211 West Chestnut Street West Chester, PA 19380 p 610-430-0305

Contact: Ellie Byrom-Haley President / CCO [email protected] About Gecko Group

We are an award-winning team of designers, artists, and strategic thinkers. We specialize in creating unique experiences that engage, educate, and excite your audience through a smart and purposeful approach to design. We bridge the gap between your brand, your space, your story and make meaningful connections with your audience. So let’s connect - after all, smart design is smart business.

For more information contact: | [email protected] | 610.430.0305

branding | marketing | exhibits | multimedia | environmental www.geckogroup.com | 610 430 8633 430 610 f | 610 430 0305 430 610 p |

123 211 West Chestnut Street, West Chester, PA 19380 PA Chester, West Street, Chestnut West 211

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1 Environmental education center 6 Organization promoting independent living for the disabled 2 Educational publishing company 7 ??? 3 Architectural design firm 8 Software development company 4 Public relations and strategic communications company 9 Art gallery 5 Public radio station’s annual music festival services project client cosvrosmreigclaea opnnsiluigbohrs les esetrtmlt,as template, translated newsletter then a was flyers, identity brochures, and brand new current inlcuding The their components with visually segments. collateral that resonates audience that concepts marketing a multiple design various institution in developed logo the across of Group develop constituents to Gecko strengths prospective which report, core from the audit platform brand embodies position supplied cllient strategic a Site Web from Working Collateral, Logo, Development Positioning, & & Marketing Analysis Stationery, Brand Planning, Strategic Trust Farmland Lancaster Campaign Communications Brand ela e,mr yai n otn ihwbst einta scretyi eeomn and development in currently is that design site web rich content and dynamic more new, a as well programming. Lancaster FarmlandTrust | Graphic Approach theirvarioustargetaudiencesegments. with resonate Lancaster County Farmland, andconveysmessagethemesoffuture,local,heritage,thatresearch showswill theirorganizationthatpositionstheinstitutionasanestablished,proactive,caring,thoughtfulstewardof of In Logo Objectives developing anewidentityprogram,LancasterFarmlandTrust wantstoestablishanaccuratevisualrepresentation LOGO CONCEPTSPRESENTATION I I I Logo C I Logo B (version Logo B2): I I I I I (version Logo B1): I I I I Logo A: neaan ae hsvrinaltl morecasualintone. little case, a lower version with this leading makes especially again, serif, once case lower and upper of caring, the the for underscoring hope orange thoughtful, golden bright, a with color neighborly/ more feel a casual and position, authoritative formal, less communicate that the than h s ftesotndvrino h aei combination a in name the of version shortened the of use The gray chocolatey warm, the marries combination color The a provides also work line the of quality “hand-drawn” The This makes this version a little more casual in tone. versionalittlemorecasualin this makes serif, especially upper andlowercaseleadingwithcase, the of graytonecouldbeexplored. deep the components, amixedpaletteofalternatecolorspairedwith paired withaspring-likegreen.Inapplicationacross Trust,“R” in organization. the of speakingtotheproactiveness littlemovementaddedinthroughthetreatment a with and clearlycommunicatingLancasterCounty,very openspace The use of the shortened version of the name in a combinationof the shortenedversionofnamein useof The This The The 2 This gi,convey again, strengthwell asandestablishment serif inthenameprovideasenseaccessibilityandinvitationas a futureaswell. for abundance andfarming,thatalsowhisperheritagehope quilt incorporatinggraphicsymbolsrepresentingland, The color selection pairs a warm gray withanearthyorangeto, colorselectionpairsawarm The The The overall The slightly historical feel, lending to communication of heritage communication of lending to historical feel, slightly recommended colorsincludeadeeperchocolatey-gray serif fontisclassicgivingasenseofstrengthandheritage farming throughtheicon. logo iconisinspiredmorebythelandandfuture variation on the logo is a little more contemporary treatment variation onthelogoisalittlemorecontemporary upper and lower case script balancedalluppercase upper andlowercasewith iconic elementmixedwiththefontselectionhas style ofthe same conceptsasabove. color logoexpressesstrengthandprogressivenesswhile heritage andplace,insteadallowingthenameto iconic elementplaysofftheconceptofapatchwork warmth andaccessibility future that the organization represents. organization future thatthe © 2005 Gecko Group

