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ROAD REGISTER May 2018 ROAD REGISTER May 2018 Adopted by Southern Grampians Shire Council 9 May 2018 Start End Road Name Locality Start Point Chainage End Point Chainage Priority A Campbells Road Cavendish C Campbells Rd 0 End 180 RA A McIntyres Road Karabeal H Hays Rd 0 End 1200 RA Abbott Street Hamilton Fenton Street 0 Ballarat Road 275 UA Absolams Lane Konongwootong Coleraine Edenhope Road 0 Nareen Road 4900 RLA Ackerleys Road Hamilton Mt Baimbridge Road 0 Sobeys Road 630 RA Adams Street Dunkeld Templeton Street 788 Sewer Pump Station 1448 UA Adams Street Dunkeld Armitage Street 0 Culvert 576 UA Alexandra Parade Hamilton End Bowl 0 Cox Street 210 UA Alexandra Parade Hamilton Cox Street 210 Tyers Street 645 UC Alexandra Parade Hamilton Cox Street 210 Tyers Street 654 UA Andersons Road Glenisla Henty Highway 0 Gate 3900 RA Andersons Road Mirranatwa Mirranatwa Rd 0 Gate 840 RLA Andrews Street Hamilton Young Street 0 West Boundary Road 526 UA Annetts Road Morgiana Loats Rd 0 End of Seal 1835 RA Ansett Street Hamilton Tyers Street 0 King Street 534 UA Apex Drive Hamilton Holden St 0 Abbott St 111 UA Archers Soldier Settlement Road Byaduk North Branxholme-Byaduk Rd 0 Cartys Soldier Settlement Rd 6785 RA Ardachy Estate Road Branxholme Condah-Coleraine Road 0 Careys Ranges Road 6745 RA Ardoon Road Byaduk North Branxholme Byaduk Road 0 End of Formation 2100 RA Armidale Road Pigeon Ponds Coleraine Edenhope Road 0 End 1620 RA Armitage Street Dunkeld Wills Street 0 Arboretum Gate 579 UA Armstrong Street Branxholme East End 0 West End 310 UA Armstrongs Road Melville Forest Melville Forest Vasey Road 0 End Gate 2310 RA Arnolds Lane Woodhouse Bulls Lane 0 Gate 1690 RA Astons Road Nareeb Caramut-Glenthompson Road 0 Back Bushy Creek Road 5635 RA Atkinsons Road Branxholme Branxholme-Byaduk Road 0 Charles Street 800 RA Atterbys Road Mooralla Henty Highway 0 House 3840 RA Austral Park Road Tarrenlea Four Mile Lane 0 Left Bend 763 RA Austral Park Road Tarrenlea Bend Left 763 House 1225 Priv Back Bushy Creek Road Glenthompson Yarrack Rd 4085 Howard Ln 9035 RA Back Bushy Creek Road Glenthompson Howard Ln 9035 Astons Rd 15925 RLA Start End Road Name Locality Start Point Chainage End Point Chainage Priority Back Bushy Creek Road Glenthompson Williamson Road 0 Yarrack Road 4085 ARCC Back Road Mirranatwa Victoria Valley Road 0 Red Hill Road 3310 RA Balbeggie Lane Glenthompson Glenelg Highway 0 End 3650 RLA Balkins Road Hamilton Fairburns Road 0 End of Seal 4910 RA Ballarat Road Hamilton Ballarat Road (east of Grange 485 Riley Street 588 UA Burn) Ballarat Road Hamilton Ballarat Road (East of Hiller 2080 Ballarat Road 2198 UA Ln) Ballarat Road Hamilton Cox Street 0 Robsons Road 3533 VicR Ballarat Road Hamilton Ballarat Road (east of Grange 455 Ballarat Road (west of George 536 UA Burn) St) Balochile Road Coleraine Glenelg Highway 0 Coleraine Edenhope Road 11550 RA Banemore Lane Tabor Tabor Road 0 Krugers Road 3460 RA Barker Street Cavendish Chirnside Street 0 Scott Street 421 UA Barnes Road Hilgay Lower Hilgay Road 0 End 1690 RA Bassetts Road Branxholme Railway Avenue 0 End 1190 RA Batesworth Lane Penshurst Hamilton Highway 0 Penshurst Dunkeld Road 2440 RA