters; 2015/16 as to forum in residents about the setting newsletter and website websites information newsletters, financial changes in Universal information emerges facebook year. people pages, Credit and how this 2011 Census Outcomes: websites, impacts them (via unemployed: to provide ebulletins. Local Forums, info in Bristol average: 4.3% L an effecitve How: and libraries, on websites Avonmouth: 4.7% O etc.) Kingsweston: 5.7% Contact interesting W organisations presentatio that would n to forum. have all To also

nt information provide needed to useful and publicise. understand developme economic nt, Employme able When: Mid training and

31 2016. ifnormatio n to newsletters , facebook and website pages. Activity 1: QoL 2013: a. Work through the Influencing AM; NPC; NDT AM; April 2015 Who: Outputs: Reduce Sale and use of ‘think drug use is a Neighbourhood Delivery and delivery Action Plan: NPC How: Outcomes; drugs problem in their area’ Team (NDT) with police Police; Bristol average: 26.5% and Housing to press for Housing When: Avonmouth: 33.7% an action plan to address Kingsweston: 40.7% areas of highest concern. Report back progress ‘who say drug dealing through Forums and NP is a problem in their area’ Bristol average: 46% Avonmouth: 67.2% Kingsweston: 57.4% b. raise issue through Influencing AM via NDT; AM; 2015/ Who: A&L Output: residents addressed Forums and Mayoral NDT 2016 Outcome: 2013 Neighbourhood communicate request to PCC How: Safety Working highest community priority to to prioritise Encourage priority Police and Crime drug sale and people to Commissioner H use in Avon & report issues effectively Somerset relating to is I this subject G via the Community

crime H police. Use

of local and networks,

fear facebook

and website Crime and

pages, ebulletins to relay NF Crime dates and relevant contact details. Use NDT to push forward with Police and Crime Commissione r. When: On

32 going.

Activity 2: QoL 2013: a. report via Forums as Reporting NM NO; Police; NO; Quarterly Who: A&L Output: Anti-Social Behaviour: ‘who feel locally, issues arise and budge Housing; LPW; 2015/ residents Agenda 4 To use Forums to antisocial behaviour is Delivery t NDT 2016 How: Police times year identify Anti-Social a problem’: Priorities and at NF. Behaviour to task Bristol average: 28.7% update at Outcome: NF. Reported Police and agencies to Avonmouth: 42.4% Opportunity case to the address community Kingsweston: 36.8% for people to police concerns and report privately talk when and back In LW Community to the police where Survey 2012 78% of and feed appropriat respondents information e. identified ASB as a into process. problem When: Every forum b. Report via NDT as they Reporting AM; NDT; NPC AM; Monthly Who: TEB Output: 1 arise and NPC 2015/ responsible per month Delivery 2016 for feeding Outcome: information Feed into H from NF the NDT I through NDT process G process. when How; NDT necessary. H meetings When: Once a month when appropriate. c. Request NDT to Planning AM; NDT; AM; Spring 2015 – Who; HA, Output: 1 develop proactive Action and LPW; BYL & NPC December Police plan per Plan around potential Delivery A&K 2015 How: NDT action Summer ASB risks (mini- community meeting Outcome: motos/motorbikes) and organisations When: Now. effective plans to Mischief Night in established Autumn when and where appropriat e. d. Report on plan and Influencing NM NO; NPC NO Quarterly Who: HA Output: 4 impact via Forums and and budge 2015/ How: NF/NP meetings a NP Planning t 2016 agenda year. 33 When: At Outcome: forum Effective meetings, reporting standing at NP/NF. agenda item within the police feedback. Activity 3: 2013 Neighbourhood a. Set as Priority for NP Funding & Wellb NPC; NPC From April Who: Output: To work with local Working priority Wellbeing Fund 2015/16 Marketing/ eing Wellbeing 2015 How: Outcome: communities, providers QoL 2013: Communica Fund Assessment When: to raise the profile of ‘agree strongly that tion Panel Domestic Abuse and domestic abuse is a b. Ask NDT to deliver H Influencing AM; NPC; NDT; AM Quarterly Who: Output: awareness of support private matter’ activities as priority and I & Delivery Police; 2015/ How: Outcome: services for victims and Bristol average: 5.1% report back to Forums G Housing; NO; 2016 When: perpetrators (including Avonmouth: 5.5% and NP on progress, H Forums reporting at Forums) Kingsweston: 6.5% including regular Domestic Abuse incidence statistics

