Federation Business Plan
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Business Plan 2013-2015
Our Mission
The Federation of Museums and Art Galleries of Wales is the strategic body for museum and art gallery professionals in Wales, advocating for the highest standards of museum provision throughout Wales. We represent all types of museums – National, local authority, university and independent - and their staff whether paid or volunteer. The Federation promotes good practice in museums and galleries and provides support, advice and a forum for discussion of museum issues affecting members.
Our 3 Key Messages are:
1. Museums empower people through education and inspiration 2. Collections in museums help communities to regenerate and forge their identity 3. Museum contributes to the economy through tourism and regeneration.
This Business Plan sets out the aims, objectives and actions for the Federation over a three year period in order that it can deliver services to its members and their museums. It also proposes actions to ensure that the organisation continues to be sustainable in the future.
The Federation of Museums and Galleries of Wales was originally formed in 1976 to provide training events, meetings and visits, a newsletter and other means of communication to its membership. It also represented the interests of museums and museum staff in Wales to other bodies, particularly the Council of Museums in Wales (CMW).
Following the transfer, in 2004, of CMW’s functions to CyMAL, a division within the Welsh Government, the Federation updated its aims to become an advocacy body for the sector. The Federation received the residue of the funds left after the voluntary liquidation of CMW, and this income is used to support the Federation’s key aims.
3. REVIEW 2010-2012
During the period of the last Business Plan (2009-12) the major focus of the Federation’s work has been around the Museum Strategy for Wales which was launched in 2010. The Federation played a major part in its development, and was pleased to be awarded funding from CyMAL to progress actions within the strategy and encourage individual museums to contribute to its success. The Federation sits on the Museum Strategy Steering Group. In parallel with the above, the Federation has developed an Advocacy Strategy (working with National Museums Wales) to guide its work within the sector. A template, and other information, was also produced to support individual museums in developing their own advocacy work. A promotional advocacy calendar was published for 2012 and distributed to a range of stakeholders and decision makers. The Federation’s relationship with the National Museum has developed during the period particularly within the areas of advocacy and collections work. The Federation has also strengthened its links with the Museums Association including participation in sessions at the 2011 and 2012 MA Conferences. The Federation has met with the relevant Welsh Government Minister on a regular basis and with members of the Assembly to promote the value of museums. We have also provided a range of advocacy and other support for and to member museums especially in a time of changing economic circumstances. Close liaison with CyMAL staff continues. Since 2010 the Federation has successfully gained funding from CyMAL to provide a small grants programme for member museums, which has been very well received. We are grateful for this support from Welsh Government. In its first three years the programme was able to distribute just over £160,000 in grants. Training and Conference grants are also now offered. The Federation continued to participate in the annual Welsh Library Archive and Museum Conference (organised by Cilip) until 2011 but decided to ‘go it alone’ in 2012. A very successful first Wales Museum Conference was held in Cardiff in March 2012 attended by almost 70 delegates. The subject was Museums and Communities. The Federation has continued to provide training opportunities for members. It has developed its presence on social media platforms. Free membership (for one year) continues to be offered to encourage long term membership by museums (especially independent) – there has been some success in this aided by membership being an eligibility criteria for the grant programme. The Federation has supported the development of two Wales wide collection initiatives. The Federation was successful in a funding application to the Esmée Fairbairn Collections Fund, administered by the Museums Association for 'Taxonomy and Taxidermy: Linking Natural Science Collections in Wales'. The Federation is also a partner and has made a financial contribution to the ‘Contemporary Collecting Wales’ project
2 The Federation website was re-launched in 2010 and is well used by members. The Federation continues to employ (on a consultancy basis) a Development Officer who amongst other work coordinates responses to consultations and administers the grant programme. The Federation has taken a particular interest in the development of the Heritage Bill. A review of the last Business Plan has shown that most of the specific actions have been progressed. Areas where little or no progress has been made are mainly around liaison with other bodies such as WLGA and Library and Archive Professional bodies, and in developing new partnerships. In some other areas timetabling was either brought forward or delayed according to circumstances. Issues raised are carried forward into this plan.