211 West Chestnut Street, West Chester, PA 19380 | p 610 430 0305 | f 610 430 8633 | www.geckogroup.com project Web Site www.lancasterfarmlandtrust.org

client Lancaster Farmland Trust services Corporate Identity Development Information Design Site Architecture & Design Animation & Programming

Web site design concept and development for a premier non-profit land preservation organization presenting visitors with multiple access points on the home page based on visitor interest, readily accessible quick facts, and access to image galleries and other user targeted interest pages giving visitors reason to log in frequently. se p r roj cl vices ient ect for anenvir Identity, marketingcollateral,andentrysignage Printing Management Sign Design&Fabrication Fundraising Materials Newsletter Template Stationery Logo Design The SchuylkillCenterforEnvironmental Education Branding &MarketingCampaign onmental educationinstitution.

211 West Chestnut Street, West Chester, PA 19380 | p 610 430 0305 | f 610 430 8633 | www.geckogroup.com services project


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211 West Chestnut Street, West Chester, PA 19380 | p 610 430 0305 | f 610 430 8633 | www.geckogroup.com Benjamin_samples_RFP:Layout 111/25/083:34PMPage3 services project client dniyadmreigcmag aeil o uuyvilla luxury a Republic. for Dominican materials the in campaign complex marketing and Identity Management Programming Printing & Design Site Web Mail Direct Stationery Design Logo Castellamonte Villa Marketing & Branding Resort

211 West Chestnut Street, West Chester, PA 19380 | p 610 430 0305 | f 610 430 8633 | www.geckogroup.com www.geckogroup.com | 610 430 8633 f | 610 430 0305 p | 211 West Chestnut Street, West PA Chester, 19380

project Visitor Guide and Orientation Map

client City of Baltimore services Design & Layout Copywriting

Design and layout for visitor guide and orientation map that integrates with web site and interpretive kiosk for The Star Spangled Trails in Baltimore, Multimedia_RFP:Layout 1 1/28/15 11:49 AM Page 9 www.geckogroup.com | 610 430 8633 f | 610 430 0305 p | 211 West Chestnut Street, West PA Chester, 19380

project Web Site www.starspangledtrails.org

client City of Baltimore

services Site Architecture Site Design Animation Programming

Design and development of web site and web portal client administration pages promoting the network of historical trails located in and around Baltimore, Maryland.

se p r roj cl vices ient ect Longwood Gar Continuing EducationCourseCatalog color publication for an internationally r color publicationforaninternationally tosuccessfulfullyear Evolved CourseCatalogdesignandformat Strategic Consulting Graphic Design dens enowned horticulture garden.

211 West Chestnut Street, West Chester, PA 19380 | p 610 430 0305 | f 610 430 8633 | www.geckogroup.com www.geckogroup.com 610 430 8633 | f

610 430 0305 | p 211 West Chestnut Street, Chester, PA 19380 |

project Legacy of Play™ Capital Campaign

client Please Touch Museum Philadelphia, PA services Logo Design Print Collateral Premium Design Advertising Campaign Donor Recognition Design & Fabrication/Installation Project Management through Printing

This creative campaign layered contemporary photos with historic ones to communicate the lasting importance of play in children’s development. It utilized traditional print media as well as radio spots and mass transit advertising to raise awareness. The Legacy of Play™ capital campaign is targeted to raise $30M. www.geckogroup.com | 610 430 8633 f | 610 430 0305 p | 211 West Chestnut Street, West PA Chester, 19380

project Web Site www.heritagepa.net

client HeritagePA services Corporate Identity Development Information Design Site Architecture & Design