Baulch Road Coleraine Glenelg Highway 0 Toolang Road 2740 RLA Bayley Street Hamilton Mt Napier Road 0 Rippon Road 403 UA Beath Street Hamilton Dartmoor Hamilton Road 0 South Boundary Road 1520 UA Beatons Lane Coleraine Den Hills Road 0 Change 650 RA Beesons Road Branxholme Henty Hwy 0 End 460 RLA Beggs Court Hamilton Bree Road 0 End Bowl 45 UA Bell Street Balmoral Fairburn Street 0 End of Seal 390 UA Bell Street Glenthompson Glenelg Hwy 0 Station St 224 UA Bell Street Penshurst Scales Street 615 Martin Street 1133 UA Bell Street Penshurst Martin Street 1133 Burchett Street 1396 UA Bell Street Penshurst Burchett Street 1396 Hutton Street 1893 UA Bella Vista Place Hamilton Leura Lane 0 End Bowl 505 UA Bellfields Road Wootong Vale Douglas Road 0 End 1590 RA Bellicourt Road Dunkeld Tip Lane 0 Recreation Street 1565 RA Bells Lane Vasey Natimuk-Hamilton Road 0 Melville Forest-Vasey Road 7350 RA Benschs Road Tarrington Hamilton Highway 0 O'Sullivan Lane 1340 RA Start End Road Name Locality Start Point Chainage End Point Chainage Priority Berry Court Hamilton Mt Napier Road 0 End Bowl 153 UA Best Street Branxholme Lynch Street 0 Cox Street 445 UA Beveridges Road Hamilton Henty Highway 0 Doling Road 6770 RA Beveridges Road Victoria Valley Victoria Valley Rd 0 End Gate 2960 RA Bills Lane Gazette Macarthur-Penshurst Road 0 Mt Napier Road 5450 RA Bilpah Lane Glenthompson Caramut-Glenthompson Road 0 End Gate 800 RLA Blackwood Lane Tarrayoukyan Tarrayoukyan Rd (west end) 0 Tarrayoukyan Rd (north end) 6765 RLA Blackwood Lane Coojar Coojar Lane 0 Blackwood Lane 1845 RLA Blackwood-Dunkeld Road Dunkeld Hamilton Highway 0 Glenelg Highway 25625 RC Bodens Road Gringegalgona Melville Forest Vasey Road 0 End 190 RA Boram Boram Lane Penshurst Mackichan Lane 0 Cemetery 2150 RA Botanic Court Hamilton Martin Street 0 End 72 UA Boundary Road Penshurst Hamilton Highway 0 Ritchie Street 1020 UA Boundary Road Glenthompson Maroona-Glenthompson Road 0 Powells Lane 3380 RA Bowman Place Hamilton Lodge Road 0 End 220 UA Bowring Street Byaduk North White Street 0 Byaduk-Ardoon Road 226 RA Boxer Road Wannon Falkenbergs Road 0 End 150 RA Boyds Road Carapook Carapook Road 0 Tulse Hill Settlement Road 3950 GSC Brady Street Glenthompson McLennan Street 0 Brimacombe Street 210 UA Brants Road Tahara Murndal Road 0 Shaws Soldier Settlement Road 2200 RLA Branxholme Cemetery Road Branxholme Henty Highway 0 End 170 RA Branxholme-Byaduk Road Branxholme Henty Highway 0 Wallacedale North-Hamilton 2580 RA Road Branxholme-Byaduk Road Branxholme Wallacedale North-Hamilton 2580 Shire Boundary (opposite No 11040 RA Road 1105) Branxholme-Byaduk Road Byaduk North Shire Boundary (opposite No 11040 Hamilton-Port Fairy Road 16090 RA 1105) Branxholme-Wallacedale Road Branxholme Henty Highway 0 McLachlans Rd 2850 RA Bree Road Hamilton Tyers Street 0 North Boundary Road 935 UC Brewis Road Karabeal Skene Woolshed Road 0 Gate 4980 RA Bridge Street Hamilton Mt Napier Road 0 End 200 ULA Brimacombe Street Glenthompson Park Street 0 Brady Street 230 UA Start End Road Name Locality Start Point Chainage End Point Chainage Priority Brinkmanns Road Hamilton Pierrepoint Rd 0 Gate 930 RA Brisbanes Road Byaduk North Archers Soldier Settlement 0 Koornong Estate