November 8, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7953 to a worthy cause that indeed allows us number of steps are required between ty Act of 1966, the Highway Safety Act to show our humanitarian side as well now and then, and it is critical for of 1966, and the Motor Vehicle Informa- as our diplomatic side, which are im- Downey that there be no slips in that tion and Cost Savings Act of 1972. portant complementary tools in our time line. It already has been several GEORGE W. BUSH. fight against terrorism. years since the facility was closed. It is THE , November 8, 2001. f critical that Downey receive the final f parcels so that its economic revitaliza- A LEADER FOR SPACE HONOR THE FALLEN tion plan can move forward and the de- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a veloper can begin working to restore The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under previous order of the House, the gen- the city’s economy. the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- tleman from California (Mr. HORN) is We continue to work with Dan uary 3, 2001, the gentlewoman from recognized for 5 minutes. Goldin, Associate Administrator Sut- Virginia (Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS) is recog- Mr. HORN. Mr. Speaker, today, the ton, and other senior NASA officials in nized for 60 minutes as the designee of House has taken final action on the ap- this important effort. I know they will the majority leader. propriations bill that funds the Na- continue to do all they can to keep the Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS of Virginia. Mr. tional Aeronautics and Space Adminis- schedule on track. Speaker, I have before me a growing tration. This is an appropriate time to I wish Dan Goldin all the best as he list of over 3,000 individuals who per- recognize the extraordinary contribu- leaves NASA for new challenges. I ished on September 11, 2001. This list, tions of NASA Administrator Dr. Dan know that Downey officials look for- provided by the Congressional Re- Goldin, whose energy and vision have ward to inviting Dan to visit the city search Service, includes the names of been essential to continuing our Na- so they can thank him for helping ad- many of the victims of the recent hor- tion’s leadership in space exploration. vance a much-needed economic recov- rific attacks on our great Nation. I As he prepares to leave NASA and re- stand before the House to pay my re- turn to the private sector, we should ery effort. Mr. Speaker, Dan Goldin is the ablest spects to our fallen brothers and sis- recognize Dan Goldin’s superb leader- ters, and I encourage my colleagues to ship during his tenure as head of Amer- leader and executive of any major de- partment in Washington during the join me today, and for as many days as ica’s space agency. it takes, in honoring those individuals My association with Dan Goldin years I have had in Congress. When who lost their lives or are still missing. began not long after I came to the President Clinton cut $5 billion from We have all heard the numbers, the House of Representatives in 1993. I the NASA budget and the space shuttle learned that NASA was considering program, many key people went else- devastation, the pain of the families cutting jobs at the space shuttle manu- where. They gave up. Dan Goldin re- and our Nation’s anguish. What we facturing plant in Downey. We dis- fused to despair. Instead, he provided have not heard in Washington are these cussed NASA’s plans over coffee in the the leadership that was needed to pull names. These individuals all rep- Members Dining Room, and I told him the program together and continue resented a life, a family, an employer, of my concerns about further job losses NASA’s vital missions. a country, a way of life. I hope to in in , where the econ- As a result, today we have an excel- some small way honor these individ- omy already was devastated. lent space program and a growing part- uals by reading their names aloud for I was impressed from the very begin- nership with Russia. Dan Goldin de- all to hear of America’s and our world’s ning by Dan’s forthrightness, his com- serves our thanks for a job well done tremendous pain and loss. mitment to what he viewed as best for and our best wishes in all of his new These individuals will not be soon the space program, and his willingness endeavors. He has served our Nation forgotten. By reading their names, we to listen to new and different ideas. well. do not bring them back or even ease the pain of families and friends, but Unfortunately, the scale-down of the f shuttle program and the consolidation again we show that this House and our of space-related activities was unavoid- REMOVAL OF NAME OF MEMBER Nation honor our fallen brothers and able. AS COSPONSOR OF H.R. 981 sisters. The manufacturing plant in Downey, Mr. COMBEST. Mr. Speaker, I ask As the wife of a retired professional sadly, has been closed. Those who unanimous consent to have my name firefighter of 30 years, this tragedy hit worked there have retired or have gone removed as a cosponsor of H.R. 981. especially close to home. Hundreds of to other jobs in Southern California. