“My first experience with yoga was not too long ago when I got drawn into the world of competitive fitness and training. Although I always felt great after a good weight training session, my muscles often felt tight and were just screaming for a good stretch. That’s when I made a direct beeline to yoga. Incorporating a couple classes per week into my training did wonders for my body (and soul!). My body learned to relax and so did my mind. Sun salutations and vinyasas soon made their way into my fitness regimen and my body has never felt better. As a life-long cheerleader for healthy and active lifestyles, yoga became something I wanted to teach and share and that’s when I found myself studying with Kimberly Waugh at El Coco Loco Resort. Kimberly, along with Tara Stiles (Strala Yoga), are two of my favourite teachers who I draw much of my yoga inspiration from.

I love teaching a good vinyasa flow – whether it’s a strong power or something gentle and calm. I encourage people to “strengthen and lengthen” whilst maintaining connection to their core – the breath! I have always been fascinated with what the human body is capable of and I have discovered that the mind-body connection is a powerful thing that can work wonders for flexibility, strength and focus. So I encourage people to breathe deeply and stretch their body to its limits.

I also love a life filled with creativity. I dabble in things from graphic design and photography to most recently, soap-making and sewing. Yoga is just another creative outlet that inspires movement and expression. It can be simple yet humbling, exciting yet relaxing, which is why I strive to make my classes accessible to everyone – young and old, beginner and the seasoned athlete – anyone who wants to reap the many rewards from their yoga practice. What’s more is that the results of a solid yoga practice are quickly tangible. Whether it’s a 90-minute class or a 10-minute session on your own, you’ll walk off your mat in a better physical and mental state of body and mind.

I am lucky to call El Coco Loco my home, living here with my wonderful fiancé, Ben. I stay busy surfing small waves (where yoga is a great compliment!) and running around with the dog pack. I am also very fortunate to be constantly surrounded by individuals who inspire me daily: Ben, Jamie and Earl along with the entire Waves of Hope community continue to be a positive flow of energy for me. I am very grateful to be practicing/teaching yoga in this slice of paradise called El Coco Loco.”