IN THISISSUE Sun SeniorNewsClassifi -47 eds...... 46 SCLH Writer’s Corner ...... 46 Obervations ...... 45 Bowling, Duplicate,SCLHWriter ...... 43 Pickleball, Lincster,LHLG18-Holers,Bocce... Ski, Tennis, Table Tennis ...... 39 Cyclist, Water Volleyball ...... 37 LH SpectacularTennis Event ...... 35 Bulletin Board ...... 33 Charity GolfTournament, Hiking ...... 32 Shooting, Fellowship ofChristianAthletes ...... 31 Garden ...... 30 Sports Car,RoadRunners, SCOOP, Bird, ...... 29 RV,Rods &Relics, LSV/NEV...... 27 Genealogy, Italian,Travel 26 ...... 25 Astronomy, Square&Compass ...... 23 50 Anniversary-SurpriseParty...... Veterans, Friends,Lavender Shalom,Investor ...... 19 Eye Contact,HealthyEating ...... 18 17 Alzheimer’s/Dementia, BosomBuddies ...... 17 OC Book,Singles ...... Antiques, Authors Resource, Writers 15 ...... 14 Needle Arts,Photography ...... SSN GardeningCorner...... 13 Country Couples,Painter ...... 11 Community Chorus,Ballroom ...... 10 Players, Vaudeville ...... 10 Favorite Restaurants ...... 9 Thoughts From Jack ...... 7 Senior NeedtoKnow! ...... 6 From Your PlacerCountySupervisor ...... 5 Final Weekend forTheatre’sCaliforniaSuite ...... 3 Sun Senior News 5098 Foothills Blvd., #3-405 PRSRT STD Roseville, CA 95747 U.S. POSTAGE 21 Computer, LHMUG...... PAID C

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N ECRWSS G POSTAL CUSTOMER 40-41 he beganlookedpromising. high school,andevenherparentsthoughtwhat Jim Joneshadbeenasubstituteteacherinher happily, JimJones’Peoples’ Temple. Infact, as thehomeofFetzer Winery and,notas Valley, NorthernCalifornia,familiartomany children inafamilylivingRedwood with surprises. of herreadersitmaybeamemoirfi Hope to Triumph, MyJourneytoTheHouseof perhaps sheshouldn’tbe.From Tears at thesuccessofherfi for thequickcongratulationoffriends. though bilingual,sheturnedtoFacebook none oftheSpanish-speakingriders,and on abustoColima,Mexico.Sheknew an earlyprestigiousliteraryhonorwhile a fi rst-timeauthor,learnedshe hadwon with faithandfeist.LindaBello-Ruiz, midst, awomanwhoselifeisinfused BY LIZNOEL damaged tire,andabrakecylinderleak.Most water. Othershadaninoperativehorn,a issues, andthreeneededmoreorlessbattery electrical connections,fourhadbrakelight this year’sclinic.Sevenhadlooseorcorroded be fixed onthespotistakencareof. seat belts,wipers,andhorns.Anythingthatcan batteries andconnections,lights,turnsignals, front shocksanddriveshafts,parkingbrakes, volunteers checktirepressureandwear, Motorsports inRocklin. HandyHelper April since2010withsupportfromElectrick clinics, heldattheSportsPavilion each extra. occasionally weoffersomething residents everyweekday.But are accessibletoLincolnHills programsEquipment Loan & Referral, andMedical Handy Helper,Information BY BARRY MACKINTOSH Neighbors InDeedDoesNEVsandGolfCarts Linda Bello-Ruiz —FromLinda Bello-Ruiz Tears toTriumph... In Kindergarten,theagecut-offdate Linda startedlifeasoneofsix Today shestillseemssurprised Merino Courthasasparklerinits Ten volunteersinspected60vehiclesat Like ourgolfcart/NEVdrive-through Neighbors InDeed’s is Linda’smemoir,andtomany rst book,but lled required. expenses arealwaysappreciatedbutnever anything elsewedo.Donationstodefrayour for ourongoingprogramsmentionedabove. a space.Thenumberis223-2763--thesameas and callNeighborsInDeedpromptlytoreserve Board forourannouncement(usuallyinApril) cart/NEV clinic,watchthispaper’sBulletin to makeappointments. asked tocallNeighborsInDeedbeforehand disappointment atclosingtime,residentswere ran forfourhours.To avoidalonglineand good aboutwhattheydid,”hetoldus. his vehicle’sperformance.“Ican’tsayenough a looseconnectiononhiskillswitch,restoring new batteriesbeforetheclinicfoundandfi useful service.”SalCarusothoughtheneeded “wonderful organization”providinga“very to hertires,calledNeighborsInDeeda battery connectionstightenedandairadded her brotherstopushinglimitsinhighschool. streak thattookherfromGo-Kartingwith she embracedherstrengthandarebellious She recallshelpingfearfulclassmates.Later felt “different”butdecidedtoacceptthatlabel. red-haired girlwithfrecklesinherclass.She placed Lindaastheoldest,tallestandonly Linda Bello-Ruizand There’s nochargefortheseclinicsor If you’dliketogetinonnextyear’sgolf As inpastyears,ourfi fth annualclinic battery connections. that thecliniccaughthisloose Stan Harriswasverypleased with arearlightproblem. said Rene Pulis,whogothelp annual golfcartinspection,” Neighbors InDeedandits you howmuchIappreciate rave reviews.“Ican’ttell needed airintheirtires. Jo Adair, whohadher Residents gavetheclinic Hank Stiefel xed

not farbehind,shesatonaSanFrancisco beach At thelowestpointinherlife,drugsandabuse would takeherawayfromfamilyandfamiliar. beyond herselfledhertoanotherchoicethat of herfamily. did notactivate. the window.Thehousehasanalarm,butit rock thatdidnotmatchthelandscapingnear golf course.Thenextday,theyfoundalarge observed a“shadow”disappearingontothe shined afl the window.Theresidentandahouseguest who wasinbed,heardthreeloudbangson to breakabedroomwindow.Theresident, night, about11:00PM,someoneattempted Boulevard, offIngramParkway. OnSunday backs uptothegolfcourseandDelWebb of CottonwoodCourt,inVillage 15which 20, involvedaresidenceinthe800block ins andonesnakesighting.Thefi out fouralerts,threeofwhichinvolvedbreak- the restofusjustcelebrateitanyway. only alegalholidayinPennsylvania, however; only 13starsandstripes,however.Thedayis stripes tobeonourfl ag.Backthen,therewere Continental Congressadoptedthestarsand commemorate thedayin1777when Day anddisplayyourAmericanfl on June14th,don’tforgettocelebrateFlag heat, andgraduations,weddings… BY KATHY GIRE Neighborhood Restlessness andasearchforsomething A burglaryoccurredonApril19,arainy month,NeighborhoodWatchLast sent Here comesJuneagain,withscorching and independence,thankstothehelp would tasteanotherformoffreedom ended theirrelationship,andLinda at SonomaStateCollege.Hisabuse Rohnert Park whereshetookclasses relationship grew,hemovedwithherto and acceptancesheanticipated.Astheir charisma didnotleadhertothelove after workonedaywhosecharmand one foragirlfromthewinecountry. that summerwouldbealife-changing to SonomaStateCollegeinSeptember, only bethereforthesummerandreturn and itsfreedoms.Althoughshewould The Citymagnetizedherwithitshippies moving intoaboardinghouseforgirls. her carandheadedtoSanFrancisco, school graduation,Lindapackedup ashlight throughtheshuttersand She metanattractiveblackman On thenightofherJune1969high Watch (cont’ onpage22) (cont’ onpage44) JUNE 2014 rst, on April ag. It will 2 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • JUNE 2014

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Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • JUNE 2014 3 The Sun Senior News - Lincoln Hills is a monthly publication, published by EGnews Inc. Final Weekend for Theatre’s California Suite Run Mailing Address: 5098 Foothills Blvd., #3 PMB 405 • Roseville, CA 95747 (916) 727-6383 • Fax: (916) 727-6373 • E-mail: [email protected] The curtain is going up on the next show presented by our recently created Lincoln Ad rates are available on the Internet at Community Theatre so don’t miss this EDITORS opportunity. California Suite, a comedy by Neil Elizabeth “Liz” & Gregg Goldthorpe Simon, one of our country’s most celebrated playwrights, will sure to delight you. In California Suite you will spend four PRODUCTION ASSISTANTS days in the Beverly Hills Hotel with a crazy Mark Bernard, Targa Funk, cast of characters. Simon has created four Emily Goldthorpe hilarious stories all of which take place in the ADVERTISING same hotel suite. As with most Neil Simon comedies, California Suite offers audiences Liz & Gregg Goldthorpe a fi ne blend of laughter and variety as the one-liners fl y fast and furious and keep you Gregg & Liz Goldthorpe laughing. Simon blends bittersweet moments CONTRIBUTORS with pure comedy and over-the top farce. His Liz Noel, Barry Mackintosh, Kathy Gire, Robert M. Weygandt, Susan Feldman, Gay Sprague, Jack Fabian, dialogue and his astute blend of comedic styles Martin Green, Norah Prouhet, Susan Joyce, Karen Allington, Terri Krcha, Jacquie Hilton, George Porter, have the power to tickle your funny bone and Carol Matthews, Jeff Andersen, Rose Marie Wildsmith, Linda Bello-Ruiz, Linda Lucchetti, Dale Nater, Maralyn Fisher-Zack, Jean Ebenholtz, Val Singer, Barbara Smith, Don R. Rickgauer, Kathleen McCarthy, leave you wanting more! Sandy Klein, Rachel Laforest, B.L. Lewis, Karl Schoenstein, David Polson, Helen Maclaren, Bette Ahrens, This stellar cast includes Patti Baker Bill Hilton, Teena Fowler, Ralph Chatoian, Elna Ragan, Lillian Nawman, Tom Breckon, Ruth Baylis, (Sacramento), Crystal Evans (Antelope), Photos courtesy of Peggy Schechter Lorraine Immel, Ed Kasper, Bob Hanvey, Joe Jones, Sue Geisler, Tom Frady, Jerry Digiacomo, Mike Hilton, Carol Kassay (Wheatland), Jonathan Ball Linda Burke, Ed Rocknich, Cindy Pulliam, Susan Pharis, Candice Koropp, Paul Mac Garvey, Bill Taylor, (Roseville), Steve Mackay (Elk Grove) and Beth and Mort (Patti Baker and Steve Mackay) Cathy Riewerts, Dick Proffi tt, Jim Fulcomer. Paul Schechter (Lincoln) all of who have confront Gert and Stu (Crystal Evans and Jonathan experience in Sacramento area community Ball) aftertheir disastrous tennis match as director CIRCULATION with completed form to the Sun Senior News Rodger MacDonald looks on. The Sun Senior News - Lincoln Hills is - Lincoln Hills. Deadline for the classifi ed theaters. This show is led by actor/director delivered free directly to 7,500 homes in the Sun ads is the 15th of each month. The publisher Rodger McDonald, who is often seen on stage quality entertainment in a very comfortable City - Lincoln Hills community. The delivery is (EGnews Inc.) reserves the right to refuse any at California Music Theater and other popular environment. We are looking forward to targeted for the fi rst week of each month. classifi ed ads it deems unsuitable. stage venues. welcoming Lincoln residents as well as those SUBSCRIPTIONS SUBMISSIONS The performances take place on June 6 from surrounding communities. ”Marketing For year mailed subscription to the The Sun Senior News - Lincoln Hills and 7 at 7 pm, a matinee on June 7 at 2 pm, Manager Steve Gillespie points out that Sun Senior News - Lincoln Hills, send address welcomes announcements from social clubs, in a new location for Lincoln Community “Ticketing is easy either on the Internet at and $48 to the Sun Senior News - Lincoln Hills, schools, charitable organizations, non-profi t Theatre. The Heritage Theater on Main or by calling 5098 Foothills Blvd., #3 PMB 405, Roseville, organizations, local government and com- Street in downtown Lincoln is our home for 800-383-3006.” CA 95747. Please make checks payable to: Sun munity events. Also, editorial contributions this production, Get your tickets NOW for this great show. Senior News. Subcriptions are for those who want as well as articles, cartoons and photographs Producer Craig Stults says, “This is an Help be a part of this great effort to bring live to have their paper mailed outside of Lincoln are welcomed and considered for publication. opportunity to grow our theater and provide theater to Lincoln. Hills. Deadline for submissions is the 15th of each DISPLAY ADS month. Please submit via email. A variety of display ad sizes are available All information submitted to the Sun Senior to fi t your business needs and budget. For rate News - Lincoln Hills must be accompanied by information call Gregg at (916) 727-6383. your name, phone number and written consent. Display ads must be submitted by the 10th All letters received become the property of the of each month to guarantee placement in the publisher (EGnews Inc.). The Sun Senior News - St. John’s Episcopal Church following month’s issue and to avoid late fees. Lincoln Hills reserves the right to condense and 2351 Pleasant Grove Blvd. Roseville The publisher (EGnews Inc.) reserves the right edit letters for publication and liability purposes. to refuse any display ads it deems unsuitable. welcomes YOU CLASSIFIED ADS The Sun Senior News - “to come experience the love of JESUS CHRIST” For classifi ed ads, please complete the form Lincoln Hills is provided in this issue. Send appropriate payment Printed on Recycled Paper SUNDAY SERVICES All content and letters to the editors represents the opinion of the various authors and all content and letters should be considered as opinion and editorial in nature. Any representations expressed by the various 8 a.m. Traditional Eucharist authors are not necessarily shared or verifi ed by the publisher. Advertisers are solely responsible for all representations made by their advertisements. EG NEWS 9:30 a.m. ADULT EDUCATION INC. is not responsible for the content or accuracy of any advertisements. The presence of an ad within our publications or electronic communications does not imply endorsement of the advertised company, 10:30 a.m. Contemporary Worship product, or service. Readers should use all due diligence regarding representations, products or services before an transaction is preformed. praise music/ Sunday school /youth group Sun Senior News is not associated with Del Webb Corporation. Del Webb’s Sun City is a registered trademark of Del Webb Corporation. The Reverend Cliff Haggenjos, Rector EG Graphics, publishers of the Antelope News, Sun Senior News - Roseville, Sun Senior News - Lincoln Hills & Woodcreek News.

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Steven Hudgins Rob Brunst, CFP® Frank Geremia, CFP® Robert Burton, CFP® James Stagg First Vice President Senior Vice President - Investments First Vice President-Investments First Vice President-Investments Vice President-Investments Branch Manager 945 Orchard Creek Lane Suite 100 Lincoln, CA 95648 916-434-9600 Eric Schott Mark Motell Walter J Gallo, Jr. Associate Vice President-Investments Financial Advisor Financial Advisor

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offi cials, public health experts and health Community Foundation. It supported many From Your Placer County Supervisor groups to help our county do even better. The important causes and raised the level of annual report offers strategies we can use to giving by providing matching funds and prize BY ROBERT M. WEYGANDT, Supervisor make lasting improvements in the health and challenges towards all local donations. well-being of our communities. Placer Land Trust, which works with Several recent reports are job-growth report from the U.S. All three reports offer plenty of good willing landowners and conservation partners shining a spotlight on Placer Bureau of Labor Statistics. Our news, but are not reasons for complacency. to protect Placer County’s valued natural and County’s well-established county had the highest growth rate There is plenty of work that remains to be agricultural lands for future generations, won reputation as a great place to live among 26 counties in California done to enrich our county’s high quality of life. four of the prize challenges and raised a total and work. with populations large enough of $54,896. This total was the highest of any The latest is an April 30 report to be included in the report. The participating organization in Placer County from the California Department of report looked at job growth for and the second highest of all participating Finance that shows Placer County the 12-month period ended Sept. organizations in the four-county region. “We had one of the leading population 30, 2013. BIG Day of Giving are overwhelmingly grateful for the incredible growth rates in the state last year. Robert M. Weygandt The job growth helps explain support we received today. These unrestricted Placer County had a growth why Placer County’s 7.1 percent Raises Over $3 Million funds will allow us to preserve Placer County rate of 1.5 percent rate for the unemployment rate for March was land and protect our local quality of life,” 12-month period ended on Jan. 1, 2014, well below the 8.1 percent recorded for the for Local Nonprofi ts enthused Jeff Darlington, Placer Land Trust finishing third behind Santa Clara and Sacramento region as a whole and the 8.4 Executive Director. Alameda counties in a ranking of California’s percent mark for California. BIG Day of Giving on May 6th was Sierra Forever Families won the $2,000 58 counties. All three leaders recorded 1.5 Recently, Placer County fi nished second truly historical for our community. In one 24 prize sponsored by First 5 Placer for most percent growth rates, but an in-depth look at among the state’s counties in the annual hour period, $3,019,913.04 was raised for 394 money raised by a family and children serving the numbers reveals that Placer was a little County Health Ranking & Roadmaps, a regional nonprofi ts including gifts of nearly organization. They raised a total of $40,133 to bit behind the other two at 1.47 percent. Our report issued by the Robert Wood Johnson half a million dollars to 78 Placer County support their mission of fi nding and nurturing county’s performance was noteworthy partly Foundation and the University of Wisconsin nonprofi ts. These were unrestricted gifts to permanent families for children living in foster because the two counties ahead of it are in Population Health Institute. support the important, diverse work of the care. Placer SPCA also had a highly successful the San Francisco Bay Area and that area The report looks at factors such as adult local nonprofi t sector. Veronica Blake, CEO campaign, raising $20,990 from 193 gifts. accounted for much of the state’s population obesity, adult smoking rates, access to healthy of Placer Community Foundation, stated, “It’s The Big Day of Giving began in Placer growth last year. foods, unemployment, high school graduation essential to support local causes to keep our County with a kick-off event at Westfi eld Many factors undoubtedly play a role in rates, air quality and teen births. community healthy, inclusive, compassionate, Galleria at Roseville where 38 Placer Placer County’s population growth, but the I was particularly pleased to see Placer and culturally and environmentally rich, and organizations gathered for a nonprofi t fair. high quality of life our county offers certainly County ranked fi rst in quality of life – one the BIG Day of Giving proved the willingness Attendees were able to donate at the event is a key factor. of seven categories that contributed to the of local donors to do just that.” and enjoyed live entertainment from Rocklin Job growth also plays an important county’s overall health ranking. We ranked BIG Day of Giving was a regional Community Theatre, Sierra Native Alliance, role. That’s an area where Placer County is second in several other categories: health 24-hour online giving challenge held on Auburn Hip Hop Congress, and A Touch of attracting nationwide attention. factors, health behaviors, clinical care and Tuesday, May 6th. This historic event was Understanding. The BIG DoG mascot took Placer County 5.0 percent job-growth social and economic factors. a collaborative effort of GiveLocalNow, photos with participants as well. rate earned it a tie for sixth among the Placer County’s ranking is reassuring, Placer Community Foundation, Sacramento nation’s 334 largest counties in a recent but the data also is a call to action for elected Region Community Foundation, and Yolo THE PLACE FOR MEMORYSomerford CARE


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110 Sterling Court 3 Roseville, CA 95661 916-772-6500 # &*    3,$+0) # &*    34#- +),$#+0) & 4011 Woodcreek Oaks Blvd. Roseville, Ca 95747 6 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • JUNE 2014

decision-making process. any case, continue to suggest outside help Paint the Picture of Care — Draw with love and concern. Seniors Need to Know! attention to times outside help would be Accessing the Information — There valuable such as the need for transportation are really no “oversight” agencies for Helping our Aging Parents to appointments when adult children are non-medical in-home care providers at the working, assisting with meals and medication present time. It is recommended to call BY SUSAN FELDMAN, Community and trusted physician says. Talk to the reminders between visits from kids, routine the local Senior Information & Assistance Relations BrightStar Care physician’s offi ce ahead of time or send a care that might prevent an aging spouse- provider for assistance as they are the letter explaining the situation. If the doctor caregiver from injury, fall or decline. Also, keeper of the resources and seen as the Every day, I talk with adult children said they need help, your parent may take “what if…” scenarios such as “what if your gatekeeper for senior services. In Placer seeking in-home care for their aging parents this to heart. family caregiver can’t do it anymore, gets ill County, the contact would be the Seniors who are overwhelmed with the responsibility Validate their Concerns — The decision or goes on vacation.” First organization; (530) 889-9500. of raising their own families, maintaining to accept outside help is a big step. Most Long Term Care Insurance — If they has a searchable database their careers and being available for of us value our independence and privacy have LTC insurance remind them that it is a of nursing homes by zip code. SeniorAdvisor. parent’s changing needs like falls, medical so allowing help is acknowledgement “use it or loose it” type of insurance and using com allows shoppers to search for records appointments, cooking and household of increasing dependence and decline. it now before a catastrophic event would be on a state by state basis and lists reviews of chores. They are trying to be everything to Be sensitive to this milestone. Remind sensible both fi nancially and physically. By thousands of nursing homes throughout the both generations and are exhausted. parents that assistance from a caregiver using half of the monthly allowance, they can country. ProPublica offers a comprehensive If your aging parent could benefi t will not replace family visits but preserve have care for twice as long. They determine search engine and allows users to compare from in home care such as: personal the parent-child relationship, allowing for how much of the benefi t they chose to use. nursing homes based on defi ciencies cited hygiene, walking assistance, toileting, special time together rather than task-fi lled And many insurances stop charging the by regulators and penalties imposed within dressing, medication reminders, meal visits. Most seniors prefer a professional to premium while the policy is in use. the last 3 years. preparation, light housekeeping, laundry assist with toileting and personal hygiene Plant the Seeds — Continue to bring Some warning signs to watch for: a and transportation but is reluctant to accept than their kids. up the idea of extra help, point out their history of violations, high staff turnover, help, here are a few tips to consider: Safety — Having a “stranger” come friends and neighbors that do successfully residents lack independence, lack of Do the Research — By seeking out a into the home raises questions of security. have help and times when another member personal touches in the residents’ rooms qualifi ed in-home care agency before talking Check the agency’s hiring practices, verifying of their “care team” would be a benefi t. It (photos, decorations on the walls, etc.), are with parents you’ll come to the discussion that they do background checks, provide may take time but with patience they may amenities and services accessible to residents prepared. An internet search for in-home bonding, liability and workers compensation warm to the idea of a kind, compassionate present, and any feeling of uneasiness in care will result in a plethora of options. insurance. Reassure them that it’s safe. helper. your gut. Another idea is to get a recommendation Part of the Process — Suggest that The Triggering Event — Often the The views expressed here are those of from their physician or faith community. a representative from the agency visit to triggering factor that propels the discussion Ms. Susan Feldman, and do not necessarily Interview agencies on the phone, explain share about their services, learn about care into action is a scare like a fall that could have represent those of the Older Adult Advisory concerns/care needs and assess their needs, do an assessment and home safety been a broken hip, a minor driving incident Commission or individual members. ability to meet those needs with qualifi ed check and answer any questions. There is that could have been terrible or confusion caregivers. no cost for this and puts a friendly face to that could have resulted in harm. Sometimes The Doctor Said — There may be a the whole idea of help. Rather than being the triggering event happening to a friend sense of respect for what their personal told what they need, keep parents in the or neighbor is enough to instill action. In