This web site incorporated a new identity which Gecko designed for HeritagePA. Twelve heritage areas are highlighted in the site on individual portal pages as well as on a large interactive map. www.geckogroup.com | 610 430 8633 f | 610 430 0305 p | 211 West Chestnut Street, West PA Chester, 19380

project Direct Mail for a Loyalty Program Software Company

client Smart Button services Graphic Design Copy Writing Printing Letter Shop and Mailing Services

om group.c ecko .g www | 610 430 8633 f | Where Wilmington meats. Have your meeting (and greets) done to perfection. 610 430 0305 Meetings and parties are always done to perfection when they’re held at Walter’s. p | With a menu second to none and seating for up to seventy five, we have all the Rare or medium, your meeting is always done well. With a menu second to none room and equipment you need to make your special occasion unforgettable. and seating for up to seventy five, we have all the room and equipment you need 9380 Experience the difference. to make your special occasion unforgettable. Experience the difference. A 1 er, P t




Proprietor: John Walter Constantinou Proprietor: John Walter Constantinou es

302-652-6780 302-652-6780 t, W ee 802 N. UNION ST., WILMINGTON 802 N. UNION ST., WILMINGTON tr All major credit cards accepted. All major credit cards accepted. t S u tn es t Ch 211 Wes

Comes in charcoal, Give him what he brown, pink or red. really wants. (Alterations are free) (And a big fat steak to go with it) Rare, medium or any way you want it. A dinner at Walter’s is sure to please your Rare, medium or any way you want it. A dinner at Walter’s is sure to please your favorite carnivore. And you never have to worry about it being too small. A gift favorite carnivore. And you never have to worry about it being too small. A gift certificate from Walter’s. It’s always a gift in good taste. Experience the difference. certificate from Walter’s. It’s always a gift in good taste. Experience the difference. WALTER’S WALTER’S I STEAKHOUSE STEAKHOUSEI Proprietor: John Walter Constantinou Proprietor: John Walter Constantinou 302-652-6780 302-652-6780 802 N. UNION ST., WILMINGTON 802 N. UNION ST., WILMINGTON All major credit cards accepted. All major credit cards accepted.

Ad series for restaurant. Trade ad foreducationalpublisher. journal

211 West Chestnut Street, West Chester, PA 19380 | p 610 430 0305 | f 610 430 8633 | www.geckogroup.com www.geckogroup.com | 610 430 8633 f | 610 430 0305 p | 211 West Chestnut Street, West PA Chester, 19380

project Festival Materials

client WXPN services Logo Development Graphic Design Printing

From the logo to posters and t-shirt designs, a variety of materials were created to brand this popular music festival for a non-profit, alternative music radio station. services project client elcstebidn’ rhtcua tl niscntutindtisadtlstesoyo h natural the of story that the traffic tells and and pedestrian a and route details in main vehicular situated the constructuion for It’s off its developed region. in visitors was the style direct in system to elk architectural signage wayfinding about building’s visible complete learning the A very and reflects center. required viewing the that for to up location environment premiere wooded the dense is Center The Installation & Fabrication Design Recognition Design Donor & Planning Wayfinding Design Materials Graphic Marketing Interpretive and (DCNR) Design Resources Identity Natural and Center Conservation of Visitor Country Department Elk - Recognition PA Donor & Benezette, Wayfinding Identity, etn fteae hog h s fekadadla oista nac h insystem. sign the enhance that motifs leaf and and elk of use the through area the of setting

