Research Paper PSYC 230 Burnham
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Research Paper PSYC 230—Burnham Grading Rubric Fall 2013 Good Excellent Unacceptable Poor Acceptable (Occasionally (Consistently CATEGORY (Far Below Standards) (Below Standards) (Meets Standards) Exceeds) Exceeds) SCORE “F range” “D range” “C range” “B range” “A range” Introduct 0-2 points 3-6 points 7-8 points 9 points 10 points ion: What is Does not adequately Conveys topic, but not Conveys topic, but Clearly conveys and Strong and clear your convey topic or key key questions not key questions mentions key introduction of topic questions questions and key questions topic & Does not mention Mentions subtopics thesis? Does not mention subtopics to be to be reviewed Clearly delineates Clearly delineates subtopics to be reviewed subtopics to be subtopics to be reviewed General thesis reviewed reviewed Too broad or statement Lacks adequate inadequate thesis General thesis Specific thesis thesis statement statement statement statement
Content: 0-6 points 7-13 points 14-16 points 17-18 points 19-20 points What support Missing main sections Contains most main Includes all main Includes all main Includes all main sections sections sections sections did you Missing significant include? information on topic Includes basic Touches on all main Greater depth of Greater depth of information on topic points and includes information is covered understanding Did not mention basic information information is evident theory or attempt Mentions theory but Depth of thought and analysis does not attempt Some theoretical theoretical analysis is Sophisticated analysis analysis evident theoretical analysis is Few sources support evident thesis Some sources Most sources support Sources are well- supporting thesis thesis chosen for thesis Peer reviewed Sources insignificant research-based or not peer-reviewed Most sources Sources acceptable, Sources acceptable, support for thesis acceptable, with enough peer- mostly peer-reviewed insufficient peer- reviewed research research reviewed research Synthesi 0-6 points 7-13 points 14-16 points 17-18 points 19-20 points s: Did you No organization of Poor/some Basic organization of Basic organization of Superior organization make ideas into topics and organization of ideas ideas into topics and ideas into topics and of ideas into topics subtopics into topics and subtopics; transitions subtopics; smooth and subtopics; sense of subtopics noticeable transitions smooth transitions the No integration of literature sources; each source Little integration of Demonstrates basic Demonstrates strong Sophisticated has own paragraph sources; most sources ability to integrate ability to integrate integration of sources ? have own paragraphs sources sources Did not relate Demonstrated depth information to the Related some Related some Related most of thought by relating topic information to the information to topic information to the all information to topic topic topic Conclusi 0-2 points 3-6 points 7-8 points 9 points 10 points ons No review of key Some review of key Review of key points Strong review of key Strong review of key points points points points Some integration No integration with Minimal integration with thesis statement Integration with thesis Strong integration thesis statement with thesis statement statement with thesis statement Minimal discussion of No discussion of Little to no discussion impact of researched Discusses impact of Insightful discussion impact of researched of impact of material on topic researched material of impact of material on topic researched material on topic researched material on topic on topic
Gramma 0-4 points 5-9 points 10-11 points 12-13 points 14-15 points r & Mechani Many spelling, Some spelling, Some spelling, Rare spelling, Nearly free of cs grammatical, and/or grammatical, and/or grammatical, and/or grammatical, and/or grammatical, spelling punctuation errors punctuation errors punctuation errors punctuation errors and punctuation errors Errors substantially Somewhat detract At times may Rarely interfere with detract from from readability interfere with readability Do not interfere with readability readability readability Tend to interfere with Do not interfere with Errors seriously meaning A times may interfere meaning Do not interfere with interfere with with meaning meaning meaning Research Paper PSYC 230—Burnham Grading Rubric Fall 2013 APA 0-6 points 7-13 points 14-16 points 17-18 points 19-20 points Style & Academi Unsatisfactory Less than satisfactory Satisfactory Strong and solid Superior language c/ language control language control language control language control control Languag Poor word choice; Word choice is often Word choice is good, Word choice is good; Word choice is e tone is consistently informal in tone but occasionally tone rarely informal in tone scholarly and nearly informal is informal free of informal tone Writing is occasionally Writing has minimal Writing is very choppy choppy with awkward Writing has some awkward or unclear Writing has good flow with many awkward or unclear passages awkward or unclear passages and is easy to follow or unclear passages passages with minor flaws Noticeable errors in Few errors in APA- Errors in APA-style APA-style Noticeable errors in style Few errors in APA- detract from the paper occasionally detract APA-style style from paper Citation 0-1 points 1.5-3 points 3.5-4 points 4.5 points 5 points & Referenc References do not References do not References match References match References match es match citations match citations citations citations citations Most references or 4-5 references or 3 references or 2 references or All references and citations incorrect citations incorrect citations incorrect citations incorrect citations correctly presented Total Points:
APA Errors
MAJOR Errors
_____ Reference errors (alphabetical order, 1:1 reference/citation)
_____ Punctuation errors (comma over-/under-usage, colon and semi-colon misusage)
_____ Capitalization errors
_____ Citation errors (incorrect author, order in parentheses, “et al.” usage)
_____ Title Page (Header, Spacing, Contents)
_____ Page numbering
_____ Verb usage problems (verb tense, verb-subject-article agreement)
Note: stay in stay in past tense
_____ Pronoun errors (which, that, who, whom)
_____ Format errors (incorrect line, letter, word spacing, pagination, margins)
Note: Double space throughout, single space between words; 1” margins all around
_____ Use of abbreviations or numerals to start sentences
_____ Unidentified abbreviations or acronyms
_____ Non-professional writing/tone (informal tone; use of slang) Research Paper PSYC 230—Burnham Grading Rubric Fall 2013 _____ Lack of empirical evidence for points made (use of opinions in place of fact)
MINOR Errors
_____ Wrong font/wrong font size/wrong font color
_____ Inappropriate use of personal pronouns, excessive abbreviations
_____ Occasional problems with hanging indents in References
_____ Using ampersands (&) in text