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residents. Stop by the Sutter Medical offi ce he was inserting in my thigh was long enough Free Safety in the Wellness Center to meet a Resource Thoughts From Jack— to reach my head with a camera, spotlights, Connectors representative. A team member pliers, allen wrenches and adhesive tape. Assessment by is on site Monday through Friday, 2:30 p.m. I’m Way Beyond The Well, he insisted, prior to making a – 5:00 p.m. or call 916-512-6257. We have decision, that I should consult with a cranial Resource Connectors resources on everything from home care to Warranty Period surgeon to see what other methods were home cooked meals, transportation, support BY JACK FABIAN available to solve this problem. More than 1.6 million older U.S. adults groups, notaries, or accessibility issues, and My visit with the other doctor proved go to the emergency departments for fall- we have a database with over 1000 useful Since most of you who read this paper quite interesting. When I asked what he did, related injuries ever year. The National resources. It’s a one-stop-shop for resources are probably classifi ed as ‘seniors’, then the he said, “I’m going in the head.” At fi rst I Institute on Aging states that one in three in Sun City Lincoln Hills. subject of health is an important issue. With thought he had a bladder problem and had to people age 65 or older falls each year. This that in mind, there is no shortage of things go to the men’s room, but no, that sure wasn’t risk increases, as we grow older. to talk about. what he had in mind. He talked about sawing There are many resources and services As an example, some recent tests I had in a doorway in my skull. This guy belongs to to prolong at-home independence: Exercise, the past year revealed I was the owner of an the carpenter’s union! He went to get his healthy eating and arranging a free Safety LH Community Church aneurysm. I wasn’t too concerned because I toolbox and we left. Assessment by the new Resource Connectors knew we had planted some o’ these things, in So, I guess the guy with the snake wins. program here in Sun City Lincoln Hills. Annual Charity Golf many different colors, along the sidewalk just Resource Connectors is a collaborative outside our front door. Then I was informed effort of The Lincoln Hills Foundation, Live Tournament that the spelling was different and these things Well at Home, Right at Home Senior Care, BY GAY SPRAGUE came only in one color, red. and Sutter Medical, to help SCLH residents Ignorance is bliss, however, I was told to continue living safely and independently The Sixth Annual Charity Golf I must visit a Neuro-Interventionalist. This in their own homes. The Safety Assessment Tournament of the Lincoln Hills Community presented a problem for me as I had an tool is used to evaluate a home’s safety in Church will be held on June 16, 2014 at the eleventh commandment that stated, “Thou relation to the individuals who live there. Lincoln Hills Golf Club, 1005 Sun City Lane, shalt not visit with anyone who has 22 letters This comprehensive evaluation includes Lincoln. Funds raised this year will go to the in his title.” My family physician said, I had assessment of lighting, fl ooring, kitchen Community Christian Schools in Lincoln to break that commandment. safety, smoke detectors, non-skid surfaces and the Lincoln Hills Community Church Well, I went to see this 22-lettered genius in bathrooms, handrails, walkways and many Men’s Ministry. where I was made aware of the fact that there other elements of the household. Assessment There are many ways for you to were two methods available to take care of appointments are free to all SCLH residents participate – as a single player, form your this aneurysm which, by the way, was located and the resident receives a copy for their own “foursome”, become a sponsor (several in the west side of my brain, depending on own use in making recommended changes. options), or donate gift certifi cates, cash, which way I was facing. Resource Connectors will be happy to provide prizes, etc. You will be contributing to a When he described the procedure of referrals for any needs mentioned in the great local cause, in any manner you choose inserting a device in a blood vessel in my inner assessment. to partake. For more details, please contact thigh, I wasn’t at all convinced he knew where Resource Connectors offers a wide Bob J. McCollum at 408-0621 or Bill Barnes my brain was. With a 22-letter title, he ought variety of information free to SCLH at 434-8227. to know something, especially since this device Sunday, June 15

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Italian, offers antipasti, antipasti caldi and very diversifi ed menu, offering tacos, burritos, the Beach Hut Deli located near Casa Ramos Favorite paste. Steak entrees include fi let mignon, curry dishes, most items are available with fi sh, in Lincoln. The sandwiches are excellent, with New York and porter house; seafood pork, chicken and vegetarian. They provide a huge variety, prices are fair, plus they have entrees include crab cioppino, halibut alla both gluten-free and vegan dining options some of the coldest beer in town.” Restaurants picatta, salmone alla pazza and swordfi sh also. Our server was friendly and informative, Next month reports on Source Tapas in BY MARTIN GREEN Siciliani. Specials change daily. Serio’s also suggesting we come back for dinner some Granite Bay, Charlie’s Cafe in Citrus Heights has quite an extensive wine list. The phone evening to try their renowned pork ribs and and Namaste Nepal in Roseville. One more After a drought period I’m happy to report is 916-983-4300. skirt steak. The dessert menu was tempting item: a new restaurant, Pinto Thai Bistro, has a spate of e-mails from readers. Now all we Susan Smerklin recommends another and all honemade . . . sadly, we were too full opened in the old Strings location at 9700 need is some more rain. Suzanne Shaffer Italian restaurant, this one in Sacramento, to try any . . . Can’t wait to go back---they have Fairway Drive. It’s open for lunch and dinner e-mailed: “Eight of us have had dinners or Fabian’s Italian Bistro and Bar. The lunch a Happy Hour also.” and has take-out. Hours are: 11-3 for lunch gone out to dinner together and all enjoy eating menu has salads, starters and sandwiches. Joe Caribe’s menu offers appetizers, and 3-9 for dinner. The phone is 916-780-1500. and tasting new wines. Last Wednesday night Entrees include gnocchi, cannelloni, gemelli salads, tacos, burritos grilled sandwiches, Many thanks to those who’ve e-mailed and I we went to Sergio’s in Folsom. There is one in (house made spicy red wine sausage, delta soups and sides. “House Specialties” hope the e-mails keep coming. My address is Grass Valley but they are different owners. I asparagus, crushed tomato, feta cheese , include yellow curry noodles with chicken or [email protected]. can tell you eight people walked away VERY lasagna and daily fi sh. Dinner entrees include prawns, veggie curry, salmon and the grilled happy. More often than not, there are usually chicken parmigiana, sautéed prawns, ribeye, skirt steak mentioned above. Caribe’s has one or two that just thought it was so-so or there daily fi sh and also “the burger.” Fabian has a an extensive list of beers, both on tap and were different courses that were iffy. From the weekend brunch but, as there’s an extensive bottled. The restaurant is at 13470 Lincoln wine, appetizers, salads, entrees and dessert menu and I couldn’t fi nd specifi c times, I Way, which Doreen says is off I-80 between we were all just thrilled. The owner checked suggest calling. The number is 916-536- Ikeda’s restaurant and Lou LoBontes. Hours in with us, but with one of the BEST servers 9891. The location is at 11755 Fair Oaks are: Sunday-Thursday, 11:30-9; Friday and we have ever had (Chris) he never needed to Boulevard, at Fair Oaks and Madison. Hours Saturday, 11:30-10. Happy hour is daily 3-6. worry. Chris described everything without are: Tuesday-Thursday, 11:30-8:30; Friday, Last month, I asked readers about any hurrying us. He had made a comment about 11:30-9; Saturday, 10-9; Sunday, 10-8. It’s delis or places you could get a good corned beef my Eggplant Parmesan and realized he had closed Mondays. or pastrami sandwich. Jack Orlove, a former described it a little differently and came back Doreen Traxel e-mailed about a “fabulous food critic, e-mailed: “The Kosher style in this to correct it. It was a TEN for me. Three had restaurant my friend Kay and I found last week area is very slim. The only restaurant I know fi sh and loved it. Two had Boar Osso Bucco in Auburn.” The restaurant is Jose Caribe of in the Sac area is Bubbies Love, 916-722- and said it was delicious, as was the shrimp and “they’ve been serving Caribbean food for 7899. The only other option I know of is Max’s scampi. We can’t wait to go back and are lunch and dinner since 2007.” (I can’t recall in Auburn. … They sell take-out sliced meats gladly sharing this with everybody as it’s just a hearing about a Caribbean restaurant in our and you can buy corn rye there. Aside from small local place in a little strip mall and when area before this). Doreen continues: “The that, you can buy lox at a good price at Sam’s they work so hard to do everything so well you sign out front indicates that they are known for Club or Cosco, Kosher salami in stick form at just want to see them succeed. Hope you give their Fish Tacos, which my friend ordered and Sam’s Club, Whole Foods or Nugget. Corn rye them a chance.” loved. I ordered the pork tacos and they were at Trader Joe’s.” David Jenkins also e-mailed Sergio’s Steak and Seafood is a husband probably the best I have had. A diner next to about Bubbies Love. As some readers may and wife owned restaurant. The chef is Sergio. us was having their Mango Glazed Chicken recall, both Bubbies and Max’s have appeared It’s at 322 East Bidwell Street, open for dinner sandwich and it looked so appetizing that I in “Favorite Restaurants.” Bill Knoblauch seven days a week, from 4 to 9. The menu, in want to go back soon and try it. They have a e-mailed about a new (to me) place: “I love

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Players Group at 7:00 p.m. and on Sunday, June 8th at 3:00 meeting on Monday, June 9th at 4:00 p.m. in wouldn’t happen. p.m. Both performances are in Presentation Presentation Hall at Kilaga Springs. Now we’re taking a break until September BY NORAH PROUHET Hall at Kilaga Springs. These are FREE shows For further information please contact 2, when rehearsals begin for our mostly Director Dolly Schumacher James is so come and join the fun as the story plays out. Bob Murdock 916-408-8511 or bamabc@ Christmas concert on December 14-16. We’ll rehearsing her cast for the Readers Theater’s Director Ken Reiss also has a cast in welcome new members then, especially those murderous tale “Arsenic and Old Lace”. rehearsal for the August production of “The • • • with some singing experience. For further This hilarious group features Betty Bold, The Young, and The Murdered”. This information contact Sid Frame 408-1453, Gordon, Ross Pelton, Paul Gardner, Mary over the top story is about fi lming a TV soap Vaudeville Troupe sfl [email protected] or Bill Sveglini Beth Qualick, Audrey Thrall, Angela Blas, Bill opera. Thirteen actors have been locked in a BY SUSAN JOYCE 434-5655, [email protected]. McCarrel, Sean Brancato, Jerry Mandolfo, Jon studio until an episode is fi nished fi lming. As Heads up • • • Solander, Bob Parker, Dick Rooney, Michael nerves become frayed people start dying. Who everyone! Don’t Deal and Connie Burdick. is the villain? This story will keep you guessing. miss the Vaudeville Ballroom Dance Group In a classic tale of murder and mayhem, Performances are on August 6th and 7th Troupe’s show: BY KAREN ALLINGTON two aunts have an unusual hobby. They kill at 7:00 p.m. in the Orchard Creek Ballroom. Anything Goes! to be The Tango. Most of us think of the Tango people who come to their door and hide the Tickets will go on sale June 17th so make your held on Friday, July in terms of the stirring music, the passionate bodies throughout the house. Their delusional plans now. See the June edition of the Compass 11 and Saturday, July rhythms, and the alluring dance movements. nephew Teddy is in charge of burying the for ticket information. 12. There will be two However, there’s much more to Tango than remains. How many bodies are there, that is For more information about these shows, shows each day at that. All types of dance have been shown to the mystery? Carol Murdock or the Players Group, please come to our next 2pm and 6pm. Get have positive health benefi ts. But Tango has Performances are on Saturday, June 7th your tickets now so and Hugo Solano the most of all, and there’s science to back that you can select rehearse for the that up. Studies done all over the world have your favorite seats in shows. shown that dancing the Tango can lower your the KS Presentation levels of stress hormones, and boost the levels Hall. Expect to see troupe veterans as well as of endorphins (those “feel good” hormones). new faces and talent. We’re looking forward Research with Parkinson’s patients has shown to seeing you there!! that Tango dancing can improve balance Producer/Director: Yvonne Krause- and overall motor control in a great number Schenck at 408-2040. of people, and can help to potentially slow Email: [email protected] the disease’s progression. A British study • • • even found that dancing the Tango reduced depression, boosted self-esteem, and improved LH Community Chorus balance in people with macular degeneration. BY BARRY MACKINTOSH June is our month to learn the American Our May concert, “We Love the ‘50s,” Tango. We meet Tuesday afternoons at Kilaga was a big success, packing the Ballroom for Springs in the Multipurpose room. Beginning Back row: Michael Deal, Bill McCarrel, Jon Solander, Angela Blas, all three performances. In addition to all the lessons are from 2 to 3:00pm. Our instructors Bob Parker, Paul Gardner, Sean Brancato and Jerry Mandolfo. applause we got, many of you told us later how are patient, experienced, and personable. All Front row: Mary Beth Qualick, Betty Gordon, Ross Pelton, much you enjoyed us. We greatly appreciate lessons are presented in an easy-going, low Audrey Thrall and Connie Burdick. Missing: Dick Rooney. your support, without which our concerts (cont’ on page 11)


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License #554504 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • JUNE 2014 11

Ballroom Dance Group instructors Country Couples is so fortunate LH Painters Club to have teaching classes, hosted a welcome (cont’ from page 10) to spring theme-based event – country style. BY JACQUIE HILTON Members, stress group format. The following hour from The tables were decorated with fl owers and remember, our Tuesday, 3 to 4:00pm is open dance time. You can dance tiny garden insects. We dined on barbeque June 3rd Painters Club to a wide variety of music and styles, you can chicken and beef with all the fi xings followed by meeting will be a get some individual help with the lesson, and a number of mouthwatering desserts headlined by Jeannie’s fantabulous strawberry cake. Luncheon held in the When everyone had their fi ll, it was time to Solarium at Orchard turn up the music and head to the dance fl oor. Creek Lodge from The room was fi lled to capacity and 12-2PM. If you have the fi rst dance, Cowboy Cha Cha, brought not yet signed up, you everyone to the fl oor, including new members are encouraged to call Barbara Vance - First Place, Nancy Sloan - Treasurer, Liz Shelton. from the beginner’s class, and they were good! Second Place and Christy Auld, Third Place. It was defi nitely a tribute to the Keener’s and The fee is $16. the instructors who give freely of their time at At our May 6th Saturday practices. membership meeting Rula Griffi n and Joe Antoun we voted in our new Painters Club Secretary, Jim Brunk shared recent venues visited Margot Comer. We thank her for taking on this by the Plein Air Painters and noted upcoming demanding task and we thank Barb Iniguez destinations. Our August Painters meeting for her service as secretary over the past two program will feature Jim and several of our you can socialize with a great group of people. years. We also thank returning board members, members doing a plein air demo. Just come and dance, if you would like. From Joyce Bisbee, President; Paullette Pesavento, Show and Tell participants included the 4 to 5:00pm a more advanced lesson in the Programs; and, Liz Shelton, Treasurer. Our following members: Jim, a plein air piece done monthly dance is presented. Your $7.00 annual club is pleased that we now have 97 paid off the Cambria Coastline where he sold a dues entitles you to ALL the lessons and the Painters Club members. painting off the easel!; Ron Bauer, a “Korean weekly open dance hour. We also have many The above meeting featured a “Water Mona Lisa Portrait”; Rudi Franke, a pen and exciting dance events during the year. So, Challenge” with 35 outstanding paintings ink portrait of an artist with a detailed start join us for good music, congenial people, and in oils, watercolors, pastels, and charcoal in pencil; Marilyn Rose, a still life of fl owers health benefi ts! shown by members. By a silent vote from and fruit and a portrait done on a recent trip Contacts: Ruth Algeri 408-4752, Brigid the members present, the fi rst place prize of to Washington D.C. Donaghy 543-6003. April & Carroll Cederburg $50:00 was awarded to Barbara Vance for her Contacts: President - Joyce Bisbee, • • • watercolor narrative of her two grandchildren [email protected]; Membership - Bob Porter, Country Couples Some of the nicest people come together sitting at a quiet waterline looking out toward [email protected]; Plain air paint-outs - Jim Brunk, in Country Couples to make the club special. the distant horizon. Nancy Sloan who placed [email protected], 434-6317. BY TERRI KRCHA We may not be ready for Dancing with the Stars, second, and Christy Auld, who placed third, Website, http// What could be better than an evening but its o.k. We’ll keep practicing… received ribbons. • • • of dancing? How about sharing an evening For Country Couples information contact: Fred Ekman gave us a quick rundown of of country dancing with friends! Rene or Kathy Lopez 434-5617 new how-to books that he has donated to the Jim and Jeannie Keener, the excellent club library for members to check out. • • • (more Club News cont’ on page 14)

THE SIERRA COLLEGE FOUNDATION PRESENTS A Musical Revue of Songs from Broadway Musicals Providing Quality Dental & Implant Care

Everyone treated Herb and myself very warmly. We appreciate the prompt service at Sierra 2014 and patience shown to us. We BroadwayFriday July 11 7:30pm | Saturday July 12 7:30pm are confi dent the Dr. Nolan and Sunday July 13 2:00pm | Friday July 18 7:30pm Director’s Discussion at 6:00pm staff give us good care. Saturday July 19 2:00pm | Sunday July 20 2:00pm ~Terrie D. Tickets available at: SIERRA COLLEGE DIETRICH THEATRE | 5000 Rocklin Road, Rocklin, CA 95677 Ticket: $20 general, $15 students and seniors | Thor Tivol (916) 660-8154 |

3FBTPOBCMF1SJDFT Happy $1050 Implant $950 Implant Crown Fathers Does not apply to contracted fees. Does not apply to contracted fees. Day %BOJFM(/PMBO %%4 4FBO+/PMBO %%4 !LL-ECHANICAL2EPAIRS 3-/'#ERTIlCATION 916-645-1138   +3ERVICES   5IJSE4USFFU 4VJUFt-JODPMO .PO'SJBNQNt/PX0QFOPO'SJEBZT 12 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • JUNE 2014





smitten with the Variegated Boxleaf Euonymus SSN Gardening Corner — [Euonymus Japonica ‘Microphylla Variegata’]. In one highly visible location, we planted Achieving Color In The Garden Through Foliage Variegated Tall Bearded Iris [Iris Pallida ‘Albo Variegata’] in large dark red pots. Our BY GEORGE PORTER the Coleonema Pulchrum ‘Sunset Gold’ that we reward is a nice color combination all year, and $PD]LQJ also know as the Yellow Breath of Heaven. For especially when the (blue) iris are in bloom. First of all, Green is a very satisfying both, the foliage is yellow all year long. Perhaps George Porter directed the landscaping and *UDFH and restful color and we are all fortunate the purest yellow is the Yellow Barberry that landscape maintenance work for over 20-years at the nurseries know as Berberis Thunbergii ‘Aurea’. that this wonderful color is so prevalent. Northgate Property Owners Association in Walnut Seventh Day Grass is coveted in part because it is green. This one is deciduous, but provides beautiful Creek, CA before moving to Sun City Roseville I have noticed that most upscale homes use yellow color throughout the growing season. (SCR) in 1999. At SCR, he has worked with various Adventist extensive amounts of green in front yard For Red: The Nandinas provide us a staff specialists to provide the landscape designs and landscapes; sometimes with a splash of color year-around show of color with pale green in upgrades to the Common Areas as well as a number Church here and there for accent. And, sometimes spring, darker green in summer and fall, and of Golf Course locations. At his SCR home, he grows no color – other than green. Those who have a gorgeous red in winter. My favorites are almost all of the plants used in his designs. His home and garden have been featured on a number of local (Now Holding English artistically combined differing shades of green ‘Fire Power’ and ‘Gulf Stream’. For a red home/garden tours. in front yard landscapes have really achieved that remains red all year, the Loropetalum Speaking Services) something special. I prefer to leave color Chinense ‘Plum Delight’ that most folks know primarily for side and rear yards. as Purple Chinese Fringe Flower is hard to beat. Saturday Mornings Non-green color in the yard is generally It is more purple than red but its blossoms in achieved in one of two ways – through blossoms Spring and Fall are a hot pink that are more Bible Study 9:15 am or through foliage. Many of us focus our noticeable than the foliage plants listed above attention on achieving color through blossoms whose blossoms are almost invisible. – • – only. This is a mistake. For Blue: This color is diffi cult to achieve When people ask me why my garden looks through year-around foliage. We often resort Worship Service 10:45 am nice on those super hot days in July or frosty to getting our blue from blossoming plants days in January, I always point to my plants such as Plumbago Auriculata. However, with colored foliage. And, if such plants don’t the Colorado Blue Spruce [Picea Pungens] Pastor: Rob Kearbey lose their leaves in Autumn, the color is there is a winner for year-around blue foliage. A all year long! good groundcover is the Blue Carpet Juniper Autumn foliage color is a subject for [Juniperis Horizontalis ‘Wiltoni’]. In one Join us at another article. Here we focus on foliage location where we needed blue, we decided color that is there for most or all of the year. to use blue ceramic pots! 600 McBean Park Drive Here are some of my “Foliage Favorites”. For White: White is almost always Every month people in For Yellow: For shrubs, the Golden achieved from white flowers rather than (916) 408-4408 Euonymus [Euonymus Japonica ‘Aureo- foliage. However, lots of the ‘Variegated’ Sun City turn to our pages for Marginata’] provides the best yellow, especially versions of popular plants have leaves that the latest on community news! if you put it in a sunny spot. A second choice is are green AND white. For example, I am 14 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • JUNE 2014