211 West Chestnut Street, West Chester, PA 19380 | p 610 430 0305 | f 610 430 8633 | www.geckogroup.com DCNR_BaldEagle_RFP_Layout 16/18/1012:34PMPage services project client The Nature Inn located at State Park in the Pennsylvania Wilds along Audbubon along Wilds Pennsylvania the in Park State Eagle Bald at located Inn Nature The Implementation and Design Writing Script and Development Interpretive Pennsylvania of State | DCNR Park State Eagle Bald at Inn Nature The Important Birding area 254 offers guests from the novice to the avid birder, unparalleled unparalleled birder, avid the to novice the from guests offers 254 area Birding Important comfort and access to birding within the park. Beyond the brand, Gecko Group is developing is Group Gecko brand, the Beyond park. the within birding to access and comfort interpretive elements throughout the inn and it's grounds to educate guests about birds they they birds about guests educate to grounds it's and inn the throughout elements interpretive may see in the area and sustainable practices that are good for the environment at the Inn Inn the at environment the for good are that practices sustainable and area the in see may and at their own home. own their at and w a man-made

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NN Haldeman Island, or along the Juniata River, from Duncannon upriver to Lewistown. you can usually spot eagle nests at State Park in Lancaster, In spring, eagles nest along the waterways of the Wilds. In addition to this park, spotting eaglesinsprings Eagle State Park. Each year, more eagles arrive. Pennsylvania. Today, there are 155 – and some of them are right here in Bald In 1983, there were just three bald eagle nests in the whole commonwealth of n

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harvesting water your watering can from the rain barrel when the weather gets dry! under downspouts to collect water at your house. Just turn the spigot and fill Rain barrels are available at most home improvement stores, and can be placed reclaiming water supplies “black water” for use in toilets, and “gray water” for garden irrigation. our guests don’t drink rainwater, but our 2800 gallon water reclamation system Here at the Nature Inn, we collect rainwater in cisterns and rain barrels. Of course harvesting water your watering can from the rain barrel when the weather gets dry! under downspouts to collect water at your house. Just turn the spigot and fill Rain barrels are available at most home improvement stores, and can be placed reclaiming water supplies “black water” for use in toilets, and “gray water” for garden irrigation. our guests don’t drink rainwater, but our 2800 gallon water reclamation system Here at the Nature Inn, we collect rainwater in cisterns and rain barrels. Of course harvesting water your watering can from the rain barrel when the weather gets dry! under downspouts to collect water at your house. Just turn the spigot and fill Rain barrels are available at most home improvement stores, and can be placed reclaiming water supplies “black water” for use in toilets, and “gray water” for garden irrigation. our guests don’t drink rainwater, but our 2800 gallon water reclamation system Here at the Nature Inn, we collect rainwater in cisterns and rain barrels. Of course Scarlet Tanager and Ovenbird are partially protected from habitat destruction. The ridge across the lake is the Bald Eagle Ridge IBA, where species such as the recognized by the Audubon Society for their outstanding valueAn to Important bird Bird conservation. Area (IBA) is a site that is part of a global network of places a teal, horned grebe, mallard, and wood duck. habitat for migratory and water birds. Keep your eyes open for blue-winged in Centre County. Its warm waters and 23 miles of shoreline provide a rich The 1,730-acre Foster Joseph Sayers Reservoir is the largest body of water w t c

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water bill. for reducing your most economic means systems provide the Rain water collection Fast Fact winged hawk. eagles and broad- to see golden or fall, you’re bound visiting during spring flyway! If you’re major migratory in the middle of a You’re standing Fun Fact

211 West Chestnut Street, West Chester, PA 19380 | p 610 430 0305 | f 610 430 8633 | www.geckogroup.com www.geckogroup.com 610 430 8633 | f

610 430 0305 | p 211 West Chestnut Street, Chester, PA 19380 |

project Intermodal Transportation Center and Streetscape Improvements Project

client Philadelphia Zoo services Site Assessment, Strategic Planning, Design, Wayfinding, Project Management, Fabrication/Installation Oversight

The new Zoo sign is big and impactful. Its scale proudly announces that you have arrived. Installed in the new plaza entrance of the zoo, it is an integral part of the vision for an enhanced visitor entrance experience - one that welcomes zoo visitors and provides a safe and beautiful area for them to congregate.

