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Not The West

Perth, Western Australia; a one newspaper town.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005 She's successful, she has a great career, she reads Not The West Evelyn is a physiotherapist in a sports injury centre and reads Not The West every day. "I have just come back from working in London for three years and I can remember what Not The West was like when I left. Boy, what a non-event. It looks more like an international newspaper now, though without any international content. Reminds me of The Guardian. They are both printed on paper.

I suppose Not The West is intellectually a bit more upmarket than it used to be (page three is particularly challenging and I just love the Today section) but it is easy to read (not too many big words) and relaxing (doesn't make you think). I've noticed a more positive news presentation, (take the editorials for example) the reporting is more authoritative (they NEVER seem to admit they don't know; I just LOVE authority) and there is not as much 'fence sitting' these days. It used to be so conservative!

I have never thought of Not The West like this before but I don't know, this strange feeling has come over me. It's 30 minutes of the day I always look forward to, in fact it's become the most important 30 minutes of my day. Who needs exercise? By the way, you should see their fantastic web site!"

It's Your World, Your State, Your Newspaper. Nothing to do with us. # posted by notthewest @ Tuesday, January 25, 2005

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Monday, January 24, 2005 Premier punts on long-haul election After weeks of phoney campaigning, (how could you trust someone like that?) Premier Geoff Gallop finally announced a February 26 State election yesterday, launching a five- week bid to claw back a substantial deficit in the polls. 25/01/2005 Not The West Page 2 of 10

Announcing the long-awaited (by whom?) campaign, the Premier highlighted WA's strong economy and warned the coalition would privatise assets and kick-start uranium mining. A nice positive message.

In reply, Opposition Leader Colin Mr Barnett focused on the State's problems with electricity and water supplies, accusing Dr Gallop of being too indecisive to solve them. A nice positive message.

The coalition needs to win just six seats to seize government (in a coup d'etat?), with polls indicating Labor well behind on both the State-wide primary vote and in key marginals.

But Dr Gallop said he was WAIT FOR IT quietly confident Labor would win once the WA public focused on the "real contrast" between the two parties.

He said West Australians would have a WAIT FOR IT clear choice between "a Government which stands prepared to tackle the key issues such as WAIT FOR IT health, education and community building, and an Opposition where WAIT FOR IT no one knows what they stand for".

(But who will be the underdog?) Claiming Labor would enter the election as the underdog ("they're so far in front... sympathy is our only hope"), Dr Gallop said he did not need the support of the next Federal Labor leader to win the election - "we'll win it easily. I'm the underdog".

"We wait to see who the Federal Labor leader will be," Dr Gallop said. And thank GOD we reported that.

"Should that choice be Kim Beazley, he is a passionate West Australian and he's made it clear that he's keen to participate in his own home State. But I've made it clear I don't need anyone to hold my hand. I'm not a sissy. West Australians need a tough leader like me."

In contrast, Mr Barnett and National leader Max Trenorden played up the prospect of impending visits from Prime Minister and Federal Nationals leader John Anderson.

"I would expect the Prime Minister to return to WA during this campaign, and he will be very welcome," Mr Barnett said. "It seems that Dr Gallop never knows whether he wants his Federal leader here or not. "

Both parties yesterday moved to assure voters they would be running positive election campaigns, (HAHAHAHAHAHA, ROTFL, ahem, excuse me) with the first of Labor's television ads screening last night.

Labor State secretary Bill Johnston said Labor would spend less money than the coalition on advertising, ("we're poor, vote for us") while Liberal Party State secretary Paul Everingham claimed the exact opposite ("no we're poor, vote for us").

With Labor's primary vote running in the mid-30s, Greens 25/01/2005 Not The West Page 3 of 10

preferences WAIT FOR IT are crucial to Dr Gallop's hopes of retaining office.

But Greens WA MLC Giz Watson said yesterday the Government should WAIT FOR IT not take the party's preferences for granted.

Coming soon in Western Australia's biggest election coverage; "marginal seats are key", "coalition disunity" and "win 7 Holdens in 7 weeks". # posted by notthewest @ Monday, January 24, 2005

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The battle for Not a national award; another opportunity for a war metaphor.

It is that time of the year again, when the country's most notable citizens go into battle for the right to be named Australian of the Year — (oh crap; even the non-military use of the word "battle" implies some effort on the part of the protagonists; in absolutely no sense do the protagonists here attempt to WIN the award. They are nominated by other people and exert no influence on the outcome) and the public engages in debate over whether the decision was right.

It is the same every year, (and so we write the same stuff every year about it) proving that while Australians love a winner, they love a bit of a blue over who that winner should be just as much. So let's re-hash the controversy we created last year: For instance, does the fact that last year's winner was the fourth sportsman to wear the mantle in seven years show that Australians are obsessed by sport and value a sporting achiever above all else? Or was it his status as a humanitarian that swung it for him? Insert criticism of , Patrick Rafter and Lleyton Hewitt. Insert praise for .

