November 8, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7953 to a worthy cause that indeed allows us number of steps are required between ty Act of 1966, the Highway Safety Act to show our humanitarian side as well now and then, and it is critical for of 1966, and the Motor Vehicle Informa- as our diplomatic side, which are im- Downey that there be no slips in that tion and Cost Savings Act of 1972. portant complementary tools in our time line. It already has been several GEORGE W. BUSH. fight against terrorism. years since the facility was closed. It is THE WHITE HOUSE, November 8, 2001. f critical that Downey receive the final f parcels so that its economic revitaliza- A LEADER FOR SPACE HONOR THE FALLEN tion plan can move forward and the de- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a veloper can begin working to restore The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under previous order of the House, the gen- the city’s economy. the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- tleman from California (Mr. HORN) is We continue to work with Dan uary 3, 2001, the gentlewoman from recognized for 5 minutes. Goldin, Associate Administrator Sut- Virginia (Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS) is recog- Mr. HORN. Mr. Speaker, today, the ton, and other senior NASA officials in nized for 60 minutes as the designee of House has taken final action on the ap- this important effort. I know they will the majority leader. propriations bill that funds the Na- continue to do all they can to keep the Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS of Virginia. Mr. tional Aeronautics and Space Adminis- schedule on track. Speaker, I have before me a growing tration. This is an appropriate time to I wish Dan Goldin all the best as he list of over 3,000 individuals who per- recognize the extraordinary contribu- leaves NASA for new challenges. I ished on September 11, 2001. This list, tions of NASA Administrator Dr. Dan know that Downey officials look for- provided by the Congressional Re- Goldin, whose energy and vision have ward to inviting Dan to visit the city search Service, includes the names of been essential to continuing our Na- so they can thank him for helping ad- many of the victims of the recent hor- tion’s leadership in space exploration. vance a much-needed economic recov- rific attacks on our great Nation. I As he prepares to leave NASA and re- stand before the House to pay my re- turn to the private sector, we should ery effort. Mr. Speaker, Dan Goldin is the ablest spects to our fallen brothers and sis- recognize Dan Goldin’s superb leader- ters, and I encourage my colleagues to ship during his tenure as head of Amer- leader and executive of any major de- partment in Washington during the join me today, and for as many days as ica’s space agency. it takes, in honoring those individuals My association with Dan Goldin years I have had in Congress. When who lost their lives or are still missing. began not long after I came to the President Clinton cut $5 billion from We have all heard the numbers, the House of Representatives in 1993. I the NASA budget and the space shuttle learned that NASA was considering program, many key people went else- devastation, the pain of the families cutting jobs at the space shuttle manu- where. They gave up. Dan Goldin re- and our Nation’s anguish. What we facturing plant in Downey. We dis- fused to despair. Instead, he provided have not heard in Washington are these cussed NASA’s plans over coffee in the the leadership that was needed to pull names. These individuals all rep- Members Dining Room, and I told him the program together and continue resented a life, a family, an employer, of my concerns about further job losses NASA’s vital missions. a country, a way of life. I hope to in in Southern California, where the econ- As a result, today we have an excel- some small way honor these individ- omy already was devastated. lent space program and a growing part- uals by reading their names aloud for I was impressed from the very begin- nership with Russia. Dan Goldin de- all to hear of America’s and our world’s ning by Dan’s forthrightness, his com- serves our thanks for a job well done tremendous pain and loss. mitment to what he viewed as best for and our best wishes in all of his new These individuals will not be soon the space program, and his willingness endeavors. He has served our Nation forgotten. By reading their names, we to listen to new and different ideas. well. do not bring them back or even ease the pain of families and friends, but Unfortunately, the scale-down of the f shuttle program and the consolidation again we show that this House and our of space-related activities was unavoid- REMOVAL OF NAME OF MEMBER Nation honor our fallen brothers and able. AS COSPONSOR OF H.R. 981 sisters. The manufacturing plant in Downey, Mr. COMBEST. Mr. Speaker, I ask As the wife of a retired professional sadly, has been closed. Those who unanimous consent to have my name firefighter of 30 years, this tragedy hit worked there have retired or have gone removed as a cosponsor of H.R. 981. especially close to home. Hundreds of to other jobs in Southern California. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. firefighters and police officers were These are the workers who developed SHUSTER). Is there objection to the re- killed and injured on September 11, and built the Apollo moon capsules, quest of the gentleman from Texas? 2001, because of their brave attempts to the Sky Laboratory, and all of our There was no objection. save victims of the brutal attacks, and space shuttles. left families, friends, and countrymen Throughout this process, Dan Goldin f grieving the loss of these courageous has been true to his word in working DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPOR- souls. These dedicated professionals with me and the City of Downey to ad- TATION 1999 REPORTS ON AC- are in my thoughts and prayers. dress hardships created by the closure TIVITIES UNDER NATIONAL I, like many of my colleagues, lost and to overcome barriers to an orderly TRAFFIC AND MOTOR VEHICLE constituents in this awful attack. I ask transfer of the NASA property to the SAFETY ACT OF 1966, HIGHWAY for God’s blessing on Virginia’s First City of Downey. He recognized the SAFETY ACT OF 1966, AND District residents Teresa Martin, Mar- city’s need to get on with its economic MOTOR VEHICLE INFORMATION ian Serva, Martha Reszke, Allen Boyle revitalization. He has consistently di- AND COST SAVINGS ACT OF 1972 and Brenda Gibson. Please forgive me rected NASA officials in Washington in advance for any mispronunciations The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- and Houston to work with Downey to of names. fore the House the following message move forward. Additionally, I ask for God’s bless- from the President of the United In October 1998, a ceremony was held ings on the following: in Downey for the transfer of the first States; which was read and, together parcels of the NASA property to the with the accompanying papers, without b 1515 city. The transfer process had faced objection, referred to the Committee Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS of Virginia. various delays and complications, but on Transportation and Infrastructure Gordon McCannel Aamoth, Maria Rose the ceremony was a great tribute to and the Committee on Energy and Abad, Edelmiro Abad, Andrew Anthony the strong working relationship that Commerce. Abate, Vincent Abate, Laurence Abel, had been developed between NASA and To the Congress of the United States: William Abrahamson, Richard Anthony the city in completing this difficult I transmit herewith the Department Aceto, Heinrich B. Ackermann, Paul transition. of Transportation’s Calendar Year 1999 Andrew Acquaviva, Christian Adams, NASA’s timetable calls for comple- reports on Activities Under the Na- Stephen George Adams, Donald Leroy tion of the process in March 2002. A tional Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safe- Adams, Shannon Lewis Adams, Patrick VerDate 06-NOV-2001 01:22 Nov 09, 2001 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K08NO7.088 pfrm02 PsN: H08PT1 H7954 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 8, 2001 Adams, Ignatius Adanga, Christy A. Matthew Barnes, Evan J. Baron, Renee Breitweiser, Peter Brennan, Thomas M. Addamo, Terence E. Adderley, Jr., So- Barrett-Arjune, Arthur T. Barry, Mau- Brennan, Michael Emmett Brennan, phia Buruwa Addo, Lee Adler, Daniel rice ‘‘Moe’’ Vincent Barry, Diane Edward A. ‘‘Ted’’ Brennan, III, Frank T. Afflitto, Emmanuel Afuakwah, Alok Barry, Scott D. Bart, Carlton W. Brennan. Agarwal, Mukul Agarwala, Joseph Bartels, Inna Basina, Alysia Mr. Speaker, I yield to the gentleman Agnello, David S. Agnes, Joao A.D. Basmajian, Kenneth W. Basnicki, Ste- from Illinois. Aguiar, Jr., Brian G. Ahearn, Joanne ven Bates, Paul James Battaglia, W. Mr. SHIMKUS. Daniel J. Brethel, Ahladiotis, Shabbir Ahmed, Terrance David Bauer, Marlyn Bautista, Ivhan Gary L. Bright, Jonathan Briley, Mark Aiken, Godwin Ajala, Nana Akwasi- Luis Carpio Bautista, Mark Bavis, Jas- A. Brisman, Paul Bristow, Victoria Al- Mienkah, Boutros al-Hashim, Gertrude per Baxter, Lorraine G. Bay, Michelle varez Brito, Marion Britton, Mark ‘‘Trudi’’ M. Alagero, Andrew Alameno, Beale, Todd Beamer, Paul F. Beatini, Francis Broderick, Herman Manuel A. Alarcon, Margaret ‘‘Peggy’’ Jane S. Beatty, Alan Beaven, Larry Broghammer, Keith Broomfield, Ber- Jezycki Alario, Gary Albero, Jon L. Al- Beck, Manette Marie Beckles, Carl nard Curtis Brown, Janice J. Brown, bert, Peter Craig Alderman, Jacquelyn Bedigian, Michael E.
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