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. firefighters and police officers were These are the workers who developed SHUSTER). Is there objection to the re- killed and injured on September 11, and built the Apollo moon capsules, quest of the gentleman from Texas? 2001, because of their brave attempts to the Sky Laboratory, and all of our There was no objection. save victims of the brutal attacks, and space shuttles. left families, friends, and countrymen Throughout this process, Dan Goldin f grieving the loss of these courageous has been true to his word in working DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPOR- souls. These dedicated professionals with me and the City of Downey to ad- TATION 1999 REPORTS ON AC- are in my thoughts and prayers. dress hardships created by the closure TIVITIES UNDER NATIONAL I, like many of my colleagues, lost and to overcome barriers to an orderly TRAFFIC AND MOTOR VEHICLE constituents in this awful attack. I ask transfer of the NASA property to the SAFETY ACT OF 1966, HIGHWAY for God’s blessing on Virginia’s First City of Downey. He recognized the SAFETY ACT OF 1966, AND District residents Teresa Martin, Mar- city’s need to get on with its economic MOTOR VEHICLE INFORMATION ian Serva, Martha Reszke, Allen Boyle revitalization. He has consistently di- AND COST SAVINGS ACT OF 1972 and Brenda Gibson. Please forgive me rected NASA officials in Washington in advance for any mispronunciations The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- and Houston to work with Downey to of names. fore the House the following message move forward. Additionally, I ask for God’s bless- from the President of the United In October 1998, a ceremony was held ings on the following: in Downey for the transfer of the first States; which was read and, together parcels of the NASA property to the with the accompanying papers, without b 1515 city. The transfer process had faced objection, referred to the Committee Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS of Virginia. various delays and complications, but on Transportation and Infrastructure Gordon McCannel Aamoth, Maria Rose the ceremony was a great tribute to and the Committee on Energy and Abad, Edelmiro Abad, Andrew Anthony the strong working relationship that Commerce. Abate, Vincent Abate, Laurence Abel, had been developed between NASA and To the Congress of the United States: William Abrahamson, Richard Anthony the city in completing this difficult I transmit herewith the Department Aceto, Heinrich B. Ackermann, Paul transition. of Transportation’s Calendar Year 1999 Andrew Acquaviva, Christian Adams, NASA’s timetable calls for comple- reports on Activities Under the Na- Stephen George Adams, Donald Leroy tion of the process in March 2002. A tional Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safe- Adams, Shannon Lewis Adams, Patrick

VerDate 06-NOV-2001 01:22 Nov 09, 2001 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K08NO7.088 pfrm02 PsN: H08PT1 H7954 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 8, 2001 Adams, Ignatius Adanga, Christy A. Matthew Barnes, Evan J. Baron, Renee Breitweiser, Peter Brennan, Thomas M. Addamo, Terence E. Adderley, Jr., So- Barrett-Arjune, Arthur T. Barry, Mau- Brennan, Michael Emmett Brennan, phia Buruwa Addo, Lee Adler, Daniel rice ‘‘Moe’’ Vincent Barry, Diane Edward A. ‘‘Ted’’ Brennan, III, Frank T. Afflitto, Emmanuel Afuakwah, Alok Barry, Scott D. Bart, Carlton W. Brennan. Agarwal, Mukul Agarwala, Joseph Bartels, Inna Basina, Alysia Mr. Speaker, I yield to the gentleman Agnello, David S. Agnes, Joao A.D. Basmajian, Kenneth W. Basnicki, Ste- from Illinois. Aguiar, Jr., Brian G. Ahearn, Joanne ven Bates, Paul James Battaglia, W. Mr. SHIMKUS. Daniel J. Brethel, Ahladiotis, Shabbir Ahmed, Terrance David Bauer, Marlyn Bautista, Ivhan Gary L. Bright, Jonathan Briley, Mark Aiken, Godwin Ajala, Nana Akwasi- Luis Carpio Bautista, Mark Bavis, Jas- A. Brisman, Paul Bristow, Victoria Al- Mienkah, Boutros al-Hashim, Gertrude per Baxter, Lorraine G. Bay, Michelle varez Brito, Marion Britton, Mark ‘‘Trudi’’ M. Alagero, Andrew Alameno, Beale, , Paul F. Beatini, Francis Broderick, Herman Manuel A. Alarcon, Margaret ‘‘Peggy’’ Jane S. Beatty, Alan Beaven, Larry Broghammer, Keith Broomfield, Ber- Jezycki Alario, Gary Albero, Jon L. Al- Beck, Manette Marie Beckles, Carl nard Curtis Brown, Janice J. Brown, bert, Peter Craig Alderman, Jacquelyn Bedigian, Michael E. Beekman, Marla Patrick Brown, Lloyd Brown, Bettina D. Aldridge, Grace Alegre-Cua, David Asuncion Behr, Max Beilke, Helen Browne-Radburn, Mark Bruce, Richard Dewey Alger, Ernest Alikakos, Edward Belilovsky, Nina Patrice Bell, Stephen Bruehert, Andrew Brunn, Vincent L. Allegretto, Eric Allen, Samantha Belson, Paul Benedetti, Denise Lenore Brunton, Ronald Paul Bucca, Brandon Lightbourn Allen, Richard L. Allen, Benedetto, Eric Bennett, Bryan Craig Buchanan, Greg Joseph Buck, Dennis Joseph Ryan Allen, Richard Allen, Bennett, Judith Bennett, Oliver Ben- Buckley, Nancy Bueche, Patrick Jo- Christopher E. Allingham, Anna Wil- nett, Margaret L. Benson, Dominick