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ACADEMIC HERALDRY BRENDA SEUBERT, B.A., St ST. JOHN'S UNIVERSITY NEW YORK BACCALAUREATE MASS AND EIGHTY-NINTH ANNUAL COMMENCEMENT SUNDAY, JUNE 14, 1959 JAMAICA CAMPUS ORDER OF ACADEMIC PROCESSION Grand Marshal The Colors of The United States The University Colors Schools and Colleges Graduate School School of Law St. John's College School of Education University College School of Commerce College of Pharmacy Marshal of Faculties THE UNIVERSITY SEAL Faculties of the University Alumni Representatives The official Seal of St. John's University sets down symbolically the main purposes and objectives for which the University was instituted. Corporation Marshal The periphery of the Seal bears the legend: Sigillt1m Universitatis Sti. Board of Trustees foannis Neo-Eboraci (The Seal of St. John's University, New York). Deans of the University The inner periphery contains a Greek text (John V:35) uttered by the Divine Teacher, Jesus Christ, in praise of that great herald of the New Honorary Degree Recipients Dispensation, St. John the Baptist, the patron of St. John's University: Officers of the Baccalaureate Mass Mxvoc; Km6µEvoc; Ko:l cpo:[veuv. (He was the lamp, burning and shining). The date of foundation of St. John's, 1870, is also included within this band. The Very Reverend President The central portion of the Seal, the shield, displays three closed books His Excellency, The Most Reverend surmounted by a burning lamp symbolizing the educational aims of St. John's Bishop of Brooklyn University. The three books are identified by their Latin titles: Re!igio (Re­ ligion), Ht1manitas (Culture), and Scientia (Knowledge). The burning lamp is symbolic of the University patron, St. John the Baptist. Presenting oppor­ tunities for an education which is traditionally classical and professional, St. John's University attempts to develop learned, cultured men and women accord­ ing to the philosophical and theological principles and traditions of the Roman Catholic Church. ORDER OF EXERCISES ACT OF RE-CONSECRATION OF THE UNIVERSITY TO THE IMMACULATE HEART OF· MARY PROCESSIONAL* - "Pomp and Circumstance" Elgar Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, Help of Christians, Refuge of Mankind, Victress in all God's battles, we humbly prostrate ourselves before thy throne, confident that we BACCALAUREATE MASS shall obtain mercy, grace, bountiful assistance and protection in this present life, not Celebrant VERY REVEREND JOHN A. FLYNN, C.M. through our own inadequate merits upon which we do not rely, but solely through the President, St. John's University great goodness of thy Maternal Heart. Master of Ceremonies REVEREND CARL w. GRINDEL, C.M. Chairman, Department of Philosophy Assembled in thy name, on the occasion of this Commencement, we, the ad­ ministrators, faculties and students of St. John's University, choose this solemn occasion Acolytes REVEREND JOHN P. (OTTER, C.M. to recall the memory of thy many favors in the past, and to offer to thee the solemn Dean, St John's College homage of our deep and abiding love. To thee and to thy Immaculate Heart we desire REVEREND THOMAS P. POWERS, C.M. to re-dedicate and re-consecrate our entire University. More than that, we re-consecrate Dean, University College our minds, our wills, our hearts, our whole beings, all that we have, all that we are, our benefactors - living and deceased, our friends