So who are the contenders this year and what are the special achievements which put them in the running? WA IS REPRESENTED BY BURNS DOCTOR , a woman who despite all her kids manages to maintain a significant public profile. One of her opponents (sworn enemies) is Rodney Cocks, 28, a humanitarian who, while injured both in Bali and the Baghdad United Nations headquarters bombings, helped the injured. Next comes Bill Bristow, who 18 months ago launched a charity service called Angel Flight. It coordinates non-emergency medical flights for financially and medically needy people anywhere in Australia, entirely free.

Dr Michael Bossley is a lifelong environmental campaigner and educator, particularly in marine conservation. David Foster is the first person to win 1000 championships in any sport. He is, quite simply, the greatest axeman in the 25/01/2005 Not The West Page 4 of 10

world. Julie Hammer was one of the first female engineers in the Royal Australian Air Force. David Gulpilil is Australia's most lauded indigenous actor. Which brings us to the final contender: our Nic. Nicole Kidman unarguably is, as the Council asserts, one of Australia's best-known cultural exports. She seems to be a nice lady too — much too polite to give her ex-husband Tom Cruise a public lambasting for leaving her for that tart Penelope Cruz. (How does she know Penelope Cruz is a tart? Does she know the circumstances of the relationships? Would she call her a tart to her face?)

Now that we've given you one sentence about each of them;

PHONE POLL: WHO SHOULD BE AUSTRALIAN OF THE YEAR? To register your vote for Fiona Wood call 1900 999 909 and follow the prompts 1. Dr Fiona Wood 2. Nicole Kidman 3. Rodney Cocks 4. Bill Bristow 5. Dr Michael Bossley 6. David Foster 7 Julie Hammer 8. David Gulpilil

You might wonder if Not The West take a percentage of the call costs on this poll without declaring it. If you think we DO, register your vote on 1900 984 555. If you think we DON'T, register your vote on 1900 984 556. Thank you for caring. # posted by notthewest @ Monday, January 24, 2005

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Friday, January 14, 2005 Give us policies of substance Voters face a dismal choice. All over Western Australia West Australians are being beguiled by political flummery. The Ministers of the Gallop Government collect billions of dollars in mining royalties from multinational companies and build themselves luxury palaces in Costa Rica. Inflation has reached 250% and the currency is practically worthless. Despite their election promises not to raise taxes, taxes are arbitrarily imposed and double every four days. Revenue intended for hospitals and education is being channelled into the pockets of the Gallop Government's trade union cronies.

Bribery is endemic. Religious leaders of private schools sell their students into prostitution. In the public interest Not The West has been forced to publish a special 8-page liftout ranking the morals of independent and dependent schools. Widespread looting and rioting has broken out in the western suburbs.

Meanwhile the Barnett Opposition is full of poor media performers. Their election slogan is revealing: "don't make a fuss; we don't want to impose".

Neither side has done much to fire the public imagination or inspire confidence. If it weren't for Not The West and commercial TV we'd be in a terrible pickle. 25/01/2005 Not The West Page 5 of 10

# posted by notthewest @ Friday, January 14, 2005

Comments: A labor government in all its glory. Even if it is state politics!


Well, you know, it's typical West Australian Liberal stuff! Do nothing and arrogantly expect to win.

I actually do appreciate the recent hatchet jobs that Steve Pennells has done on Opposition Clown Supreme Colin Barnett. Take Barnett's complete idiocy on gay law reform rollback. What a stupid mistake to make!

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Tuesday, December 28, 2004 WA baby swept away in tsunami Some other damage also reported.

Serious fears are held for up to five more Australians in Thailand, Indonesia and Sri Lanka. Foreign Affairs Minister Alexander Downer said 5500 Australians were known to be in the worst-hit regions. About 10,000,000 non-Australians were known to be in the worst-hit regions.

Italy's National Geophysics Institute head Enzo Boschi said the power of the quake that launched the tsunamis was like a million atomic bombs the size of those dropped on Japan in World War II. Which is how we measure these things. # posted by notthewest @ Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Comments: I agree so much with your statements. It seems as if human life is less valuable if it isn't Australian!! The parallels on Tuesday's news reports reduced me to tears - we saw people running for their lives, frantic and desperate to save themselves and their children, and some being swamped by the waves and dragged out to sea - an unimaginable tragedy, set in the backdrop of everyday poverty. Immediately after, the reports showed eager shoppers queuing at the gates of Myer ready to flood into 25/01/2005 Not The West Page 6 of 10

the stores and fight for bargains amid a backdrop of wealth and priviledge. Where are our hearts?

Please don't talk about millions of atomic bombs. You're just going to give them ideas.

And in case Echelon hasn't picked up this post yet - Allah Muhammad Jihad! Anthrax botox!


Man, how do you even spell eshilon?


