Stockyard Creek, engraving, J MacFarlane. La Trobe Picture Collection, State Library of Victoria. Gold discoveries in the early 1870s stimulated the development of Foster, initially known as Stockyard Creek. Before the railway reached Foster in 1892, water transport was the most reliable method of moving goods into and out of the region. 4. Moving goods and cargo Providing transport networks for settlers on the land Access to transport for their produce is essential to primary Australian Historic Theme: producers. But the rapid population development of Victoria in the nineteenth century, particularly during the 1850s meant 3.8. Moving Goods and that infrastructure such as good all-weather roads, bridges and railway lines were often inadequate. Even as major roads People were constructed, they were often fi nanced by tolls, adding fi nancial burden to farmers attempting to convey their produce In the second half of the nineteenth century a great deal of to market. It is little wonder that during the 1850s, for instance, money and government effort was spent developing port and when a rapidly growing population provided a market for grain, harbour infrastructure. To a large extent, this development was fruit and vegetables, most of these products were grown linked to efforts to stimulate the economic development of the near the major centres of population, such as near the major colony by assisting the growth of agriculture and settlement goldfi elds or close to Melbourne and Geelong. Farmers with on the land. Port and harbour development was also linked access to water transport had an edge over those without it.
Victoria Harbour Docklands Conservation Management
VICTORIA HARBOUR DOCKLANDS CONSERVATION MANAGEMENT PLAN VICTORIA HARBOUR DOCKLANDS Conservation Management Plan Prepared for Places Victoria & City of Melbourne June 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS xi PROJECT TEAM xii 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background and brief 1 1.2 Melbourne Docklands 1 1.3 Master planning & development 2 1.4 Heritage status 2 1.5 Location 2 1.6 Methodology 2 1.7 Report content 4 1.7.1 Management and development 4 1.7.2 Background and contextual history 4 1.7.3 Physical survey and analysis 4 1.7.4 Heritage significance 4 1.7.5 Conservation policy and strategy 5 1.8 Sources 5 1.9 Historic images and documents 5 2.0 MANAGEMENT 7 2.1 Introduction 7 2.2 Management responsibilities 7 2.2.1 Management history 7 2.2.2 Current management arrangements 7 2.3 Heritage controls 10 2.3.1 Victorian Heritage Register 10 2.3.2 Victorian Heritage Inventory 10 2.3.3 Melbourne Planning Scheme 12 2.3.4 National Trust of Australia (Victoria) 12 2.4 Heritage approvals & statutory obligations 12 2.4.1 Where permits are required 12 2.4.2 Permit exemptions and minor works 12 2.4.3 Heritage Victoria permit process and requirements 13 2.4.4 Heritage impacts 14 2.4.5 Project planning and timing 14 2.4.6 Appeals 15 LOVELL CHEN i 3.0 HISTORY 17 3.1 Introduction 17 3.2 Pre-contact history 17 3.3 Early European occupation 17 3.4 Early Melbourne shipping and port activity 18 3.5 Railways development and expansion 20 3.6 Victoria Dock 21 3.6.1 Planning the dock 21 3.6.2 Constructing the dock 22 3.6.3 West Melbourne Dock opens
Sustainability Report Based on Financial Year 2020 Contents
Sustainability Report Based on Financial Year 2020 Contents About this Report Message from the CEO 3 This is Port of Melbourne’s second About Port of Melbourne 4 Sustainability Report and has been prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Contributing to the Economy 8 Standards: ‘Core option’. This Report outlines our performance for Financial Our FY20 Sustainability Highlights 10 Year (FY) 2020, across the environmental, social, economic, and governance systems that Port of Melbourne is responsible for. Sustainability at Port of Melbourne 12 Following the publication of our first Sustainability Report in 2019, we reviewed our approach to strengthen transparency and achieve industry Our Stakeholder Community 22 alignment. Changes made include: • reporting year: Financial Year 2020 (as opposed to calendar year); Our Workplace 30 • applying Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards; and • conducting a Stakeholder Materiality Assessment Our Environmental Responsibilities 37 to help guide our approach to sustainability decision-making and inform our Sustainability Strategy, supporting Framework and Policy Our Investment in Infrastructure 46 which is currently being developed. Governance 48 Reporting Boundary Our reporting boundary includes Port of Melbourne’s corporate office, located in Appendix 50 Melbourne’s Docklands District, and other Port of Melbourne-controlled external sites, assets and activities. These include our Short Road Glossary 51 maintenance facility, Port Education Centre, common user facilities, hydrographic surveying vessel, pool cars, and staff operations. It does GRI Content Analysis 52 not include our regional offices based in New South Wales or Tasmania. Electricity and water data relate to our office and Port of Melbourne- controlled external sites.
