Hope To"Solve Earth's Final Puzzle-Icy Crocker Land
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HOPE TO" SOLVE EARTH'S FINAL PUZZLE-ICY CROCKER LAND Donald B. MacMillan and His Hardy Band Will Be in Wireless Touch with Civilization in Their Search for the Undis¬ Er/e277Zo J&*y»7èk. is invariably good.a tact ittOStOd b) Continent Which and Tradition their symmetrical bodies and perfect covered Theory health. Admiral Peary tella of having seen only one Ks«iulmau kllol u« all hi» Place North of Alaska and Siberia. yuan ol soso latkm oil tbem." Smith Sound was rocentl] swept by an of sad most Of the In¬ his l ¦. [«. i.i «.. smenU bj th« «¦ ¦¦. si "phleini«' typhoid, Wlf.L. the spirit of adventure ev after I'eary had reported finding habitant..about i_ men snd r*> ostaga* the land he had named after one of hi i.'i« «'tri«' Compan) In Bcheneetady, die? were tna.ie ill. It is I" II« red to have so i- that the physl it will h« a station capable ot trans* Will there ever be a time whi patrons, it »Brooklyn been brought to Smith gotind by one of u enemies bava asserted thst sli "r. milting messages al least LUV milis, and n « ii ...,II fear to go forth to face clan's the missionaries from goutta Gi«.inland. further north than Crock«r »«ml »«a of coursa «>f reeetvlag them from *m> known perils to snatch the laurel as ., th< .tire ex¬ .¦. for Taking this warning - «listan. The point «hosiii OlBtSI lame'.' only a gu« will be VSCClnsted against ty¬ The that a eontinent. or at luí¬ quarters is si the bead of riaglei Bai pedition The answer of the centuries has bei theory ol before leaving New fork, ".«1 ta ai an archipelago, must exist in that Ml m Kane Basin, on the essl eoaal phoid "Xu"' la spite of the toll of life will vacillate all th« :.-., amain is on the w irk of lJr Lsnd, This is In Isl H I doctor liuil«, men have gone forth into the ui known wast«» based Qrant .<< Hi- Unite« from lh< \>"'- upon reuching Smith BSUad. known places, willing to risk all, that tl it. A. Harris, tidal BXpStl only est miles am ¦. a 11 be better because they live States Coast and (ieodetlc Sur» <.>. Prom tin- ...,,t th« mils radlu world may .lull". 1>'l. II li I PROFESSOR MACMILLAN. died. thst puh'.isht-.l by him ill enable the expedltlori to keep and Ii » "The Nati«.nal stations i.i civilisa .... t l'r°v- And as the ages have answered "No, Q<***»g**apblc Magsxine." with several ri oftisser M,...Mi: waa Brave ms a monograph he goes exbauativ« ly int.. t Ion. The 111 daon Is «mpanj la Mass., about thlrty-sev« m> is the présent answering. al Incetoarn, asMj still Uve. Fame calls not in vain. Jui study of tilles, arlada, Ice conditions Ing tins summer a wtrelses station ago. His father and grandfather were ..lean ste. Hi shows tbs 11, »- northern es <¦ fro!t' as the Norsemen of old. just as Colun temperatures, Cape Wolatenholme, aid Beoteh salltng and of COf » the Cabots, father and soi the movement of the *.iue tremlty of the Uagavs Provh.f Csn th.in be Inherited tale enture. bus, Vespucci, fron *^.»*. Halboa. Magellan, Hudson and scores rent« setas« tin- lop of the work!, sde, about latitude ¦ Ai Bpltxbi raen Ills father w.i~ lest at SCS m ITS i'ianz Josef ru*chlpalago «'""i Bpltsbergei «lu«: east across tin Greenland i« a nothing bavins others turned their vessels' prow» in tow retard twenty-Bve yean ige so srlU s llttl to Bering Strait, is mysteriously there is another stetlon, nearer« by Ih« ever been heard from tali vessel or crew. ard the unknown, just tide ««'ill war band of hardy Americans leave this cit led, and tin only thing that 'way, than the one «it Battl« Harbor Th« Kver since he was ¡,«»'^'lt t«i read he Is land. ¦<¦ to find.a new continent. for, argues, Csnadlan government Is constructing an«! understand bonk explora¬ a. soon Lave bean EV Take down your atlas or your globe an station at Fort .Nilson, and has r/o«"**«« tion Dr. MacMillan- dreams DRIFT OF THE JEANNETTE. to tl " Nor»1' Ef you will see north of Alaska and Siberi Of joining an SXpedll after .' «tnniander W a vast territory which la mapped as th The drill of the Jeannette from s pom' Pole, flirteen >"««rs Ocean. between the merle! north of Siberia tn another neat Peary was graduated from BowJetn O* Arctic Lying «ss*s hf ians of 106 west and IM east, there is Island, i.'.tw.eii »Septembei ¦.. IJÏS, an« legs Dr. Ma« Millau « n., mber of shaped section wide June 12, Iffja, and th«- marly tin <¦». .