Political Science 230

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Political Science 230

Political Science 230 Roskin, pgs. 209-215 Kelleher, pgs. 178-182, IR23A-16 Relative Deprivation True or False Questions

1. Societies of absolute and constant poverty and lack of political rights tend to be quiet. True or False

2. In his 1856 study, Tocqueville observed that revolutionary feeling mounts when things are getting worse. True or False

3. The United States refused to provide support to Ho Chi Minh during the latter’s efforts to oust the Japanese during World War II because Ho was a Communist. True or False

4. The people who signed up for the Bolsheviks, Chinese Communists, or Vietminh didn’t know or care about the complexities of Marxism–Leninism; they fought for their country against foreigners. True or False

5. Without foreign invasion, it is doubtful that Communist revolutions in Russia, China or Vietnam would have won, argue Roskin and Berry. True or False

6. The fact is, the poorest countries where dissatisfaction and the number of dissatisfied are highest have the least conflict. True or False

7. Latin American armies have historically engaged in few wars with other countries; they are mostly used to control domestic populations. True or False

8. During the Cold War, the United States refused to provide opposition groups all over the world with weapons, cash, and training because of its commitment to international law. True or False

9. India is the world’s most ethnically diverse country, and most of its hundreds of ethnic groups do not get along resulting in continuous civil conflict. True or False

10. Unlike weak states, strong states don’t have to be careful in the use and amount of force used to put down dissent. True or False

11. Much of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Columbia (FARC) and of Peru’s Shining Path long ago abandoned Marxism in favor of drug trafficking. Politics segued into crime. True

12. Many in Washington understand the complexity of ethnic, tribal, and religious conflicts within Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria, assuring that the U.S. prevents making serious mistakes. True or False

Multiple Choice Questions

23-1 1. A theory that argues that unequal wealth motivates underdog groups: a) societal poverty, b) relative depravation, c) indigent dichotomy, d) coercive inequality.

2. What was the key underlying factor that caused civil conflict in the early 2000s in the Ivory Coast? a) corruption in the government, b) the assassination of the prime minister, c) religious conflicts between Muslims and Christians, d) the severe economic decline of the population.

3. According to Roskin and Berry, what doomed the tsarist system in 1917? a) the death of the tsarist ruler, b) the peasants were inspired by social movements in Germany, c) Russia’s extended involvement in World War I, d) the proletariat got easy access to guns.

4. What was Key to Mao’s success in defeating the Nationalists during China’s civil war? a) the Japanese invasion that weakened the opposition, b) the unwillingness for Mao to engage the Japanese directly, c) Mao’s strategy of remaining in urban areas believing that factory workers were better suited to fight the Nationalists, d) the financial and military assistance provided by the United States.

5. Outside powers pursue their interest by aiding foreign forces: a) proxy war, b) wars of national liberation, c) guerilla war, d) terrorism.

6. Why did the decades-long violence against the South African government end in the early 1990s, culminating in the election of Mandela’s African National Union? a) both sides were exhausted from the years of death and destruction, b) the United States threatened to step in if the conflict did not cease, c) the dominant religious leaders on both sides forced the issue, d) the Soviet Union collapsed.

7. To overcome the free rider problem and entice individuals to join the cause by offering monetary compensation, looting, farmland, and government jobs: a) purposeful indoctrination, b) solidary inducements, c) selective incentives, d) arbitrary applications.

8. What makes Somalia a major recruiting location for regional and transnational regional terrorists? a) Islam promotes terrorism by sanctifying Jihad, b) there is a cheap surplus of labor, c) the culture of Somalia inculcates a love for war and conquest, d) it’s geographic location is ideal for hiding and attacking innocents.

9. During the 2009 Iranian Green Movement, how did the government ultimately deal with the coordinating efforts of the social media? a) they ignored it, b) they had no choice but to simply shut it down c) they posted false reports on it, d) they paid informants to sabotage it.

10. An anocracy is a political system that: a: a) is a democracy, b) is a dictatorship, c) has elements of both democracy and autocracy, d) is a developing country.

11. Which is most likely to experience a civil war? a) China, b) the United Kingdom, c) North Korea, d) Venezuela.

23-2 12. The following theory argues that some civil wars are fought not to rectify wrongs but to enable individuals to personally benefit from economic opportunities, in a word, crime. a) collusive ingratiation, b) greed theory, c) expropriation theory, d) enrichment conquest.

Fill-in Questions

1. In the 1960s, Daniel Lerner, James Davies, and Ted Gurr argued that a) humans have economic, political, and social ______, and b) when these are not met at an acceptable _____l, they can turn into ______and c) even into ______.