Australia’s largest container port Port Development Strategy 2050 The Port of Melbourne has released its 30-year Port Development Strategy 2050 (2050 PDS) for consultation; A roadmap for the future development of the Port. The 2050 PDS outlines ten key projects that will improve capacity at the Port and respond to the needs of a growing Victoria. A key part of the 2050 PDS is a transformative rail project to improve landside transport connections for industry. The 2050 PDS provides a framework for the next thirty years, yet it is also flexible to respond to industry trends and innovation and our evolving city. We welcome your feedback on the 2050 PDS. Fast facts: The Port Development Strategy 2050 has been developed in consultation with industry, key stakeholders Port of Melbourne is one of Australia’s most important infrastructure and the community, with 190 stakeholders participating in the development of the 2050 PDS. assets, and contributes $6 billion to the Victorian economy. • Victoria’s economic and population growth means more demand We are committed to working closely with industry, governments and the community to develop the Port for every day goods to support our daily lives in an environmentally, socially and commercially sustainable manner. • Container trade is forecast to grow 3.5% per annum year on year To download your copy, go to • Changing vessel size means existing facilities will need modifications and upgrade to accommodate longer and The closing date for comments is December 6 2019. wider vessels • Investment in rail is essential to improve landside connections • Moving containers by rail will help get trucks off local roads, particularly in the inner-west of Melbourne • Infrastructure projects can have long lead times.
ADVICE ON SECURING VICTORIA’S PORTS CAPACITY Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 4 LIST OF FIGURES 6 LIST OF TABLES 7 Glossary and abbreviations 8 OUR TERMS OF REFERENCE 11 OUR ADVICE 12 RECOMMENDATIONS 13 A CONSULTATIVE APPROACH 24 Consultation snapshot 25 Overview of consultation activities 26 Key themes of feedback on the evidence base 28 How consultation on the evidence base influenced our work 29 CHOOSING A NEW PORT 30 The importance of an efficient international port 33 Port capacity factors 36 Victorian commercial ports today 37 DEVELOPING OUR ADVICE 38 EVIDENCE FOR FUTURE DEMAND, CHANNEL CAPACITY AND SHIP SIZES 41 Demand forecasts 42 Channel capacity, including Port Phillip Heads 46 Changing ship sizes 54 WHEN A SECOND PORT WILL BE REQUIRED 67 Port of Melbourne supply chains 67 Port of Melbourne road and rail links beyond the port gate 73 Opportunities to expand capacity at the Port of Melbourne 78 Maximum effective capacity of the Port of Melbourne 88 Environmental and social considerations 90 Calculating the least economic cost 95 Likely development pathways for the Port of Melbourne 98 The interaction between the Port of Melbourne and the Government 105 WHERE A SECOND CONTAINER PORT SHOULD BE LOCATED 110 Hastings port concept technical evidence 114 Bay West port concept technical evidence 128 Economic evidence for where 140 Potential environmental impacts 149 Approvals and offsets 155 Social issues – major differentiators 159 Multi-criteria assessment 161 The evolution path and trigger points to investing in Bay West 167 SOURCES 176 ABOUT US 179 3 Executive summary In May 2016 the Special Minister of State requested that Infrastructure Victoria provide advice on options to secure Victoria’s future ports capacity.
Our Plan for Rail 2020 Disclaimer This document has been prepared by Port of Melbourne Operations Pty Ltd (PoM) on behalf of the Port of Melbourne Group (PoM Group) for planning purposes only. This is a proprietary PoM Group document and is not intended to be relied upon by any person or organisation other than the PoM Group, its employees and its authorised contractors and representatives. Any potential infrastructure development identified in this document will be subject to financial viability, technical feasibility and environmental and planning considerations that will vary over time. The PoM Group accepts no liability for any reliance by any third party on the information contained within this document. The PoM Group makes no expressed or implied guarantees, representations or warranties as to whether the requirements of this document will be fulfilled, and no reliance may be placed by any person on the PoM Group meeting the strategic objectives or otherwise taking any action outlined in this document. Copyright This document is subject to PoM copyright under Australian and international laws. All rights are reserved. No part of this document may be published, reproduced, adapted, communicated or transmitted in any form, in any retrieval system or media, by any means, in any jurisdiction, without the prior written permission of PoM. 2 Table of contents Message from the CEO 5 I A Plan to create a strong and efficient Port Rail System 6 II Understanding the Port Rail System 10 III The challenge for port rail 14 IV The opportunity for port rail 16 V Our Plan for improving rail at the Port 18 VI Port rail projects required to deliver the Plan 25 Glossary 32 3 Message from the CEO The Port of Melbourne (the Port) is Australia’s largest container, automotive and general cargo port and is an essential component of the Victorian, Tasmanian and south-eastern Australian economies.