Needle Arts... Threads Of putting it all together are: Betsy McMullen, Joan Daly is the lady to contact if interested Allen, and he takes notes. Gail Cretcher, Kris Volker and Bev Rognlien. in joining. Just call 543-9449. Exhibits of LHPG members are currently Friendship What a wonderful job you did ladies. Thank Here is a list of when the various groups on display at two venues: the Needle Arts BY CAROL MATTHEWS you so much. meet. Applique-4th Fri., 1 to 4; Beading-1st display case at Orchard Creek Lodge (until “Now that was fun,” quote the Mercy During the month of May we also had and 3rd Fri., Fine Arts Room multipurpose June 10th), and Simple Pleasures Restaurant, Retreat group!! It was a relatively small twenty of the group go to 1st Street Elementary room, OC, 1-4; Community Service-every 648 5th St, Lincoln (continuing until July 21st). group that enjoyed the four days in Auburn, School in Lincoln to work with two fi fth grade Thurs., 9-12; Cross Stitch-1st, 2nd, and 3rd Our group is a thankfully eclectic but they had a lot of action. It turned out classes as they made their Mothers’ Day gifts. Wed., 9-12; Hardanger-every Tues., 2-4; collection of landscape, event, wildlife, to be very productive as well as diverse and Their project was a quilted item, and the Knitting/Crocheting-1st, 3rd and 5th Wed. architectural, fi ne art, and maybe even goofy entertaining in many ways. Not only did the volunteers stood by and threaded needles and multipurpose room, OC, 9-12, every Thurs., photographic interests. Some of us prefer ladies complete several projects, they also ironed as necessary. The mothers were ecstatic 1-4. Machine Embroidery-4th Wed., 9-12; automatic point-and-shoot cameras, some played cards, exercised, made Starbucks runs, and the teachers grateful for all the help. Needlepoint-Every Fri.,9-12; Rug Making/ shoot DSLRs or mirrorless cameras, a few use and trips to the local yardage and yarn stores. The general meeting in June featured Braiding &Hooking-1st, 3rd, and 5th Mon.,1- fi lm, and others are committed early-adopters It was a busy group sharing some of their Roxanne Langdon and her displays of 4; Sewing/Quilting-Every Mon., 6-9, Every who can’t stand being anything other than wares in a game with fat quarters and a lot antique quilts and embroidery, hand-painting, Tues.,9-12;UFO (Unfi nished Objects) 1st & the fi rst person on the block to own the latest of laughter. The food was certainly plentiful ribbon and beadwork. She has developed 2nd Fri.,1-4; Wearable Art-1st Wed.,1-4. technology. Each of these many threads are and tasty with coffee always available for the over 38 patterns that illustrate her unique General Contact: Carol Matthews: woven into the fabric of our group and form very early risers. If you have never been to vintage-replicated style of crazy quilting and 543-7863. our common bond - the love of photography. this retreat, you may want to think about it for ribbonry. Roxanne has a passion for vintage • • • We have monthly challenges to enhance our next year. Rebecca Hoetger was the organizer jewelry and other mementos that she uses LH Photography Group skills, regular internal show-and-tell events, for this event and all her hard work paid off. for embellishment. She has handcrafted plus beyond-the-compound displays of our Many thanks, Rebecca. neckpieces of chain and beads, no two alike, BY JEFF ANDERSEN images. Some show and sell their work, others The same may be said for the wonderful and markets her patterns at her retreats as The coming vote for offi ce holders for shudder at the mere thought of such exposure Spring Luncheon and Silent Auction. The well as quilt shows. Her trims, silk velvets our group will happen on the 11th of this exposure. We have fi eld trips and speakers and house was full, and the ladies had great food, and ribbons are hand dyed and aged to look month. The volunteers with raised, bruised discussion groups to expand our photographic an abundance of articles to view and bid on in vintage. Most recent to her collection are arms are Allen Adler (Secretary), John Fedors horizons. We do a lot of stuff, and if only some of the silent auction as well as being entertained amulet pincushions made from the handles (Treasurer), Brad Senn (Vice President) and it is of interest to you, you should check us out. by The Vibrants, a delightful lady quartet. The of antique silver knives, most over 100 years Mortimer Snerd (President). This august group We meet four times a month, each time for auction had the largest number of items to ever old. She also sells old buttons and jewelry. will take offi ce in July (or should that be the different reasons, and our regularly scheduled be offered at auction and since it is our only Roxanne will be a major presenter and teacher July group begins Augustly?) Never mind. meetings are always on Wednesdays. Visit our fund-raiser, it was a hit. A great number of at the Reno Sew Original Quilt and Creative Following this election travesty of injustice, website News Page for more the items were handmade by group members, Expo and be offering Retreats in Santa Cruz. our speaker will be the Secretary-elect Allen information about our activities and contacts. so they are to be thanked as well. Anytime you are ready, feel free to join Adler, either bemoaning his fate or talking The General Meeting is on the second us. Membership in Needle Arts is open to about how he “makes” pictures. Maybe both. Wednesday of the month, 8:30AM – 10:30AM Nancy Rich leading the Wearable Arts any person who resides in Sun City Lincoln Don’t tell me you haven’t seen Allen’s work. A KS Presentation Hall - usually with a featured group is to be thanked for the lovely tote bags Hills and belongs to the SCLH Community piece was in the Compass last month (is it PC speaker. The other gatherings are of the they put together for the door prizes. Betsy Association. The General meeting for Needle to mention that here? Do I care?). Also he’s Special Interest Groups (SIGs). On the 1st McMullen, Gail Cretcher, Barbara Appleby, Arts is held the 2nd Tuesday of every month been in Fine Arts shows at the OC before that, Wednesday of the month, this SIG intermixes and Toody Baldwin made everyone a little at Kilaga Springs in the Presentation Hall at and he’s currently showing at both Needle Arts cell phone holder. The ladies responsible for 1:00 p.m. Membership is only $15 per year. and Simple Pleasures (see below). Ubiquitous (cont’ on page 15) Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • JUNE 2014 15

LH Photography Group Heights) of the Ballroom. The program will completion with the valuable help of ARG Growing Up As Children of Immigrants. Look be “Jewelry through the Ages,” presented member, Phyllis Kalbach. for her presentation at the Community Forum (cont’ from page 14) by Alison LeBaron, a Master Gemological • Blue Eden author, Phyllis Kalbach in the fall. “Camera” and “Photo Enhancement” subjects Appraiser. If you collect or just appreciate participated in the Gold Country Book Festival • Irene Douglass spoke at a Lincoln and that meeting is from 8:30AM-10:00AM antiques, please join us. in Auburn on May 17th. She will also be at the Rotary luncheon, attended the Gold Country in the Multi-Media Room of Orchard Creek. Contacts: Rose Marie Wildsmith, 409- International Science Fiction Convention in Writers Event in May, followed by a three-day “Camera” is about how to operate that 0644; Barbara Engquist, 434-1415 London England, August 14-18, 2014. Atkinson Company reunion where she meet computer attached to a lens. “Enhancement” Antique Appraisals: 484-4004 • The Incantation by new author Paul with people who found themselves in her book, is about fi xing shooting errors and creating • • • Goldstein is in hand. “The hard work is done, An American Woman in Pakistan - the only different effects with software. Then on the 4th thanks to supportive folks at Author’s Resource book written about the Atkinson Company’s Wednesday, from 8:30AM - 11:15AM in the Authors Resource Group Group,” Paul says. “Publishing is joy mixed with experiences in Pakistan. Multi-Purpose (not the Multi-Media) Room at BY LINDA BELLO-RUIZ • From Tears to Triumph, a memoir by the OC, the “Round Table” and “Print” SIGs The Authors Resource Linda Bello-Ruiz has won three 1st Place meet, one following the other in that order. The Group members have been awards and is now being translated into “Round Table” is an open discussion forum for busy! Here’s a recap from Spanish. Linda has been speaking at service anything about photography, and “Print” is all a few of them: organizations, writer’s groups, book clubs and about the process, equipment and materials • Linda Price Williams churches around California and Mexico. to create a print. is in the final stages of • Leo Craton, author of California Boy • • • publishing her book, Twelve and California Boy 2, spends his time helping Cents for Special Delivery ARG members prepare their books for printing Antiques Appreciation Club - California Love Letters and is putting together a class curriculum on how to write and publish the book within YOU. BY ROSE MARIE WILDSMITH 1903 – 1905. This book That’s coming soon! On May 5, we had a very interesting and contains her grandparents’ Quentin, Phyllis, Linda, Tommie, Arloa, Andy, Linda BR, Paul. Do YOU need help on the road to editing, entertaining program on Cameras, presented love letters and is set on the publishing, or marketing your manuscript by one of our long-time members. We learned Monterey Peninsula. sadness, kind of like post-partum depression; or book? Join us! We meet monthly. a great deal about the use of various cameras • Arloa Walter’s Men’s Point Of View: A for once the “baby” is released, it’ll no longer Contact Linda Bello-Ruiz (916) 543-7952 – throughout the years, thanks to our Speaker’s Snapshot in Time, is now a reality! Her book be mine. Every author must deal with this.” [email protected] or Leo Craton (916) outstanding knowledge of their history, explores what men in a retirement community • Author, Andy Petro is in the midst 543-9012 – [email protected] for date, time including that the fi rst use of a camera was in have to say about important topics of life: of preliminary edits on his second book, and place. 1839. Cameras have come a long way! For this family, generational and gender differences, Alive in the Light–Remembering Eternity. He • • • day only, our meeting place was temporarily struggles, and lessons learned. had a successful presentation for the SCLH moved to the Multi-purpose Room at OC. • Quentin Grady recently published The Community Forum this spring on his fi rst book, SCLH Writers Group On May 16, we held our annual fun Moon Promise, the second book of the Ghost with over 300 people in attendance. potluck, complete with Hawaiian theme and Eagle tales. His book is getting excellent BY LINDA LUCCHETTI • Judie Panneton spoke at two events in entertainment by our own wonderful Sun City reviews and he is working on the third book, Members of the SCLH Writers Group Pennsylvania in April. She was the keynote “Wahines.” The Falcon Queen. Quentin is engaged in gather to share prose and poetry, stories speaker at the Back Mountain Library in At our next meeting at 10:00 a.m., on serious discussions on the movie rights for and memoirs. Some members are writing Dallas, PA, and the featured dinner speaker at June 2, we return to our regular meeting the entire series. chapters for potential books, while others are the Jewish Community Center, in Wilkes Barre, place in the Breakout Rooms (Gables and • ABC’s of GOD, a children’s book with original artwork by Tommie Moller, is nearing PA. Judie is the author of, Proud Americans: (cont’ on page 17)

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SCLH Writers Group on June 19 from 1:00 to 2:30 in the Orchard Alzheimer’s/Dementia Bosom Buddies Creek multipurpose room as we discuss The (cont’ from page 15) Light between Oceans by Margot L. Stedman. Caregiver’s Support Group BY VAL SINGER If I had only known then what I know penning shorter pieces and poems for their Orchard Creek Book Club Schedule & BY JEAN EBENHOLTZ now!!! How many times have we all said that? own pleasure. Selections for the remainder of 2014 “Communication and Dementia” is the What is it that we wish we’d known? Well, I for Recently, the group gladly welcomed July 17: How to Eat A Cupcake by Meg title of the upcoming presentation on June one wish I would have had the self -confi dence several new members that increase energy and Donohue 25th by Dr. Barbara Gillogly, Chair of the to write my feelings way back when. the variety of genres to explore. August 21: The Cuckoo’s Calling by JK Gerontology Department at American River What was I afraid of? I can’t remember During our informal, friendly meetings, Rowling College. exactly, but I was afraid. Ridicule maybe? we read our written work aloud and then September 18: Killing Lincoln by Bill For many years, Dr. Gillogly has been Who would ridicule me? My peers? Funny, are critiqued by our colleagues. It’s not all O’Reilly assisting people through life’s major transitions I can’t remember any of their names. The work – we have fun too, sharing thoughts and October 16: Pride and Prejudice by Jane and she recognizes that one of the most stressful few things I did write, I hid away. I wish I commenting on each other’s writing. Austen of life’s journeys is that of a caregiver. had known then that most people are much “Quantity produces quality. If you only November 20: The Unlikely Pilgrimage of The Caregiver’s Support Group is too busy to worry about me. Also, they don’t write a few things, you’re doomed,” was author Harold Fry by Rachel Joyce fortunate to have Dr. Gillogly, a frequent remember my name either. Just go to a class Ray Bradbury’s advice to writers. December 18: Holiday Luncheon presenter at conferences, workshops and reunion and the fi rst thing is you are given a So, why not keep up the quantity (and Website: http://LHocbookgroup. meetings on issues of aging, as our speaker on nametag. Why do you think that happens? quality) of your writing and join us. Come to Wednesday, June 25th at 1:00PM in the Multi- Duh! We pass through life maneuvering our a meeting just to observe, or bring something Wiki: purpose Room OC Lodge. We encourage all way through people and places and as we get you’ve written. We meet on the second, fourth Contacts: Contacts: Penny Pearl 409- caregivers to join us. older we get braver. and fi fth Mondays of each month at 6:30 p.m. 0510, Darlis Beale 408-0269, Dale Nater In addition to our speakers and discussion Just look at all the tap dancers at Lincoln in the Ceramics Room (OC). Bring 12-14 543-8755. sessions, the Support Group has a wonderful Hills. Most of these ladies never did anything copies of your work to share (maximum 1,500 • • • array of books on topics that are of interest to like that until they moved here. Then, they words). You don’t have to be an expert to join. caregivers. They take you from the beginning decided to ignore their fear of rejection and All SCLH authors, writers or those striving to SCLH Singles Club stages of the disease to issues of transition, and just have a great time. How wonderful is that? be writers are welcome. BY MARALYN FISHER-ZACK cover lots of stress points in between. So, if I had known then that the majority of Contacts: Bev Brannon, bevbrn49@aol. Our June birthday celebration in the We thank the Lincoln Hills Foundation folks really just want the best for me, goodness com, Jim Fulcomer, [email protected], Sports Bar is June 1st at 4:30. Cocktails will for their funding which brings us outstanding knows what I would have done with my life. Linda Lucchetti, [email protected] be at Gingers, Roseville at 4:30 PM. Mark your speakers and a wonderful lending library for Thinking about it though, I probably would • • • calendar for June 12th our social ‘Hawaiian use by our caregivers. have ended up in Lincoln Hills boring you all Shuffl e’ which will be held at the Sports For more information contact: Judy with my musings! OC Book Group Pavilion, we will have the swearing in of the at 434-7864, Cathy at 409-9332 or Maria at The May meeting was a luncheon at Patty new 2014/2015 Board of Directors. The $20 409-0349. BY DALE NATER McCuen’s home. The core members brought includes a dinner, band and entertainment. • • • In April, 1926, a lonely, childless couple salads and pie was purchased from Simple See you there. are operating a remote lighthouse off the Pleasures in Lincoln. It is always such a treat • • • coast of Australia when a boat washes ashore to have a bunch of women making salads. So with a dead man and a living baby; the baby many different kinds! It’s wonderful and not a they had always wanted? What they do could calorie in sight! That’s the salads not the pies… either end in tragedy or joy. Please join us (cont’ on page 18)

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Bosom Buddies Eye Contact of acetazolamide daily for one week. This was The Healthy Eating Club increased by a quarter gram each week until (cont’ from page 17) BY BARBARA SMITH reaching the maximum of 4 grams. The other BY DON R. RICKGAUER Low Vision Support Group In May the Healthy Eating Club took Cindy provided the decorations once half received a placebo. After six months, both Presentation Hall (KS)-1:00-3:00 PM on the challenge of “making healthy salad again for the members’ luminary bags. It’s groups showed improvement in fi eld-of-vision June 12, 2014 • 1:00 pm dressings at home” in a well-attended club always fun to work together on putting our tests. Those on aacetazolamide improved by Although not verifi ed, Gergetta Tanase workshop that provided members with sentiments on the bags for the luminaria about twice as much as those in the placebo from the Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) samples, recipes and a primer on how to ceremony in the evening of the Lincoln Relay group. Improvement showed in the drug group, will present their services that help us. best proceed with making your own healthy for Life on May 17th. weight reduction helped reduce Followed by: “Summary of research and dressings. Other club activities enjoyed by our Bosom Buddies is pleased to have one swelling in the optic nerve. Weight loss Developments” members in May were a visit to a local working of our own members, Kathy Hirth, as our showed improvement in both groups. Annual summary review of the latest news vegetable farm, an informal gathering for lunch June meeting speaker. She will be telling us This study provides a much needed in low vision and blindness during the past year. at Newcastle Produce store and restaurant, about “Right at Home”. This is a service that evidence base for using acetazolamide as an Eye Openers — Glaucoma and Obesity: A group participation in WellFit’s Rejuvenate allows seniors to stay in their homes if they are adjunct to weight loss for treating IIH,” said new treatment of glaucoma and IIH disease has Your Lifestyle Wellness Days 5k run/walk, a presented with crisis situations. Kathy’s theme Dr. Wall on the study. been developed. High doses of acetazolamide Chef Roderick cooking demo using Farmers’ is, “Laughter is Free”. This should make all “The drug has been around since the cause swelling in the optic nerve. Market fresh produce and a very informative of us feel better, huh? 1950s, and prior studies have found varying The side effects include fatigue, presentation by the owner of the local Willow See you on June 12th! degrees of efficacy. One strength of the nausea, tingling hands and feet, and metallic Creek Ranch on growing and preparing fresh We meet at Orchard Creek Lodge on the study is that we slowly introduced patients taste (triggered by carbonated drinks.) local produce. second Thursday of each month at 1:00 pm. to the highest tolerated dose, in an attempt Acetazolamide (Diamis) is the drug used in Each month we select a common If you have any questions regarding Bosom to maximize effi cacy while limiting its side the trials to supply brain fl uid production. IIH American dish and then fi nd ways to make Buddies, please contact: Marianne Smith (408- effects.” causes an increase in pressure in the brain and it a healthier one that still retains the tastes 1818) or Patty McCuen (408-4185). Symptoms of IIH include headaches, optic nerve. Sodium was added to the drug and textures that have kept it so popular. In If you wish to go to lunch at the Meridians nausea with vomiting, blind spots, and poor and a healthy diet to treat the low vision loss this “recipe makeover” program we see the before the meeting, please call Marilyn Poole peripheral vision. For six months, the IIH caused by IIH. It IIH increases pressure in the same four points coming up again and again: (434-8902) and she will make the reservation. treatment tested acetazolamide and sight loss fl uid-fi lled spaces inside and around the brain. 1.) it needs less salt, 2.) it needs less sugar, 3.) We end each meeting by holding hands versus a weight loss plan. One group received This may cause swelling and damage the it needs less saturated fat, 4.) it needs more and saying: “Together We Are Strong. Together acetazolamide, another group a placebo. optic nerve that connects sight to the brain. We Will Make A Difference. Together We Patients in both groups had improved vision- One group of patients received the drug Will Survive. -those receiving the drug had the greatest (cont’ on page 19) and another group a placebo. Both groups And, we will, hopefully with a little fun… improvement. Both experienced similar improved in vision; those receiving the drug • • • reduction. However, further study is needed had more improvement. in regard to side effects and dosage size. The daily diet helped only 5-10% in Results of the trials were published in improvement and proofed difficulty to the Journal of American Medical Association, maintain. Diets were reduced by 500-1,000 and Clinical Trials of the American Academy calories. In order to loose 6% of their current of Neurology. weight, each patient received a coach and Acetazolamide (Diamis) is the drug exercise equipment. used in the trial. It reduces fl uid production Happy camper at club workshop. Half of the participants received 1 gram in the brain. • • • BRE 01821982 BRE 00556444 We are “The Realty Experts” when Selling or Buying in Sun City Lincoln Hills First Quarter Results when Representing a Buyer or Seller

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The Healthy Eating Club meetings, but Club workshops where we sample important to be there to comfort and encourage We also need subs. Jerry Gordon has all various healthy foods are members only. The mothers through the pain as it transitioned to the details. Don’t miss out, on all the fun and (cont’ from page 18) annual membership fee is $15 per household. the joy of birth. She often cared for lesbian friendships waiting for you! fi ber. The lessons we are learning from this • • • mothers assuring that they would find a Contact. Sandy Klein 408-2020. Judi series are invaluable to anyone interested compassionate face in the delivery room. Shane 253-9129 in understanding the importance of healthy Lavender Friends Now that she has retired, Carolyn enjoys • • • eating. BY KATHLEEN MCCARTHY creating media presentations for her church The Healthy Eating Club’s mission is to Lavender Friends is a social organization services, and taking classes through Coursera. Investors Study Group educate our members about the importance of serving the LGBT community and those in org, which offers free non-credit college level BY RACHEL LAFOREST healthy eating and to improve our relationship friendship in Sun City Lincoln Hills. In the courses from top-rated universities from Sam Wardelll, one of the most respected with food. All our general meetings and smaller spirit of getting to know one another, I am all over the world. An upcoming course is prognosticators in the country, will share his gatherings center around food topics and interviewing members with questions inspired “Aging Around the World”. She is interested thoughts on the investment world for 2014 and food-related activities. At our small gatherings by Brandon Stanton’s Humans of New York. in crewing on her brother’s sailboat. Life beyond. (When the market addresses “ahead”/ we call “workshops” we sample healthy foods Carolyn has a passion for travel and continues to unfold with exciting possibilities beyond — how can we benefi t from their view prepared by volunteer members at a member’s learning. At the end of 43-year career as a in her sixtieth decade, and Carolyn is ready to of that time frame?) home, or in rare cases a full meal is prepared. registered nurse for labor and delivery in explore them all! Non-members are welcome as potential We invite guest speakers to our meetings to Kaiser Permanente, she continues to explore Check your email for upcoming events talk on various food-related topics, and we the United States in her RV as well as visits to including 6/16 PFLAG, 6/21 Club Meetin, 6/23 have two members-only potluck suppers, Mexico, Germany, Italy, and other countries. Coffee, and 7/14 Breakfast. one in April and another in October, both at She especially enjoys visiting her family. Contacts: Jacquie Hilton 543-9349, the Sports Pavilion. At our monthly general Her oldest son from her fi rst marriage is an [email protected]; John 408-5576 meetings we discuss such diverse topics as award-winning professional photographer and [email protected] www.lavenderfriends. upcoming site tours of food-related businesses, videographer. Another son and daughter com; Terry 916-209-3925. local farmers’ market schedules, ways to make were born out of a thirty-year domestic • • • common dishes more healthy and other food- partnership. That son is a now a lawyer who related topics currently in the news. acts as a legislative counsel, and her daughter Shalom Group ISG consultant Russ Abbott and guest Contact Don Rickgauer, Club is at the University of California at San BY SANDY KLEIN presenter Doug Cote. Chairperson, at 253-3984 for information on Diego and will receive her Masters in Peace Welcome to all our new members. our Club, or email at Healthy_Eating_Club @ and Justice Studies with hopes of working The May meeting was on the 27th with the Our monthly general meetings with multinational corporations in those wonderful and very interesting Judie Panneton members or simply as interested-in-this- are on the 4th Monday of the month, so June’s areas. Carolyn expressed great pride in their as our guest speaker. The meeting was well presenter attendees. We discuss current events meeting is Monday the 23rd at 2:00 pm in achievements and delights in the company of attended and she was great. Our current (throughout the world) in light of whether Presentation Hall at Kilaga Springs Lodge. her four grandchildren. events discussion group is off and running. those developments will jeopardize or enhance Our guest speaker is Dr Danni Ballere, a Carolyn loved taking care of women in Our group really has something for everyone. the investments that were so “hot” or “out” Naturopathic Doctor who will introduce us labor, witnessing the wonder of birth and the Mark your calendar for June 8. It’s the “table just 60 to 90 days ago. We purchase nothing to the naturopathic concept of identifying and beginning development of the loving bond tennis” afternoon. since we are a group devoted to learning and, removing the underlying causes of illnesses, between mother and child. Over the years The picnic this year is on the 29th of June. on our own, studying. many of which are diet-related, rather than technology began to dominate the delivery Close to 100 members attended last year. Returning to our June 5th, 2:00 pm to merely eliminate or suppress symptoms. room. Carolyn made a point to stay with One more thing to keep in mind is that it’s presenter, Sam Wardell of Pioneer Investments: Guests are welcome at our general the mother for the complete process. It was not to late to join our summer bowling league. (cont’ on page 21)

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“Sun City Lincoln Hills Resident” 20 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • JUNE 2014

-JODPMO)JMMT6QEBUF "-."3$*" .PEFM "$5*7& "WFSBHF 1&/%*/( "WF1FOEJOH 40-% "WFSBHF -JTUJOHT -JTU1SJDF 4BMFT -JTU1SJDF -BTU.PT 4BMF1SJDF Santa Clara Carmel 1 $859,900 (*#40/ Santa Barbara 2 $744,500 1 $799,000 2 $667,500 Meadowgate 4 $709,500 3 $684,700 Sonoma 3 $707,200 2 $772,000 1 $785,100 Springcrest 1 $564,900 1 $780,000 Marin 2 $620,500 Tiburon 1 $558,900 Monterey 3 $614,300 San Mateo 2 $620,000 1 $549,900 Atherton 1 $549,950 Napa 1 $695,000 3 $613,000 Shasta 2 $609,000 2 $536,900 1 $562,500 Sausalito 3 $550,000 3 $510,700 Ventura Annadel 1 $570,000 3 $463,200 El Dorado 2 $467,000 3 $466,700 Ventana Fremont 1 $459,000 2 $502,000 1 $495,000 Orchard Crest 1 $417,000 Plumas 1 $439,000 3 $471,000 1 $443,000 Tehama 1 $384,900 1 $409,000 1 $412,500 Tahoe 1 $419,900 3 $414,300 1 $587,500 Santa Cruz 1 $418,000 2 $409,500 771-3177 Mendocino Baldwin [email protected] Echo Ridge 2 $432,500 2 $392,500 2 $389,200 Trinity 2 $400,000 1 $395,000 2 $358,000 t0WFS :&"34PGDPNCJOFE3FBM&TUBUF Lassen 5 $406,200 3 $349,300 &YQFSJFODF Quail Cove 2 $409,500 2 $387,500 t-POHUJNF4VO$JUZ3FTJEFOUT Alpine 4 $389,000 1 $399,950 6 $372,600 Pine Hill 1 $426,900 5 $363,400 5 $368,100 t'PSNFS#30,&308/&3PG4BO+PTFPGmDF Almanor 2 $347,000 Madera 4 $340,600 2 $394,000 /BUJPOBM3FBM&TUBUF$PNQBOZ Bridgegate 3 $346,700 2 $339,500 6 $339,000 t.PSF,OPXMFEHF.PSF&YQFSUJTF.PSF4FSWJDFT Calaveras 1 $309,000 1 $390,000 Sequoia 1 $307,900 2 $269,200 t$VSSFOU-JTUJOHT 'MPPSQMBOTBOE$PNNVOJUZ Millpond 1 $279,900 5 $283,600 Mariposa 1 $299,000 1 $255,000 *OGPSNBUJPOBUXXXBNHJCTPO(P-ZPODPN Woodleaf NOTE: The statistics above do not reflect any consideration in value for model options nor location. &9$-64*7&46/$*5:4&37*$&4 “We appreciate the opportunity to compete for your business” 1. '3&& professional house cleaning 2. '3&& professional carpet cleaning 3. '3&& professional window cleaning 4. '3&& professional yard clean-up 5. '3&&property evaluations for Estate Purposes DRE# 00456442 & 01243980 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • JUNE 2014 21