The aims and objectives of the Federation are:
A. Advocacy
Provide a voice for the Welsh museum community Promote and defend the highest standards of museum provision throughout Wales Actively support the aims and actions within A Museum Strategy for Wales Work to ensure maintenance of museums and museum provision in Wales Work with others to maintain the profile of museums at all levels. Liaise with Welsh Government on matters concerning the museum profession in Wales Establish key partnerships with: . CyMAL . Arts Council (England)[as successor to MLA] . Museums Association . Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales . Association of Independent Museums . National Library of Wales . Archives & Records Council Wales . Cadw . National Trust . National Parks . Other organisations as opportunities arise Contribute to relevant consultations
B. To promote the highest professional standards of work and public service in museums and art galleries in Wales.
1. To promote the highest standards of collection care and public service by: Advising and lobbying Welsh Government, Arts Council (England), Museums Association, ICON and other relevant partner bodies in the UK and Europe on appropriate and achievable standards. Disseminating information about standards issues via seminars, Y Mag, the website, JISCMail and social media. Offering members a forum to debate ‘standards issues’ via seminars, Y Mag, the website, JISCMail and social media.
2. To encourage joint working throughout the museum, libraries and archives sectors by:
3 Establishing a dialogue with library and archive groups 3. To ensure the proper care of objects and development of collections by: Disseminating information about collection care to owners via seminars, Y Mag, and the website. Lobbying for resources to ensure their care. Promoting a Distributed National Collection. Supporting, and contributing to, collection initiatives 4. To offer professional advice and comment on staffing within museums by: Responding to consultation Offering advice to interested parties. 5. To support and promote diversity of museum provision by: Establishing partnerships with AIM, ICON and other UK specialist museum organisations (e.g. Collections Trust, University Museums Group, military, local authority). Offering advice to interested parties. 6. To provide information on Welsh museum issues by: Disseminating information via seminars, Y Mag, the website ,regular updates relating to heritage matters across Wales, JISCMail and social media. Responding to consultations. 7. Offering a forum for the sharing of expertise, including peer review 8. Providing a grant scheme to eligible member museums (subject to funding) Small grant scheme Training and conference grants
C. To advance the education and training of those working in and supporting museums and art galleries in Wales:
1. To support continuous professional development by: Providing a training programme. Delivering the training and development programme with partner organisations. Marketing and publicising the programme to members. Commissioning ongoing evaluation of the training programme. Disseminating information about training issues via seminars, Y Mag and the website. Offering members a forum to debate ‘training issues’ via seminars, Y Mag and the website. Supporting/facilitating CPD groups Provision of training and conference grants (subject to funding) Encourage the sharing of expertise within the sector particularly through the use of Rhannu – the Federation’s knowledge sharing scheme
D. To encourage public education through promotion and maintenance of high quality museum and art gallery lifelong learning services.
1. To promote museums as places for inspiration, learning and enjoyment by: Establishing partnerships with GEM and ENGAGE. Disseminating information via seminars, Y Mag, the website and social media.
4 E. To manage the Federation in an effective and sustainable way.
To ensure that the Federation is managed in an effective way by: Reviewing and evaluating all activities of the organisation Administering a small grants scheme. Managing the Cefni Barnett Fund. Monitoring financial and organisational sustainability. Working in partnership with others. Establish working groups as necessary
The Federation recognises that future success and sustainability is reliant upon adopting a robust approach to financial management, especially fund raising. The main sources of funds include the interest (and capital if necessary) on the funds received from the liquidator of CMW, membership subscriptions, event income and grant aid.
Membership subscriptions were revised in 2004 with an emphasis on institutional rather than individual membership. Given the financial strength of the Federation fees have not been raised since 2004. Following a review of membership and membership fees undertaken in 2010 minor changes were made to the subscription regime to encourage membership from throughout the sector. Regular offers of one year free membership are made to encourage new members form the independent sector.
5.1 Membership Fees (2012) (the membership year runs from April to March)
Institutional Membership This is based on net operational budget.
< £5,000 £ 20 £5,001 - £60,000 £ 30 £60,001 - £225,000 £ 100 £225,001 - £750,000 £ 250 >£750,001 £ 500
Individual Membership £ 20 Student membership £ 5 The individual membership category has been included to enable individuals and students who are not part of an institution to join e.g. self employed, freelance, retired, students, volunteers etc. It is not a substitute for institutional membership. They receive one copy of YMAG
In return for their subscription fee, members receive: A twice yearly newsletter - YMAG Access to a support and advisory service. Access to an e-mail discussion group for as many individual staff members who wish to subscribe 5 An annual programme of discounted training courses and conferences. This programme will also be offered to non-members at non- discounted rates. Access to the small grants scheme.