MELBOURNE OFFICE Street address Level 4 530 Collins Street | Melbourne Victoria 3000 | Australia Postal address GPO Box 261 | Melbourne VIC 3001 | Australia Tel: 1300 857 662 | Fax: (03) 9683 1570 Email: | Website: SOUTH AUSTRALIA NEW SOUTH WALES TASMANIA Report 2014-15 Annual of Melbourne Corporation Port AND SUNRAYSIA Postal address Postal address Postal address GPO Box 261 PO Box 8804 PO Box 2141 Melbourne VIC 3001 Kooringal Howrah TAS 7018 Australia Wagga Wagga NSW 2650 Australia Australia Tel: +61 3 9683 1300 Tel: +61 2 6925 9672 Tel: +61 3 6245 1890 Fax: +61 3 9683 1570 Mob: +61 (0)428 024 161 Fax: +61 3 6245 1890 Annual Report Authorised by the Victorian Government. This publication is produced by Port of Melbourne Corporation. Proudly designed and produced by abCreative productions. Tel: +61 3 9500 2266 Cover photo by Ric Wallis Printed on recycled paper. Letter to the Ministers The Hon Luke Donnellan MP Minister for Ports 1 Spring Street Melbourne Victoria 3000 The Hon Tim Pallas MP Treasurer 1 Treasury Place Melbourne Victoria 3000 Dear Ministers, Port of Melbourne Corporation 2014-15 Annual Report I have much pleasure in submitting to you the Annual Report of Port of Melbourne Corporation (PoMC) for the period 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015, in accordance with the provisions of the Transport Integration Act 2010 (Vic) and the Financial Management Act 1994 (Vic). Yours sincerely, Mark Birrell Chairman 21 September 2015 PORT OF MELBOURNE
Western Distributor Authority 09-May-2017 West Gate Tunnel Project Technical report K Land use planning 09-May-2017 Prepared for – Western Distributor Authority – ABN: 69981208782 AECOM West Gate Tunnel Project West Gate Tunnel Project Land Use Planning Assessment Client: Western Distributor Authority ABN: 69981208782 Prepared by AECOM Australia Pty Ltd Level 10, Tower Two, 727 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3008, Australia T +61 3 9653 1234 F +61 3 9654 7117 ABN 20 093 846 925 09-May-2017 Job No.: 60338862 AECOM in Australia and New Zealand is certified to ISO9001, ISO14001 AS/NZS4801 and OHSAS18001. 09-May-2017 Prepared for – Western Distributor Authority – ABN: 69981208782 AECOM West Gate Tunnel Project Quality Information Document 60338862 Date 09-May-2017 Prepared by Brian Gibbs, Kaity Munro, Jimmy Chan Reviewed by Kristina Butler Authorised Rev Revision Date Details Name/Position Signature F 09-May-2017 Final Report Kristina Butler Principal Planner 09-May-2017 Prepared for – Western Distributor Authority – ABN: 69981208782 AECOM West Gate Tunnel Project i Executive Summary This technical report is an attachment to the West Gate Tunnel Project Environmental Effects Statement (EES). It provides an assessment of potential land use impacts associated with the project, and defines the Environmental Performance Requirements (EPRs) necessary to meet the EES objectives. Overview This Land Use Planning Impact Assessment Report has been prepared by AECOM to provide an assessment of the land use planning related impacts associated with the construction and operation of the West Gate Tunnel Project. These include potential impacts of the project’s construction and operation on land use, built form and strategic policy within the study area.