Investors Study Group we aim to show a variety of perspectives, and Group to Chuck Peterson, 2919 Eagles Peak LHMUG- All Things Apple you will “learn to discern” what is helpful Lane, Lincoln, CA. (cont’ from page 19) for you. • • • BY DAVID POLSON Each year our LHMUG Mac User’s Sam will also be available at the coffee/snacks Contact: Group Coordinator John Noon, Group throws a party, and all members are social time at 3:30PM (roughly) as we move email: the [email protected] SCLH Computer Club invited. It is not too early to mark your calendar from the Presentation Hall to the informal • • • BY KARL SCHOENSTEIN or iCal for our annual banquet on September “kitchen”. You’ve heard of “Sell in May and Go Main Meeting: June 11, 06:30 PM 9th, which this year will be a “Luau in the Away” --- go away meaning stay “in cash” until LH Veterans Group Chromebook: Microsoft’s Worst Fear??? Terry Ballroom”. Only 300 tickets will be sold, and September-ish. Will the start of this advice BY B.L. LEWIS Rooney’s presentation in the past they have sold out very quickly. lead you to go with what is expected (by some) Lincoln Hills residents show their will show how this Tickets will be available in July. to occur starting September/October 2014? patriotism by fl ying their fl ags. The idea of computer will take care If you are not sure how to mark the Luau Wait! There are “a number of numbers” that an annual day specifi cally celebrating the Flag of about 95% of your or other events on your iCal calendar, found make your “sleeper” (investment) purchases is believed to have fi rst originated in 1885. computing needs. The on both your computer and your iDevices, join blossom-time different than what was reported BJ Cigrand, a school teacher, arranged for Chrome browser, Gmail, MUG volunteer John Fancher to explore the as expected. the pupils in the Fredonia, Wisconsin Public Google Drive (100 GB benefi ts of iCal. John will be demonstrating Take the opportunity, in the social School District 6, to observe June 14 (the 108 for 2 years), Google Docs how to use it at our Newbie Educational time, from 3:30-4:00PM to ask Mr. Wardell anniversary of the offi cial adoption of The (letters, presentations Seminar on June 5th.You will learn how to about the work week of someone with his Stars and Stripes) as “Flag Birthday”. Over and spreadsheets) give create and manage appointments and events, responsibility, and other job titles such as the following years more school districts in you access to virtually Terry Rooney and also how to manage multiple and shared “investment money manager”. What new laws several states enthusiastically advocated the everything you need. calendars. A few days later, on June 11th, you have affected his workplace in the last year? observance of June 14 as “Flag Birthday” or Now Google has ventured into hardware can practice in a hands-on Lab session with How have these changes affected people who “Flag Day”. On May 30, 1916, President by pairing with PC manufacturers (Acer, Asus, John, and hone your iCal skills. have decided to have a professional manager or Woodrow Wilson issued a Proclamation Dell, HP, Samsung) to produce small, appealing Our General Meeting on June 10th will professional team manage their portfolio—the establishing June 14 as Flag Day and on August laptops powered by Chrome OS. No Windows feature our Vice President Vicki White’s accumulation of resources that will enable 3, 1949, President Harry Truman signed an Act needed! Chromebooks cost $150-$300 and discussion of Spotlight, that mysterious small choices in their “golden years”? of Congress designating June 14 of each year come with SSD hard drives, WiFi, Ethernet, magnifying glass in the top right-hand corner Mr. Wardell’s appearance, presentation, a National Fag Day. USB ports, VGA, HDMI, camera, and 2-4 or your computer screen. The image is small, and willingness to chat with you one-to-one On Saturday, June 14, 2014, the LH GB RAM. but it is a powerful tool for many things- not are contingent on his busy schedule. He was Veterans Group will celebrate Flag Day with Clinic: June 13, 03:30 PM will include just searching. Vicki will demonstrate some head of equity product management at State a Bar B Q at the Lincoln Hills Sports Pavilion. more information about the huge selection of of the many ways Spotlight can be helpful. Street Research and Management until he The event will be catered by Bill’s Chuck Wagon software from Google Play for Chromebooks. Come early (6:30, KS) if you would like to joined Pioneer Investments in 2003. Come and start at 5:15pm, dinner will be served at (Both meetings at KS Presentation Hall) “Ask the Tech” any Apple-related questions, to the Presentation Hall (KS) by 2:00PM, on 6:00pm. The cost is $16.00 and the Menu Ask the Tech: June 27, 10:00 AM Informal and be sure to pick up your raffl e ticket for Thursday, June 5th. includes Beef Ball Tip Roast, Boneless Chicken Q & A session for any and all technical exceptional prizes. Feel free to bring a neighbor or guest- Breast, Tossed Green Salad, Roasted Red questions (OC Multi Purpose Room). SIRI is quickly becoming another feature there is no investing—we are a study/learning Potatoes, Ranch Beans, Hot Ciabatta Bread, Contact: Bob Ringo president@sclhcc. we rely on daily. Siri is the application that lets group, and you needn’t even be “an investor”. and Cookies. Plus a Cash Bar. There will also org you speak to your iDevice, ask questions, give You will meet men and women who are curious be a drawing for prizes as a special “Thank You” Website: (more info) instructions and help turn your speech into and learning-- just as you are. If the presenter to our members for their support. Send your • • • one month doesn’t “click” for you, that’s fi ne- check payable to the Lincoln Hills Veterans (cont’ on page 25)

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22 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • JUNE 2014

fi ve as a vocational expert on disability in on her. A nonprofi t foundation is being set SUN SENIOR PROFILES Getting to know you... litigation. She managed fi ve offi ces and over up in her name, thanks to the insistence of the 100 clients and was President of the Association President of Uretek (a Texas-based company of Rehabilitation Counselors of California. working in Barra de Navidad to repair beach Linda Bello-Ruiz — From Tears to Triumph... Linda married twice and has four damage from the 2011 Jova hurricane). The “wonderful” children in addition to Linda Foundation will help bring in tax- (cont’ from page 1) the girl she “adopted” at The House of deductible funds to go towards projects near Hope. She smiles as she says two of her and dear to Linda’s heart: additional school and prayed for help. The Children children have a Colombian father and remodeling, computers for schools, medical of God, a then-growing cult, literally two have a Mexican one. She enthuses equipment, vocational training, repair of the appeared on the beach next to her. even more when she talks about Hank, waste water treatment system, and others. Linda’s story of living with the her “life partner” with whom she lives. The foundation will enable donors to have a Children of God, their life of transience He has been “the strength behind place to send checks and receive tax receipts. and “witnessing” on the streets is the scenes” that enabled her to write Linda divides her time between Lincoln one somewhat familiar to those who her memoir and helped her set up a Hills and Barra de Navidad. While here she remember cults of the 1970’s. It started publishing company to publish her attends Destiny Church, enjoys golf, guitar, in innocence but did not remain that book. He understands the necessary yoga, line dance and swing dance. She is active way. Linda did not lose her faith but process of marketing and the travel in The Lincoln Hills Writers Group, President found herself lucky to get out when involved. Linda calls their relationship of The Authors and Writers Resource Group, the leader’s moral compass opposed a “non-dependent one”, one in which a member of Inspire Christian Writers and the her beliefs. each contributes together and apart Northern California Publishers and Authors Her parent’s love never swayed for a happy whole. group and RANN. She has a website, www. despite the trials of Linda’s choices This independence gives Linda the, and a book on Amazon. and natural fallout on the family. chance to spend time in a fi shing village It is no surprise that she speaks to clubs and Today family and friends are proud in Mexico, Barra de Navidad, where organizations about hope, her purpose and of the choice she made to work with she and her older sister have homes. her life experiences, all of which make her the a Priest and a Missionary in Costa Just as she followed her heart and her fascinating woman she is. Rica and form a Christian home for faith to help in Costa Rica, Linda has underage prostitutes (the fi rst of its helped this community. A Rotarian and kind in Costa Rica) called The House member of Costalegre Rotary Club, of Hope. Linda received the early and Linda has worked to solicit donations continued endorsement of the First to help the town to carry out Rotary Lady of Costa Rica. Her book details and personal projects. Recently, a boy Know a neighbor who should be how it all happened and shares the Linda Bello-Ruiz and her family. who couldn’t walk was given an electric stories of the girls and their strength wheelchair and the Mayor was given a recognized? through words that refl ect her own new typewriter and computer. Linda Well, just let us know! drive and devotion of this college-age girl. Degree in Organizational Behavior and a was also thrilled to see schools remodeled, From Tears to Triumph is a memoir, Master’s Degree in Psychology. She worked but says more work is needed. Call us at 727-6383 or e-mail us but not Linda’s life story. She returned to in Santa Rosa as a bilingual vocational Linda downplays one thing that is being California from Costa Rica to earn a Bachelor’s rehabilitation counselor for 26 years including done because she doesn’t want the focus to be at [email protected]!

ESULTS % TO LIST (916) 532-7600 CALL TODAY! YOUR Randy Smith (916) 532-7600 [email protected] 1HOME BRE 01169980 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • JUNE 2014 23 50th Anniversary Lincoln High Receives Donation Surprise Party For The Nakamotos to Support Swimming Team A large group of family and friends The Lincoln High School swimming team surprised Sun City’s Greig Faye Nakamoto is comprised of 47 students. For swimming on April 26, 2014. practices, the school uses the McBean Park The occasion was the couple’s 50th Swimming Pool. To use the swimming pool wedding anniversary. And, it was a surprise. on a yearly basis, the Lincoln High School Organized by neighbors Liz and Jim Ferrie, pays $8,000. To help support the high school the crowd hid cars on side streets and snuck swimming program, the Kiwanis of Lincoln, down the street so they wouldn’t be seen. The donated $2,500 to help with this expense. The Nakamotos’ daughter, Teri, and their son, Lincoln High School still needs more money Darin, also helped with the planning. The menu included lots of sushi, sashimi and rice and noodle dishes. And, as they say, “a great time was had by all”.

to support the swimming team. Please contact sectional meet. Lori Stanley at 916-645-6360 if you would like In only two years, we have grown our to donate. program to more than 40 athletes and already The swimming team practiced daily from have sectional qualifi ers to show for it. The 4-6, and just wrapped up their season with the future of this new program is very bright indeed. boys freestyle relay team qualifying for the

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10 Day MEXICAN RIVIERA – STAR PRINCESS® Escorted Dates with FREE ROUNDTRIP BUS October 25, November 4 & 14*, 2014 January 3* and April 19, 2015 *Rates from $999 (Cat IF inside)(rates vary by date) 15-Day HAWAII – STAR PRINCESS® Escorted Dates with FREE ROUNDTRIP BUS March 21 & April 29 2015 Rates from $1699 (Cat IF inside) TAXES & OPTIONAL INSURANCE ADDITIONAL RATES QUOTED ARE AS OF 4-28-14 AND ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE.

Collapsible wheelchairs and walkers can be transported in the luggage compartment of the bus. Space is not available for motorized scooters. Buses do not have wheelchair lift access. All special equipment being transported by bus must be identifi ed at time of booking. Fares are cruise only, per person, USD, based on double occupancy, capacity controlled and subject to availability. Government Fees and Taxes are additional. Refer to applicable Princess brochure or for terms, conditions, and defi nitions which will apply to all bookings. Ships’ registry: Bermuda. 24 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • JUNE 2014


Open Daily 9am to 5pm and after hours by appointment. Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • JUNE 2014 25

LHMUG- All Things Apple LH Astronomy Group “Searching for Life on Mars”, John Combes a pleasure to welcome several guests – Dick will talk on “The Search for Exoplanets around Kulhavy, Randy Moore and his wife, Linda. (cont’ from page 21) BY HELEN MACLAREN Red Dwarf Stars”, and then Morey Lewis will We look forward to seeing them at many of The Lincoln Hills Astronomy Group take the fl oor to share his knowledge about our future gatherings. Al Holland stopped by written text. Special guest and SCLH resident (LHAG) May meeting was very special. It was “The Multiverse”. Please join us for a topic to say “hello” but then had to leave to go to Bob King will offer an Educational Seminar on our 10th anniversary and was celebrated with that is bound to excite your interest. work. Pictured are Randy Moore, Al Holland June 18th on the myriad of tasks that Siri and style. A retrospective of the past 10 years really The following day, on Thursday, June and Jesse Thompson. your iPhone can perform. He will show how encapsulated all that’s been done including 5th, LHAG will host a Community Star Party On Saturday, May 10, Jesse Thompson speech recognition has gone from the novelty special forums with distinguished speakers, behind the Orchard Creek Lodge. This will was honored with the prestigious Hiram stage to become a practical everyday tool. stargazing parties on Rossi Lane, planetarium start at 8:30 p.m. Three planets, Saturn, Mars Award following a luncheon at Eureka Lodge shows, fi eld trips to Blue Canyon, socials and and Jupiter, will be visible. This is an excellent in Auburn. Several members of the Square monthly meetings that always teach members opportunity for residents to check out stars & Compass Club were there to witness something new. Thanks and recognition visible from Lincoln Hills. The bar will feature presentation of the award by Eric C. Chilson, were given to outgoing board members, John some delicious solar system special drinks to Master, Eureka #16 Masonic Lodge. It was Combes, Nina Mazzo, and Ron Olson. enhance the experience. a GRAND DAY for all! Three new boards members were elected-- The Cosmology Interest Group (CIG) Bob Collins, John Neil, and Cynthia Van Buren. will meet at the Fine Arts room in the Orchard Ed Miller agreed to accept a mid-term vacancy. Creek Lodge on Monday, June 16, at 6:45 p.m. Congratulations to all and thank you for the CIG is a third of the way in viewing Professor work you’ll be doing! After the program was Mark Whittles’ series on “Cosmology: The over, members adjourned to the Kilaga Lodge History and Nature of our Universe”. Last Sharon Worman Explains Apple’s Finder kitchen area to partake in dessert and a lavish month we took a break from the lectures and Photo credit Dave Polson raffl e event. In addition, each member received started an overview of what’s been covered to a goody bag fi lled with Milky Ways, Mars bars date with time for questions and clearing up and Moon Pies. any loose ends. It’s a lot of material so the For our second Educational Seminar LHAG will be hosting a Community review will continue at this meeting. Contact on June 26th, Ken Silverman will address Forum, “Life--Here, There and Everywhere?” Morey Lewis at 408-4469 or eunmor@pobox. both Microsoft and Apple users when he on June 4 in the Orchard Creek Lodge com for more information. demonstrates how the Microsoft Offi ce apps ballroom at 7:00 p.m. John Neil will present No regular LHAG meeting or CIG are now available for your iPad. Long-time meeting will take place in July. Activities will Presentation of the Hiram Award to users of Word, for example, can now use it resume in August. Jesse Thompson by Eric C. Chilson, Master, easily on their iPads. Ken will show you how, • • • and answer questions. Eureka Lodge #16 Masonic Lodge. It was great to see so many people at our Square & Compass Club annual “APP Night” on May 13th. Several BY BETTE AHRENS Heartiest congratulations are extended hundred people attended, (we need an App The Square & Compass Club got off to an to Gene Ladd who received his 50-year pin that will count them all), and everyone went early start with breakfast at Kim’s in downtown from William Parker, Inspector #406 Masonic home with a list of valuable and enjoyable new Lincoln on Thursday morning, May 8, with District, at a very moving and memorable Apps to explore. Andy Petro kept us smiling, 13 early risers in attendance. All enjoyed a ceremony at Gene’s current residence: Golden and a few lucky raffl e winners took home Apple LHAG members enjoy anniversary dessert. delicious and very hearty breakfast. It was TV streaming devices. (cont’ on page 26) • • •

COME SEE THE 2014 CLUB • Buying or Selling? CAR PRECEDENT i2 on sale for $7495* • Call for your free 2014 CLUB CAR PRECEDENT market analysis REMANUFACTURED GOLD & get results! STANDARD on sale for $5995* * Includes the Del Webb Sun City Golf Car minimum requirement Quality package:Windshield, Deluxe Lighting System with Turn Signals, Seat Belts and Full View Mirror with a free 3 year preventative maintenance plan. Homes! Several color options available. AC motor controller upgrade available with two-speed Street or golf course mode. AluminCore frame™: The industry’s only Don Gerring Resident Realtor® rustproof aluminum frame extends the life of your car. Nick’s SOLD SOLD State-of-the-Art Hi-Frequency Charging System offering up to 91% effi ciency Custom reducing your energy costs. Golf Cars Standard on 2014 Precedent i2 4325 Dominguez Rd, Unit B 890 Yosemite Lane 976 Lake Crest Lane 500 Gadwell Court 2049 sq. ft. • Annadel with Views 1348 sq. ft. • Golf Course & Lake Views El Dorado - 1949 sq. ft. • Swimming Pool Single-Point Battery Watering System. Rocklin, CA Standard on 2014 Precedent i2 SportsDrive™ suspension offers an (877) 666-5864 916.747.5050 exhilarating automotive driving experience. Each office independently owned & operated • Lic# 00631339 [email protected] 26 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • JUNE 2014

Square & Compass Club SCLH Genealogy Club coaching sessions are held at Orchard Creek The Travel Group in the computer room beginning at 6:30 pm. (cont’ from page 25) BY BILL HILTON Contacts: Maureen Sausen 543-8594 BY TEENA FOWLER June 16 at Kilaga Springs Presentation or Arlene Rond 409-3641. Web page: www. The next meeting date is Thursday, June Moments Care Home, 2651 Armstrong Hall at 6:30 pm, that is the date, place and webfl 19, 7PM, Kilaga Springs. Avenue in Sacramento 95825 (near Arden time to be present for an exciting, and • • • The Travel Group Committee will present Arcade off Fulton). Gene would love company informative general meeting for researching a fashion show instead of the regular meeting and it’s a perfect opportunity to get in touch and Early European Countries. For the past 37 Italian Club agenda. extend to him best wishes on this achievement years, Jim Rader, our featured guest speaker, Brochures and information about the trips BY LINDA LUCCHETTI in his Masonic life. His phone number is has been involved in genealogy research. Jim listed below will be available. The club wants to say ‘grazie’ and ‘thank 916- 979-9828. has published many genealogy books and has See our website www.lh-travelgroup. you’ to its many members for their support Reminder! Tuesday, June 3rd is Primary prepared a quarterly surname newsletter for com for complete details about most of the and participation. Drop in for some gelato Election Day – don’t forget to vote! Our own the past 10 years, and during this time also has following trips: and a cookie June 18 from 1- 3 p.m., at the Regy Bronner is a non-partisan candidate for taught computerized genealogy in an Adult Laguna Arts Festival & Pageant of the Sports Pavilion. Relax and mingle with friends. the offi ce of Placer County Supervisor. He Education classroom. Masters (Jul 21-24, 2014) There is no cost to members. If you plan to would appreciate your support. The topic of Mr. Rader’s presentation Contact Judy Peck at 543-0990 or judyp@ attend, or have questions, contact Lilly LaPira Sympathy is extended to Betty Stanphill is: Early European Countries and Genealogy at 916-434-8843. on the loss of her son. Get well wishes go to Research. Jim has gathered and researched a Niagara Falls to NYC (optional extension) Plans are under way for the 2014-2015 Shirley Leahy who is currently “housebound” data base of 95,000 names. For the past decade (Sep 19-25, 2014) Governing Board’s Inaugural Dinner Dance with back problems. he has been lecturing on genealogy and DNA Contact Sheron Watkins at 434-9504 or slated for Sunday, July 13 in the Timbers We are always open to suggestions for for many groups and gives yearly updates to [email protected] Ballroom at Del Webb Sun City Roseville. the location of our monthly luncheons and I several groups. Mr. Rader is a frequent speaker Grand Circle Tour: Israel & the Holy No host cocktails will be from 5- 6 p.m. with thank those who have voiced an opinion. On at our Sun City Lincoln Hills Genealogy Club Land (Sep 30-Oct 17, 2014) dinner at 6 p.m. (More information to come.) the calendar for June, we have Turkey Creek and his broad range of genealogy topics are Contact Judy Peck at 543-0990 or judyp@ Save the date: Sunday, Sept. 14, Great Golf Club off Highway 193 in Lincoln not well known to genealogy researchers. Gatsby event at the Catta Verdera Country far from Sun City. A new Italian and a new The prize drawing for the evening is an Collette Tour of Portugal: Lisbon, the Club. Go back in time to the music, autos Chinese restaurant are also on the agenda for Epson Scanner. As a reminder, these general Azores & Madeira Island (Oct 3-15, 2014) and photos of the Roaring Twenties. This future luncheons. meeting prize drawings are available to Contact Teena Fowler at 543-3349 or event promises to be the “bee’s knees.” (More If you have a background or interest in members only. Don’t forget...a social gathering [email protected] information to come.) Masonry and/or Eastern Star, we invite you follows each general meeting...directly across Crystal Symphony 13 Night Panama Canal Check out the LHIC website (www. to join us at our monthly get-togethers. To the hall. Cruise (Oct 14-28, 2014) where you’ll fi nd a wealth be advised of upcoming luncheons and events, Up against a wall? Don’t fail to sign up for Contact Louise Kuret at 408-0554 or of information, such as a list of upcoming contact one of the following for information a half hour coaching session the 2nd Monday [email protected] activities, introductions to some new members, and to be added to our mailing list: of each month. This is the time to get personal Costa Rica Adventure & Guanacaste photos from past events and even recipes with Glenn Stanphill: 408-8885 - attention from an experienced genealogy Beach (Feb 5-15, 2015) an Italian fl air. [email protected] researcher that can perhaps help you get past Contact Louise Kuret at 408-0554 or Are you a Sun City Lincoln Hills resident Bette Ahrens: 408-5325 - bisybette@ the wall. The sign up sheet for these coaching [email protected] of Italian heritage? Don’t miss out on the fun sessions are to be found on the table up front at Collette Land Tour: India (Feb 12-26, and friendship. Club info and future events: What is a friend? A single soul dwelling each general meeting. The sessions are limited 2015) or Marie Berlenghi, in two bodies. to a specifi c number, and is only available to membership chair, at 543-3731. (cont’ on page 27) • • • members that sign walk-ins! These • • • Roseville Toyota & Scion