5.2 Cefni Barnett Fund
The Cefni Barnett Fund, administered by the Federation Committee, exists to promote research by professional members. Amounts up to £150 are available to offset necessary costs such as materials and transport. The research must be on a subject of museological interest but it should not relate directly to the researcher's own museum or collection. The Federation also requires a brief report on the project following completion.
The fund has reserves of around £1,300 and attracts small amounts of interest and new donations from members each year. Publicity for the fund has meant that a small number of grants have been made recently.
5.3 Federation Business Plan – Outline Income/Expenditure Income
Membership fees £7800 Conference Fees £1100 Conference Grant £1000 Interest £100 Total £10,000 Expenditure Advocacy £ 2000 Contribution to Collection Projects £ 5000 Special Projects contribution £ 2000 Development Officer £ 6000 Training and Conference £ 3000 Committee expenses £ 1300 Audit £ 540 Website £ 280 YMAG £ 800 Subscriptions (MA) £ 50 Total £20,970 Deficit £10,970 Note: the Federation has sufficient funds in its reserves to cover this level of deficit during the period of this Business Plan. Some items are non- recurring. External grants are received for special projects to which the Federation may also make a contribution (included above) N.B. Income may be received in the year previous to money being spent. It is anticipated that for the term of this business plan the turnover of the Federation will be broadly similar.
6 5.4 Grants In line with its aims and objectives the Federation will optimise grant opportunities from a range of public and private sources. Since 2010 the Federation has been fortunate to access funding on an annual basis from the Welsh Government (through CyMAL) to offer a small grants scheme to eligible member museums. Grants are currently offered to support the maintenance of standards and widen access to museums and their collections. Grants are also available to enable museum staff to access professional training and attend conferences.
5.5 Audit The Federation’s accounts are professionally audited annually.
The Federation is a registered charity (no.11022) with the Committee members being Trustees
Committee The Federation is run by an Executive Committee (of between 5 and 11 members) from which the following officers - President, Secretary and Treasurer - are appointed at the AGM, as required by the constitution.
In addition Committee members take on the following roles on behalf of the organisation: Events & training YMAG Editor/s Membership Secretary & Marketing Website Social media Project steering groups as appropriate
The committee meets quarterly. The main activity of the committee is to act as an advocate for members in such areas as m useum provision, and standards. The committee will liaise with CyMAL and other national agencies and respond to reports, consultations, and development issues. Particular reference will be made to Welsh museum issues. Partnership opportunities with libraries and archives will be developed further.
Sub Groups Ad hoc or working sub groups will be established as necessary to respond to museum issues as they arise. The members of these groups will not necessarily be all committee members but will include those with the relevant expertise. Feedback will be made to the committee via the appropriate coordinator or nominated member. Task and Finish sub groups will be established as appropriate. It is intended that the formation of such groups will be in response to particular issues etc.
Development Officer The Federation employs a Development Officer on a contract basis working two days per month to support the work of the committee. The Development Officer also administers the grant programme.
7 7. ACTION PLAN Note: References within this plan to A Museum Strategy for Wales are areas within the Strategy on which the Federation is a designated lead bod y (either individually or in partnership).
Objectives Actions Required Timetable How evaluated Advocacy Raise the profile of Meet with WG Minister responsible Once a year Meeting takes place ( Museum Welsh Museums for Heritage Strategy 3.9) Formal liaison with Local Once a year Meeting with WLGA;NMW Authorities, NMW and other relevant bodies
Actively seek to work with MA, Ongoing Contact/work programme AIM, ICON, Collections Trust and agreed other museum related organisations
Liaise with CyMAL Ongoing Committee attendance by CyMAL staff member; formal meeting with Director as appropriate
Review Federation advocacy strategy Yearly Advocacy meets changing needs
Respond to consultations/attend Number of meetings on Heritage Bill. 2013-15 meetings/opportunities taken (Museum Strategy 2.2)
Information gathering and dissemination Ongoing Information to support activities
Make at least one key contact Engage with WCVA 2014-15
Ongoing Attend meetings; participate Attend Assembly 3rd sector and feedback where appropriate meetings
Update website to be an advocacy 2013-15 Review undertaken and changes tool made
8 Develop use of social media Ongoing Increase Twitter following to 500 by 2014. Set and achieve targets for Facebook, LinkedIn etc.