Road 1600 RA Road Brooks Road Glenisla Henty Highway 0 State Park Gate 5440 RA Brown Street Branxholme Henty Highway 0 Railway Street 593 UA Brown Street Hamilton Lonsdale Street 681 Shakespeare Street 845 UA Brown Street Hamilton Station Street 0 French Street 232 UA Brown Street Hamilton French Street 232 Lonsdale Street 681 UL Browns Lane Coleraine Tarrenlea Rd 0 Two Mile Lane 2270 RA Browns Road Yatchaw Twomeys Bridge Road 0 End 2100 RA Brumleys Road Cavendish Henty Highway 0 Gate 400 RA Brung Brungle Road Wannon Glenelg Highway 0 End 3590 RA Budds Lane Gringegalgona Coleraine-Balmoral Road 0 Melville Forest-Vasey Road 5710 RA Bulart Bridge Road Bulart Henty Highway 0 Melville Forest Road 7110 RA Bulart Bridge Road Bulart Bulart Bridge Road 6904 Springwood Road 7070 RA Bulart-Cavendish Road Bulart Diproses Road 0 Melville Forest Road 5630 RA Bullawin Road Victoria Point Victoria Point Road 0 End Boundary 6650 RA Bullocks Road Hamilton Glenelg Highway 0 Murrays Road 1755 RLA Bulls Lane Woodhouse Hamilton-Chatsworth Road 0 End 2750 RA Bunbury Street Cavendish Dwyer Street 0 Henty Highway 218 UA Bunbury Street Cavendish Henty Highway 218 Tulloh Street 427 RL Bunbury Street Dunkeld Macarthur Street 0 End 87 UA Bundol Road Dunkeld Glenelg Highway 0 Victoria Valley Road 9460 RA Bundoran Lane Glenthompson Glenelg Highway 0 Hamilton-Chatsworth Road 21115 RA Bunges Road Konongwootong Coleraine-Edenhope Road 0 End 1860 RA Burchell Lane Coleraine Top Hilgay Road 0 Gate 450 RLA Burchett Street Penshurst Township Ritchie Street 0 Bell Street 398 UA Burchett Street Penshurst Township Bell Street 398 Cox Street 529 VicR Burchett Street Penshurst Township Cox Street 529 Hamilton Highway 820 UA Burdetts Road Balmoral Harrow-Balmoral Road 0 Five Ways Road 9620 RA Burgers Road Yatchaw Macarthur-Penshurst Road 0 Twomeys Bridge Road 3515 RA Burgins Road Hamilton Henty Highway 0 Louden Youngs Road 2995 RA Start End Road Name Locality Start Point Chainage End Point Chainage Priority Burns Street Hamilton Hamilton Place 0 Mt Baimbridge Road 698 UA Burnside Lane Glenthompson Glenelg Hwy 0 Old Ararat Rd 1640 RA Burnside Lane Nareen Nareen Road 0 End 535 RA Burnt Creek Road Mirranatwa Jensens Road 0 House 393 RLA Burows Lane Tabor Petschells Lane 0 R Hufs Lane 3520 RA Bushy Creek Lane Glenthompson Caramut-Glenthompson Road 0 Gate 1620 RLA Button Court Hamilton Kenna Avenue 0 End Bowl 51 UA Byaduk Caves Road Byaduk North Hamilton-Port Fairy Road 0 End 3640 RA Byaduk Cemetery Road Byaduk Byaduk School Road 0 Rifle Butts Road 1290 RA Byaduk Golf Course Road Byaduk Hamilton-Port Fairy Road 0 Old Crusher Road 1590 RA Byaduk Lutheran Church Road Byaduk Louth Swamp Road 0 Old Crusher Road 1980 RA Byaduk Rifle Butts Road Byaduk Hamilton-Port Fairy Road 0 Chamberlains Road 2970 RA Byaduk School Road Byaduk Hamilton-Port Fairy Road 0 End 745 RA Byaduk-Ardoon Road Byaduk North Hamilton-Port Fairy Road 0 Ardoon Road 1445 RA Byaduk-Penshurst Road Byaduk Hamilton-Port Fairy Road 0 Shire Boundary (Weerangourt 6240 RA Creek) Byaduk-Penshurst Road Byaduk Shire Boundary (Weerangourt 6240 Seal Change 11305 RA Creek) Byaduk-Penshurst Road Gazette Seal Change 11305 Mt Napier
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