Activity 4: QoL 2013: a. Set as Priority for NP Funding & Wellb NPC; NPC From April Who: Output: Support local ‘feel police and local Wellbeing Fund M Marketing/ eing Wellbeing 2015 How: Outcome: When: groups/organisations to public are successfully E Communica Fund Assessment act as links into dealing with issues of D tion Panel Community Safety crime and ASB in their services and Fire and area’ I Rescue Bristol average: 40.2% U Avonmouth: 35.4% M Kingsweston: 38.3%

34 Activity 5: QoL 2013: a. Request NDT to Influencing NM NO; Forums; NO; PI Quarterly Who: Output: Regular reports are ‘been discriminated prioritise Hate Crime and budge Police & Police 2015/ How: Outcome: made at against or harassed reporting statistics at Information t Inspector 2016 Neighbourhood Forums because of Forums to raise sharing When: across the NP area on ethnicity/race’: awareness Hate Crime statistics to Bristol average: 3.5% Clarity with raise awareness of how Avonmouth: 4.1% NDT that it impacts on our NP Kingsweston: 0% this residents (0% is of L information respondents) is made O readily ‘been discriminated W available to against or harassed NF’s. Agreed at NDT because of disability’ whether this Bristol average: 3%

Safety is still an Avonmouth: 1.6% action Kingsweston: 3.6% supported by (0% is of

effectively addressed those

is respondents) members.

Community Who: Output: Activity 6: QoL 2013: a. NP Co-ordinator to act Learning & NM AM; NM team; AM; 2016 – crime

of The NP creates a Good ‘been discriminated as link into city-wide Influencing budge NPC; Hate NPC citywide

How: Outcome: and Practice learning event against or harassed good practice work delivery t Crime Support

fear to learn from effective because of around Hate Crime and Services; When: practice from across ethnicity/race’: to report back how A&K Police; and Crime the city Bristol average: 3.5% NP area can contribute Housing; A&K Avonmouth: 4.1% and improve practice community Crime Kingsweston: 0% from city-wide learning – L organisations (0% is of report into Forums and O respondents) NP W ‘been discriminated against or harassed because of disability’ Bristol average: 3% Avonmouth: 1.6% Kingsweston: 3.6%

35 addressed

Activity 7: ‘been discriminated a. Include information Information NM NO; Forums; NO Across WHO; Output: 1 article per Awareness –Raising against or harassed about services in budge neighbourhoo 2015/2016 How: Find communica publicity about First because of disability’ Forums; newsletters and t d newsletter; details Safety Response services for Bristol average: 3% websites websites iton.

effectively information

is vulnerable adults Avonmouth: 1.6% for use in Outcome: Kingsweston: 3.6% L newsletters, article to (0% is of facebook, link in with crime respondents) O web pages communcia of and tion plans

Community W ebulletins for 4 fear villages. and When:

and Linked to newsletter dates etc. Crime Crime Review Neighbourhood Delivery NO NO; Forums; NO Autumn 2016 Who: A&L Output: Forums and future staffin A&K residents, residents meetings in working in light of g and BCC agencies, and others villages 4 available resources and NM Police. when times a other NP priorities budge appropriate. year. Part of 1600 t How: engagemen Various t target. venues and times Outcome: throughout effective the 4 meetings villages. with varied agendas

Forum When: 4 items, times a year. advertised through the 4 individual villages. Alternative

Neighbourhood solutions implement ed when original forum structure not successful in engaging with residents.

36 Key to abbreviations used

NM = Neighbourhood Management NPC = Neighbourhood Partnership Co-ordinator PI = Police Inspector BCC HW = BCC Highways SCAF = Shirehampton Community Action Forum NP = Neighbourhood Partnership CD = Community Development PCSO = Police Community Support Officers DB = Devolved Budget ST = Sea Mills Together WS = BCC Waste Services NO = Neighbourhood Officer Cllr = Councillors ACC = Avonmouth Community Centre IBFF = Investing Bristol Futures Fund CI = Chief Inspector, Police NF = Neighbourhood Forum LPW = Learning Partnership West ALW = Ambition Lawrence Weston S106 = Section 106 funds devolved to NP for decision NDT = Neighbourhood Delivery Team BCC SSE = BCC Streetscene Enforcement Team BYL = Bristol Youth Links Housing = BCC Landlord Service CIL = Community Infrastructure Levy Parks = BCC Parks/Estates/Landscape