J. seph Buhse, John E. Bulaga, Jr., Steve liams Allison, Janet Alonso, Anthony Berardi, James Patrick Berger. Bunin, Christopher Lee Burford, Mat- Alvarado, Antonio Javier Alvarez, Mr. Speaker, I yield to the gen- thew J. Burke, William F. Burke, Jr., Telmo Alvear, Cesar A. Alviar, Tariq tleman. Thomas Daniel Burke, Charles ‘‘Chick’’ Amanullah, Angelo Amaranto, James Mr. SHIMKUS. Steven Howard Burlingame, III, Thomas E. Burnett, M. Amato, and Joseph Amatuccio. Berger, John Bergin, Alvin Bergsohn, Jr., Donald James Burns, Keith James Mr. Speaker, I yield to my colleague, Daniel D. Bergstein, Michael Berkeley, Burns, Kathleen A. Burns, John Pat- the gentleman from Illinois (Mr. Graham Andrew Berkeley, Donna rick Burnside, Irina Buslo, Milton SHIMKUS). Bernaerts-Kearns, William ‘‘Bill’’ Bustillo, Rachel Butler, Thomas But- Mr. SHIMKUS. Paul Ambrose, Chris- Bernstein, David M. Berray, Joseph J. ler, Timothy G. Byrne, Daniel Martin topher C. Amoroso, Craig Amundson, Berry, David S. Berry, William Reed Caballero, Jesus N. Cabezas, Lillian Kazuhiro Anai, Calixto ‘‘Charlie’’ Bethke, Cynthia Betia, Yeneneh Betru, Caceres, Brian Cachia, Steven Cafiero, Anaya, Jr., Jorge Octavio Santos Timothy D. Betterly, Carolyn Beug, Jr., Richard Caggiano, Cecile Caguicla, Anaya, Joe Anchundia, Peter Bob Beurlein, Jr., Edward F. Beyea, John Brett Cahill, Thomas J. Cahill, Anchundia, Jeff John Andersen, Paul Beyer, Anil T. Bharvaney, Bella Scott Walter Cahill, Michael John Kermit Charles Anderson, Yvette C. Bhukan, Jim Biberson, Shimmy D. Cahill, George Cain, Salvatore Calabro, Anderson, John Andreacchio, Michael Biegeleisen, Peter Bielfeld, William Joseph Calandrillo, Philip V. Calcagno, Rourke Andrews, Jean A. Andrucki, Biggart, Ralph Bijoux, Brian Bilcher, Jose Orlando Calderon, Edward Siew Nya Ang, Joseph Angelini, Jr., , Carl Bini, Gary Bird, Calderon, Kenny Caldwell, Dominick Joseph Angelini, Sr., David Lawrence Joshua David Birnbaum, Geroge John Calia, Bobby Calixte, Felix Calixte, Angell, Lynn Angell, Laura Angilletta, Bishop, Kris Romeo Bishundat, Jeffrey Liam Callahan, Frank Callahan, Su- Doreen J. Angrisani, Lorraine Del Car- D. Bittner, Balewa Albert Blackman, zanne Calley, Gino Calvi, Luigi Calvi, men Antigua, Seima Aoyama, Peter Christopher Blackwell, Carrie Roko Camaj, Michael Cammarata, Paul Apollo, Faustino Apostol, Jr., Blagburn, Susan Blair, Harry Blanding, Geoffrey Thomas Campbell, David Otey Frank Thomas ‘‘F.T.’’ Aquilino, Pat- Jr., Craig Michael Blass, Rita Blau, Campbell, Robert Campbell, Sandra rick Michael Aranyos, David Arce, Mi- Richard M. Blood, Michael Andrew Campbell, Jill Marie Campbell, Juan chael G. Arczynski, Louis Arena, Bar- Boccardi, John Paul Bocchi, Michael L. Ortega Campos, Sean T. Canavan, John bara Arestegui, Adam P. Arias, Mi- Bocchino, Susan M. Bochino, Deora A. Candela, Vincent Cangelosi, Stephen chael Joseph Armstrong, Jack Charles Bodley, Bruce Douglas Boehm, Mary J. Cangialosi, Lisa Cannava, Brian Aron, Joshua Todd Aron, Richard A. Catherine Boffa, Nicholas A. Bogdan, Cannizzaro, Christopher Sean Canton. Aronow, Myra Aronson, Japhet Aryee, Darren C. Bohan, Lawrence F. Mr. Speaker, I yield to the gentle- John Asam, Carl Asaro, Michael Boisseau, Vincent Boland, Jr., Touri woman from Virginia. Asciak, Michael Edward Asher, Janice Bolourchi, Howard J. Bolton, Jr., Alan b 1530 M. Ashley, Thomas J. Ashton, Manuel Bondarenko, Andre Bonheur, Renato O. Asitimbay, Gregg Atlas, Debbie S. Bonifacio, Colin Arthur Bonnett, Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS of Virginia. Mi- Attlas-Bellows, Gerald Atwood, James Yvonne L. Bonomo, Frank Bonomo, chael R. Canty, Louis A. Caporicci, Audiffred, Frank Louis Aversano, Jr., Sean Booker, Kelly Ann Booms. Jonathan Neff Cappello, James Chris- Ezra Aviles, Alona Avraham, Samuel Mr. Speaker, I yield back to the gen- topher Cappers, Richard Caproni, David Ayala, Sandy Ayala, Arlene T. tlewoman. Cardinale, Jose Cardona, Dennis Carey, Babakitis, Eustace ‘‘Rudy’’ Bacchus, Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS of Virginia. Edward Carlino, Michael Carlo, David John Badagliacca, Jane Ellen Baeszler, Canfield D. Boone, Mary Jane ‘‘M.J.’’ G. Carlone, Rosemarie C. Carlson, Robert John Baierwalter, Garnet Booth, Juan Jose Borda Leyva, Sherry Mark Stephen Carney, Joyce ‘‘Ace’’ Bailey, Brett T. Bailey, Andrew Bordeaux, Krystine C. Bordenabe, Mar- Carpeneto, Ivhan Carpio, Alicia J. Bailey, Thomas Baiter. tin Boryczewski, Richard E. Bosco, Acevedo Carranza, Jeremy M. Mr. Speaker, I yield back to my col- Klaus Bothe, Carol Bouchard, J. How- Carrington, Peter J. Carroll, Michael league from Virginia. ard Boulton, Jr., Francisco Bourdier, Carroll, James J. Carson, Jr.; Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS of Virginia. Thomas H. Bowden, Jr., Donna Bowen, Christoffer Carstanjen, Angelene C. Tatyana Bakalinskaya, Anthony Dan- Kimberly S. Bowers, Veronique Nicole Carter, James Cartier, Joel Cartridge, iel Baker, Michael S. Baksh, Julio Bowers, Shawn Edward Bowman, Jr., Sharon Carver, Vivian Casalduc, John Minto Balanca, Sharon Balkcom, Mi- Larry Bowman, Kevin L. Bowser, Gary F. Casazza, Paul Reegan Cascio, Neilie