Cannabinoid Receptors and Pain

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Cannabinoid Receptors and Pain Progress in Neurobiology 63 (2001) 569–611 Cannabinoid receptors and pain Roger G. Pertwee * Department of Biomedical Sciences, Institute of Medical Sciences, Uni6ersity of Aberdeen, Foresterhill, Aberdeen AB25 2ZD, Scotland, UK Received 9 February 2000 Abstract Mammalian tissues contain at least two types of cannabinoid receptor, CB1 and CB2, both coupled to G proteins. CB1 receptors are expressed mainly by neurones of the central and peripheral nervous system whereas CB2 receptors occur centrally and peripherally in certain non-neuronal tissues, particularly in immune cells. The existence of endogenous ligands for cannabinoid receptors has also been demonstrated. The discovery of this ‘endocannabinoid system’ has prompted the development of a range of novel cannabinoid receptor agonists and antagonists, including several that show marked selectivity for CB1 or CB2 receptors. It has also been paralleled by a renewed interest in cannabinoid-induced antinociception. This review summarizes current knowledge about the ability of cannabinoids to produce antinociception in animal models of acute pain as well as about the ability of these drugs to suppress signs of tonic pain induced in animals by nerve damage or by the injection of an inflammatory agent. Particular attention is paid to the types of pain against which cannabinoids may be effective, the distribution pattern of cannabinoid receptors in central and peripheral pain pathways and the part that these receptors play in cannabinoid-induced antinociception. The possibility that antinociception can be mediated by cannabinoid receptors other than CB1 and CB2 receptors, for example CB2-like receptors, is also discussed as is the evidence firstly that one endogenous cannabinoid, anandamide, produces antinociception through mechanisms that differ from those of other types of cannabinoid, for example by acting on vanilloid receptors, and secondly that the endocannabinoid system has physiological and/or pathophysiological roles in the modulation of pain. © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. Contents 1. Introduction ................................................ 570 1.1. The endocannabinoid system .................................. 570 1.2. Cannabinoid receptor ligands .................................. 572 2. Antinociceptive activity of cannabinoid receptor agonists...................... 573 2.1. Antinociception in acute pain models ............................. 574 2.2. Antinociception in tonic pain models ............................. 579 3. Antinociception and CB1 receptors ................................... 579 4. Antinociception and non-CB1 cannabinoid receptors ........................ 585 4.1. Non-CB1 cannabinoid receptors in the spinal cord...................... 585 4.2. Differences between cannabinoid receptor populations in brain and spinal cord..... 587 4.3. Different antinociceptive tests, different cannabinoid receptors? .............. 587 4.4. CB2 or CB2-like receptors .................................... 588 4.5. Novel ‘anandamide’ receptors.................................. 589 4.6. Anandamide and vanilloid receptors .............................. 590 * Tel.: +44-1224-273040; fax: +44-1224-273019. E-mail address: [email protected] (R.G. Pertwee). 0301-0082/01/$ - see front matter © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S0301-0082(00)00031-9 570 R.G. Pertwee / Progress in Neurobiology 63 (2001) 569–611 5. Sites of action............................................... 591 5.1. Central sites of action ...................................... 591 5.2. Effects on descending control of spinal nociceptive neurones................ 593 5.3. Effects on primary afferent neurones ............................. 593 6. Cannabinoids and endogenous mediators of nociception or inflammation ............ 595 6.1. Excitatory and inhibitory amino acid transmitters ...................... 595 6.2. Peptides .............................................. 595 7. Mediators of cannabinoid-induced antinociception.......................... 596 7.1. Monoamine neurotransmitters ................................. 596 7.2. Opioid peptides .......................................... 596 8. Synergism between cannabinoids and opioids ............................ 598 9. Role of the endocannabinoid system in nociception ......................... 598 9.1. Effects of SR141716A on radiant heat or warm water tail flick responses in rats, mice and monkeys ........................................... 599 9.2. Effects of blocking agents on responses of unlesioned rodent paws to heat or mechanical pressure stimuli .......................................... 600 9.3. Effects of SR141716A and SR144528 in models of inflammatory pain .......... 