Parts & Service — Fleet Department Retail Program — Now Open Choose from the Largest Inventory of New Monday - Friday yourGet fl & Certifi ed Vehicles in Northern California! Until Midnite! pricing byeet Let us show you the quick phone! and easy no hassle way of buying your next vehicle!! Call Our Fleet Managers....  No Hassle Pricing Chris Robin Dan  Top Dollar Paid For Trade-ins  Deal Directly With Fleet Managers 916•774•4810  Buy Directly From Fleet Managers at Fleet Prices Email us at fl [email protected] Check Our Inventory On-line at: 700 Automall Dr., Roseville Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • JUNE 2014 27

The Travel Group 19, 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Sports Pavilion. next available date in September. Members at 6:00 p.m. The meeting starts at 6:30 p.m. Attendees are to bring a dish to share and also attended Fiesta Days in Fair Oaks, The Everyone is welcome! (cont’ from page 26) their own table service. Those with last names Gold Rush Car Show in Oroville, and a show in Contacts: Ray Geiger, President 543-0464 Contact Judy Peck at 543-0990 or judyp@ that begin with A to F are to bring appetizers, Loomis hosted by the Townsmen Car Club. On Norm Penrice, Membership Director G to L, salads, and M to Z a main dish. There the weekend of the 17th there were eight car 791-6012 Grand Circle Cruise: Paris & Normandy will be a charge of $5 for couples and $2.50 shows in the greater Sacramento area to attend. Website: (Apr 17-30, 2015) for singles to cover incidentals. There will also On Thursday the May 22, a number of • • • Contact Linda Frazier at 434-8266 or be a no-host bar. our members cruised up to Rock Creek Care [email protected] Contact Donna Malone at 408-1353 Center in Auburn. This is the fi rst of several LSV/NEV GROUP AMAWaterways River Cruise: Istanbul or e-mail at [email protected] to trips we will make with our cars to Senior Care BY LILLIAN NAWMAN to Vienna (May 13-27, 2015) report the dish you will be bringing. And all Centers. It’s rewarding to visit with the men Our membership meetings are held the Contact Teena Fowler at 543-3349 or are reminded to wear name tags.It should be and women who reminisce about the cars that third Tuesday of each month at 10:00 AM, at [email protected] a fun afternoon of reminiscing and friendship. they owned when they were young. the Kilaga Springs Lodge Presentation Hall. The Riviera’s: France, Italy & the Isles Some of the RVers will be returning June We rounded out the month with trips to We focus on the care and maintenance of (Sep 10-25, 2015) 2 from a four-day rally at Pomo RV Park in Thunder in Depot Park in Rio Linda and the the low speed vehicle/neighborhood electric Contact Louise Kuret at 408-0554 or Mendocino. Next rally will be Aug. 1-4 at Eagle’s Nest Airport in Ione. vehicle (LSV/NEV). If you have a question [email protected] Pioneer RV Park in Quincy. The Rods & Relics Car Club looks forward about your vehicle or about our club, this is Crystal Cruises NYC to Montreal (Sep Club contact is president Rosie Eads, to seeing you at our Thunder in the Valley the place to be… 12-20, 2015) 408-0129. Website: “Show & Shine Show” at Thunder Valley Our June 17 membership meeting at 10:00 Contact Linda Frazier at 424-8266 or • • • Casino on Friday, June 6 from 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 AM at the Kilaga Springs Lodge Presentation [email protected] p.m. and at the “Downtown Lincoln Classic Car Hall will present a very unique program. England , Ireland, Scotland & Wales (Sep Rods & Relics Show” on Saturday June 7, from 10:00 a.m. “K9 Companions for Independence”. 19-Oct 3, 2015) BY ELNA RAGAN to 3:00 p.m. Arrive in time for the delicious They will bring one of their ‘friends’ – a sweet Contact Teena Fowler at 543-3349 or This time of the year there are a number Pancake Breakfast that is served from 7:00 a.m. and intelligent dog, that has been trained by [email protected] of large car shows every weekend and smaller to 10:00 a.m. by Boy Scout Troop 160. After professionals. Don’t miss it. It will be worth Proposed Future Travel — shows just about every day of the week. On breakfast spend some time visiting the vendor your time. Amsterdam Tulip Cruise Saturday April 19, a number of our members booths and looking at the beautiful 1972 and Coming events and programs for our club, Russia attended the Capital City Cruisers SpringFest older American-made or American-powered as a reminder: Crystal Cruise: Tokyo to San Francisco at Lowes in Citrus Heights. Our club won the street rods and custom and classic vehicles. Tuesday, July 15 at 10 AM, DMV – 2016 Club Participation Award and several members Upcoming Events — Ombudsman Senior Driving Program; Collette: Grand Tour of New England won their class’ trophy. June 3 and 17: Breakfast at the Waffl e August – a quiet month for membership – 2016 The following weekend several members Farm in the Twelve Bridges Shopping Center. meeting BUT we will have our Ice Cream • • • drove up to Redding for “Kool April Nites” in Members start arriving at 8:00 a.m. Join us Social on Friday, August 15; Wednesday, spite of rain in the forecast. Fortunately the for a tasty breakfast and to catch up on the September 17 our BBQ and Poker Run Road RV Group weather did not turn out as bad as the forecast latest Car Club-related news. Everyone is Rally; Tuesday, October 21 at 10 AM with the welcome! BY RALPH CHATOIAN had predicted. Some other members went up 9 AM pre-meeting coffee and the membership June 19: The General Business Meeting The RV Group is inviting all past members to Grass Valley for its Downtown Show. A trip meeting at 10 AM to enjoy the program is held at Strikes Unlimited at 5681 Lonetree to join the festivities at the Fourth Annual RV planned for Friday May 2 to Beale AFB was featuring Raley’s Lincoln store Store Director Blvd. in Rocklin. Dinner is available from 5:00 Group Summerfest Potluck scheduled for June cancelled at the last minute due to activities at the base and has been rescheduled for the p.m. on and may be followed by a speaker (cont’ on page 29)

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LSV/NEV GROUP RoadRunners Motorcycle Club event this year was held May 20, 2014 in the Secret Garden area of the Orchard Creek (cont’ from page 27) BY JOHN MILBAUER Lodge at 9 AM. Many of our SCOOP members Our scheduled ride for May took us to as our speaker. with their well-behaved small and large dogs the East Bay area behind Oakland, and was We believe our club offers a complete attended, enjoyed a wonderful breakfast, and enjoyed by seven riders. Doug Sterne, our slate of interesting and educational programs, made new friends, both two-legged and four- VP/Head Road Captain, led us on a scenic which include not only facts and details legged. Stay tuned as this popular event will path through the foothills above Berkley to about our electric vehicles and their benefi ts, be repeated soon. an overlook with spectacular views of the but have leading local community business SCOOP’s fi rst Backyard Doggie Social entire Bay area! It was a beautiful ride and representatives as our speakers to reinforce was held this year on May 2, 2014 at the home an especially clear day. our support for the City businesses and their of Gary and Laura Wermuth. Twenty-six members and guests, with their small dogs, organization. Baby Tree Swallows by Molly. Your neighbors and friends are always On tour overlooking East Bay. were present. Appetizers and drinks were welcome to visit and attend our monthly enjoyed by all, and it was fun to see so many meetings, the third Tuesday of each month dogs interacting with each other and enjoying brought along four of her rescued birds. Her at 10:00 AM at Kilaga Springs Lodge the attention of the human dog lovers. fi rst bird was a Cooper’s hawk, which is the Presentation Hall. See you there… The next Backyard Small Doggie Party raptor that we most often see in our yards • • • is scheduled for June 13, 2014 AT 7 PM at preying upon our feeder birds. This will often the home of Pam Abad and will be a dessert be an immature Cooper’s using our back yard LH Sports Car Club social. Details will follow. If you would like feeders as a training grounds. If you observe its to schedule a Small Doggie Backyard Party, BY TOM BRECKON behavior, you will see that it gets very frustrated please contact Maggii Georgi who takes care On April 30th we rode to the Delta to and agitated when it is not successful. of the bookings. Giusti’s Place for lunch in Walnut Grove. 50 Her next bird was a beautiful leucistic SCOOP is easy to join; dues are people attended, the weather was really good, red-tailed hawk, white, but with some streaks only $12 annually per household, and our and we had lots of fun. We stopped at Bogle of red in its tail. Leucism is a genetic condition regularly scheduled meetings are every other winery and the Old Sugar Mill on the way in which parts or all of an animal’s body surface fi rst Tuesday (June, August, October, and back. This is one of our favorite annual trips. lack cells capable of producing any type of With a pre-ride accomplished for the December) at 11 AM at Orchard Creek. On April 26th we went to the Cal Expo pigment. Leucism affects only the bird’s Yosemite trip, we are prepared for our fi rst Watch for postings of all events on the website. Harness Races. 40 members had dinner at extended day tour of the season. Planned for Members receive regular e-mails on events, the Turf Club, we sponsored the 6th race and early June, we are hoping for pleasant weather parties, etc. Questions, suggestions, or we had our group picture taken on the track conditions. A group of 10 bikes are venturing comments? Please contact SCOOP’s website with one of the race horses. This event was out through the Sierra foothills to the Yosemite – [email protected] a real hoot. Valley area for a scenic tour. • • • Club social activities included a Mothers’ Day celebration tour to the Fair Play/Plymouth Bird Group area for a leisurely lunch at the Villa Toscano BY RUTH BAYLIS Winery. Planned by our VP/Road Captain Around Lincoln Hills, it is that time of year Patrick Chaves, it was a most enjoyable event. when birds are fl edging everywhere. Watch out Motorcycle riding enthusiasts who enjoy for the baby quail, goslings, and ducklings who scenic outings and back roads touring, and who sometimes stroll across our streets. It looks like have a roadworthy motorcycle, are invited to no heron and egret rookery every developed check us out. We meet the fourth Thursday this year behind Stone House Lane, however of each month at 6:00 pm in the multipurpose the rookery by Starbucks grew some in size with room in OC Lodge. egrets joining the herons. Now the youngsters Leucistic Red-tailed Hawk. Corvettes Looking Good Contact: Patrick Chaves, 916 408-1223; are getting ready to fl edge as they sit on the sides email: [email protected] of the nests. I get many reports of successful Ride Safe, Ride with Friends!” tree swallow nestings, but have heard less about feathers and not necessarily all of them. By Our May 8th Wine Tasting & Dinner • • • event at Lone Buffalo Winery near Auburn the success of bluebirds. Despite intensive comparison, an albino condition also affects was really fun. The wine here is particularly SCOOP Club shopping, no bluebirds nested in our houses. other pigments in the skin and eyes, and albino good. If you want to know the story of the Lone Some interesting sightings this last month in birds show pale pink or reddish eyes, legs, feet BY GAY SPRAGUE Buffalo, you need to go here and ask for the Lincoln Hills include a chukar seen on a roof, and a pale bill. Leucistic birds typically have The next SCOOP Meeting will be June story, while tasting great wine. Plus, you can a pair of American bitterns, and at least one normally colored eyes, legs, feet and bills. We 3, 2014 at 11 AM at Orchard Creek. Our only purchase this wine at the winery. Wineries yellow-headed blackbird. If your yard is quieter sometimes see leucistic or albino house fi nches guest speaker will be Lisa Vitella from Wags in the Auburn area are staging a comeback. now, it might be because the white-crowned here in Lincoln Hills. To Riches, Dog Grooming. Please mark your If you own a sports car and want to sparrows have all headed north. Her last two birds were Owls and they were calendar to attend as the topic should be of participate in our club’s activities, now is the Our presenter at the May meeting was a contrast in sizes. She displayed a northern great interest to us all, and…. SCOOP will have time to join and start planning for a lot of fun. Jenny Papka, co-founder of Native Bird saw-whet owl, one of the smallest owls with a a raffl e for one lucky person in attendance to Check our web site for the list of approved cars. Connections wildlife rescue. Jenny is always a body length of only 8”. It must be one of the win a free grooming. Mark your calendar! Contact: DiAnn Rooney, 543-9474, dlrooney@ dynamic and entertaining speaker who shows cutest of owls. Locally, they are found in the Our fi rst POOCHES ON THE PATIO Web site her love of her work with rescued raptors. She (cont’ on page 30) • • •

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Bird Group driving past Camp Far West Lake. Surprisingly, but it may be the lake was overfl owing with water and the re-scheduled (cont’ from page 29) hills were still green. Sightings on this trip in October. coniferous or mixed woods forests of the Sierra, included: western grebe, lark sparrow, western The but when snow is heavy they move down into kingbird, ash-throated flycatcher, brown- next General the foothills or even the valley fl oor. They are headed cowbird, lazuli bunting, western wood Meeting will secretive and hard to locate, but are remarkably pewee, yellow-breasted chat, and black-headed be Thursday, tolerant of people. They are quite tame and grosbeak. We were able to collect 3 species of June 26, have been known come down to sit on people’s woodpecker—acorn, Lewis’s and Nuttall’s— Kilaga shoulders or enter a tent. Her other owl was and all three species of goldfi nch—lesser, Springs, the largest owl, a (female) Eurasian eagle owl. American, and Lawrence’s. That was a very 2-4pm. This Baldo Villegas-Rosarian As the name suggests, this bird is not native successful day. program and Entomologist to the America’s. Jenny’s bird is not a rescued The following are upcoming activities for will explore bird but was bred in Missouri as a captive bred the Bird Group in April: “Baldo’s educational animal. She acquired it at 7 weeks Jun 7, Sat, 8:00AM: Loomis Horse Park. Acres” Rose Garden! Baldo Villegas is a of age and raised it partially in her own home. We missed seeing Orioles when we visited retired research scientist, Entomologist, and A real charmer, this owl made soft hooting Spenceville in May, so this is another chance Consulting Rosarian. His main hobbies are sounds throughout her display. to see them. Meet at the SW corner of the collecting insects and growing roses. Baldo’s Next month’s program will feature Corky Orchard Creek fi tness center parking lot to rose garden contains more than 2500 roses Quirk, founder of the organization Northern carpool. of all kinds. The garden keeps expanding as California Bats. As stated on their website: Jun 9, Mon, 1:30PM: Monthly meeting, he collects the newest and the oddest roses. “NorCalBats is dedicated to the rescue, Kilaga Presentation Hall. Corky Quirk shares His garden also contains 50 fruit trees, Bonsai Group-1st Show! rehabilitation and release of bats throughout her knowledge of bats. berry vines, bushes, and a large vegetable Northern California. In addition, we are Want to know more about the Bird garden, along with a cottage garden containing The Lincoln Hills Garden Group has given both committed to public education regarding the Group? Visit our Bird Group pages in the perennials and annuals. These plants attract monetary and physical support to this project. environmental benefi ts of bats and dispelling Association Clubs section of the SCLHCA birds, bees, butterfl ies, and benefi cial insects Many Garden Group members have their own fears and myths that lead to the death of roosts Resident Website: www.suncity-lincolnhills. to eliminate the need for pesticides. beds currently at the Community Garden. If and colonies. Located in the Sacramento org/residents/ A tour is planned Saturday, June 28th you would like to be on the waiting for available Valley, trained volunteers care for injured Contact: Kathi or Larry Ridley, 253-7086. to visit “Baldo’s Acres” Rose Garden in future beds, contact Marie Salers: 408-3895. and orphaned bats throughout the valley and [email protected] Orangevale. Bring a sack lunch/beverage and One of the goals of the garden was to surrounding foothills.” • • • we will eat in the garden! allow individuals and families to grow their We had two outings this last month. The tour will leave at 9:30 from Orchard own produce to decrease household costs Our fi rst was walking the Canyon Oaks Trail Garden Group Creek Lodge. Please meet by the Wave parking and help the Lincoln food banks. Chuck here in Lincoln Hills. After having seen few BY LORRAINE IMMEL lot for car-pooling and bring $3 for the driver. Nolan and his wife, Liberty-new residents of hooded mergansers this season, we were We have just completed three very You must register for this tour by contacting Lincoln, wanted to help this project along. surprised to fi nd a mother and her chicks on successful events in the Garden Group this Rita Grella at 408-2367. People from the Lincoln business community the pond adjacent to the trail. An ash-throated spring: the Flower Show, the Home Garden The Lincoln Community Garden is going and SCLH residents also collaborated. The fl ycatcher and a Nuttall’s woodpecker were Tour and the Bonsai Show. We received many into its third summer season. Lincoln Rotary Club supplied the insurance good fi nds. Later in the month we ventured kudu’s about all of them. Unfortunately, we Joan Scarper and Burna Jamieson have off to Spenceville Wildlife Management Area, had to cancel the Rose Show due to weather, been active with this garden since its formation. (cont’ on page 31) VtÜÉÄtÇ cÜÉÑxÜà|xá Our Family Means Business We Have Been Serving Lincoln Hills Since 1999 Integrity - Exceptional Service - Outstanding Results 945 Orchard Creek Lane, Suite 300, Lincoln, CA 95648 Together We Serve You Better

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Garden Group can contact each other through the Group and contact John Kightlinger at (916) 408-3928 for quick to point out that Tiger didn’t carry get together at local or nearby shooting ranges. details of our next get together. anyone’s bags very long. (cont’ from page 30) The Group has a very active skeet and Membership is free. Our group has no In a fast moving, witty talk before more to this lot leased to the city by the Tofft family. trap program. We meet every Tuesday morning dues. than 80 Sun City FCAers, Burdick talked about Into the second season, 2013, some vandalism at 8:00 AM, during the warmer Spring and Residents interested in trap or skeet his collegiate golf career as well as a couple occurred which frustrated several gardeners Summer months and at 9:00 AM, during the shooting can contact: John Kightlinger (916) years on the pro circuit. and made some just give up. The need for cooler Fall and Winter months, to shoot Trap, 408-3928 [email protected] As a junior he was an anchor on a fence became apparent and Chuck began International Trap and Sporting Clays. We Residents interested in rifl e or pistol Stanford’s 1994 NCAA Championship golf fundraising. He developed a rapport with meet again on Thursday morning at using the shooting can contact Jim Trifi lo at (916) 434- team and earned All America honors. Some Home Depot which eventually constructed above times to shoot Skeet and 5 Stand. These 6341 or trifi [email protected] other notable teammates were Casey Martin a wrought iron fence with several gates. The shoots are held at the Coon Creek Trap and • • • and Notah Begay. Incidentally, contrary to fi nal cost over $10,000. The old table and chairs Skeet range. This is a local public range. Please popular belief, Woods was not part of that were stolen last year and an Eagle Scout kindly contact us for directions and to determine the LH Fellowship of championship team since he didn’t enter made a cement table and bench set for the hours we are shooting. Skeet shooters can Christian Athletics college until fall of 1994. gardeners. An umbrella was just purchased participate in a weekly handicapped event. Steve got a higher calling after turning BY BOB HANVEY with help from the Lincoln Foundation, who Participants shoot two rounds of skeet. The pro. Having earlier participated in Athletes Former Stanford Golf Star Speaks At LH also was a major contributor to the fence. As scores are then adjusted with handicap points. in Action, a longtime Christian sports FCA — If you’re a golfer, could you imagine you can see, many people helped this empty This allows shooters of all different abilities to organization, he decided to devote his life to playing a round with Tiger Woods? Or really city lot fl ourish into the beautiful garden spot shoot in the same round and still have a chance winning souls for Christ rather than winning stretch and imagine Tiger carrying your bag. that it is today. All 25 beds have enthusiastic to win the event. After scored shooting the golf tournaments. Well, Steve Burdick experienced both gardeners of all experience levels engaged in range is available for Skeet, Trap, Sporting He’s been quite successful at that as well. of those things. growing crops and fl owers for themselves and Clays and 5 Stand practice. Serving in his current position as Executive Speaking to the their community. Local ranges offer competitive trap Director of College Golf Fellowship, Steve Lincoln Hills A colorful perimeter fl ower garden shows shooting programs sponsored by the American runs a ministry serving collegiate golfers. Their Fellowship off the diversity of annuals and perennials that Trapshooting Association (ATA) and the mission is to share the good news of Jesus Christ of Christian draw in benefi cial insects like bees and lady Pacifi c International Trap Association (PITA). to college golfers and coaches and to equip Athletes at the bugs to promote the garden’s health and make As our skills and experience improve some of them to be fully devoted followers of Christ. May meeting, the neighborhood proud. our members are competing in these events. The website for Burdick’s organization Steve, who was • • • These competitions are held at the Coon Creek can be found at range and other public ranges in the area. a star golfer Pointing out that because Christian for Stanford LH Shooting Group If you are interested in shooting please Steve Burdick golfers, like all Christian athletes, have their join. People who used to shoot or reload University in behavior constantly scrutinized, they must BY ED KASPER regularly, but have been out of these sports the mid 90s, get used to being in the spotlight. On that The purpose of the Shooting Group is for years, are welcome and encouraged to explained: Woods was a freshman when subject he likes to quote St. Francis of Assisi to meet neighbors and make friends among take it up again. Burdick was a senior. So naturally, they played who said, “Preach the Gospel at all times the Sun City Lincoln Hills residents who are Each month we also gather at a different many rounds of golf together during that one and when necessary, use words.” Someone is interested in shooting or reloading and to members home for hors d’ oeuvres and drinks. season of 1995. Traditionally freshmen were always watching to see if you really live what give these folks an opportunity to participate This gives us an opportunity to enjoy each expected to schlep the bags of their upper class you preach. A good lesson for us all. together in shooting sports activities. People others company and meet the member’s teammates on road trips, and sure enough interested in Shotgun, rifl e or pistol shooting Woods did his duty for the squad. Steve was spouses. If you are interested in joining us, (cont’ on page 32)

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LH Fellowship of Twelve Bridges Library To Open Fridays Christian Athletics “If we can raise another $7,000 it is BY JO JONES (cont’ from page 31) possible that the Lincoln Library can be kept open on Fridays for the rest of 2014,” exclaims Doors of the Twelve Bridges Lincoln Steve emphasized the major barriers for Linda Stackpoole, president of FOLL. She Public Library will be open on Friday resisting the message he attempts to deliver. reports that a campaign is beginning in June afternoons from 1 to 5 beginning June 13. This Emotional, Intellectual, and Pride. He, through to raise additional funds. is being made possible by the Friends of Lincoln his ministry, is doing his best to break those “Your support can help keep the doors of Library (FOLL), a non-profi t organization. barriers. Traveling around the country meeting Twelve Bridges Library open six days a week as A check for $ 5,083.50 was presented to with college and pro players Steve has the best well as continue to fund numerous programs Mayor Gabriell Hydrick at the Lincoln City of both worlds, continued involvement with offered for our community,” explained Another easy hike at Council May 13 session by the treasurer of the sport he loves while spreading the word Stackpoole. Rancho Seco County Park. FOLL. Thanks to Friends and their efforts of the God he loves. Steve and Janelle have Businesses and residents interested in the library will have “Open Friday” hours for been married for 14 years and have two sons. contributing may send donations to FOLL, and then clicking on “Hike Information and the entire summer. They currently live in Roseville. PO Box 1177, Lincoln 95648. All checks need Guidelines”. These monies paid to the city by FOLL The Lincoln Hills FCA huddle meets on to be made payable to FOLL and donations For simplicity sake, the guidelines are — covers compensation for four paid library staff the 2nd Friday of each month at 8:00 a.m. at are tax deductible. Easy: up to 5 miles distance, up to 500 members as well as the operations of the library Meridians Restaurant at Orchard Creek. All Persons interested in joining feet elevation gain. facility reports Vi Kuka, FOLL treasurer. are invited to attend. Enjoy a hearty breakfast Friends can call 434-2404 or go on line Moderate: 5 to 8 miles distance, 500 to She added that volunteers will also be for only $8 and experience the fellowship of www, 1500 feet elevation gain needed and used to assist the paid staffers with men and women who are or have been athletes Membership forms are also available at the Strenuous: 8 to 12 miles distance, 1500 many “behind the scenes” operations that help and have a heart for the Gospel of Jesus. library. to 2500 feet elevation gain the library function. • • • While these descriptions seem clear Hiking-Walking Group enough, rating a hike by a hike leader requires careful thought as hikes vary in several ways. BY SUE GEISLER For example, a hike could be completely Are you a new hiker and wondering fl at with no elevation gain and yet be called LH Community Church Annual Charity Golf Tournament what exactly the words “easy, moderate, and “moderate” because the hike is 7 miles. A strenuous” mean when describing a hike? BY GAY SPRAGUE There are many ways for you to hike could be called “strenuous” even if it is Or maybe you are a seasoned hiker and participate – as a single player, form your only 3 miles but it has a 2000 feet elevation still confused or unclear about the meaning The Sixth Annual Charity Golf own “foursome”, become a sponsor (several gain, in other words, it is short but very steep. of those words. Yes, a good explanation is Tournament of the Lincoln Hills Community options), or donate gift certifi cates, cash, Often times a hike doesn’t fi t neatly into one needed!! Hike leaders adhere to a set of Church will be held on June 16, 2014 at the prizes, etc. You will be contributing to a particular category, hence the hike will be guidelines posted on the hiking website which Lincoln Hills Golf Club, 1005 Sun City Lane, great local cause, in any manner you choose labeled “moderately easy” or “moderately can be found by clicking on “New Hikers strenuous” as a means of describing it more Lincoln. Funds raised this year will go to the to partake. For more details, please contact Information”, and then clicking on “Hike Community Christian Schools in Lincoln Bob J. McCollum at 408-0621 or Bill Barnes accurately. Information and Guidelines”. Those same The term “elevation gain” is often and the Lincoln Hills Community Church at 434-8227. guidelines can be found by clicking on “Rules”, Men’s Ministry. (cont’ on page 36)