« sai sUtutl. there t., on rough triangular WrWt * Is the sole remaining spot on the earth drift «if IfansiW. m the l-'imn, from ¡i .i thermos bottle, to keep the inner hou« ii,.- football and t,a th I of tin teacher of athletl« « surface which has remained unexplore« point a few hundred mil«» «reel «« aim. Usadgta, which tha foot of a white man has nev« j point where the Jeann.-tte was lost t1 This house will be furnished «vtth mo« After his graduation ft©« of milei another north of also at« the civilization. I in 1-9». Mr. MacMillan ta ghl at princi¬ trod. A half million square gfritsbersjsn, of home eomfOrts of Me. mora or less, it represents the sole rldd cited. will be by electric lights, from pal la Um high school at Uorhagi, lighted .'. Swarth- of the earth which is sti'.i ananswsret Tradition among the KSglllmSU« shM tine.- kilowatt run by an oi then m the preparatory echo generator, u til And it Is to wrest from the icy finger bears out the deduction. Dr. Mmpson combustion ein-iit«'. which also will sup aaore, Peon« and after thai fefaarg last secret, that tr of the which wnit tn tin A ««t! In Ht«, he was phv- of Nature this, her surg-on Plover, ply power for the «atriles»-. [the Pesry expedition iMa**-1 Crocker Land expedition has been orgar Arctic In l**::!', ret.orted that the B0QUl< »known Besring *M**hi*t*i nianuf.i<*t'irini Ica! director In the W-Mroester that sonic Academy. feed. maus of Point Barrow believed companj has p**-****mbr*i ¦ specially bull m of their trlhe had been carried to tht the k- Dr. MacMillan win be sccompsnieti COUNTRY. searing machin« ta be seed by North by Profea- THE UNDISCOVERED north on the Ire hroktn ur' in I MUther.) making of thei his Invasion of the frozen .¡'liman women In the B A- .** fastnesses, it 1 gale, arriving, niter many mi» hIs, at u harness, thus sav sor Maurice C. TSoqvsry, A. Hera in these iceoound akin clothes, dog St*., of the gute AgricuHsrO undiscovered land, th hilly country Inhahited by a psopl« Ilk« il time and labor. I'll. D., zoologist believed, lies the I College. Manhattan, Kan W- BbBtO«-** the twentieth century. Guare spssklng the Ks«iulmau lan¬ La. h man will havs a comfortable mat Atlantis of ¡themselves, blaw. A. lt.. AM. :,i boU' It has resisted th guage, and by wi om th«y STOtS well it !.¦ with warm skins for Th« ed by the eternal cold. bedding. nlst; Green U B. N., cngineer but I ceived. >." utensils will be o ntShSgb efforts of men of might, hope eating and king an«i Theodors Auen, r\ptt Donald B. Mae After a long stay, one spring. In which enamel, and an amazitiKly latgl physicist, bright that In Professor White electrician and wlrel.'ss ,.,. r.,t( r, and leader of the expedition, and th the ic«» remained without mowment, theji supply baa been bought. Brsn peppa Millan, to th« ir owa Jonathan «'. Small, of lY.»vincetoe»«. membera of his party Nature will mee returned «rtthoul mishap and salt shakers, and such small lux not been se¬ and their Mass. The SUrgeOB has yet her Those who are pinning thel country reported adventUl-M. uti.s a» tea strainers are Included. match. since then been lected. faith to Professor MacMillan believe tha Other l'squimau.s have to civilization it will b« carried away on the Ice, and are supposed THE TIN BATHTUB. OF EXPOSITION. when he returns fr<«m SPONSORS of a new world, a worlc to have reached the northern land, of with the story Th«' A tin bathtub will be among th« The is analer the auspice« but still a new world. T< whence they have not yet returned. latg« espedHfon llla- of Ice maybe, also in the Mr. MaeMillan declares nothin> the American Museum .«: Natural back that story every member o: Smith Sound »TSSjIlllllglBI point BUPpliea *".' bring and sa« sons Lsa so natas s sana si a good "tui».' tor/ and th«' American leagSSPfe* Si is to face death.tc direction of Crocket I«an«l rejuvi wr . the party prepared in And don't think they bathe in les «tatet ct.tv. with the ire of the If need be. of their tribe have disappeared that epersUss die In the effort. ink. winter houses «ill make (he dash gCfOSg Ihe ice t'> unie..I, the water Used Is melted |0I versify Sf Illinois, which has reader be inclined to ask how direction. teered lo relay all messages relsUva lo lumber for thelt NO, ,lona^, The may « .-TTit^itr^«» So it is seen that the expedi¬ th'- The «hip ««111 then go to Smith Sound cker l,and, one division going north, Mai in«.I to a i OmfOI table degree.