The Open Door s1

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The Open Door s1

The Open Door

“I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.” _ Jesus Christ – John 10:9

Volume 17, No. 3 Published by Cedar Key Church of Christ 15 January 2017 Editor: David Binkley, Gospel Minister

Today’s Worship Plan

2 Corinthians9:6-8 “...Whoever sows sparingly will also reap also sparingly and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.”… Please notice the offering box in the entranceway; where we cheerfully place our offerings in the collection box. Your contributions to God help us preach the Gospel here in Cedar Key, around the world and carry out works of benevolence to the glory of Christ our Lord.

Welcome Visitors and Members! We hope that your experience today will add something meaningful to your life in Christ Jesus. If you are new to the area and would like more information about this church, let us know. If you are just visiting our island community, then we hope to see you again. Would you like to confess your faith in Jesus Christ and repent of your sins today? Come forward during the last song and we will assist you in obeying Christ as Lord – or let us know your desire some other time. We can arrange a time for your baptism into Christ. If you are a Christian and wandered away from home with the Lord, you may make your desire known and we will pray for God to forgive your sins, and fully restore you to Jesus Christ and joyful fellowship with other Christians. Share the Good News! Free Bible studies and much more are available at our congregation’s web site Cedar Key Church of Christ. We also have the church’s weekly Bulletin on our web site. We have church meetings on Sunday and Wednesday at 5:00pm If you ever considered attending one of these meetings, you will never regret it! The purpose of these meetings is to maintain our focus on the living Bread of life – Jesus who is indeed the WORD that brings life for all eternity and abundant life while we are alive in the body. On Wednesday, we have a bonus of some very tasty snacks prepared by loving hands. Try it, you’ll like it! Robert – January 20th, Grace – January 22nd, Vince – January 25th, Linda Lannuier – 30th We wish you more God’s blessings! (If you have Birthday in January or next month, please let GB know and we will include you in the next newsletter)

We continue to have Ladies Bible class/brunch with Rachael Harris leading. Next meeting will be Tuesday, 01/17/2017 at 10.00. We appreciate Rachael’s devotion and conducting interesting lessons. Please plan to come and participate.

CK COC Food pantry and clothes rack is working. We helped 1 family last week. Thank you everybody for your generous donations of food, money, helping to fill food baskets, delivering food, etc., We have enough items for immediate response now. We will keep you informed when further need arise. If you know anybody in need, let us know. God is good! The grass is mowed around the Church Sign on HWY 24; The grass is cut and bushes trimmed in the church yard, The church building is cleaned; the pews and furniture are waxed; The ladies class is being taught; The children’s class is being taught, etc.. etc,. Thank you everybody for your love for Christ and your support.

Bible question: On which day of the week did Jesus heal the blind man using mud and washing in pool of Siloam? (John 9) [Type text] Follow Jesus, Not Strangers

I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. (John 10:9-10 ESV)

Jesus explains the nature of the Church in various ways such as a Kingdom, a Vineyard, a Body and other ways that illustrate the true worldwide scope of the spiritual Kingdom of God. Satan is so bold in his intentions, that he desires to steal the “sheep”, who are following Christ the only true Shepherd in order to destroy the great and holy Kingdom of Christ. (v. 10)

(John 5:25) The voice of the Son of God has all authority – even over the biggest issue of our life – who will receive eternal life and live in Heaven forever and ever.

(2 Thessalonians 1:7-9) People in our day and time seem to be intently listening to many other voices in matters of faith and eternal life. Only the voice of Lord Jesus counts in the end!

(John 7:17) Every person living has the responsibility to listen to the voice of the Son of God as the last word in any question regarding our highest hope in this life.

(Matthew 7:28-29, 28:18) We must listen to Jesus because the Scriptures repeatedly reveal that the Son speaks for the Father. When we listen to Jesus it is the Word of God Almighty!

(John 12:48-50, Acts 2:36, Hebrews 5:8-9) Jesus Christ is the final authority regarding salvation. If we reject Jesus’ teaching by listening to some popular voices of the past or today; or by simply refusing to obey Christ, we will be eternally lost.

(1 Corinthians 4:6, Ephesians 1:22-23, Colossians 1:18) Religious people of today prefer to be loyal to a denomination or popular TV evangelist instead of the church for which Christ Jesus died to save. No individual has the right to question or change what Christ has put in place through the Word. DB

Remember in Prayers, Cards and Visits Bible Question: What effect should the miracles of Jesus have on

Cancer: Danielle Beckham, Sue Colson, Angela Daniel, Don Dillon, Sue Dillon, Janice Rogers Dutcher, Donna Bishop Eiland, John Fradella, Jr., Karen Falak, H.C. Henderson, Celia Hill, Judy Horn, Barbara Hynes, Charlene Kimbell, Evgeny (Zhenya) Kuznetsov, Thelma McCain, Jennie Pinto, Sue Raymer, Susan Roquemore, Jimmie Stansfield (Brenda), Glenn Taylor, Todd Wilder, Heart and Other Health Problems: Brian Bible, Gilbert Britton, CeCe Bullard, Charles (Bubba) Castell, Joyce Corley, Tim Gilligan, Danny King, Bill Martin, Patti Morgan, Mary Parker, Ricky Rains, Alice Richburg, Patsy Roberts, Tom Rooks, Bree Sakalarios, 2 year old; Rose Ellen Sheppard, Jim Smith, Lynneth Slaughter, Fred Taylor, Romig Voyles, Bruce Whitcavitch, Sr., our local Cedar Key children; Military: Tyler Anderson, Ian Andrek, Zack Anderson, Tim Baxley, Daniel Beans, Montana Beckham, Joseph Bishop, Matthew Brown, John Henry Collins, Quentin Collins, Chelsea Colson, Alan Crews, Jacob Crosby, Isaac Delaino, John Dusek, Thomas Felletier, Nick Gentry, Amber Haven, James Holland, Robby Ice, Adam Iovine, Crystal Jenkins, Nadya Jimenez, David Johnson, Tommy Lee, Josh Lloyd, Robby McCabe, Larry McCain, Ian McNulty, Richard Moran, Shane Poole, Steven Poole, Jonathan Roque, Matthew Roque, Clay Rowland, Jared Shewey, Brock Stone, William Clenton Wasson, Jerrett Westling, Mission Work: Magadan, Russia; Nikolaev, Slavyansk, Kramatorsk, Donetsk Ukraine; Prison Ministries at Lowell & Hernando, Cedar Key Police, First Responders & Firefighters; President Obama, President-elect Trump, School children of Cedar Key; those in authority & PEACE an more boldness to share our faith. Our Record – 01/08/2017 Sunday morning worship ...... 18 Sunday morning Bible studies ...... 11 Sunday evening worship ………………………………………. 7 Tuesday Ladies Class.. …………………………… 3 Wednesday 01/11/2017 …………...... n/a Contributions 01/08/2017 ………………… $1,092.00 Calendar of Opportunities [Type text] Sunday: Bible classes 10:00 am Worship assemblies 11:00 am & 5:00 pm Wednesday: Prayer and Bible study: 5:00 pm Come and bring a friend! Cedar Key Church of Christ Third & E Street, Cedar Key, FL 32625

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