Chaplain Palliative Care

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Chaplain Palliative Care

NHS KSF Outline for Whole-time Team Chaplain (Band 6) Spiritual and Pastoral Care Department Mount Vernon Hospital

Job title: Whole-time Team Chaplain Reports to: Spiritual and Pastoral Care Department Accountable to: Spiritual & Pastoral Care Co-ordinator & Deputy Director of Nursing, Quality and Risk Job summary - 1) To have a primary responsibility for the spiritual, pastoral and religious care of patients, relatives and staff at Mount Vernon Hospital and other sites across the Trust 2) To share fully in the provision of the on-call facility within the Trust 3) To work collaboratively and cooperatively with other members of the Spiritual and Pastoral Care Department and with members of local faith communities in respect of the spiritual, pastoral and religious care of patients and relatives

KSF outline with examples of application Dimension and Indicators Examples of application level Dimension 1 People with whom communicating Communication - Patients - Relatives/carers Level 4 - Colleagues/clergy Develop and - Other religious leaders maintain - Healthcare staff communication - managers with people on - GPs complex matters, - volunteers issues and ideas - Registrars and/or in complex - Coroners situations - students

1 Situational factors, issues and risks - verbal aggression from patients or members of the public

Taking action to improve communication - assessing the need for translators/advocates - providing interpreters

Purpose of communication - providing spiritual, pastoral and religious counselling to distressed patients and their relatives - offering advice on all aspects of bereavement both before and after death - providing complex information in sensitive circumstances e.g. following the receipt of bad news - listening actively and demonstrating empathy - overcoming barriers to understanding or acceptance of bad news - establishing and maintaining relationships in difficult pastoral circumstances - dealing with differences of opinion in an equitable and objective manner - receiving information from patients in hospital while being bound by the dual demands of the Chaplaincy and the NHS in respecting the confidentiality of personal information and what may be shared within the team - advising clergy and other religious leaders in the pastoral care of their people while in hospital - advising healthcare staff in the spiritual, pastoral and religious care of patients and relatives/carers especially in the care of the dying - teaching staff and students - advising healthcare staff patients/carers on multi-cultural issues - conducting services of public Christian worship in the hospital Chapel - publicising when services will be held - facilitating ceremonies and sacraments - completing timesheets

2 Dimension and Indicators Examples of application level Dimension 2 Own development needs Personal and - keeping up-to-date with best practice through participation in courses, conferences and people professional association activities development - being committed to and understanding own professional spiritual growth and development Level 3 Develop oneself Personal development and contribute to - receiving external professional supervision the development of - engaging in reflective practice others - developing expertise and special interest within a programme of care e.g. palliative care

Enabling others to develop - offering advice, guidance and consultation to healthcare staff on issues related to spiritual assessment and care of patients and relatives, and spiritual care of the dying - teaching healthcare staff the philosophies, beliefs and practices of the main world faiths, humanism and atheism around illness, life, death, dying and care of the dead - acting as a resource for knowledge, support, training and education for healthcare staff - assisting in planning and delivery of Trust induction programmes - contributing to the theological and professional development of the Chaplaincy Team - supervising theology students - teaching volunteers

3 Dimension and Indicators Examples of application level Dimension 3 Risks to health, safety and security Health, safety and - undertaking statutory training and regular updates security - following Lone Working legislation when visiting in the community - being included in the Major Incident Plan Level 2 Monitoring work areas and practices Monitor and - ensuring that the Chapel of Rest and Chapel are suitably maintained maintain health, safety and security Taking the necessary action in relation to risks of self and others - undertaking an assessment of risk in all cases - providing training for volunteers in managing contingencies when patients are being transported from place to place - ensuring security of information relating to patients

Dimension and Indicators Examples of application level Dimension 4 Direction, policies and strategies Service - contributing to the development of Chaplaincy work in a multi-faith setting improvement - discussing with the multi-faith team the implications of local and national initiatives for practice Level 2 - participating in strategy team meetings e.g. to create the annual business plan Contribute to the - contributing to the implementation of policy and service development improvement of services Evaluating own and other's work - undertaking surveys and audits

Constructive suggestions - team discussions

4 - reviewing own working practice in conjunction with Line Manager proposing changes as appropriate

Dimension and Indicators Examples of application level Dimension 5 Legislation, policies and procedures Quality - observing and implementing the National Standards set for the effective working of the Chaplaincy Service Level 3 - following the College of Healthcare Chaplains Code of Conduct Contribute to - abiding by the guidelines of own faith community e.g. the Church of England Guidelines improving quality for the Professional Conduct of Clergy - maintaining the quality of service required by the Trust as expressed through the relevant quality standards - implementing Chaplaincy service policies

Working as a responsible and effective team member - contributing to departmental and multi-disciplinary meetings - leading discussions on the spiritual care of patients with the multi-disciplinary team - representing own agency by attending meetings both within and outwith the Trust - developing groups of volunteers - initiating and taking responsibility for own work pattern - prioritising patient need and appropriately referring to other team members - respecting the views of others and their professional roles - working collaboratively with all other members of the Chaplaincy Team - collaborating with other religious leaders - promoting effective working relationships with colleagues, other professionals and voluntary agencies

5 Taking the appropriate action where there are persistent quality problems - highlighting where equality and diversity policies and procedures are failing to achieve the desired effect