and neighbors. We ask you to obtain for us the light to know and the love to do God's Holy Will. We beg your maternal ACT OF RE-CONSECRATION OF THE UNIVERSITY help in the noble apostolate of Catholic education. We solicit your powerful aid in the TO THE IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY fulfillment of the sublime objectives of our University. VERY REVEREND JOHN A. FLYNN, C.M. President, St. John's University Inspire our faculty with a love of thy Son that He may be the centre of their lives. Enkindle within our students a spirit of scholarship, a love of purity, the practice ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE GLEE CLUB of the Christian life and an apostolic zeal capable of renewing the face of the earth. Under the direction of REVEREND JOSEPH I. DIRVIN, C.M. As the Church and the entire human race were consecrated to the Sacred Heart "Creation Hymn" Beethoven of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, so that, in reposing all hope in them, they might become for us the sign and pledge of victory and salvation, so we in like "Ave Maria" Arcadelt manner re-consecrate St. John's University forever also to thee and to thy Immaculate Palestrina Heart, our Mother and Queen, that thy love and patronage may hasten the tri.umph "Christus Factus Est" of the Kingdom of God and that all nations, at peace with one another and with thee, "Soul of My Savior" Traditional may raise their voices to resound from pole to pole the chant of the everlasting Magnificat of glory, love and gratitude to the Heart of Jesus, where alone they can find truth and peace. Amen. * The audience is requested to stand during the Academic Procession, The Alma Mater, and the Benediction, and to remain in place until all participants in the Academic Reces sion have left the area. 89TH ANNUAL COMMENCEMENT CONFERRING OF DEGREES .. THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY Presiding: MosT REVEREND BRYAN J. MCENTEGART, D.D., LL.D., L.H.D. AWARDING OF THE PRESIDENT'S MEDAL Bishop of Brooklyn Awarded to: ARPAD F. KOVACS, PH.D. "STAR SPANGLED BANNER" . Key Chairman, Department of History St. Johns University PRESENTATION OF CANDIDATES FOR DEGREES IN COURSE The Deans of the Schools of the University COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS . DR. CHRISTOPHER H. DAWSON Noted Catholic Author and Lecturer PRESENTATION OF CANDIDATES FOR HONORARY DEGREES MESSAGE AND BENEDICTION . His EXCELLENCY, BISHOP MCENTEGART REVEREND JOSEPH E. HOGAN, C.M. Executive Vice-President ALMA MATER Adapted DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING HONORABLE ROBERT MOSES EMIL H. PRAEGER RECESSIONAL - "Orb and Sceptre" . Walton DOCTOR OF SCIENCE JOHN M. SCANNELL, M.D. ALMA MATER DOCTOR OF COMMERCIAL SCIENCE Thy Sons are here today galore, CHARLES L. HUISKING Old St. John's! Our dear St. John's! DOCTOR OF HUMANE LETTERS And true will they be evermore, CHRISTOPHER H. DAWSON Old St. John's! Our dear St. John's! DOCTOR OF LAWS Thy colors bright, the Red and White, We'll wave aloft from morn 'til night: HONORABLE JAMES S. BROWN REVEREND EDWARD LODGE CURRAN Victorious, we'll show our might, MOST REVEREND JOSEPH P. DENNING, D.D. Old St. John's! Our dear St. John's! DEGREES IN COURSE SCHOOL OF COMMERCE 'WILLIAM J. WEARY, Dean COLLEGE OF PHARMACY THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION SALVATORE ROBERT ABBATE DONALD ROBERT COMER ANDREW J. BARTILUCCI, Dean