The sign, which is inspired by the logo, brings the zoo presence out to the street and welcomes visitors in. It will become the backdrop for visitors’ photos, capturing memories for years to come and will be a landmark for the surrounding neighborhood.

The new sign was imagined and designed by Gecko Group, lighting provided by The Lighting Practice, landscaping by Synterra, LTD and fabrication by L&H Signs; all working for prime contractor, Pennoni Associates Inc. www.geckogroup.com 610 430 8633 | f

610 430 0305 | p | 211 West Chestnut Street, Chester, PA 19380

project Intermodal Transportation Center and Streetscape Improvements Project

client Philadelphia Zoo services Site Assessment, Strategic Planning, Design, Wayfinding, Project Management, Fabrication/Installation Oversight

In addition to creating the dynamic new street scaping for the Philadelphia Zoo, Gecko Group also extended the visitor experience to the new parking garage. Individual floors were named and themed by iconic animal species at the Zoo. Visitors are delighted by beautiful images as soon as they park their car.

Wayfinging completed the project and helps guide Zoo fans seamlessly to the entrance and other points of interest. services project client Pr Copywriting Navigation Development Design Allegheny RidgeCorporation Touchscreen Interactive history andcommuniteswithinthe MainLineCanalGr Touchscreen interactivedesignedtoteach AltoonaHeritageDiscoveryCentervisitorsaboutthe ogramming eenway.

211 West Chestnut Street, West Chester, PA 19380 | p 610 430 0305 | f 610 430 8633 | www.geckogroup.com FIN DONUT POSTER:FIN DONUT POSTER 10/24/14 4:18 PM Page 1 www.geckogroup.com [email protected] |


Remind you of your PC at work? Well, it shouldn’t. Because protecting your PC from theft is really a matter of common sense. It’s simple things like locking your laptop in a secured docking station. Or using a screensaver on unattended PCs. Want to learn more? Just stop by the "Let’s Get Secure" meeting presented by your DISO representative. Plus, you’ll be introduced to the newest members of the DISO team. Because when security’s a t stake, we’re in this together. 211 West Chestnut Street, Chester, PA 19380 |

SOMETHINGSJUSTSHOULDN’T SOMETHINGSJUSTSHOULDN’T BEREVEALED. BE DUPLICATED. Like your data files at Dupont, for instance. That’s why it’s important to encrypt them — so that they can only be used when "unlocked" with a key. This way, if your data falls into the wrong hands, information won’t be compromised. So come learn all there is to know about encrypting data files as well as other Your data files at Dupont, on the other hand, should be. As a rule of thumb, they should be backed up preventative security measures at the "Let’s Get Secure" meeting presented by DISO. You’ll also meet the newest members of the DISO team. Because when security’s at stake, we’re in this together. at least once a week. But for how long? And what about emails? All these questions will be answered at the "Let’s Get Secure" meeting presented by DISO. You’ll also meet the newest members of the DISO team. Because when security’s at stake, we’re in this together.

project Employee Communications Campaign

client DuPont Wilmington, DE

services Campaign Development Program Identity Design Collateral Development Multimedia Programming Printing & Reproduction Management Post-production Supervision

Technology-security program developed for employees featuring a series of tongue-in-cheek posters meant to capture the attention of the staff and direct them to the annual safety meeting. An interactive CD-ROM presentation and program collateral were also developed. www.geckogroup.com | 610 430 8633 f | 610 430 0305 p | 211 West Chestnut Street, West PA Chester, 19380

project Web Site www.susquehannawatertrail.org

client Susquehanna Gateway Heritage Area services Site Architecture & Design Content Edit | Polish Programming

Web site redesign and programming development for the Water Trail. Focused on initiating the visitor experience online, engaging and enticing visitors to learn the many ways to enjoy the River and providing the tools to plan a variety of experiences. Highlights the extensive Water Trail Maps & Guides with multiple opportunities to purchase. A comprehensive CMS solution - content and imagery throughout the site are updatable.