Identify how museums can further Ongoing promote economic toolkit / support their local economy. (Museum arrange workshops/training with Strategy 5.3) Cymal / share info
Contribute to Tackling Child Poverty Ongoing Promote projects Federation through Cultural Engagement members are involved in through the website. Run training sessions if appropriate.
Support wider museum related projects ongoing Federation support or input as they develop to :WW1anniversary Happy Museum Project, Monument Fellowship, Sharing Treasures, and others as appropriate
Museum Strategy for Continue to promote and contribute 2013-15 Federation actions completed. Wales to Museum Strategy for Wales Ensure recommendations of the strategy are taken forward for the benefit of members
Produce a publically available Take a leading role in developing the 2013-15 annual appraisal of the Museum Strategy 2015 revision Federation’s contribution to the Strategy Consultations Respond to range of relevant public As required Consultation responses to a consultations range of topics not only museum specific.
Partnerships With Libraries and Initiate a meeting with Library, and Once per year Meeting takes place and Archives Archive professional bodies in Wales relevant actions agreed as appropriate
With Museum Sector Maintain contact with MA and MA Ongoing Contact maintained and bodies National Rep. developed. Carry out a joint project with the MA on an annual/biannual basis
9 Aim to make proposal annually for Annually Proposal made/successful submission for MA Conference
Contribute to MA Conference 2014 2013-2014 Representation on Working to be held in Cardiff Group. Positive outcome for Sector in Wales by raising profile UK wide
Actively Contribute to MA Ongoing Promote Museums2020 and Campaigns & Initiatives publicise our member’s participation in it.
Make new partnership with AIM One meeting per Meeting takes place year with Welsh rep
Conservation in Wales 2 meetings per year Continued support and development these meetings/conference. Others Work to make additional Ongoing Identify potential partners to partnerships to further overall aim of work with over the next few raising profile of Welsh Museums years Training Enhance Federation tailor training programme to member 2013 Assessment produced; new (Museum CPD programme needs through a training needs programme in place. Place Strategy 5.5) assessment particular emphasis on Business Planning Apply annually to CyMAL for funding to make training grants ongoing Bid successful
Website Ensure website is current 2013 Train at least three people to augment and update the website and user manual produced
Conference Organise a Welsh Museum Annually Conference takes place Conference Supporting Seek sources of grant Make applications to CyMAL for Annually in January Successful Bid submitted Museums aid for member support for a small grants scheme. museums
10 Evaluate grants given and review Twice per year Documentation continues to grant guidelines at each grant meet aims of the scheme. Audit round undertaken
Access other sources of funding As appropriate New sources of grants accessed
Advice and other Maintenance of professional advice Ongoing Statistics of advice and support support through email groups etc. given
Enhance use of social media as an Ongoing Carry out evaluation of social advice and support tool media presence and its value by 2014
Develop a Peer review network (via Ongoing Network in place strategy work)
Collections Support collection Support and promote the concept Ongoing Concept of DNC accepted development of a distributed National within the Welsh Museum Collection (DNC)(Museum m Sector Strategy4.1) 2013-16 Make financial and other Contribute to collection development contributions as necessary issues including those identified in A Museum Strategy for Wales. viz Produce guidance document Develop a coordinated approach to collecting, rationalisation and loans. (Museum Strategy 4.1) Provide financial and other Specifically contribute to the support including for the Contemporary Collecting; and Taxonomy and Taxidermy Esmee Fairbairn Collections Fund - project line management of the Taxonomy and Taxidermy Project. postholder and overseeing the (Museum Strategy 4.2) project direction.
Contribute to other projects as they develop e.g. costume (Monument Fellowship) if funded. Develop a Welsh language 2013-15 Working Group terminology for Museums. Guidance document Terminology for Doliau and 11 (Museum Strategy 3.8) Natural Sciences projects Organisational Development Officer Ensure capacity is in place to deliver ongoing Actions in plan are progressed the Federation Business Plan
Ensure funding support for this post ongoing Sustainable solution found or find alternative methods of support
Membership Review of membership structure and fees Yearly New structure in place as appropriate
Meetings of members Continue to review level of meetings of Minimum two Meetings take place the Federation meetings per year Liaise with regional Federation representation at meetings with One per year per Meetings take place Groupings regional groupings group or as necessary 20 Dec 2012