JosEPH JAMES ABBOTT EDWARD P. CONROY VINCENT JOSEPH ABBRUZZESE ALFRED J. CONSTANTINE THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN PHARMACY Russ JOHN ALTMAN RICHARD DENNIS COONS ROBERT JOSEPH ANDERSON JOHN PATRICK CORBAN VENCENT JOSEPH ANELLA DONALD A. CORDANO SISTER ANNE XAVIER BOYLE, C.S.J., PETER HAROLD KRAEHLING ROBERT D. ANTOLINI JOHN BAPTIST CORSO summa cum laude ANTHONY PAT LAMATTINA MARTINO ANDREW ARAGONA NICHOLAS JOSEPH COSCIA, JR. SISTER ANTHONY MARIE DEAN, D.C., ROBERT ROY LIFSCHIN ROBERT A. ATWELL MICHAEL J. COSTELLO summa cum laude THOMAS JOSEPH LIVOLSI DONALD CHARLES BAEDER CHARLES BASCOM CRANFORD MARILYN ADANUNCIO STEPHEN MICHAEL LUCAS ANTHONY BASILIO RICHARD DANIEL CROCKER PETER DOMINICK AGLIONE JOSEPH JOHN McDONALD SEYMOUR F. BIBULD EUGENE FRANCIS CUNNINGHAM EDWARD PATRICK ALDSWORTH HENRY PAT MAIORINO BRENDAN CHRISTOPHER BLANEY EUGENE FRANCIS CURRAN EDWARD LUDWIG ALLGAUER FRANCIS ANTHONY MALIZIA DONALD FRANCIS BOEHM ERIC EDwARD CuRRIVAN CORNELIUS JOHN BANE JOHN VINCENT Muzn JAMES PETER BOLAND JOSEPH JOHN DACHILLE FRANCIS PATRICK BARLETTA, Ctlm laude CYRIL JOHN NALEPA PHILIP EDWIN BoMEISL, cum laude JOSEPH PATRICK DALEY RICHARD EDWARD BARNES DONALD JOHN NIEs RICHARD RONALD BONADIO BRIAN DENNIS DALY GERALD BERGER CLEMON PARDALES LAWRENCE BONANNI MARIE DOLORES DA SILVA HENRY JOHN BEZZEK EDWARD JOSEPH PATAK JOSEPH F. BORGER JOSEPH EDWARD DAVIS RAPHAEL JOSEPH BOCCIA, B. S., ALEXANDER ROBERT PATTERSON THOMAS WILLIAM BOWEN FRANCIS XAVIER DE FONTES Manhattan College ROBERT C. POMPILIO THOMAS BOYD GERARD JAMES DELANEY VICTOR JOHN BUCALO LEON WILLIAM POPKIN, B. S., CHARLES GERARD BOYLE PETER A. DE LEO ROBERT ELIGIO CALIARI New York University EUGENE DONALD Bozzo ANTHONY DELLA IACONO VINCENT MICHAEL CARACCIOLO, PETER PoRCASI MARY ALICE BRANGAN WILLIAM JOSEPH DE MARTINO magna cum la11de ROGER ALAN PRICE EDWARD T. BRANIFF DONALD JOHN DEVINE THOMAS A. CHRISTOPOULOS MELVIN B. PRINE JOHN A. BRENNAN THOMAS ANTHONY DI BARI JAMES GREGORY CORCORAN PHILIP JOSEPH PRIVITERA JOHN JOSEPH BRESNAHAN THOMAS G. DI BUONO SANTO JOSEPH D' ANGELO VINCENT JOSEPH PROCITA, JR. ROBERT PETER BRETT JOSEPH LOUIS DE CHIARO JOHN FRANK DENTE ARACELIS REYES JAMES JOSEPH BROWN, JR. STANLEY VINCENT DIGLIO, cum laude ANDREW JOHN DETTLING, JR. JOSEPH REGINALD RIEGLER MAURICE F. BROWN GABRIEL B. D'JAMOOS Rocco ROBERT DIMICHINO, cum lattde ANTHONY JOSEPH RUBINO KARL JOSEPH BRUNHUBER DANIEL V. Dr LORENZO JOSEPH LEONARD DISPI PETER JOHN SABADOS CHARLES CARL BuDRIS VINCENT PATRICK DOHERTY WILLIAM JAMES FEELY MICHAEL SANTORO, JR. JOHN THOMAS BURKARD EDWARD JOHN DOLAN FRANCIS JOHN FIORDALISI RICHARD MICHAEL SHALHOUB SISTER M. JEAN GREGORY BUTLER, O.P. CARMELLO JOSEPH DONIA JOEL ARTHUR FREEDMAN ELAINE SKORUPA HUGH CHARDE BYRNES GERARD F. DONNELLY ROY R. FRISCIA GEORGE FRANCIS SLAVIN, JR. DANIEL J. CALLAHAN JAMES DONALD DONOGHUE DONALD RALPH GARGIULO DOMINIC ROBERT STABILE DANIEL JOSEPH CAMBALIK ALBERT DORESTE PATRICK FRANCIS GILMOUR WARREN JOHN TESTA RICHARD S. CAMP GEORGE HAROLD DORR NORMAN JOEL GOODMAN ROBERT LOUIS TILLANDER DOMINIC JOSEPH CANTARELLA JAMES WALL DOUGHERTY HENRY J. HAAS FRANCIS JOHN TINNEY MICHAEL V. CAPPIELLO JAMES J. DOWLING MONROE G. HALPERN JACK PETER TRUNCALE FREDERICK ANTHONY CARAMANICO PATRICK C. DOWNEY DONALD HOLZMACHER THOMAS M. V ARELLI JOAN CATHERINE CARDARELLI JOHN WILLIAM DRAGHI WOODROW KAYAIAN MICHAEL JOHN VITALE, B.S.
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