English Manns
CHRONOLOGICAL RECORD OF THE ENGLISH MANNS, BY J. B. MANN. ROCHESTER, N. Y. E. R. ANDREWS' BOOK AND JOB PRINTING HOUSE. 1874. Ju. _/,Jn.12.£L ~ CA,i ~.!'-~-'; ~ /4~,. ~ (!,n.d, //t·LL i¼,, ':": ~ti ~U,~~ <hz~V~~ ~{ -~~} C~t--~r ~4 ~ /~ ~ ~ J~ £--.!,J _ ~o/y/._ /J, ,.. fl.4-u.,, .. uJ--CL-;.1 6-vz_,__ ju--,,u f, lf¥1 a~L.J. t/fu ~ ~few w~Gh, '1t,, ~ -~ /f7t_ &~ /~i,..,,,tla,u~ u~ t : ' !hM/i!t?~ ~- 2S-, 1/y,4:Q , PREFACE. In this volume I have striven to give the most im portant facts concerning our ance8try. When Charles H_ Mann, of Concord, Michigan, suggP,sted to me that I write a history of the Mann family, I quickly replied that such a work was im possible, but I would like a history of them. At that time my knowledge of the Mann family was very limited. After giving the subject a little thought, I at once sa.w that it would-be impost--ible to write a history of thPm, and the most I could hope to do would be to prP-pare a record of them. Accord ingly, in 1871 I began gathering information, pre paratory to writing a record of the Mann family. This book is the result of my efforts. It would be impossible, within the compass of so Emall a work, to give all the facts concerning each family; but it is believed that the most important ones are men tioned. Where a birth, or a deS1.th, or if all of these are omitted and only the name is mentionedJ such omissions are always for want of information.
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