chael Andrew Bane, Kathy Bantis, Ge- Box, Gennady Boyarsky, Michael Anne Heffernan Casey, William rard Baptiste, Guy Bar-Zvi, Walter Boyce, Pamela Boyce, Michael Boyle, Cashman, Margarito Casillas, Thomas Baran, Gerard A. Barbara, Paul V. Allen Boyle, Alfred J. Braca, Sandra Anthony Casoria, William Otto Caspar, Babaro, James W. Barbella, Ivan Conaty Brace, Kevin Bracken, Sandra Alejandro Castano, Arcelia ‘‘Chela’’ Kiryllos Fairbanks Barbosa, Victor W. Bradshaw, David Brian Brady, Alex- Castillo, Leonard Castrianno, Jose Daniel Barbosa, Christine Barbuto, ander Braginsky, Nicholas Raymond Castro, William E. Caswell, Geraldo Barcene, Colleen Ann (Mee- Brandemarti, David Brandhorst, Daniel Richard G. Catarelli, Sean Caton, Rob- han) Barkow, David Michael Barkway, Brandhorst, Michelle Renee Bratton, ert J. Caufield, Mary Teresa Caulfield, Sheila P. Barnes, Melissa Rose Barnes, Patrice Braut, Lydia E. Bravo, Ronald Judson Cavalier, Michael Joseph

VerDate 06-NOV-2001 01:22 Nov 09, 2001 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K08NO7.092 pfrm02 PsN: H08PT1 November 8, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7955 Cawley, Jason D. Cayne, Juan Christopher S. Cramer, Anne Martino Dillard, Debra Ann DiMartino, David Armando Ceballos, Marcia G. Cicil- Cramer. DiMeglio, Stephen Patrick Dimino, Carter, Jason Cefalu, Thomas J. Celic, Mr. SHIMKUS. Eric Allen Cranford, William J. Dimmling, Marisa DiNardo Ana M. Centeno, John J. Chada, Jef- Denise Crant, Robert Crawford, James Schorpp, Christopher M. Dincuff, Jef- frey M. Chairnoff, Swarna Chalasani, Leslie Crawford, Jr.; Tara Kathleen frey M. Dingle, Anthony DiOnisio, William Chalcoff, Eli Chalouh, Valerie Creamer, Joanne Cregan, Lucia Crifasi, George DiPasquale, Joseph DiPilato, Chambers, Charles ‘‘Chip’’ Chan, Linda John Crisci, Daniel Crisman, Dennis A. Douglas F. DiStefano, Donald Ditullio, Chang, Mandy Chang, Rosa Maria Cross, Helen Crossin-Kittle, Thomas G. Mark Dixon, Ramzi Doany, Johnnie ‘‘Rosemary’’ Chapa, Mark L. Charette, Crotty, Kevin Raymond Crotty, John Doctor, Jr.; John J. Doherty, Melissa David M. Charlebois, Gregorio Manuel R. Crowe, Welles Remy Crowther, Rob- Doi, Robert Edward Dolan, Brendan Chavez. ert Cruikshank, Francisco Cruz, John Dolan, Neil M. Dollard, James Mr. SHIMKUS. Pedro Francisco Robert Cruz, Grace Cua, Kenneth John Domanico, Benilda P. Domingo, Checo, Yuan Chenglian, Stephen Pat- Cubas, Francisco C. Cubero, Thelma Alberto Dominguez, Geronimo ‘‘Je- rick Cherry, Douglas MacMillan Cher- Cuccinello, Richard Joseph Cudina, rome’’ Dominguez, Charles Dominguez, ry, Vernon Paul Cherry, Swede Joseph Neil Cudmore, Thomas P. Cullen, III; Kevin W. Donnelly, William Howard Chevalier, Nestor Chevalier, Alexander Joyce Cummings, Brian Thomas Donovan, Jacqueline Donovan, Stephen H. Chiang, Dorothy J. Chiarchiaro, Cummins, Nilton Albuquerque Fernao S. Dorf, Marcello S. Dos-Santos, Thom- Luis Alfonso Chimbo, Robert Chin, Cunha, Michael ‘‘Mickey’’ J. as Dowd, Kevin Dowdell, Mary Yolanda Wing Wai ‘‘Eddie’’ Ching, Nicholas Cunningham, Robert Curatolo, Lau- Dowling, Ray M. Downey, Frank Jo- Chiofalo, John Chipura, Peter A. rence Curia, Paul Dario Curioli, Pat- seph Doyle, Joseph Doyle, Randy Chirchirillo, Catherine E. Chirls, rick Currivan, Beverly Curry, Michael Drake, Stephen Patrick Driscoll, Pat- Kyung ‘‘Kaccy’’ Cho, Yeon Ho Choi, Curtin, Patricia Cushing, Gavin rick Joseph Driscoll, Janet Driscoll, Mohammad Salahuddin Chowdhury, Cushny, Vincent D’Amadeo, Jack L. Charles Droz, Mirna A. Duarte, Abdul K. Chowdhury, Kirsten L. D’Ambrosi, Mary Yolanda D’Antonio, Michelle Duberry, Rita DuBrow, Luke Christophe, Pamela Chu, Steven P. Edward D’Atri, Michael D’Auria, A. Dudek, Christopher Michael Duffy, Chucknick, Wai Chung, Christopher Manuel J. Da Mota, Caleb Arron Dack, Michael Joseph Duffy, Gerard Duffy, Ciafardini, Alex Ciccone, Frances Ann Carlos S. DaCosta, Jason Dahl, Brian Thomas W. Duffy, Antoinette Dugar. Cilente, Elaine Cillo, Edna Cintron, Paul Dale, John Dallara, Thomas A. Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS of Virginia. Nestor Andre Cintron, Robert Cirri, Damaskinos, Jeannine Damiani-Jones, Sareve Dukat, Allen D. Duncan, Chris- Juan Pablo Cisneros, Sarah Clark, Patrick Danahy, Vincent G. Danz, ten Duncan, Donrad Duncan, Patrick Buddah Clark, Thomas R. Clark, Greg- Dwight Donald Darcy, Elizabeth Ann S. Dunn, Richard Dunstan, Patrick ory A. Clark, Eugene Clark, Benjamin Darling, Mellisa Darmis, Annette An- Dwyer, Joseph Anthony Eacobacci, Keefe Clark, Mannie Leroy Clark, drea Dataram, Scott Matthew David- Bruce Eagleson, Catherine Eagon, Ed- Christopher Robert Clarke, Donna son, Lawrence Davidson, Michael Allen ward Thomas Earhart, Robert Eaton, Clarke, Michael Clarke, Suria R.E. Davidson, Julane Davidson, Niurka Dean P. Eberling, Margaret Clarke, Kevin F. Cleary, Jim Cleere, Davila, Rose Feliciano Davila, Ada Echtermann, Paul Robert Eckna, Gus Nestor Clinton, Geoffrey W. Cloud, Davis. Economos, Barbara G. Edwards, Dennis Susan M. Clyne, Steven Coakley, Jef- Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS of Virginia. M. Edwards, Michael Hardy Edwards, frey Coale, Patricia