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carrot cake with coffee/tea. We share the bill, Sons in Retirement (SIRS) We meet on the second Friday of the JUNE / JULY around $30.00 per person all included. Now, month at 2pm. For more information: Dede The Lincoln/Roseville branch of Sons In you need to contact Jonas Porup by phone Ranahan at 408-4541 or dederanahan@ Single Diners Retirement (SIR) meets the third Wednesday 916-543-3302 or email [email protected]. It of each month at the Roseville Elks Lodge, Single Diners get together at the is important that once you commit to be with 3000 Brady Lane, Roseville for a three course Meridians Restaurant O.C. on the Second us it is expected that you will be there. We Solo Travel Network luncheon that costs $16. SIR is a men’s social Monday in June, July, and August. Cocktails live by the honor system plan, come and join group, dedicated to preserving the dignity and If you are a Single traveller looking for at 5pm, dinner at 6pm. No reservations us! Show that the Scandinavians are friends. independence of retired men. The Lincoln/ someone to travel with come visit the Solo required, but if you are planning to come, Remember to stay in contact, we need your Roseville branch of SIR has golf activities Travel Network (STN). We meet monthly a phone call would be nice. Bring a friend. email, and phone number. Info? Call Yvonne at 916-253-7009. weekly at courses throughout the region as to socialize and plan new trips both locally, Bowlers Wanted well as bridge weekly that occurs at Raley’s nationwide and internationally. Bring your Multiple Sclerosis Meeting in Lincoln. If you are interested in attending ideas and dreams to fi nd someone who may Tuesday morning Summer League at the luncheon or becoming a new member of like to join you. If interested fi nd out about The June Multiple Sclerosis Meeting will Strikes still has a few openings. Apply now SIR, please call Chet Winton at 916-408-8708. our next meeting. Call 916-408-0968. be a fun lunch and get together on Tuesday, or lose out. June 3, 12:00pm at Awful Annie’s, Lincoln. League started May 20th, but you can still Sons in Retirement Branch 98 An Essential Tremor Support Group Then we are on vacation July and August. sign-up, even though it is now June. Contact The Rocklin/Rosevile Branch of SIR The Essential Tremor Group meets the For further details, contact Marilyn Nancy Keyton at 916-434-8352 for details. Sharp, 434-6898. meets monthly on the 2nd Wednesday in fi rst Saturday each month at Kaiser Roseville, the ball room of the Timbers at Sun City in Building D, third fl oor, conference rooms Glaucoma Support Roseville beginning at 10:30a.m. Join retirees 2 and 3 from 10AM to noon. For more for fellowship, lunch, golf, fi shing, cards, and information, please contact Judy Doughty The Glaucoma Support will meet on at 916-543-4882 in SCLH. June 11, 2014 at 4:00 in the Multi-media ONGOING — even bocce ball… many other activities also Room at Orchard Creek Lodge. Dr. Kaaryn available. Call Tom Werth at 782-3536 for Senior Peer Counseling Pederson, O.D. will be our Guest Speaker Semper Fi Association more information. No dues, just fun! and will discuss vision correction options for Senior Peer Counseling provides free, in- Breakfast: Every 1st Monday, 9:00am, at LH Lions Club Meeting home counseling to Placer County residents patients with Glaucoma. If you plan to attend, Thunder Valley Casino. All USMC personnel The Lincoln Hills Lions Club meets the age 55 and above who are experiencing please contact Bonnie Dale at 543-2133 or and Naval corpsmen welcome. 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at noon at depression, anxiety, substance abuse, family [email protected]. For information, contact Rich Ruef, the Lincoln Veterans Memorial Hall, 541 5th confl ict and fi nancial stress. Contact Melinda 645-5446 or [email protected]. Lincoln Democratic Club Street. We brown bag it so bring your lunch Lacey, MSCC 530-886-3413. and a drink and come join a group of service The Lincoln Democratic Club will Grupo De Conversacion minded men and woman who are interested have two featured speakers at the June 19th Nos reunimos para practicar y mejorar in improving our community while having meeting. Bill Camp, Executive Director of COMMUNITY — nuestro español. We meet every Tuesday at fun. Call Sue and Bob Olin for information the Sacramento Labor Council, will address 4:00 pm in the “Living Room” area of Kilarga 916-543-0002. investing in the workforce. The second Springs Lodge, 434-6898. Lincoln Library Book Sale • June 14 speaker will be William Reed, Executive Vice Lincoln Kiwanis Club Meeting The Friends of the Lincoln Library President of the United Domestic Workers sponsored Book Sale is from 1 - 4 p.m. at (UDW) Homecare Providers Union. The LH Parkinson’s Support Group Weekly breakfast meetings at Buonarroti’s Restaurant, 460 Lincoln Ave., the Twelve Bridges Library on Saturday, meeting will begin at 6:45 p.m. in the Kilaga The LHPDSG meets every 3rd Tuesday in Lincoln every Tuesday from 7:00 to 8:00 June 14. There are hundreds of paperback Springs Lodge, 1167 Sun City Blvd. The in the Lincoln Rayley’s Conference room and a.m. Guests are welcome. For information books as well as quality hardback books for public is invited to attend. For questions on Fridays 2:00 to 3:00 PM at the SCLH Kilaga regarding the Lincoln Kiwanis Club, please collectors. There are books and topics for contact June Paquette at 408-2263. Springs Fitness Center. This is a diverse group call President Dar Gallaway at 408-7209 or all ages. Most of the books sell for only a with one thing in common, we are all dealing visit our website at quarter. Browsers are welcome as well as Swedish/Norwegian Luncheon with the varied stages of the Parkinson’s buyers. Funds raised are used to sponsor We are inviting the Swedish and the Disease be it the affl icted individual or the Rotary Club of Lincoln community programs held at the library. Norwegian from anywhere to join us for a caretaker. Newcomers are welcome. Check the website for additional details. united Scandinavian get together. We have We have weekly meetings Thursday www/ had three luncheons this year with a lot of fun Caregiver Support Group noon (12-1:30) at the Lincoln Woman’s Club 5th and E Street. Interesting speakers and at Sun City Lincoln Hills on a given Saturday. Caregiver Support Group meets the Invitational Photographic Show service to the community. For information The next Luncheon will be June 28 at the third Thursday of each month at the Lincoln visit or call us at A Northern California Invitational Meridians Restaurant in Lincoln Hills (11:30 Library from 9:00-10:30. Caregivers for any 916-844-2582. Photographic Show will be held at the A.M. sit down). We do things a bit different person, any ailment are welcome to attend. Art League of Lincoln Art Center June because we are Scandinavians. We start with For more information call Brenda at 916- Family Mental Illness 4 - 28, 2014. It will be a showing of the perhaps Herring - Snaps – Beer, then perhaps 253-7537. Support Group work of 8-9 prominent Northern California a mixed Salat. Split Pea Soup the way our photographers. There is a reception open to mother made it, then perhaps a healthy This group is for SCLH residents everyone on Saturday June 7, 2014 from 6-9 who have immediate family members who pm. The Art Center is at 580 Sixth Street in experience serious mental illnesses such as Lincoln, CA. 916-209-3499 bipolar disorder, schizoaffective disorder, schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, clinical depression, etc.

St James Episcopal Church A Caring Christian Community

Sunday Services: 8 & 10 AM (Nursery provided for 10am service) 916-409-0768 Father Bill Rontani BEAT THE Call $ 50 HEAT SPECIAL! Now 69 Corner of 5th and L Streets, Lincoln $IVSDI0GmDFtXXXTUKBNFTMJODPMOPSH Three Generations Strong 34 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • JUNE 2014



DAILY t".1.




)8:!3FE)BXL1BSLXBZttSFEIBXLDBTJOPDPN Maureen Munro, new Neighborhood Watch Coordinator

Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • JUNE 2014 35 Larta Lincoln Hills Spectacular Tennis Event – Seniors Play With 3 High School Tennis Players To Raise Funds For Programs — And Have Fun!

The Sun City Lincoln Hills LARTA 2nd Annual Tennis Spectacular was held on Saturday, May 10, 9 am to 1 pm, at the Sport Pavilion and Tennis Courts (11). The LARTA FUNraising event was to raise funds for much needed tennis court and player equipment, since school budgets have been cut dramatically David Van Brunt, #1 Ranked in NO CA over the last few years. and #7 in the USA - Wheelchair Tennis.

very important to hand-select local sponsors based upon their acceptance in their respected Lincoln, Whitney, and Rocklin High Schools Tennis Players in clinic with communities”. Eldon Wilson, USTA Certifi ed, instructor. The table top sponsors from the Lincoln, Lincoln Hills, and Rocklin Communities when his side. The Pavilion was decorated Awards and prizes were given out for all events. possible were: Mike and Ann Renyer, Reynyer Left to Right: Alan Criswell, Sr. LARTA Advisor, with many American Flags and 72 There was plenty of food and beverages, Team Real Estate, who had the exclusive balloons of the 3 high school colors. music throughout the event, large amount of T-Shirt Sponsorship and table. The other Mark Freestone, Board, and Peter Schor, President, The 2nd Annual LARTA Event raffl es, and 16 local retailer sponsor. Peter sponsors were: Atherton Wealth Advisors, LARTA receiving Award of Service. had many special events within Schor, LARTA, President, said, “We felt it was A+1 Dental, California Carpets, Electrick the event: Mixed Motor Sports (Golf Carts) Solar City, Tony Lincoln, Whitney, and Rocklin High doubles of seniors coupled Johnson, CPA, Neighborhood Construction, School Players (43) were matched up in with high school players in Lincoln Internal Medicine, Accents on Closets, double matches with Lincoln Hills Tennis competitive and fun matches Tennis Town (exclusive tennis retailer), Group members (43). The LHTG has over 320 was the main event. Center Federation of Christian Athletes (Sacramento members. The event was to connect the groups, court had David Van Brunt, and LH Chapter) and Old Town Pizza; which but the deeper events goals is creating better #1 NO. CA. wheelchair player the 20 pizza’s sliced into 1/8 slices were a huge karma, chemistry, and community relations and #7 in the USA put on an hit for participants. Yum! between the Cities of Lincoln and Rocklin exhibition that was inspiring; If you would like to support LARTA which with Lincoln Hills. Eldon Wilson, USTA Certifi ed, 100% of the money goes to the 3 high schools The event started with the National Tennis Professional, put on 3 and tennis programs for kids, ages 5 to 18, Anthem sung live by a skilled Lincoln High different “clinics” for the high A special acknowledgement to SCLH School singer, Ericka McCrakken, with a school and senior players; and Community Association and The Lincoln short inspirational speech by Lincoln Mayor there was a “Fastest Serving Hills Tennis Group! For more information on Gabriel Hydrick with the esteemed Peter Contest” for boys, girls, men LH Senior Tennis Players and Rocklin High Girls. LARTA, you can call: Peter Schor, President. Gilbert, Lincoln Councilman and his wife by and women in different levels. LH Resident. Tel: 916-408-5346. 36 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • JUNE 2014

Hiking-Walking Group “Special Events” page for more information. Walking Group: Recently the walkers Lincoln Hills (cont’ from page 32) decided to explore a bit outside the Lincoln misunderstood. It simply means the total Hills trails to see the former Titan 1 missile number of all the ascents and descents of a site on Oak Tree Lane not far from the Lincoln particular hike, and a more accurate phrase Hill villas. Hoping to see some remnants of TRAVEL GROUP would be “total elevation gain”. If a hike that complex they took an enjoyable walk begins at 500 feet and the highest elevation is there, but were disappointed to fi nd that 1000 feet, the total elevation gain might be there was nothing to see. Placer County has 800 feet depending on all the ups and downs acquired the property and is using it as part from start to fi nish, and that hike could be of a vehicle maintenance yard. The missile considered “moderate” if the mileage is site was completely hidden, but the walk was between 5 to 8 miles. fun nonetheless! Hike leaders do their very best to If you are looking to walk with a friendly accurately label a hike and assign an accurate social group who traverses the Lincoln Hills descriptive word. Of primary importance trails, check out the group’s schedule on the in all hikes no matter what the label, is the hiking website under “Walking Group”. hiker’s physical conditioning. If you have any They walk every Wednesday starting at questions regarding the diffi culty of a hike, it 7:30 AM (summer time schedule). is recommended that you call the hike leader Hiking-Walking Group Website: http:// Linda Judy Sheron Louise Teena whose phone number is listed at the end of a hike write-up. Call Denny Fisher, Hiking Group Many hikers are looking forward to the President, 434-5526, or Sue Geisler, Vice- fi rst getaway of 2014 that is scheduled from President, 408-1010, with questions about the COME TO OUR MEETINGS 3RD THURSDAY MONTHLY Sunday, June 29th to Saturday, July 5th. It Hiking Group. Call Louis Bobrowsky, Walking Group TRAVEL FASHION KILAGA SPRINGS, 7P.M. ALL WELCOME is the Hiking Group’s fi rst getaway being managed and guided by a professional and Coordinator, 434-5932, with questions about SHOW JUN 19 highly respected company Road Scholar, the Walking Group. and is called Hiking Mt. Hood and Cascade • • • Mountain Lakes. The program summary states Laguna Festival-Pageant of the Masters (Jul 21-24, 2014) — “Hike along sparkling lakes with majestic Reagan Library, Catalina Is., Knott’s Berry Farm (Judy Peck 543-0990) Mount Hood towering over the landscape, to vistas overlooking the forested Cascade Niagara Falls to NYC (Sep 19-25, 2014) Mountains, and to hidden gems such as Little Cruise Erie Canal, Attica RR ride, West Point (Sheron Watkins 434-9504) Crater Lake hidden in the forest.” There are still a few spaces available if you are interested in attending. See information on the hiking Israel & the Holy Land (Sep 29-Oct 14, 2014) website under “Special Events”. The second Tel Aviv, Golan Heights, Dead Sea, Jerusalem (Judy 543-0990) getaway of the year will be Lake Siskiyou/ Mount Shasta on August 24th to 28th. See the (more Club News cont’ on page 37) Portugal: Lisbon, Azores & Madeira Islands (Oct 3-15, 2014) Portuguese Riviera, Fatima, UNESCO sites (Teena Fowler 543-3349)

Crystal Symphony Panama Canal Cruise (Oct 14-28, 2014) Miami to San Diego-see Grand Cayman & Cabo (Louise Kuret 408-0554)

Costa Rica Adventure and Guaacaste Beach(Feb 5-15, 2015) Tortuguero National Park, Sarapiqui, Arenal, Monteverde (Louise 408-0554)

Mysteries of India (Feb 12-26, 2015) Old Delhi, Fort, Game Drives, Taj Mahal (Judy 543-0990)

Grand Circle Cruise: Paris to Normandy (Apr 17-30, 2015) CA LIC. #0620650 Cruise 13 days on the Seine River (Linda Frazier 434-8266)

River Cruise: Istanbul-Budapest & Vienna (May 13-27, 2015) Free excursions, Wi-Fi, wine/beer/soft drinks aboard (Teena 543-3349) Serving Sacramento The Rivieras: France, Italy & the Isles (Sep 10-25, 2015) Small Ship Cruise Tour – Cannes to Florence (Louise 408-0554) Valley Seniors and

Crystal Symphony Cruise NYC to Montreal (Sep 12-20, 2015) All inclusive (except shore excursions) (Linda 434-8266) Adult Living Communities

England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales (Sep 19-Oct 3, 2015) Stonehenge, castle stay, ferry crossing, train ride (Teena 543-3349) Auto RV Home Umbrella TRAVEL GROUP COMMITTEE Sheron Watkins 434-9504 [email protected] Linda Frazier 434-8266 [email protected] For Quotes or Questions - Call Brian Santa Maria Teena Fowler 543-3349 [email protected] Louise Kuret 408-0554 [email protected] (916) 488-4426 Judy Peck 543-0990 [email protected] [email protected] Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • JUNE 2014 37

LH Cyclists energy. The fun clothes are just a side benefi t. SCLH Water Volleyball Have you ever been out on your bike, 28 BY TOM FRADY miles into your 40 mile ride, and see someone BY JERRY DIGIACOMO Age Won’t Stop Us — My non-cycling your age or younger shuffl ing along with a sour If you’re looking for a way to beat the heat, friends know I spend quite a bit of time on look on his face, and thought, “That’s me, but still get your exercise, what better way to my bike. “How is your riding going?”, is a without my bike”. Yeah. Me, too. go than water volleyball? Water volleyball is common question. Regular exercise helps maintain muscle open to all Sun City residents of any skill level. “Oh, my leg has been a little sore and I sure and bone structure. A study of 70 year old Come and try it out. wish I could climb hills better”, I often reply. men who exercised regularly showed reaction It’s good exercise and a lot of fun, but it’s “Well, not many people your age can times (refl exes) equal to inactive men in their not too strenuous for aging joints and muscles. ride at all”” 20s. Numerous studies have demonstrated the Come try it out up to 3 times without joining. I hate that. dramatic effect of regular exercise (riding three Water volleyball is now available fi ve days a Yeah, yeah. I know it’s true. Here I am or four times a week) can have on slowing or week! Everyone can play at least four days a in my early sixties (67 IS early, right?) and even stopping “inevitable” changes as we age. week (Mon., Tues., Wed., Sat.) if they wish, I’m sure there’s not one in a thousand in my How many times have you been sitting at a and rated players can play up to seven times age group who can ride a bike as well as I can. coffee shop with your group, mid-way through a week, so there are lots of opportunities to Unfortunately for me, all those who can, ride your ride, when a younger customer asks how play. The best days for new players are Monday with me every week. I’m middle-of-the-pack many miles you are riding, or where you rode and Wednesday nights at 5:20 and Saturday in the Lincoln Hills Cyclists, even if I look from? She is impressed by the answer and morning at 8:50 (see the full schedule below). like Sir Bradley Wiggins to most of my non- Look for us playing regular “ground” There are millions of seniors who cycle. usually says something like, “I couldn’t make cycling friends, if they knew who Sir Bradley it around the block. I should get my bike out.” volleyball at the Sports Complex on Saturday, Wiggins was. Yes. You should. And wear a helmet. June 7, starting at 5:00 pm. We’ll also have a Lincoln Hills is called “An Active Adult look forward to the next bike ride. It’s not nice to feel smug when you know potluck picnic and other activities. Last year, Community” and it certainly is. Aging “Smile moments”. That’s what I call them. you are in better shape than that 34 year old we happened to schedule this event on the Americans like us are working out in gyms, You are out on your bike and have found a coming out of the auto parts store. But go hottest day of the year, but we’re hoping for swimming pools, pickle ball courts and walking groove. The right gear, a favorite cadence, ahead. You earned it. It is estimated less than better weather this year. Also look for us in the miles of paths easily available to us. Many a smooth road, the sound of the tires on the 10% of adults in the U.S. exercise enough to the outdoor pool at Orchard Creek later this of us, like seniors across the country, are turning pavement is as perfect as the opening chord have any measureable impact on their fi tness summer. Indoors, outdoors, on land, or in to cycling because it’s easier on the bones and to “A Hard Day’s Night”. You glance down level and overall health. Cycling is one of the the water, you never know where we might joints. As we age, many of us start having knee at your speedometer and it says “26 mph”. best exercises to take up later in life -- or to show up next! problems and cycling’s fl uid motion is easier You’re out on the road not just for fi tness, but continue if you started early -- and cycling as Come join us anytime at the indoor pool on our bodies. for because you like it. a senior can greatly increase levels of fi tness at Kalaga. It’s a great way to meet new people, For those who ride 150 - 200 miles each Cycling over age 60 has been shown to and your ability to enjoy life. get a low stress workout, and beat the heat. So week, cycling can feel almost like a fountain offer may health benefi ts, but you knew that, Besides, you have that expensive bike, come join the fun. See you in the pool! of youth. We enjoy the wind in our face (or as do an estimated 3,000,000 other seniors. shouldn’t you be using it? New Schedule: at our back, even more), the adrenaline rush, Some recent studies have shown that heart • • • Mon: Open Play (All Levels) 5:20-6:40pm the exercise, the camaraderie and knowing attack risk could be lowered by 50%. Cycling Competitive Play for rated players 6:45- one’s bike is working perfectly. (including a stationary bike at our gyms) can 8:05pm Besides, it’s just fun. I sometimes have to reduce symptoms of arthritis, hypertension, Tues: Open Play (All Levels) 6:20-8:05pm talk myself into going to the gym, but I always asthma and depression, plus give you extra (cont’ on page 39)