The West Australian must be one of the only daily newspapers in the world that has not accorded the tsunami events special prominence on its web site.

Go to and you'll see a three-line reference as the lead news story, right next to the links to real estate and "Exciting new offer".

No links. No acknowledgement of the death toll. No significance. It's such poor journalism.

- a journalist.

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Saturday, December 25, 2004 There's never been a better time Merry Christmas, reader, OR, as I like to say at this time of year, HUGE SAVINGS! I know I speak for you as well when I say thank you, Woolworths, for making Christmas special. # posted by notthewest @ Saturday, December 25, 2004

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Saturday, December 18, 2004 Footy fans want to stick 25/01/2005 Not The West Page 7 of 10

with Subi

An attempt by the WA Football Commission to sell name rights for Subiaco Oval has failed to garner support from readers of Not The West. The results of a telephone poll yesterday revealed 48 people believed Subiaco Oval's name should not be sold to the highest bidder. Only 19 people supported the move. That’s 67 phone calls some poor cadet journo had to make.

The (rigorous and scientifically conducted) poll was prompted by the WAFC claiming it had received legal advice clearing a sponsorship deal with electronics' giant LG. (“Life ’s Good, but only if you have New Electronic Appliances”).

The City of Subiaco has long claimed it could stop the WAFC from selling the name rights, but commission chief executive Wayne Bradshaw said his legal advice was that nothing could stop the WAFC calling the actual stadium infrastructure whatever the sponsor wanted. "We have in mind to call it Internet Refrigerator Oval".

# posted by notthewest @ Saturday, December 18, 2004

Comments: If it's sponsored by LG, we'll probably have to throw it out in a few years anyway.

Mark []

U ALL SUCK. it's definitely the boringest unoriginal name for an oval.

Call it the Internet Fridge MAgnET


you say that "subiaco oval" is a boring name for a ground? what about "melbourne cricket ground"(its in richmond)or "sydney cricket ground" or "woolongabba oval" (its in woolongabba) or even "telstra dome" or "optus oval", both named after the greedy companies that funded the constuction. There isn't and never was an issue with the name of subi until pinheaded victorians who still think that they are the centre of the sporting universe embarked upon yet another unfounded barrage 25/01/2005 Not The West Page 8 of 10

of belittling of "lesser" states and their historical ties. I would suggest taking a look at Eddie"mr football"mcguire "I'm the president of everything and collingwood will not wear an away strip, even if every other team does and it will prevent umpiring and spectator confusion" I'm not shitcanning Eddie because he has his traditions, so do we! How about we consider changing the name of the MCG(boring!!!)to "crazy johns cricket stadium"or "richmond football ground" or "maggi two-minute noodle stadium"???? I thought not. NOT THE VICS

I like Victorians. I find them less parochial than West Australians.

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$140M shops plan is about to be revitalised with a new shopping centre. That's all it takes apparently. # posted by notthewest @ Saturday, December 18, 2004

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Thursday, December 16, 2004 Party hopes success is contagious As Prime Minister John Howard prepared to address the Liberal Party faithful at the Perth Convention Centre yesterday, Opposition Leader Mark Latham was doing what the WA Labor Party prayed he would -- making himself scarce. The two leaders, both in Perth to campaign ahead of the upcoming State election, (not having anything else to do) have faced remarkably different receptions from their local colleagues. While Mr Howard is considered electoral gold for the WA Liberals and has been wheeled out at every opportunity, Mr Latham has been effectively shunned by WA Labor. And so our quota for the word "effectively" is again met.

Labor insiders said yesterday they believed their beleaguered (quota met) Federal leader's presence would poison their chances at the WA poll, which is expected to be called for some time in February. "We only like people after they win", one Labor source said yesterday.

Yesterday, after two days of polite snubs from his State colleagues, Mr Latham spent the morning sunning himself at Fremantle's Port Beach with his family. Proving that he is a lazy good for nothing. When asked what he was up to, he said: "What do you think I'm up to? Think really hard." 25/01/2005 Not The West Page 9 of 10

In contrast, WA Opposition Leader Colin Barnett has been constantly at Mr Howard's side, hoping success is contagious. While the relationship between Mr Bamett and Mr Howard is said to be civil rather than friendly ("Mr Barnett and I go way back"), the WA Liberal Party is well aware that Mr Howard's popularity in WA, his impressive WAIT FOR IT election triumph and any public declaration of support he gives Mr Barnett are a positive for the WA Liberal leader. That's because the general public would never expect a Liberal PM to support a Liberal state leader. The pair filmed campaign footage together yesterday and posed for photographs with Liberal candidates. ("Well, that's a good day's work; I'm exhausted.")

"I'll do whatever I'm asked and I'm happy to help," Mr Howard said. "I'm here today obviously to help them. After all, I can take as much time off to campaign for the state liberal parties as I want. Leading the country is not a full- time job as such." # posted by notthewest @ Thursday, December 16, 2004

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