A. Cody, Daniel Clinton Davis, Wayne T. Davis, Calvin Martin J. Egan, Jr.; Lisa Egan, Michael Coffey, Jason Matthew Coffey, Dawson, Richard Dawson, Edward Samantha Egan, Michael Egan, Chris- Kevin Sanford Cohen, Florence Cohen, James Day, Gloria De Barrera, tine Egan, Carole Eggert, Lisa Caren Anthony Coladonato, Stephen J. Jayceryll M. De Chavez, Emerita De la Weinstein Ehrlich, John Ernst ‘‘Jack’’ Colaio, Mark J. Colaio, Christopher Pena, Azucena de la Torre, Cristina de Eichler, Brian Eill, Eric Adam Colasanti, Kevin N. Colbert, Michel Laura, Oscar de Laura, Frank A. De Eisenberg, Daphne Elder, Michael Paris Colbert, Tarel Coleman, Keith E. Martini, Melanie de Vere, William T. Elferis, Mark Ellis, Valerie Silver Coleman. Dean, Robert J. DeAngelis, Jr.; Thom- Ellis, Albert Alfy William Elmarry, Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS of Virginia. as P. DeAngelis, Dorothy Dearaujo, Robert Randolph Elseth, Edgar H. Scott Thomas Coleman, Liam Colhoun, Tara Debek, James Debeuneure, Anna Emery, Henry Eneman, Doris Suk- Robert D. Colin, Jean M. Colin, Robert DeBin, James Vincent Deblase, Paul Yuen Eng, Christopher S. Epps, Ulf R. Joseph Coll, Thomas J. Collins, John DeCola, Gerald Francis Deconto, Ericson, Erwin L. Erker, William John Collins, Michael Collins, Jeffrey Simon Dedvukaj, Jason DeFazio, David Erwin, Sarah Ali Escarcega, Melaku Collman, Patricia M. Colodner, Linda DeFeo, Nereida DeJesus, Monique E. Eskedar, Fanny M. Espinoza, Francis M. Colon, Sol E. Colon, Ronald Comer, DeJesus, Jennifer DeJesus, Manuel Del Esposito, Michael Esposito, William Jaime Concepcion, Albert Conde, Rob- Valle, Jr.; Donald A. Delapenha, Vito Esposito, Brigette Esposito, Ruben ert Condon, Denease Conley, Susan J. DeLeo, Danielle Delie, Joseph Della Esquilin, Jr., Sadie Ette, Barbara G. Clancy Conlon, Margaret Mary Conner, Pietra, Andrea Dellabela, Palmina Deli Etzold, Robert Evans, Eric Brian John E. Connolly, Jr., Cynthia L. Gatti, Colleen Ann Deloughery, Joseph Evans, Meredith Ewart, Jason Ezker, Connolly, James Lee Connor, Jonathan DeLuca, Anthony Demas, Martin N. John Fabian, Patricia M. Fagan, Cath- ‘‘J.C.’’ Connors, Kevin P. Connors, DeMeo, Francis X. Deming, Carol K. erine K. Fagan, Michael Fahey, Keith Kevin F. Conroy, Brenda E. Conway, Demitz, Thomas F. Dennis, Kevin Den- Fairben, Charles S. Falkenberg, Dana Dennis Michael Cook, Helen Garcia nis, Jean C. DePalma, Jose Nicholas Falkenberg. Cook, Kevin Cook, Jeffrey Coombs, Ju- Depena, Robert Deraney, Michael Mr. SHIMKUS. Zoe Falkenberg, lian Cooper, Zandra Cooper, John Coo- DeRienzo, David Derubbio, Christian D. Jamie Lynn Fallon, William F. Fallon, per, James L. Cooper, Joseph J. Coppo, DeSimone, Edward DeSimone, Andrew Jr.; William L. Fallon, Jr.; Anthony J. Jr.; Gerard J. Coppola, Joseph A. J. Desperito, Michael J. Desposito, Fallone, Jr.; Dolores Fanelli, Robert J. Corbett, John ‘‘Jay’’ Corcoran, Robert Cindy Deuel, Jerry DeVito, Robert P. Fangman, John Joseph ‘‘Jack’’ Fan- Cordice, David Vargas Cordoba, Ruben Devitt, Jr.; Dennis Devlin, Gerard ning, Kit Faragher, Shea Faria, Thom- D. Correa, Daniel A. Correa-Gutierrez, Dewan, Simon Dhanani, Michael as J. Farino, Nancy Carold Farley, Georgine Rose Corrigan, James Diagostino, Nancy Diaz, Lourdes Paige Farley-Hackel, Betty Farmer, Corrigan, Carlos Cortes, Adianes Galleti Diaz, Matthew Diaz. Douglas Farnum, Thomas P. Farreley, Cortes-Oyolla, Kevin M. Cosgrove, Do- Mr. SHIMKUS. Judith Berquis Diaz- Terrence Patrick Farrell, John Wil- lores Marie Costa, Digna A. Costanza, Sierra, Patricia F. Dichiaro, Rodney liam Farrell, John Gerard Farrell, Jo- Charles G. Costello, Michael Costello, Dickens, Jerry D. Dickerson, Joseph seph Farrelly, Syed Abdul Fatha, Asia Cottom, Conrod K.H. Cottoy, Sr.; Dermott Dickey, Jr.; Lawrence Patrick Christopher Faughnan, Wendy Faulk- Martin Coughlan, Timothy John Dickinson, Michael David Diehl, Mi- ner, Shannon Fava, Bernard D. Coughlin, John Coughlin, James Cove, chael Diez-Piedra, III; John DiFato, Favuzza, Robert Fazio, Ronald Carl Frederick John Cox, Andre Cox, James Vincent Francis DiFazio, Carl Fazio, Nikia Feaster, Janet Feathers, Raymond Coyle, Michelle Coyle-Eulau, DiFranco, Donald J. DiFranco, Eddie William M. Feehan, Francis ‘‘Frank’’

VerDate 06-NOV-2001 01:22 Nov 09, 2001 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K08NO7.094 pfrm02 PsN: H08PT1 H7956 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 8, 2001 Feely, Garth E. Feeney, Sean Fegan, Luis Morron Garcia, Marlyn Carmen Grehan, Joseph Grezlak, John M. Grif- Lee Fehling, Peter Feidelberg, Alan D. Garcia, Jeffrey B. Gardner, Douglas B. fin, Tawanna Griffin, Joan D. Griffith, Feinberg, Arnold Feinberg, Edwardo Gardner, Thomas A. Gardner, Harvey Warren Grifka, Ramon Grijalvo, Jo- Feliciano, Rosa M. Feliciano, Edward Jose Gardner, Christopher Gardner, seph F. Grillo, David Grimmer, Francis Porter Felt, Diane Fenelli, Chris William Arthur ‘‘Bill’’ Gardner, Grogan, Linda Gronlund, Arthur Gross- Fenyo, Edward T. Fergus, Jr.; James Francesco Garfi, Rocco Gargano, man, Kenneth G. Grozalis, Matthew J. Joe Ferguson, George J. Ferguson, James Michael Gartenberg, Matthew Grzymalski, Robert