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SCLH Water Volleyball (cont’ from page 37) Wed: Competitive Play for non-rated players 5:20-6:40pm Competitive Play for rated players 6:45- 8:05pm Thurs: Competitive Play for rated players 6:20-8:05pm Sats: Open Play (All Levels) 8:50-10:30am For further information, contact Steve Parke at 716-5379 or at steven.parke@att. net or Ed Dillon and Spring Skiing at Yellow Team looking good after their victory. Jerry DiGiacomo at 521-1904 or itsmrd@ Sugar Bowl. You can also check out our web Dale, David, Katie, Captain Jack, Sally, Audrey, Linda and Barb. page on the Sun City Lincoln Hills website. Not pictured: John McKinney and Ron Schuler. • • • ski trips for 2014/2015. Phone 258-2150 to leave a message for Bill LH Ski Club Smith or Mike Hilton. E-mail club offi cers at BY MIKE HILTON [email protected] Our annual getaway ski trip, which took • • • place at Mammoth Lakes in March, fi lled three condos with 22 members and guests. It Tennis Group was a rousing good time, with very good ski BY LINDA BURKE conditions and weather. Lincoln Hills Intramural Team Tennis Many members took advantage in April fi nals were played May 7th and the Yellow of good spring skiing conditions in the Tahoe Team gets the bragging rights! Yellow played Thumbs up for the 2nd place Lime Green team — Lime Green in the fi nal match winning MXD, area, including some powder days. Sally, Tony, Captain Linda, Espie, Ben, Bud, and Jack. Our end-of-season party in April included MD with Lime Green taking WD. Thanks to almost 60 members and guests, and all had a all the captains for volunteering your time. great time. Thanks to Bill & Lillie Smith for Captains: Yellow – Jack Ryder, Lime Green Remember Drop-ins are hosting the party. It was a wonderful way to – Linda Burke, Red – Mike Bunyard, Orange – held Wednesday & Saturday celebrate the season. Miguel Cuevas, White – BJ White, Blue – Greg from 8-10am. It is open to all The leadership team for the next season Burke. Also thanks to Carolan Properties for Lincoln Hills residents. was elected at the party, and consists of Bill sponsoring this fun event. Being a member of Smith, Mike Hilton, Bob King, Ed Dillon, Next up – Mixed Doubles Championship, the LHTG means you have Sharon Klotz and Ric Havens. One more Friday, June 6th. So get on the phone or email a say! So, if you have not opening will be fi lled before we hit the slopes a potential partner! Someone out there is just already joined, applications this Fall. waiting for the call. Then we have a summer are online at http://sclhtg. Expect to hear from this group in July as break till the Men’s and Women’s Singles com or at the Tennis Pavilion. we plan pre-season social outings and getaway Tournament October 3rd & 4th. Thanks to the many who support our club over the An enthusiastic group cheering on their teams. years! LHTG Contacts: Greg Burke, President (316-3054), Email: and phone calls and thanks everyone for the [email protected] birthday card. John Grindy has moved to an Linda Burke, Communications 209-3463, assisted living facility in Roseville (Eskaton Email: [email protected] Village) and is staying active. Please see Tim • • • Frank for any specifi c information regarding contacting these gentlemen. LH Table Tennis We welcome any beginners. Equipment is supplied. Table tennis is a great brain stimulus BY ED ROCKNICH as well as a mild cardio workout. Table tennis is a game for any age as Play is on Sundays 12:30 - 4:30pm; evidenced by three of our super seniors who Tuesdays 6:00 – 9:00pm; and Fridays 8:00 – until recently competed at a high level. These 11:00am at Kilaga. gentlemen are John Myres, John Harlander Contact: Ed. Rocknich 434-1958 and John Grinder. Mr. Myres is recovering [email protected] from a recent illness and is gaining weight. • • • Mr. Harlander our super senior who is 90 years plus has moved to a rehab center in Mammoth Summit Skiers. Citrus Heights. John H. enjoys company (more Club News cont’ on page 40)

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LH Pickleball Club Lincoln Hills Lincsters BY CINDY PULLIAM BY SUSAN PHARIS May got off to a fun start with a Ladies’ On the fi fth Wednesday of April, the Ladder mixer for Cinco de Mayo. Players Lincsters played a round from the new Family brought food to share while Lynn Fraser, Tees on the back nine holes of the Orchard Ladies’ Ladder Captain, organized an Course. The purpose of this non-postable afternoon of music, decorations and games for round was to provide input to the pro shop, all to play on the courts. Thanks, Lynn! All and to the ladies of both the Lincsters and the participants agree it was loads of fun. Ladies XVIII who were instrumental in the The 2014 Club Championship Tournament placement of these new tee boxes. Some good got underway May 13th with the mixed doubles’ information was gathered from the members competition being the fi nal event and not following the round and will be shared with completed by deadline time. The multi-day those involved. tournament included 50 doubles teams playing Chicks with Sticks, the Annual Bring a in men’s, women’s & mixed events. Rich Friend Tournament, was held on May 14. In Lujan, tournament organizer, provided a well- 2014 Club Championship Women’s Doubles participants. addition to enjoying a round of golf and having run event with the much appreciated help of lunch with friends, this tournament raises funds Lynn & Craig Fraser, Patty MacKirdy, Judy for a local charity. At the time of this writing Interested in trying pickleball? Come to allow open play for all players during busy Sykes, Betty Carol Smith and Margo Walters. neither the charity or the amount of money join the fun! A reminder that Cal’s beginner weekend prime time. Paul Walz, Sharon Klotz & Linda Brandelius raised has been announced. More information clinics will move to Wednesdays at 12:00PM Are you new to pickleball & need a worked with a team of 20+ volunteer referees will be published next month. as of June 1st. Accordingly, Andrea’s once- paddle? Has your current paddle seen better to provide offi ciating for each game while The golfers of the Month were: January, a-month Orientation for beginning players days? Wayne Schmeck, The Paddle Guy, has Andrea & Armando Mayorga did their usual Clareen Bolton; February, Kay Howard; will follow the clinic on the fi rst Wednesday a variety of demos to try before deciding which magic behind the camera. Check the July issue March, Carol Cain and April, Phyllis Patrick. each month. These changes are being made is best for you. Wayne’s an LH resident & club for complete tournament results. New members Fran Rivera and Sherrill Slotsve member who sells different sizes, weights and were welcomed to the club in May. makes of paddles to suit individual preferences. • • • If you see his backpack hanging on the fence at the courts, give his demos a try. He’s on LHLGXVIII — 18 Holers the court most days and can be reached at [email protected] or 916-223-0259 for BY CANDICE KOROPP more paddle info. The Bunny Hop and the Spring Fling, both Our next Pickleball Club meeting is well attended, certainly put a spring in our step Wednesday, June 11th at 2:00PM in the for this season, among other tournaments. Ceramics Room (OC) and open to all club Sixty-four players teed it up on the Hills members. course vying for the three spots in two fl ights Pickleball Club website, www.lhpickleball. for the Bunny Hop. First place in the Bouncing com Bunny’s Flight was captured by Dee Arts, Lissi Bedford, Donna Brinkerhoff and Chris 2014 Club Championship Men’s Doubles participants. Contact: President Scott Sutherland 253- 3997, [email protected] (cont’ on page 41) • • •

June Events at Sierra Pointe 

Unwrapping the Secrets of PersCare Long Term Care Insurance Thursday, June 12th • 6:30 p.m. If you are considering dropping your policy, please come and hear Liz Bunker’s presentation first. Bunker Insurance Solutions

Understanding Our Losses Wednesday, June 18th • 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Presented by Stephen J. Smith, LUT Spiritual Counselor and Bereavement Coordinator. An ongoing, monthly meeting. Drop in “as needed” or become a regular attendee.

The Write Stuff Friday, June 20th • 1:30 p.m. Sacramento author, Sharon S. Darrow, will share her new book From Hindsight to Insight. Sharon will have copies for sale and signings.

All programs are free. (916) 910-2289 SIERRA POINTE 5161 Foothills Boulevard, Roseville, CA 95747 License# 315002050 LSS Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • JUNE 2014 41

LHLGXVIII — 18 Holers The Spring Fling was a big success with Jerry Kerstulovich and to Sue Morrow, who a full fi eld of foursomes on the Hills Course. was on the money (ropeline). Golfers settled (cont’ from page 40) The day began with a continental breakfast on into a pastel-themed ballroom for the awards Jacobson. With only one stroke apart, the the patio and lots of chit-chat. The roll of the luncheon—a yummy taco-bar buffet and the team of Kathi Botelho, Bonnie Devers, Judy dice determined one of the two Best Balls in “best bet” carrot cake dessert. Kudos to Dee Engelmann and Sylvia Feldman took second. this predominantly couples tournament. Three Arts for a fun-fi lled tournament, that took Third place went to Judith Jesness, Yeong Hur, fl ights were given to the couples’ teams, while more than a stroke of luck to win. Congrats Harriet Orlove and Dell Parker. Then, in the two fl ights were designated for ladies-only to all of the winners. Let the rest of us gamble Clever Chicks Flight, Judy Habecker, Nancy teams. It was close! For the Aces: Sylvia/ on next year. Hastings, Renee Honnoll and Donna Sosko Jay Feldman and Nancy/Dan Fuller were A week later, the individual Stableford leapt over their competitors by six strokes the champs over Ann/Howard Hamilton and format was contentious. Played on the Orchard to take fi rst, followed by the team of Donna Madeline/Alex Merola in a tiebreaker. For Course, there were many ties and new winners McDonald, Sue Morrow, Liza Valencia and the Kings Flight, fi rst place was raked in by emerged. In the First Flight, Jean Jordan Joyce Watson. Third was claimed by Carol Donna/Vern Brinkerhoff and Judy/Jerry Dong. and Pat McNiff tied for fi rst place; while Judy Hofmeister, Janine Martin, Donna Rasmussen Second, by a tiebreaker, was granted to Susan Habecker was only one off the lead, netting and Sue Worrall. Bedford nearly holed in out Petersen/Jim Pinnell and Chris Jacobson/ 34. Judith Jesness scored 38 to place fi rst in on Hole Seven for a CTP, and Karen Thom Chuck Edmonds. For the Jokers, Renee/Steve the Second Flight, followed by Judy Dong, two year if we are invited again. Our Association won a CTP on Hole 16. Reta Blanchard and Honnoll and Pat/Jerry Kerstulovich beat the strokes behind. In the Third Flight, Bonnie has been allowing Special Olympics to use Cherie McGrath put the eggs-tra touches on odds in a tiebreaker over Peggy/Paul Carr Hing was the winner, and Yeong Hur and our courts for several years now. There were the luncheon in the Secret Garden, which was and Janice/Conrad Eichman, for second. For Donna McDonald tied for second, just one other Sun City volunteers there as well as followed by a general meeting. the Queens (all women), the fi rst place team: stroke behind. Finally, in the Fourth Flight, ourselves and many volunteers from service Playing the Orchard on the last Thursday Didi Martin, Lynda Newberry, Rosemary Mary Holland, netted the highest score--40; groups in the area. It was a very well organized in April, centered on a twosome playing a Heckman and Sue Morrow walked away with Ida Cicci took second, three strokes behind. competition with what must have been at least best ball, however, three holes were selected the prize over Rosemary Hood, Una Long, Donna McDonald wowed the fi eld by rolling 100 competitors. Paul and Usha turned it into a by the tournament chair to be designated for Mary Jacobson and Linda Mancini. Finally, her ball up to within four feet of the fl ag on family affair when their niece and her daughters each player. In Flight One, Candy Koropp the Ladies Flight pairing of Pat Robinson, Hole Four, notably one of the toughest par showed up as volunteers as well. Thanks again coupled with a blind draw, took fi rst by one Dottie Bisbee, Pat Kane and Ida Bailey beat threes on the course, for the CTP; and, June to Bruce, Dee, Selby, Debbie and Gala. stroke over the next two pairings: Jeanne out the second place fi nishers: Carol Perry, James was ten feet from the cup on Hole 11, Paul Mac Garvey, 543-2067, pmac1411@ Reinhardt/Elaine Kalani and Rita Drinkard/ Rosemary Stuart, Ida Cicci and Harriet Orlove. to give claim to the closest for the day. Cheers; Bob Vincent, 543-0543 Judy Habecker. Flight Two’s winners, Judy Other competitions in the tournament, turned to all of the new names on the leaderboard! • • • up CTP winners: Dan Kramer on Hole Five, Englelmann/Kathi Botelho were three strokes • • • ahead of the second place fi nishers: Zelna Didi Martin on Hole Seven, Vern Brinkerhoff Morrow/Reta Blanchard. There was a larger on Hole 12. Perhaps the highlight came with Mad Hatters Bocce Group spread between fi rst and second places in guest, Gale Gibbons, from Diablo CC, acing BY PAUL MAC GARVEY the Third Flight, but LaVerne Taylor/Nancy Hole 16 (her career second). One could almost Several Mad Haters had the privilege of Hastings were up to the challenge over the hear the bells and whistles going off for this offi ciating at the Special Olympics Regional second place team of Dee Hynes/Donna one! Lani Dodd out-drove the women in the Bocce Tournament held at our Bocce Courts Sosko. Engelmann was the Hole Four CTP, contested Hole Six, and Chuck Frevele was on Sunday, May 4. It was a really fun event and while Z. Morrow was within fi ve feet on Hole the Long-drive winner on Hole One. The I would highly recommend you volunteer next 11 for the CTP. Accuracy Drive, on Hole 18, was awarded to (more Club News cont’ on page 43)



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Roseville CA: If you suffer from Neuropathy, Neuropathy Pain and Symptoms are often getting well for the first time in years right before then you should know that A recent published associated with Type 2 Diabetes. But this is not my eyes is just amazing to me !” Patients medical study of over 100 patients has shown the only cause. Patients who have undergone are able to sleep again and are often pain free outstanding results with an 87% reduction in chemotherapy, have used certain medications, following treatment. symptoms of the participants. This study and and those who have circulatory or blood pressure The treatment is covered by Medicare and the protocols used have helped doctors make problems can also be victims of this debilitating several major insurance companies. Not remarkable inroads into getting Neuropathy and painful condition. It has been said there is ‘no all treatments for Neuropathy are covered by patients relief from the debilitating and painful known cure’ for Neuropathy. However, for those Medicare. This one is. But for those who do symptoms of neuropathy. Using a new medical who have suffered for years, this treatment can not have coverage patients can get a reasonable approach that does not involve any surgery , bring patients to have a much better quality of life payment plan in order to receive care. lasers, or oral medications patients are being in elimination or substantially reducing their level of treated in a new way and getting results not often pain. Integrated Health/ Neuropathy Center is offering this proven and very different medical treatment for seen with more traditional oral medications. In fact According to Nurse Practitioner Jackson, not only are patients getting substantial pain relief local residents, and The consultation is FREE at who works with Dr. Leigh at Integrated Health this time.($297.00 value) or even becoming pain free again, follow up has Neuropathy Center, patients thus far have been shown long term relief as well. Imagine that for a pleased. “One of my first patients was a retired Integrated Health of Roseville PC is located off moment! medical physician, who frankly was quite skeptical. Secret Ravine Parkway next to Sutter Hospital. As explained by Dr. Robb Leigh, Medical But after a few treatments, he is starting to see 1411 Secret Ravine Pkwy, Suite 100, Roseville Director and owner of Integrate Heath Center some improvement in his condition. What I am CA. Call Today to : of Roseville PC “ we are actually seeing nerve finding is that the vast majority of the patients regeneration- with patients recovering balance, have tried other treatments and had no or limited 916-786-2002 sensation, and normal function of the nerves. It is success. Being a neuropathy patient myself, quite remarkable actually.” I understand more than most the challenges neuropathy can bring. But this is exciting work Free for me as a medical provider and to see patients Consultation Patients Share Their Experiences: 1. “My outcome has been very, very positive. I would say that I’ve had probably about a 90% improvement.” 2. “I don’t have any pain anymore. I can feel the bottom of my feet when I walk, so that in itself is perfect. I’m very pleased with the results.” 3. It had gotten to a point where it was interrupting my sleep almost through the entire night with cramping and pain and just misery and when the morning came, I almost dreaded getting up because it was like leaping out of bed onto a pile of broken glass. Very painful. Like being stabbed with needles and pins. It was just downright miserable. It affected the mobility and everything. I’d get to where I needed to go, sit down, and try to find every way I could not to have to get up again….. I’m about halfway through the treatment regimen and I’d say I’ve had at least a 60-65% improvement in the condition.I can walk without my cane. I can get out of bed without dreading the experience of standing and I can walk around the house and exist without external aids like a cane or grabbing a wall or things of that nature and it’s been great. And the pain and the interruption in sleep has gone away. 4. I started with a tingling in my feet. A numbness and then eventually there was just pain all the time. It was continuous. Now during the day of course, you could function, but then at night when I’d go to sleep, it would be so bad I’d have to stick my feet out of the covers and rotate the ankles until I fell asleep. FOLLOWING Treatment ….The tingling is gone, I can walk for miles, and I am thankful. This offer expires June 30, 2014. Integrated Health Center of Roseville PC Testimonials are unique experiences and your experience may be the same or different depending on your age, condition, diagnosis, overall health condition, genetics, compliance with treatment and other factors. Typical patients find an 87% reduction in neuropathic pain based on the protocols used in the study we based our treatment protocols on. **Medicare is currently paying for this treatment and saying “yes” to this protocol for reimbursement. Standard deductibles and or co pays per your insurance plan will be due. Medicare does not endorse any treatment but will pay for those treatments Medicare deems reasonable and necessary.. Medicare is approving payment for this treatment. Not all patients are candidates or accepted for treatment. Medical providers will determine if you are a candidate following initial screening by our staff. Medicare rules and coverage can change at anytime with local coverage decisions. Testimonials are from our offices or affiliated offices who have received this treatment protocol and have signed releases. Copyright 2013 DNTC LLC All Rights Reserved. Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • JUNE 2014 43

Strikes Senior Bowling 243 Theresa Maples need more bowlers, so check with the front at tournaments, but still enjoy a friendly 229 Jane Leadmon desk at Strikes to fi nd the right competition at the bridge table, be sure to mark BY BILL TAYLOR Hdcp Game: 314 Howard Beaumont / Summer League for you! Sign up today! your calendars for the Roseville Exchange to May 15th — 312 Sharon Beller President: Pat Fisk 916-434-0774, VP: be held at Sun City, Roseville on Monday, Monday AM Mixers: 308 Glen Piraro / 289 Nancy Keyton Cathy Riewerts 707-529-9448, Secretary: Linda August 4th, 2014. Registration will begin at And the hard charging League Champions The season is fi nally over and a big Zierman 916-408-2397, Treasurer: Terri Krcha 10:00 A.M., and brunch at 10:30 A.M. Social are: THANK YOU to all bowling members for 916-543-6111. Committee Chair, Barbara Wheeler will be BOWL-M-OVER, Mickey Pierce, Patty their support and most of all “FUN”. • • • presenting more details about the event in Higgins, When you go into court, you are putting the coming months. Pat Higgins, Win Downer. In a close yourself in the hands of twelve people, none of SCLH Duplicate Bridge Club The club offers free lessons 11:45 a.m. 2nd, HOLY whom were smart enough to get out of jury duty. BY DICK PROFFITT before the Wednesday games at Kilaga Springs. ROLLERS, Nancy Ortiz, Jerry Bice, Life is Good... Stay thirsty my friends. This year’s California Capital Regional The scheduled presentations are: June 4th, Paul Sprague, Tom Gonzales. Special thanks • • • Tournament is again being held at the Panel Discussion by Squeak Conner and Laurie to retiring offi cers Sacramento DoubleTree Hotel from Monday, Vath; June 11th, Defensive Signals by Doug Bob Horning and Jim Hackbarth. And SCLH Thursday PM Strikes May 26th through Sunday, June 1st. This is Murphey; and June 18th, Play of the Hand the always entertainig Olga Widnes with her the biggest ACBL tournament in our area and by Jim McElfresh. Check the Home page of Awards “Gag” Gifts. Winter League hopefully, our club members will have success the club website for future lesson titles as they Season High Scores: BY CATHY RIEWERTS at the bridge tables. Certainly all who attend become available. Scratch Series: 718 Bill Taylor / 558 Helen Year End for Lincoln Hills 13-14 will enjoy meeting and playing bridge with The SCLH Duplicate Bridge club is open Rodante Yes, you read that right, it’s the end of our new and old friends from around our region. to all residents of Sun City and their invited 642 Larry Manley / 528 Renee Gann Winter League. It’s sad to see it end but we The Orangevale Community Center was guests. Our games are played in the Kilaga Scratch Game: 261 Bob Grib / 204 Nancy have great memories and wonderful bowling the venue for our Sacramento Section Spring Springs Lodge as follows: Wednesdays at 12:30 Taylor to go with it. Here is a list of the “Year End” Tournament, held May 2nd to May 4th. Our PM (also includes a 199er section), Fridays 245 Jack McKinney / 200 Pat Aubin results for Lincoln Hills 13-14 league. club was well represented with thirty-six at 5:00 PM (also includes a 199er section), Hdcp Game: 288 Bob Persky / 259 Bobbie 1ST Place League Champions: Team #16 members earning silver points. With the and Saturdays at 12:30 PM (also includes a White “Strikers” Players; Gail Ramsden, Margie points they won, Donna McCulloch and Kaye 299er section). Our game table fees are $2.00 280 Bill Player / 257 Mary Lou Smith Habein, Harry Ramsden & John Habein. Andrews achieved the ACBL rankings of Club per person for members, and $5.00 for non- Tuesday Sun Seniors: Congratulations! Master and Sectional Master, respectively. member residents or invited visitors. If you In 2 out of 3, it was no match for 2nd Place: Team #12 “Sleepers” Players; Then during the week of May 5th through need a bridge partner for any of the games, the League Champions Jean Hackman, Joyce Bennett, Marv Bennett 11th, our Northern California District 21 call Barbara Dorf (434-8234), or Squeak TONS of FUN, Dain Leadmon, Carole & Roy Hackman. Well done all! conducted its ACBL STaC games (Sectional Conner (645-9085), or for a partner in one of McGrath, Jane Leadmon, Bob Bostrom. In Year end accolades: Season High Scores Tournaments at Clubs) giving members the limited games, call Nancy Rice (543-5275). a distant 2nd were the STARS & STRIKES, Most Improved Averages; Men: Darrell additional opportunities to win silver points For more information, visit the club web site: John Vogeli, Renee Gann, Blaine Rinde, from 143 to 171.59, that’s 28.97 pins. while playing in one of our regular club games., or call club Eisenbeis, Randy Dvorak. Women: Margie Habein, from 82 to For those of you who aren’t interested president, John White at 253-9882. Season High Scores: 111.75, that’s 29.75 pins in accumulating a lot of pigmented points • • • 727 Ron Basnett / 585 Marilyn Edwards Team Accolades: Scratch Game: 289 John Cho / 227 Helen Team Scratch Series; “Strokers” with 2192 Rodante Team Scratch Game; “Rack’em Up” 279 Bob Bostrom / 226 Donna Gianunzio with 780 Hdcp Game: 315 Ed Keyton / 292 Jan Team Handicap Series; “Turkey Out” Sweetland with 2822 294 Billy Stull / 291 Carol Torno Team Handicap Game; “Go-Getters” SCLH WRITER... Thursday Sun Seniors: with 993 The League Champions for 2014 are Men Individual Accolades: We are so lucky RIGHT WAY WOBBLE, Scratch Series; Roy Hackman with 727 SCLH Haiku living on the open space Robin Olney, Sharlene Zielinski, Bob Scratch Game; Horace Snowden with 279 BY ERNA SUVERKROPP Zielinski, Lyman Olney. Handicap Series; BoB Putnam with 801 having great neighbors Coming in runner-up are the Handicap Game; Lloyd Ellis with 307 MAVERICKS, Jim Gothier, Women Individual Accolades: We moved to Del Webb Nice facilities Donna Gianunzio, Glen Piraro, Phil Scratch Series; Jeanne Janis with 611 and we’ve never been sorry such exquisite landscaping Lander. Scratch Game; Linda Goldberg with 245 we love Sun city Don’t forget the gym!! An enormous special thanks to retiring Handicap Series; Mona Wheeler with 773 offi cers Claudia Dehart Handicap Game; Pat Fisk with 290 The wonderful trails It was hard to leave and Rosalie Meyer. Job well done!!! Congratulations To Each And Every with lots of birds and fl owers the home we lived in so long Season High Scores: One Of You For Your Hard Working but we love it here Scratch Series: 793 Ron Basnett / 644 Accomplishments! howling coyotes Claudia Dehart Just because our League has ended 712 Jim Gothier / 583 Karol Rich doesn’t mean you have to stop bowling, Scratch Game: 279 Blaine Eisenbeis, Russ Summer Leagues are always a way to stop the We welcome your submissions such as humorous observations and poetry. Asbell, Jim Lord bowling withdrawals! There are leagues that Please see page 3 for submissions information.