2. The potential insurrectionists need: a) _____, b) _____, c) ______, and d) the ability to ______.

3. How can poverty make it easier to overcome the collective-action problem? a) First, poverty can actually _____, because it increases grievances and opportunities for ____. b) Rebel leaders can sometimes afford to pay for more ______in impoverished countries than in ______countries, allowing them to “get more bang for their buck.” c) Leaders need offer only enough to make recruits’ lives a bit ______. d) The more impoverished they are, the less ______they require.

International Rule of Law Strategies Kelleher, pgs. 178-182 True or False Questions

1. Thus far the UN has refused to help provide effective representation to small powers. True or False

2. Decades of effective cooperation after World War II have eliminated force as a means of settling disputes among Western Europeans in the foreseeable future. True or False

3. In spite of its extreme racist ideology, the Nazi brand of fascism allowed the right of existence to its enemies. True or False

4. The institutions of the European Union have eroded the sovereignty of its members, and thus anarchy no longer provides the context for how member governments relate to each other. True or False

5. Although EU members accept constraints on their sovereignty, the states have drawn the line, preventing law suits from individuals living outside of their borders. True or False

6. Neither the World Court nor the UN Security Council can enforce its decisions. True or False

23-3 7. Private citizens, groups, or businesses cannot bring a grievance against their own or another state in the World Court. True or False

8. The United States has always complied with a decree by the World Court, respecting the will of the international community. True or False

9. The Korean War in 1950 and the Gulf War in 1991 implemented UN Security Council resolutions, initiating wars against aggression by the world body. True or False

10. The vast majority of international transactions are followed by states which include honoring passports, issuing visas, delivering mail, and enforcing contracts. True or False

11. The United Nations is an unnecessary evil that must be eliminated since it does not represent the interests of the United States, argue Kelleher and Klein. True or False

12. Most scholars think the UN General Assembly has the authority to legislate international law. True or False

13. The UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights only applies in time of war not peace. True or False

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why did Greece end its policy of denying landlocked Macedonia use of a Greek port? a) Greece did it voluntarily out of simple compassion for its neighbor, b) The United States threatened an economic embargo unless Greece would change its policy, c) Macedonia threatened aggressive action unless Greece rescinded its policy, d) A lawsuit by the EU's Court of Justice precipitated Greece's action.

2. What were the first two issues in the seventeenth century involving international law? a) the law of the seas and the determination of geographic borders, b) the need to protect commercial shipping and the treatment of noncombatants and prisoners of war, c) the rules of international sovereignty and the methods used to prevent war, d) the incorporation of land after a war and the exchange of prisoners.

3. When it comes to their political and security interests, what do the UN and its specialized agencies offer the great powers? a) a forum to discuss and recommend solutions to international events, b) the cover of legitimacy not provided by bilateral negotiations, c) the assurance of sovereignty and stability in international affairs, d) continued manipulation by the more powerful states at the expense of weaker states. 4. When is a war just according to Kelleher and Klein? a) In order to secure national security interests, b) To assure a quality of life for its citizens, c) When the combatant fights in self- defense and accepts limits on its actions, d) To assure access to critical natural resources that sustains the state’s people.

23-4 5. What is meant by collateral damage? a) When the military has successfully removed all means of achieving victory, b) The removal of fuel, communications, and equipment necessary to wage war, c) The purposeful attacks by the military on noncombatants or civilian populations, d) Unfortunate events that are the by-product of war.

6. After World War II, the first War Crimes Tribunal tried and punished Nazi leaders for: a) the destruction of sovereign states, b) waging undeclared war, c) crimes against humanity, d) violating peaceful coexistence.

7. Acts committed with the intent of destroying in whole or in part an ethnic group: a) genocide, b) massacre, c) devastation, d) atrocities.

Fill-in Questions

1. An international rule of law evolves when a) ______follow ______accepted rules of behavior and b) orderly ______for ______working out ______interests.

2. Established in 1946, the World Court consists of : a) ______judges from ______countries elected to _____-year terms b) by both the UN ______and the ______.

3. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, specifies fundamental freedoms, including: a) ______and ______rights, b) a ban on ______, c) and the right to ______well-being.


True or False Questions, Roskin, pgs. 209-215

1. True 3. False 5. True 7. True 9. False 11. True

Multiple Choice Questions

1. b 3. c 5. a 7. c 9. b 11. d

23-5 Fill-in Questions

1. a) expectations, b) level, grievances c) violence 3. a) help, war, b) recruits, affluent, c) better, d) compensation

True or False Questions, Kelleher, pgs. 178-182

1. False 3. False 5. False 7. True 9. True 11. False 13. False

Multiple Choice Questions

1. d 3. b 5. d 7. a

Fill-in Question

1. a) states, commonly, b) processes, peacefully, conflicting 3. a) religious, political, b) torture, c) economic


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