Joseph Gschaar, Henry Fernandez, Judy H. Fernandez, David Garvey, Bruce H. Gary, Boyd A. Liming Gu, Richard Guadagno, Jose Jose Manuel Contreras Fernandez, Gatton, Donald Gavagan, Peter Allan Guadalupe, Yan Z. ‘‘Cindy’’ Guan, Julio Fernandez Ramirez, Joy , Kamardinoza Gazkharoy, Terence Geoffrey E. Guja, Joseph Gullickson, Fernendez, Elisa Ferraina, Robert Fer- Gazzani. Babita Guman, Douglas B. Radianz ris, Vincent W. Ferrone, David Francis I yield to the gentlewoman. Gurian, Janet H. Gustafson, Philip T. Ferrugio, Louis Fersini, Mike Ferugio, Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS of Virginia. Guza, Sabita Guzman, Barbara Bradley Fetchet, Jennifer Louise Gary Geidel, Paul Hamilton Geier, Guzzardo. Fialko, Kristen Fiedel, Amelia Vir- Julie Geis, Peter Gelinas, Steven Paul I yield to the gentlewoman. ginia Fields, Samuel Fields, Alex Geller, Howard G. Gelling, Jr, Peter Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS of Virginia. Filipov, Michael Bradley Finnegan. Victor Genco, Steven Gregory Geno- Peter Mark Gyulavary, Gary Robert vese, Alayne F. Gentul, Linda George, Haag, Peter Haberland, Andrea Lyn 1545 b Michael George, Edward F. Geraghty, Haberman, Barbara Contarino Habib, Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS of Virginia. Suzanne Geraty, Ralph Gerhardt, Rob- Philip Haentzler, Nizam Hafiz, Karen Timothy J. Finnerty, Michael Firoe, ert J. Gerlich, Denis Germain, Marina Hagerty, Steven Michael Hagis, Mary Steven J. Fiorelli, Paul Fiori, John R. Gertsberg, Susan M. Getzendanner, Lou Hague, David Halderman, Jr, Fiorito, John Fischer, Gerald P. Fish- Lawrence Daniel Getzfred, James Maile Rachel Hale, Diane M. Hale- er, Thomas Joseph Fisher, John Roger ‘‘Jimmy’’ Gerald Geyer, Cortz Ghee, McKinzy, Vaswald Hall, Stanley Hall, Fisher, Bennett Lawson Fisher, James Joseph M. Giaconne, Vincent F. Richard Hall, Robert John Halligan, Fisher, Andrew Fisher, Lucy Fishman, Giammona, Vince Giamonna, Debra L. Vincent Halloran, Carolyn B. Halmon, Michael Joseph Fitzgerald, Ryan Dan- Gibbon, James Giberson, Brenda Gib- James D. Halvorson, Mohammad iel Fitzgerald, Tom Fitzpatrick, Rich- son, Craig Neil Gibson, Ronnie E. Gies, Hamdani, M. Salman Hamdani, Felicia ard Fitzsimons, Sal A. Fiumefreddo, Laura Giglio Marchese, Timothy Paul Hamilton, Robert Hamilton, Carl Max Wilson ‘‘Bud’’ Flagg, Darlene D. Flagg, Gilbert, Andrew Clive Gilbert, Paul Hammond, Frederic Kim Han, Sean Christina Flannery (Donovan), Eileen Stuart Gilbey, Paul J. Gill, Mark Y. Hanley, Christopher Hanley, Valerie Flecha, Andre Fletcher, Carl M. Gilles, Evan Gillette, Ronald Gilligan, Joan Hanna, Thomas Hannafin, Kevin Flickinger, Matthew Michael Flocco, Rodney Gillis, Laura Gilly, John James Hannaford, Michael L. Hannan, John Joseph Florio, Joseph W. Floun- Ginley, Jeffrey Giordano, John J. Gior- Dana Hannon, Christine Hanson, Peter ders, Carol Flyzik, Michael N. Fodor, dano, Donna Marie Giordano, Steven A. Hanson, Sue Kim Hanson, Vassilios G. David Lawrence William Fodor, Steven Giorgetti, Martin Giovinazzo, Jr., Haramis, James A. Haran, Gerald F. Mark Fogel, Thomas Foley, Jane C. Jinny Lady Giraldo, Kum-Kum Hardacre, Jeffrey P. Hardy, Timothy J. Folger, David Fontana, Dennis Foo, Girolamo, Salvatore Gitto, Cynthia Hargrave, Daniel Harlin. Bobby Forbes, Delrose Forbes- Giugliano, Mon Gjonbalaj, Dianne I yield to the gentleman. Cheatam, James Henry Lee Ford, God- Gladstone, Keith Glascoe, Thomas I. Mr. GUTKNECHT. Frances Haros, win Forde, Gregg Foreman, Donald A. Glasser, Edmund Glazer, Harry Glenn, Harvey Harrell, Stephen G. Harrell, Foreman, Christopher Hugh Forsythe, , Barry H. Glick, Steven Stewart Dennis Harris, Aisha Harris, Sandra N. Foster, Claudia Alicia Fos- Lawrence Glick, John Gnazzo, William John Hart, Eric Samadikan Hartono, ter, Noel J. Foster, Ana Fosteris, Rob- ‘‘Bill’’ R. Godshalk, Michael John Clinton Hartz, Emeric J. Harvey, ert J. Foti, Yolet Fouchet, Jeffrey L. Gogliormella, Brian Frederic Goldberg, Peter Hashem, Thomas Haskell, Tim- Fox, Virginia Fox, Lucille Virgen Jeffrey Grant Goldflan. othy Haskell, Joseph John Hasson, III, Francis, Pauline Francis, Joan I yield to the gentleman. Terence S. Hatton, Leonard William Francis, Jean-Pierre Francois, Peter Mr. SHIMKUS. Michelle Herman Hatton, Michael Helmut Haub, Tim- Christopher Frank, Gary J. Frank, Goldstein, Steven Goldstein, Monica othy Aaron Haviland, Donald G. Morton Frank, Colleen Fraser, Richard Goldstein, Ron Golinski, Andrew H. Havlish, Jr, Anthony Hawkins, K. Fraser, Kevin Joseph Frawley, Clyde Golkin, Dennis J. Gomes, Manuel Nobuhiro Hayatsu, James E. Hayden, Frazier, Jr., Lillian I. Frederick, An- Gomez, Enrique Antonio Gomez, Jose Philip Thomas Hayes, Robert Hayes, drew Fredericks. Bienvenido Gomez, Wilder Gomez, Max William Ward Haynes, Scott Hazelcorn, I yield to the gentleman. Gomez, Jenine Gonzalez, Rosa Julia Michael K. Healey, Roberta Bernstein Mr. SHIMKUS. Tamitha Freeman, Gonzalez, Ana Irene Medina Gonzalez, Heber, Charles Francis Xavier Heeran, Jamitha Freemen, Brett O. Freiman, Joel Guevara Gonzalez, Tambi Gon- John E. Heffernan, Michele Peter L. Freund, Arlene Fried, Alan zalez, Lynn Goodchild, Calvin