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suspect attempted to gain entry into a residence attended the event that was themed as “The is: [email protected]. Neighborhood Watch in the 2400 block of Monument Court. She California Gold Rush” and chaired by David When a beloved pet goes missing, it (cont’ from page 1) told the resident that she was working for a Conner and Kathy Gire. Props included a real causes great anxiety and stress for the owners. “carpet cleaning company” and would receive sluice box and gold pan, antique lanterns and When the pets are found, it is a great deal of $35 if she were allowed to go into the house a jug or two of what once must have contained relief for the resident. Neighborhood Watch Friday, on the 200 block of Saddlehorn Loop and look at the carpet. The resident refused moonshine. There was a parking spot for receives many thankful replies when that “PET in Village 5A. The street has two entrances, to admit her, and the subject said she had been burros, and centerpieces with fl owers wrapped IS FOUND!” alert goes out. both off Stockman Lane, which runs between approved by a guard at the entry to SCLH. in Jute and newspaper. Time To Begin Planning Sun City Boulevard and Ingram Parkway. The The resident immediately called Curator Richard Moore, Assistant Executive National Night Out! burglars gained entry by smashing a small Security (771-7185) that dispatched a patrol Director, was the Master of Ceremonies The date this year is August 5, so it is time window in the rear of the residence and then unit to the area. in the absence of Larry Wilson, who was to begin thinking of what you want for your unlocking the sliding glass door to admit Curator learned that the woman did on vacation. Mr. Moore introduced the village. Get 2 or 3 mail stations together, or at least one more burglar, according to the possess a valid License with the City of Lincoln, Directors, Advisors, New Coordinators and even Villages. Think big! police. The residents were out of town for and they advised her not to bother any resident Mail Box Captains. Director Don Budde Last year some events just one night. The loss included gold coins, who displayed a NO SOLICITORS sign. Barry had the most residents present (31), and had outside performers, jewelry, golf clubs, baseball cards, three laptop Johnson, our liaison with the Lincoln Police a special resident, Pat Evans who writes a some performed skits, computers and a new printer, still in its box. Department, said that the resident handled Neighborhood Watch column for the monthly one village even had an The thieves left the front garage door open the situation exactly right by not admitting Compass, celebrated her 90th birthday with a ice cream truck cruise the when they left, making it seem to neighbors the woman. Criminals use many approaches beautiful pot of fl owers. Winners of door prizes neighborhood. If you are that residents were home. There are no known to get into a house. Once inside, they may took away 5 gift certifi cates for $25 from the suspects at present. distract the homeowner and commit some sort Homeowners’ Association, Starbucks, Mimi’s On April 30, a resident discovered a two of theft or simply “case the house” for future and the Outback. Thanks to the committee foot long Rattlesnake on his porch on Prunella burglary. He also commented that thieves are workers, Sandy Allen, Barbara Conner, Myron Court, in Village 41, at 10:00 PM. The resident just as likely to be female as male. If possible, Gire, Maureen Munro, Janet Pawloski, Cora called Dave Rich, who lives here in SCLH and always talk to unexpected visitors through a Peterson, Caroll Schumann, Bob and Helen will remove any snake from your property free locked screen door and never let a stranger Varley, and especially Frank and Pauline of charge. His phone number is 543-8614. Mr. into your house. Watson. Rich relocated the snake to a new home. Mr. Mission Statement Of Lost Pet Alert Program Rich cautions that snakes will be out at night Neighborhood Watch The newly installed Lost Pet Alert Program Pauline Watson, Neighborhood Watch more often now that the daytime temperatures • To strengthen Neighborhood ties is a co-operative effort between Neighborhood Secretary and Kathy Gire, co-chairman of the are rising. If you are bitten by a poisonous • To increase personal safety and security Watch and SCOOP (Sun City Organization event, promoting National Night Out. snake, call 9-1-1 immediately because not all awareness of Pooches.) It stems from requests from hospital emergency rooms stock snake anti- • To be the “eyes and ears” of the Lincoln pet owners to help fi nd and identify missing closing a street or court for your event, you venom. He also discourages residents from Police and Fire Departments cats and dogs. The Neighborhood Watch need to obtain a City of Lincoln Neighborhood using “doggy doors” or raising garage doors • To encourage emergency preparedness Email Network maintains a larger contacts Block Party Application from Pauline Watson, part way to get air circulation. Neighborhood Watch welcomes new Mail list which provides a broader search area for NNO Coordinator. Fees for street closing are An alert went out on May 2nd that was Box Captain Theresa Maples of Village 43A! quicker recovery of lost pets and is managed waived for National Night Out events held on eventually recalled. It involved a solicitor in On Friday, May 9, Neighborhood Watch by Neighborhood Watch Secretary, Pauline Tuesday August 5. The deadline to return the Village 22 that backs up to Stoneridge, Hidden Kicked off National Night Out with a Pot Watson, and is a separate system that has its street closure application to Pauline is June 28. Hills, and open space. At 2:15 PM a woman Luck Dinner at Kilaga Springs. 92 residents own list of email addresses. Her email address (cont’ on page 45)

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See recent projects completed at: FD#734 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • JUNE 2014 45

• Community collaboration. Neighborhood Watch • Preparation and planning through Observations... When my father met my mother (cont’ from page 44) awareness of terrorism, emergency preparedness, and emergency response BY MARTIN GREEN If you plan on having your event on training. another day, that is fi ne. You need to keep • Community accountability, including This “Observations” was going to be about takes his brother aside and says he really likes Pauline informed, however, so your group pride of ownership by residents, security and something entirely different, but it’s now the the brown-haired girl so the two men contrive can be counted in the fi nal National Night personal control and sharing information. day after Mother’s Day and Father’s Day will a switch. My father gets my mother’s phone Out numbers. If you do choose an alternate Resident Gary Leonard, a retired Chief be in June, when this will appear. number and his heart leaps. date, please consult the Neighborhood Watch of Police, spoke about the two things that When my father met my mother. Here’s A week later, my father calls at my calendar for the year so that you do not burglars fear most: barking dogs and a good how I picture it from stories I’ve heard. The mother’s apartment for their fi rst date. He schedule your party on the night of either the Neighborhood Watch program. He also year is 1927. My father, who’s then 28 years takes off his hat. He’s bald and she thinks, Spring or Fall Pot Luck Dinners or any other gave suggestions how to make your home old, is walking on the boardwalk in Brighton “He’s an old man.” But he’s not really old and Neighborhood Watch event. unattractive to thieves. A question and answer Beach, which is in Brooklyn, New York. He’s he’s strong and solid. And when he looks at If you want to be on the list to receive session followed the speakers with additional with his brother, my Uncle Murray. The sky her his eyes shine with love. My father courts an “offi cial visit,” please let Pauline know as help from Barry Johnson and Mary Cranston, overhead is a bright clear blue, as is the ocean my mother. A year later they are married. soon as possible. She will be contacting her both of whom are involved in our alerts system. beneath it. The beach is packed with bathers. The Great Depression comes in 1929, the NNO representative at the Lincoln Police So enjoy your June, but please do not My father and my uncle are both wearing year when I am born. My father fi nds work Department to fi nd out what the limit of offi cial follow the custom of people in Iceland who jackets and ties and have on straw hats. The wherever he can. He does plumbing jobs for visits will be this year. Pauline’s phone number say that bathing au naturel in the morning dew smells from the boardwalk vendors, of steaming their landlord to reduce their rent. He works is 543-8436. Feel free to visit our website at on June 24 keeps them from further aging. I hot dogs, popcorn, cotton candy, mix with on the WPA. In 1934, my sister is born. In and look at last know someone who tried it once, but it didn’t the salty ocean air. From somewhere, maybe 1939, he goes to Florida where there’s what’s year’s pictures to give you an idea on what to work. It only got the dogs howling. Coney Island, comes the faint sound of music, called “defense work.” He works out of town plan for this year. Remember, it is okay to have a popular song, “A Bicycle Built for Two” or through the World War II years, wherever a breakfast potluck or an evening potluck, ice “Peg o’ my Heart.” there’s a job, and beyond then, until fi nally cream social, even go off “campus” to one of The two brothers pass two young girls in there’s a building boom in New York City and our local restaurants. Let’s surpass last year’s white summer dresses, my mother, 18 years he can come home. total of 120 events! old, and a friend. My Uncle Murray, who’s a Neither my father nor my mother ever April Safety Symposium A Huge Success salesman and has a glib tongue, sweeps off his complain or let me and my sister know there are On April 22, over 120 residents attended straw hat and addresses the girls. He introduces any hardships. The marriage lasts over 70 years. the Safety Symposium in the ballroom of himself and my father. My father doesn’t take It was a different world then, a world Orchard Creek. Richard Moore introduced off his hat. He’s of medium height but broad much harsher than we’ve known. The people new Lincoln Police Chief Rex Marks, who told and sturdy. After high school, he’d had a stint too were different. They did what they had to the audience that his goal was to put himself in the Navy and now he’s working as a plumber. do. I’m glad that my mother and my father “out of business” by stemming crime in Lincoln. My mother is pretty, with brown hair and hazel had many years after he returned home to be He cited Lincoln as the 191st largest community eyes. The two brothers and the two girls walk together. I wish they were still here. along the boardwalk, my Uncle Murray with A bright sunny day when the sky and the in California and in 2013 was named the 8th New Lincoln Police Chief Rex Marks my mother and my father with her friend. ocean were a bright blue, when the world was Safest City in the state. addressing a packed house at the recent The brothers buy the girls ice cream simpler and shone with promise, when my Chief Marks continued that public safety Safety Symposium in the ballroom of cones. Somewhere in their walk, my father father met my mother. hinges on: Orchard Creek Lodge.

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SERVICES WOMEN: Take a one hour massage vacation HARDWOOD/LAMINATE. $600 for a 10’x12’ CORNER... in your home. I bring the massage to you! room. Over 50 colors. Good references. Randy Jill 916-337-8576. www.onehourvacation. 916-847-4357. Lic#852123. WHEELER CLOCK WORKS. Repair and The Canyons of Lincoln Restoration. Antique, Grandfather, Cuckoo. • • • BY JIM FULCOMER Certifi ed Journeyman Machinist. 916-303-3459. • • • COMPUTER FRUSTRATIONS? I can help • • • AIRPORT TRANSPORTATION Sedan make it fun and easy with tutoring at your home. The canyons here in Lincoln get wider & 6-pass Van. Sacramento, Oakland, SFO, Internet, email, digital pictures, Word, Excel, etc. DOTERRA ESSENTIAL OILS — Tired of every day. Pier 35. License TCP25881P, Insured. Call Kendra 543-0618. being drugged? Heal naturally, free in home Most hardly even notice them, just why Apex Transportation, 916-344-3690. www. • • • Bio-Scan. For appt. call Diana at 916-408-0192. I cannot say. . FURNITURE UPHOLSTERY & Repair: But gradually they deepen too; nobody • • • • • • Your fabric or mine. Free estimates, senior seems to fret - $$SAVE MONEY WHEN SELLING HOME. citizen discount. Call Mike 655-1556. SCOTT’S HANDYMAN SERVICES. Quality about this creeping danger, for no one’s LH Resident/RE Broker will list your home for • • • work, reasonable rates: Electrical, gardening, only 1.5%! Full service, less cost! DRE#01195871. slipped in yet. fence repair, power washing, window cleaning, HANDYMAN SERVICES: Light fixtures/ Occasionally they show themselves, by SELL n SAVE w/Cindy. Action Realty: 916- receptacles/switches/ceiling fans, faucets/valves, gutter cleaning, hauling, & more. Please call 543-3050. sprouting leafy greenery. 916-225-2551. garbage disposals, assemble/install cabinets/ • • • The weedy sprigs have no effect upon the • • • shelving, landscaping & misc. services. Contact local scenery. IN-HOME HELP – Housekeeping/Errands/ Art Dunn 916-806-9169. FULL SERVICE POOL CARE. Pool I wonder if our little town is splitting at Meals/Transportation/Companionship. Call • • • maintenance and repairs. fullservicepoolcare@ SCLH resident, “Ms. Sparky” 916-409-9901. the seams - 916-770-9332. COMP-SOLVE COMPUTERS: Home Are these incursions messing with our • • • • • • computer service with a personal touch. Senior local fi eld of dreams? HEALTHY FEET PLUS: RN specializing Citizen Discounts! Free pick up, delivery. Your Those puny tries to slow the pace of JOAN’S PET SITTING: Licensed, bonded/ in in-home foot care and health coaching for personal A+ certifi ed computer tech is Steve. insured, references. Daily visits to your infrastructure cracking, diabetics and those with problem feet, diffi cult 916-435-4293. home. SCLH resident 916-505-5000 or nails and calluses. Call Debbie at 916-698-3176. proves that when the streets were laid, [email protected] • • • something was really lacking. • • • • • • LOCAL CONTRACTOR: Specializing in all I worry that the winter rains could lead THE CLEAN HOUSE by Andrea. 916- your needs; whole house, attic, ceiling fans. to some destruction, NEED A RIDE to doctor’s appointment, airport 960-8667. License and Bonded, 10 years Phone, computer cable jacks. Doors/trim drywall or shopping? Call your SCLH neighbor, Dianne! as major shifts of pavement might demand experience, Lincoln resident. repairs. Hardwood, laminate, tile fl ooring. Bath, 916-434-8961. SAC Int’l $50. Lic#106453. reconstruction. • • • kitchen remodels. Lots of local references, no • • • Now applications of hot tar should be GARY’S SPRINKLER REPAIR: Lic# 869624. job too small. Call GBK Construction for a free applied judiciously, FENCING & LANDSCAPING. Posts replaced Valves replaced, drip systems checked, timers, estimate 771-3381, Lic.#654440. so degradation of our streets will not $60. Includes jack-hammering. 916-207-9663. broken pipes. 916-223-3706. • • • occur perniciously. • • • • • • Jim Fulcomer is a members of the SCLH Writer’s Club.

CELL PHONE FOR SENIORS Feel Secure & Enjoy Peace of Mind $7.99/month with 50 minutes

$9.99/month $14.99/month with 100 minutes with 200 minutes *Poets Wanted* Enter Now! Enter Now! FREE Samsung Gusto 2 (Senior Friendly Phone - $160 value) FREE Shipping & Activation 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners selected in each contest category!

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 Five (5) categories include: Once Upon A Time, Ten Years From Now, It’s A Miracle, A Journey Worth Taking, and People Are Funny. No-Contracts  Poets may submit a maximum of three (3) poems. Select three (3) of the contest Best Rates categories and submit one poem from each.

Risk-Free  Poems may be in rhyme, free verse, Haiku or other accepted poetry forms and of any

length, up to a maximum of 60 lines.

 Young Poets, 18-years of age or under, are encouraged to submit poems and will compete in a special “Young Poets” category.

 Entry Forms and Contest Rules are available at the Front Desk at the Lincoln Public 800-500-0066 Library at Twelve Bridges and can be downloaded from the following website:

 Contest Deadline: Poems must be received no later than Saturday, July 26, 2014. Early submissions are appreciated. Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • JUNE 2014 47 SUN SENIOR NEWS CLASSIFIEDS

AFFORDABLE COMPUTER HELP. WANTED: Queen-sized, med. oak bed & FOR SALE: Armoire in inlaid walnut Wurlitzer FOR SALE: Golf kart with curtains, red, pro-fi ll Computer help in your Home. 15% SENIOR night stands, good condition, no mattress. 916- design. 4 ft high dome top shelves and drawers. battery water kit-48V. 916-645-7791. DISCOUNT! Speed Up your Computer! 408-4567. $250. 916-408-4899. • • • Viruses, Bugs, Spyware, Malware, Adware, • • • • • • FOR SALE: Ladies dress pants and jeans 10-8P. Tracking Cookies, Trojans & Internet Popups ATTN: SCLH Residents: Need overnight FOR SALE: Coffee table 42”, perfect, dark Summer tops (too large for me). Call 916-408- removed. New PC setup, Wireless, High Speed accomodations for Adult guests? Darling wood, glass top. Paid $500. Sell for $250. 916- 4110 for details. Internet, Tune-ups, Upgrades, System Restores, Casita available per night basis. Call for info. 434-8045. • • • New installation, Customized PC Training in No smokers. 916-434-6415. your HOME, or general PC HELP. PO Box • • • FOR SALE: 2008 Golf cart, black with tan seats. 981, Lincoln, CA 95648. Reg #85117. Call Jerry • • • FOR SALE: Beautiful antique oak desk, must Excellent condition, new batteries. Must see to at 916-663-4500. WEST MAUI Oceanfront Condo. View Unit see details to appreciate! 916-543-4861. appreciate. 916-543-7363. • • • #213 @ Maui’s Secret • • • • • • Hideaway. Call L Lichens 543-6994 for Rates FOR SALE: Upright Sears freezer, medium size, and SCLH Discount. good condition $50. 916-543-0475. WANTED/LOST/FOUND/ • • • • • • OCEANFRONT MAUI Condo on beautiful ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR RENT/FOR SALE FOR SALE: Portable A/C unit, 12,000 Maalaea Bay from $119. 408-8517 or www.vrbo. BTU, effi cient dual hose system, remote, all com 227719 connections, like new. $300 916-408-4480. CAT CARE VACATION Exchange. We care LOST: Any news of black female Mini Schnauzer. • • • • • • for your, you care for ours. Trish 916-408-5662. Call 916-408-8508. MAUI & TAHOE Condos 2BR/2BA from FOR SALE: Scandinavian style reclining chair • • • • • • $150/nt. By SCLH owner Gil Van Valkenburg. with ottoman, tan color. Like new. $150. 916- HUGE CHURCH YARD SALE & Vendor TOP DOLLARE for your motor home? Call me 800-733-3603. Maui, Oceanfront – www. 408-4809. Event. Saturday, June 28th 8am - 3pm 629 I Maui, Wailea - www. for free estimate. Jerry Ingram. SCLH resident. • • • Street Lincoln, CA 95648. Antiques, Avon, 916-622-9067. Tahoe, Incline - www. baby items, custom sewing, Pampered Chef, FOR SALE: BAFX products anti-shock • • • Tupperware, & others. • • • adjustable aluminum hiking walking poles. 2 WANTED: BUYING ANY CAR, TRUCK, pairs, $35. 916-626-0895. • • • LOVELY TAHOE DONNER getaway, SUV. Free advise on selling or buying any vehicle. • • • ANNUAL SCR Parking Lot Sale, Saturday, 40 years auto dealer, 10 year LH resident. Montie 3BR/2BR, fully equipped, backs to greenbelt, June 14th, 7:30 AM - 12:30 PM at Sun City FOR SALE: 2005 GEM 4-seater, street legal, Boatwright 916-434-5089. access to amenities, $1150 wk, 916-817-2883. Roseville, 7050 Del Webb Blvd. Large selection 2900 miles, like new, must see, $7,500 OBO. • • • of household items from over 50 participating • • • 916-409-9150. FOR RENT: Millpond 1130 sf., $1,350, Pine Hill residents. WANTED: Buying any car - truck - SUV. Free • • • appraisals, also consignments. 12yr LH Res. Les 1515 sf., $1,500. Call for showing. Pets considered. • • • FOR SALE: Large aluminum ladder (12 ft). Van Pelt 916-837-7659. SCLH Owner. Mary 916-521-5492. GET READY for a “Jungle Safari”! This is the $50, OBO. Call 916-408-5008, leave message. • • • • • • theme of Vacation Bible School at St. Augustine • • • WANTED RECORDS: 1950’s AND 60’s: jazz, FOR RENT Golfers, Graeagle Meadows 2 Episcopal Church, 1800 Wildcat Blvd., Rocklin. FOR SALE: Hoover fl oor mate $25, TORO blues, rock classical, etc. Buying small and large bedroom 2 bath. [email protected] SCLH All children ages 4-10 are welcome to come from power sweep $10, 300 Clay poker chips, cards, collections: LP’s, 45’s and 78’s. Also looking resident. 916-409-0521. 9 a.m. until noon, June 16-20. The fee is $30 for dice $15, Craftsman circular saw $10, 12 inch for reel-to-reel tapes (all types) and music • • • all fi ve days, and scholarships are available. To weed eater $5, 916-408-3616. register online, go to www.staugustineepiscopal. memorabilia. Call 530-265-4545. FOR SALE: Hyatt Highlands Inn Carmel • • • com and click on “Events”. Or call the church • • • Timeshares Premier, One Bedroom WK1 $8000 FOR SALE: 2001 GEM short utility bed golf cart. offi ce at 916-435-9552. WANTED: BUYING OLD COINS, pay cash, and WK 20 $12000 Prvt Party. 415-370-2570. 2500 miles, new batteries, $2,500. 916-408-8517. • • • free appraisals, discreet, I pay more! Private • • • collector, SC resident. Call Jerry 772-4268. FOR SALE: 400 DVD’s to choose from, master • • • • • • list of DVD titles available, in pristine condition. FOR SALE: 16.7 cubic foot upright freezer. $600 WANTED: Old/Antique Rifl es, Double Barrel 916 434-7304. new. Never used, showroom condition! Asking Shotguns. Damascus OK. SCLH collector. Call • • • $300. 916-409-9012. • • • John 916-408-4442. FOR SALE: 2 glass front niches @ East Lawn PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED • • • Sacramento. Call Conner 916-408-1968 or FOR SALE: Bedroom furniture Broyhill Maple WANTED: Blue Martin house and pole. Will Parham 916-732-2000. dresser, mirror, media chest, twin bed, end table, AD IN THE SUN SENIOR NEWS! remove pole from ground. 916-434-7711. • • • lamp, $1,000, OBO. 916-409-9283. DEADLINE: JUNE 15! • • • • • •

**F R E E A D S — INCLUDE: B U S I N E S S A D S First 15 words are FREE (for Sun City LH residents only), additional words $1 each Anything of a commercial nature, including pet sitting, ONE AD PER HOUSEHOLD, PER MONTH real estate, rentals, timeshare/condos, etc. Any Real Estate or Business Ads NOT INCLUDED! 15 words for $35. Additional words $1 each. Lost and found items/pets. Notices of meetings or events by local non-profi t groups. $90 for three months, same ad!

Sun Senior News has a distribution of 7,500 copies, which go directly to Classifi ed ads must be received by the 15th of the month. residents in Sun City the fi rst week of each month. PLACING A CLASSIFIED AD: LH SUN SENIOR NEWS CLASSIFIED FORM Write your ad on the form provided and mail to: Ad: ______Sun Senior News - Mailing Address: ______5098 Foothills Blvd., #3 PMB 405 Roseville, CA 95747 ______Classifi ed ads are not taken over the phone. Submit by mail only. Ads must be received ( Any business ad 1-month $35 • Any business ad 3-months $90 ) by the 15th of the month to appear in the following issue. ( Service ) ( Wanted Lost / Found ) ( For Sale ) ( Announcement) WE DO NOT ACCEPT illegible ads, incomplete forms, and ads not accompanied by payment. Please make checks or money orders to Sun Senior News. Additional words (over 15) ______x $1 = $______EGnews Inc./SUN SENIOR NEWS reserves the right to refuse any ads they deem Number of months ad is to run: ______Total enclosed: ______unsuitable. ERRORS can be compensated only if the negligence is ours, and we are Name: ______notifi ed within the fi rst week of the insertion, and insofar as the error, in our judgement, materially affects the content and advertising value of the ad. Compensation will be in Address: ______the form of additional advertising space or credit, and will not exceed the value of the City: ______Zip: ______Daytime Phone: ______ad. Your canceled check is your receipt. 48 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • JUNE 2014



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