600 9.4. Effect of SR141716A in a model of neuropathic pain .................... 601 9.5. Effects of SR141716A on nociceptive neurones........................ 601 9.6. Experiments with CB1 knockout mice ............................. 601 9.7. Endogenous cannabinoid production and nociception .................... 602 10. Summary and general discussion ................................... 602 References ................................................... 604 Nomenclature AM381 stearylsulphonyl fluoride AM404 N-(4-hydroxyphenyl)arachidonylamide i.a. intra-arterial cyclic cyclic 3%,5%-adenosine monophosphate i.c. intracerebral AMP i.c.v. intracerebroventricular CGRP calcitonin gene-related peptide intraplantar (injection into plantar COX cyclo-oxygenase surface of paw) DAMGO [D-Ala2, N-Me-Phe4, Gly-ol5]-enkephalin i.t. intrathecal DMH dimethylheptyl KB equilibrium dissociation constant of a DPDPE [D-Pen2, D-Pen5]-enkephalin competitive reversible antagonist EC50 concentration eliciting a half-maximal Ki dissociation constant of an unlabelled response ligand as determined in a radioligand ED50 dose eliciting a half-maximal response competitive binding assay GABA g-aminobutyric acid NMDA N-methyl-D-aspartate HEK human embryonic kidney THC tetrahydrocannabinol 5-HT 5-Hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) HU-210 11-Hydroxy-dimethylheptyl-D8-tetra- hydrocannabinol 1. Introduction through Gi/o proteins, negatively to adenylate cyclase and positively to mitogen-activated protein kinase. In 1.1. The endocannabinoid system addition, CB1 receptors are coupled to ion channels through Gi/o proteins, positively to A-type and in- Two types of cannabinoid receptor have so far been wardly rectifying potassium channels and negatively to identified, CB1, cloned in 1990, and CB2, cloned in 1993 N-type and P/Q-type calcium channels and to D-type (Pertwee, 1997, 1998). Both receptor types are coupled potassium channels (Mu et al., 1999; Pertwee, 1997, R.G. Pertwee / Progress in Neurobiology 63 (2001) 569–611 571 1998). CB1 coupling to A-type and D-type potassium caudate-putamen, substantia nigra pars reticulata, channels is thought to be through adenylate cyclase globus pallidus, entopeduncular nucleus and cerebellum (Mu et al., 1999). CB1 receptors may also mobilize all contain significant numbers of CB1 receptors arachidonic acid and close 5-HT3 receptor ion channels (Pertwee, 1997, 1998). As discussed in section 5 of this (Pertwee, 1997) and, under certain conditions, activate review, CB1 receptors are also found in brain areas that adenylate cyclase through Gs proteins (Calandra et al., process or modulate nociceptive information. 1999; Glass and Felder, 1997). In addition, there are Some CB1 receptors are located at central and pe- ripheral nerve terminals (Ong and Mackie, 1999a; reports that CB1 receptors are negatively coupled to voltage-gated L-type calcium channels both in cat cere- Pertwee, 1997) where they probably modulate the re- bral arterial smooth muscle cells (Gebremedhin et al., lease of both excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmit- 1999) and in retinal bipolar cell axon terminals of larval ters when activated (Table 1; Kim and Thayer, 2000). It tiger salamanders (Straiker et al., 1999). Ho et al. would seem then that presynaptic CB1 receptors medi- (1999) have obtained evidence that inwardly rectifying ate mixed inhibitory-disinhibitory effects on neuro- potassium channels can serve as a signalling mechanism transmission through suppression of transmitter release whilst postsynaptic CB1 receptors, at least on for CB2 as well as CB1 receptors, at least in Xenopus oocytes that have been transfected with such channels hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurones, are likely to have an excitatory effect on neurotransmission through together with CB1 or CB2 receptors. In other experi- ments, in which Xenopus oocytes were co-transfected their ability to close M-type potassium channels with cannabinoid receptors and certain G protein sub- (Schweitzer, 2000). units, this research group also obtained evidence that CB2 receptors occur mainly in immune cells where they may mediate an immunosuppressant effect CB1 but not CB2 receptors can activate phospholipase (Pertwee, 1997, 1998). Although CB2 mRNA has not C through G protein containing Ga ,Ga or Ga 14 15 16 been detected on neuronal tissue from human or rat subunits. Other recent findings are that CB receptors 1 brain (Munro et al., 1993; Galie`gue et al., 1995), there on hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurones are nega- is evidence for its presence in rat brain microglia tively coupled to M-type potassium channels (Kearn and Hillard, 1999). There is also one report of (Schweitzer, 2000) and that CB receptors on cultured 1 the presence of CB mRNA together with CB mRNA cerebellar granule neurones can
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