Port of Melbourne Operations Pty Ltd Submission to Productivity Commission Vulnerable Supply Chains Study 30 April 2021
Port of Melbourne Operations Pty Ltd Submission to Productivity Commission Vulnerable Supply Chains Study 30 April 2021 Productivity Commission Vulnerable Supply Chains Study 30 April 2021 Ms Catherine de Fontenay Commissioner ‐ Vulnerable Supply Chains Study Productivity Commission Level 8, Two Melbourne Quarter 697 Collins Street Docklands Vic 3008, Australia By email: Dear Ms de Fontenay, Productivity Commission ‐ Vulnerable Supply Chains Study ‐ Port of Melbourne Submission Port of Melbourne Operations Pty Ltd (PoM) is pleased to provide a response to the Productivity Commissions Vulnerable Supply Chains Study. As Australia’s largest container port, the Port of Melbourne is a vital trading hub for south‐eastern Australia, facilitating more than one‐third of the nation’s container trade and playing a critical role as a key driver of economic activity. PoM has invested more than $280 million towards supporting trade growth and the Victorian economy. We are focused on providing world‐class port facilities and services, and committed to investing in Australia’s supply chain infrastructure, to drive efficiencies and productivity that support our economic future and respond to trade needs over the short to long‐term. The Port directly contributes 19,600 jobs and $6 billion to the Victorian economy each year and is committed to servicing the Victorian economy. As has been the case during other supply chain disruptions (natural and seasonal events, bushfires, international biosecurity threats and industrial action), PoM worked closely with port users across the entire supply chain, to ensure goods continued to be moved with minimal disruption during the COVID‐19 crisis.
2021 INDUSTRY UPDATE Port of Melbourne Operations Pty Ltd APRIL 2021 1 Our Vision The better the port works, the better Victoria works. And that’s better for all of us. As private manager of the port, Port of Melbourne is aligned with the commercial interests of our customers and is keen to work with industry and the State to grow the port and deliver least cost infrastructure to ensure a sustainable competitive supply chain. Agenda 2021 | INDUSTRY UPDATE Items for feedback & engagement: 1. Industry Updates 2. Our Framework of Obligations Provide your feedback 4. Prescribed Services & Pricing Deferred depreciation Regulatory period Service standards 5. Non-Prescribed Services Update 6. Investment Planning Overview 7. Project in Focus – Webb Dock East Need for investment Berth 4 & 5 Extension Timing of investment Funding for investment 8. How We Engage Our proposed engagement principles, scope and frequency of engagement 9. Next Steps 3 Anti Competitive statement 2021 | INDUSTRY UPDATE The Australian Competition and Consumer Act strictly prohibits anti- competitive behaviour. This is behaviour that limits or prevents competition. Examples of anti-competitive behaviour prohibited under the Act includes: • contracts, arrangements or understandings that are likely to substantially lessen competition in a market; • agreements by businesses with their competitors to fix prices, rig bids, share markets or restrict outputs; • acting collectively with competitors when making decisions about pricing, which firms they do business with, and the terms and conditions of doing business. Participants at today's session are prohibited from discussing with competitors pricing, tenders, terms of supply and any other commercially sensitive information that may be connected with anti-competitive behaviour.
Print & design by abCreative (03) 9500 2266 | | 2266 9500 (03) abCreative by design & Print or call 1300 857 662. 857 1300 call or visit please port container and cargo general For more information about Australia’s largest largest Australia’s about information more For ON I T A M NFOR I CT A T ON C Melbourne as they walk or cycle along existing trail networks. trail existing along cycle or walk they as Melbourne enabling visitors to explore the rich history of the Port of of Port the of history rich the explore to visitors enabling Each site marker contains information and historical images, images, historical and information contains marker site Each heritage assets on the Victorian Heritage Register. Heritage Victorian the on assets heritage Heritage Trail includes sites which are listed as significant significant as listed are which sites includes Trail Heritage and Footscray, to Point Gellibrand in Williamstown, the Port Port the Williamstown, in Gellibrand Point to Footscray, and Station Pier in Port Melbourne, through West Melbourne Melbourne West through Melbourne, Port in Pier Station Following well-established shared use path routes from from routes path use shared well-established Following locations in the shared spaces that surround the port. the surround that spaces shared the in locations by placing easily identifiable markers at historically significant significant historically at markers identifiable easily placing by heritage sites and structures located around the port precinct precinct port the around located structures and sites heritage E HERITAGE E M ARITI M URNE’S BO L ME LINKING I L RA T The Port Heritage Trail establishes a link between significant significant between link a establishes Trail Heritage Port The handling around 36% of the nation’s container trade.