J. Heidenberger, Sheila Hein, Howard Jo- Wayne Friedlander, Paul J. Friedman, Gooding, Harry Goody, Kiran Reddy seph Heller, JoAnn L. Heltibridle, Ron- Andrew K. Friedman, regg J. Froehner, Gopu, Catherine Gorayeb, Lisa Fenn ald John Memenway, Mark F. Lisa Frost, Peter C. Fry, Christopher Gordenstein, Kerene Gordon, Sebastian Hemschoot, Ronnie Lee Henderson, Fugarino, Clement Fumando, Steven Gorki, Thomas E. Gorman, Michael Ed- Janet Hendricks, Brian Hennessey, Ted Elliot Furman, Paul James Furmato, ward Gould, Olga Kristin Gould White, Hennessy, Michelle Marie Henrique, Karleton D.B. Fyfe, Fredric Gabler, Douglas A. Gowell, Yuji Goya, Jon William Henry, Joseph Henry, John C. Richard P. Gabriel, Richard S. Grabowski, Christopher Michael Grady, Henwood, Robert Hepburn, Mary Gabrielle, James Andrew Gadiel, Pam- Edwin J. Graff, III, David M. Graifman, ‘‘Molly’’ Herencia, Lindsay Coates ela Gaff, Ervin Gailliard Grace Gilbert Granados, , Herkness, III, Harvey Hermer, Galante, Deanna Galante, German Elvira Granitto, Winston A. Grant, Ian Norberto Hernandez, Claribel Her- Castillo Galicia, Daniel James Galla- Gray, James M. Gray, Christopher S. nandez, Raul Hernandez, Anabel Her- gher, Anthony Edward Gallagher, John Gray, Linda Mair Grayling, John Mi- nandez, Eduardo Hernandez, Gary Gallagher, Bernardo Gallardo, Lourdes chael Grazioso, Tim Grazioso, Wanda Herold, Jeffrey A. Hersch, Thomas Galletti, Cono E. Gallo, Vincenzo Anita Green, Andrew Peter Charles Hetzel, Brian Hickey, Donald Hickman, Gallucci, Thomas Edward Galvin, Curry Green, Derrick Arthur Green, Jsidro Hidalgo-Tejada, Timothy B. Hig- Giovanna ‘‘Genni’’ Gambale, Thomas Wade Brian Green, Elaine Greenberg, gins, Robert Higley, Todd Russell Hill, Gambino, Jr., Ronald Gamboa, Glann Donald F. Greene, Gayle R. Greene, Neal Hinds, Clara Victorine Hinds. F. Gamboa, Peter Ganci, Claude Mi- James A. Greenleaf, Jr., Eileen Marsha I yield to the gentleman from Illi- chael Gann, Charles Garbarini, Juan Greenstein, Elizabeth ‘‘Lisa’’ Gregg, nois. Garcia, David Garcia, Andrew Garcia, Florence Gregory, Donald H. Gregory, Mr. SHIMKUS. Mark D. Hindy, Mardeny Garcia, Cesar Garcia, Jorge Jack Gregory, Denise Gregory, Pedro Heather Malia Ho, Tara Yvette Hobbs,

VerDate 06-NOV-2001 01:22 Nov 09, 2001 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K08NO7.095 pfrm02 PsN: H08PT1 November 8, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7957 Thomas A. Hobbs, James L. Hobin, D. Jones, Andrew Jordan, Robert Amarnauth Lachhman, Andrew Robert Wayne Hobson, III, DaJuan Thomas Jordan, Karl Joseph, Stephen LaCorte, Ganesh Ladkat, James Pat- Hodges, Ronald G. Hoerner, Patrick Al- Joseph. rick Ladley, Joseph Lafalce, Jeanette oysius Hoey, John Hofer, Stephen G. Mr. Speaker, I yield to the gentle- LaFond-Menichino, David LaForge, Hoffman, Frederick J. Hoffman, woman from Virginia. Michael Patrick LaForte, Alan Michele Lee Hoffman, Joseph Hoffman, Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS of Virginia. Lafranco, Juan Lafuente, Neil K. Lai, Marcia Hoffman, John Hoffman, Judith Robert Joseph, Ingeborg Joseph, Jane Vincent A. Laieta, William David Florence Hofmiller, Wallace Cole Eileen Josiah, Anthony Jovic, Angel Lake, Franco Lalama, Chow Kwan Hogan, Thomas Warren Hohlweck, Jr., Juarbe Jr., Karen Susan Juday, Mychal Lam, Michael Scott Lamana, Steven Jonathan R. Hohmann, Cora Holland, Judge, Ann Judge, Paul William LaMantia, Amy Lamonsoff, Robert T. Joseph Francis Holland, John Holland, Jurgens, Thomas Edwards Jurgens, Lane, Brendan Lane, Rosanne P. Lane, Jimmie Ira Holley. Roya Kafaie, Wally Kaldens, Shari Vanessa Langer, Mary Lou Langley, Kandell, Vincent Kane, Jennifer Lynn b 1600 Peter Langone, Thomas Langone, Kane, Howard Lee Kane, Joon Koo Michelle Lanza, Ruth S. Lapin, Carol Elizabeth Holmes, Thomas P. Kang, Sheldon R. Kanter, Robin LaPlant, Carol Ann LaPlante, Ingeborg Holohan, Herbert W. Homer, LeRoy Kaplan, Deborah H. Kaplan, Alvin Astrid Desiree Lariby, Robert Blair Homer, Bradley Hoorn, James Hopper, Peter Kappelman, Jr., Charles Larkey, Judy Larocque, Christopher Montgomery McCullough ‘‘Monte’’ Karczewski, William ‘‘Tony’’ A. Randall Larrabee, Hamidou S. Larry, Hord, Michael Horn, Matthew D. Horn- Karnes, Douglas G. Karpiloff, Charles Scott Larsen, Jude Larson, Natalie ing, Robert L. Horohoe, Jr., Michael R. L. Kasper, Andrew Keith Kates, John Larson, John Adam Larson, N. Janis Horrocks, Aaron Horwitz, Malverse Katsimatides, Robert M. Kaulfers, Don Lasden, Gary E. Lasko, Nicholas C. Houscal, Uhuru Houston, Charles J. J. Kauth, Jr., Hideya Kawauchi, Anei Lassman, Paul Laszczynski, Amarnath Houston, Angela Houtz, George Gerald Kazuhiro, Edward Thomas Keane, Latchman, Jeffrey Latouche, Charles Howard, Brady K. Howell, Michael C. Richard M. Keane, Lisa Kearney-Grif- Laurencia, Stephen James Lauria, Howell, Steven L. Howell, Jennifer fin, Karol Ann Keasler, Paul H. Maria LaVache, Dennis F. Lavelle, Howley-Dorsey, Milagros ‘‘Millie’’ Keating, Barbara Keating, Leo Russell Jeannine Laverde, Anna A. Laverty, Hromada, Marian Hrycak, Stephen Keene, III, Brenda Kegler, Chandler Robert A. Lawrence, Nathaniel Huczko, Sandi Hudson, Kris