Dimension and Indicators Examples of application level Dimension 6 Legislation, policies and procedures Equality and - respecting individual’s rights in expressing spirituality through all faiths and none diversity - following Healthcare Chaplains Code of Conduct - following the Trust's Equal Opportunities Policy Level 3 - promoting equality of opportunity and good relations at all times Promote equality and value diversity Evaluating the extent to which legislation is applied in the culture and environment of own sphere of activity - ensuring that the workplace is a neutral environment e.g. ministering with integrity to others who have a different philosophy, belief and value system - reconciling personal spirituality with the needs and beliefs of others

Patterns of discrimination - protecting patients from unwanted visits from faith groups/religious representatives - ensuring equality and respecting diversity in the recruitment and selection of clergy and volunteers

6 Dimension and Indicators Examples of application level Dimension HWB2 Health and wellbeing needs related to Assessment and - developing a plan to meet spiritual care and palliative care care planning to - providing support and supervision to members of multi-disciplinary teams engaged in meet peoples' spiritual assessment, intervention and referral health and - evaluating spiritual assessments made by other team members wellbeing needs - liaising with healthcare staff so that spiritual assessment and activities form part of the continuum of care - recording referrals, assessment outcomes while respecting confidentiality Level 3 Assess health and Assessment methods that wellbeing needs - explore how patients feel about their diagnosis/prognosis and develop, - recognise unmet spiritual and religious need monitor and - discover if they feel able to face the possibility of dying review care plans - help them to talk about the choice of where they would prefer to die and arrangements to meet those for their funeral needs - consider how they feel about their life and deal with any regrets - ascertain whether they still have goals for the future or any questions or concerns

Risks to health and wellbeing might arise from - rapid deterioration of patient's condition

7 Dimension and Indicators Examples of application level Dimension HWB4 Enable people to realise and maintain their potential will include Enablement to - providing psychological support address health - meeting patient's emotional and psychological needs and wellbeing - counselling needs - being a source of information and advice - helping patients, relatives and staff articulate their spiritual and religious needs and to identify sources to address them Level 4 - providing support and encouragement e.g. when patients are being treated with Empower people chemotherapy and radiotherapy to realise and - enabling patients to understand their diagnosis and prognosis by giving them a non maintain their medical interpretation potential in - enabling patients to adapt/adjust to their illness relation to health - empowering patients to accept and manage their death and wellbeing

Dimension and Indicators Examples of application level Dimension HWB5 Health and wellbeing needs Provision of care - providing a strong patient focus by ministering to their spiritual needs throughout the to meet health course of their stay in hospital and wellbeing needs Care needed to meet people's complex needs will include - providing specialised advice and spiritual and emotional support to patients and Level 4 relatives/carers Plan, deliver and - administering a plan for spiritual care based on spiritual and religious need evaluate care to - exercising specialist responsibility for the provision of spiritual, pastoral and religious

8 address people's care for cancer and palliative care patients complex health - providing for the complex spiritual, pastoral and religious needs of patients, relatives and and wellbeing staff, particularly those who are unable to remain in contact with their normal place of needs worship - responding to the practical and existential needs arising from the impact of illness, dying and death upon individuals and families - visiting patients, relatives and staff in wards and departments regularly - giving special ministration to the seriously ill, the distressed and dying - providing bereavement visits at home - making referrals to other professionals/local community faith leaders - documenting and providing feedback to team members following referral

Risks - patients treating clergy as infallible beings - clergy misusing vocation as representing authority

Dimension and Indicators Examples of application level Dimension G1 - participating in and influencing the development of national initiatives e.g. lecturing at Learning and national training conferences development - providing and evaluating training for multi-disciplinary groups e.g. nurses, HCAs, community nurses and outside groups Level 2 - providing training for Chaplaincy students Enable people to - providing training for Lay Chaplains and Lay Chaplaincy Visitors learn and develop - training volunteers

9 Dimension and Indicators Examples of application level Dimension G5 Services and projects will be in Services and - spiritual assessment and care project - education, training and development management - human resource management and development - service effectiveness Level 2 Organise specific Activities to support the efficient working of services aspects of services - ensuring that the Chapels and Chapel of Rest are suitably furnished and properly and projects maintained and sustained - maintaining Chaplaincy supplies - accessing the Patient Admission System - assisting in providing a comprehensive Chaplaincy service to the Trust including the provision of Chaplaincy information - arranging and conducting regular services of public Christian worship in the hospital Chapel and publicising these services to staff - developing patterns of worship which are appropriate for individuals and the Trust as a whole - administering the sacraments as required - officiating at funerals of patients e.g. at the request of the family or where the Trust has accepted the responsibility for organising the funeral - arranging Civil wedding services for terminally ill patients with the local Registrar and conducting services of blessing afterwards - handling the Mount Vernon Hospital Chaplaincy Fund - handling collections, donations and small payments

10 Dimension and Indicators Examples of application level Dimension G6 Workforce requirements will include People - the selection, training and supervision of appropriately authorised Lay Chaplains, Lay management Chaplaincy Visitors, Chaplaincy students and volunteers

People will include Level 3 - having line responsibility for Lay Chaplaincy Visitors, students and volunteers Coordinate and - having delegated responsibility for Lay Chaplains delegate work and - delegating tasks to visiting clergy review people's performance


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