R. Hughes, Keller, Joseph J. Keller, Peter Rodney Lawson, David W. Laychak, Eugene Melissa Harrington Hughes, Paul Kellerman, Joseph P. Kellett, Fred- Lazar, James Leahy, Joseph Gerard Hughes, Timothy Robert Hughes, erick H. Kelley, Timothy C. Kelly, Leavey, Neil Leavy, Robert LeBlanc, Thomas F. Hughes, Jr., Robert Hughes, Thomas W. Kelly, Richard John Kelly, Leon Lebor, Kenneth Charles Ledee, Susan Huie, Fang Huixin, Lamar Jr., William Hill Kelly, Jr., James Jo- Alan J. Lederman. Hulse, Mychal Hulse, Nicholas Humber, seph ‘‘Kells’’ Kelly, Thomas Michael Mr. Speaker, today we have com- William C. Hunt, Kathleen ‘‘Casey’’ Kelly, Thomas R. Kelly, Joseph An- pleted only a partial list of those who Anne Hunt, Joseph Hunter. thony Kelly, Maurice Patrick Kelly, perished or are missing from the trag- Mr. Speaker, I yield to the gentleman Thomas J. Kennedy, Yvonne Kennedy, edy on September 11, but we will con- from Minnesota (Mr. GUTKNECHT). Robert C. Kennedy, John Keohane, tinue the reading of these names for Mr. GUTKNECHT. Bonnie Hunter, Ralph Kershaw, Ronald Kerwin, How- the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD each day Peggy Hurt, Robert Hussa, Stephen ard L. Kestenbaum, Douglas D. until we are finished, and it may take Neil Hyland, Mark Hylton, Robert J. Ketcham, Ruth E. Ketler, Ren Keyoug. us into next year. I thank my col- Hymel, Walter G. Hynes, Thomas Mr. Speaker, I yield to the gentleman leagues from Illinois and Minnesota for Hynes, John Hynes, Joseph Ianelli Jr., from Minnesota. helping me in this undertaking. Zuhtu Ibis, Jonathan Lee Ielpi, Mi- Mr. GUTKNECHT. Boris Khalif, f chael Patrick Iken, Daniel Ilkanayev, Taimour Firaz Khan, Norma Khan, Frederick Ill Jr., Abraham Nethanel Sarah Khan, Rajesh Khandelwal, Devi LEAVE OF ABSENCE Ilowitz, Anthony P. Infante, Jr., Louis Khemraj Bhowanie, Seilai Khoo, Mi- By unanimous consent, leave of ab- Steven Inghilterra, Christopher N. chael Kiefer, Satoshi Kikuchihara, Don sence was granted to: Ingrassia, Paul William Innella, Steph- Kim, Andrew Jay-Hoon Kim, Lawrence Mr. OSE (at the request of Mr. anie Irby, Doug Irgang, Kristin A. Kim, Mary Jo Kimelman, Heinrich ARMEY) for today on account of attend- Irvine-Ryan, Todd Isaac, Erik Hans Kimmig, Karen A. Kincaid, Robert ing a funeral. Isbrandtsen, William Iselepis, Taizo King, Jr., Amy R. King, Lucille King, f Ishikawa, Waleed Iskandar, Aram Andrew Marshall King, Michele King, Iskenderian, John F. Iskyan, Kazushige Lisa M. King-Johnson, Brian Kinney, SPECIAL ORDERS GRANTED Ito, Aleksander Ivantsov, Lacey B. Takashi Kinoshita, Chris Michael By unanimous consent, permission to Ivory, Virginia M. Jablonski, Bryan Kirby, Barry Kirschbaum, Glenn Davis address the House, following the legis- Creed Jack, Brooke Alexandra Jack- Kirwin, Richard Klares, Peter A. Klein, lative program and any special orders man, Aaron Jacobs, Jason Kyle Jacobs, Julie Klein, Alan David Kleinberg, heretofore entered, was granted to: Michael Grady Jacobs, Ariel Jacobs, Karen Joyce Klitzman, Robert Phillip (The following Members (at the re- Steven A. Jacobson, Steven D. ‘‘Jake’’ Kloepfer, Eugeuni Kniazev, Thomas quest of Ms. WOOLSEY) to revise and ex- Jacoby, Ricknauth Jaggernauth, Jake Patrick Knox, Andrew Knox, Rebecca tend their remarks and include extra- Jagoda, Yudh V.S. Jain, Maria Kobone, Deborah Kobus, Gary neous material:) Jakubiak, Robert Adrien Jalbert, Peter Koecheler, Frank J. Koestner, Ryan Mr. BROWN of , for 5 minutes, Jalinas, Gricelda E. James, Ernest Kohart, Vanessa Lynn Kolpak, Irina today. James, Mark Jardin, Amy N. Jarret, Kolpakova, Suzanne Kondratenko, Ms. KAPTUR, for 5 minutes, today. Mohammed Jawara, Maxima Jean- Abdoulaye Kone, Bon-seok Koo, Dorota Ms. NORTON, for 5 minutes, today. Pierre, Paul E. Jeffers, John Charles Kopiczko, Scott Kopytko, Bojan Mr. DEFAZIO, for 5 minutes, today. Jenkins, Allen K. Jensen, Prem Nath Kostic, Danielle Kousoulis, David Ms. WOOLSEY, for 5 minutes, today. Jerath, Farah Jeudy, Hweidar Jian, Kovalcin, John J. Kren, William Mrs. CLAYTON, for 5 minutes, today. Yuan Jianhua, Luis Jiminez, Eliezer Krukowski, Lyudmila Ksido, Toshiya (The following Members (at the re- Jiminez, Jr., Charles Gregory John, Kuge, Shekhar Kumar, Kenneth quest of Mr. BUYER) to revise and ex- Nicholas John, Nick John, Scott Mi- Kumpel, Frederick Kuo, Jr., Patricia tend their remarks and include extra- chael Johnson, Dennis M. Johnson, Kuras, Nauka Kushitani, Thomas neous material:) LaShawna Johnson, William Johnston, Kuveikis, Victor Kwaku, Victor Mr. HORN, for 5 minutes, today. Charles E. Jones, Judith Jones, Mary Kwarkye, Kui Fai Kwok. Mr. BUYER, for 5 minutes, today. S. Jones, Donald W. Jones, Linda Mr. Speaker, I yield to the gentle- Mr. COLLINS, for 5 minutes, November Jones, Arthur J. Jones, III, Allison woman from Virginia. 13. Horstmann Jones, Donald Thomas Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS of Virginia. An- Mr. DEAL of Georgia, for 5 minutes, Jones, II, Brian L. Jones, Christopher gela R. Kyte, Kathryn L. LaBorie, November 13.

VerDate 06-NOV-2001 01:22 Nov 09, 2001 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K08NO7.097 pfrm02 PsN: H08PT1