April 28, 2010

The meeting was called to order by Lewis Schiliro, Secretary, Department of Safety and Homeland Security, Blue Hen Corporate Center, Classroom A & B in Dover. Those in attendance were as follows:

Council Members

Kevin Wilson DE Volunteer Firefighter’s Association Lawrence Tan Chief, New Castle County EMS Wayne Smith DE Healthcare Association Sgt. Keith Mark Delaware State Police Aviation Robert Stuart Director, Sussex County EMS Dr. Ross Megargel State EMS Medical Director Robert Ricker State Fire Prevention Commission Colin Faulkner Chief, Kent County EMS Steven Catalano DVFA Advisory Committee Dr. Heather Farley DE Chapter of ACEP

Council Staff

Steven Blessing OEMS Debbie Vincent OEMS

Guests in Attendance

Diane Hainsworth OEMS Britany Robinson EMSC Sandy Wilson-Hypes OEMS Terry Whitham DSHS Allen Barnes SCEMS Glenn Luedtke Sussex Co. Sue Kost EMSC Chris Rogan Christiana Care Resident Wilbert Hayes DEMA Capt. Ronald Hagan DSP Aviation


DEMSOC members, staff and guests introduced themselves.


The minutes from the February 24, 2010 DEMSOC minutes were reviewed and approved.


No report.


1) NHTSA Reassessment Recommendations

OEMS compiled a NHTSA Task List, prioritized from High to Low, which included all assigned agencies’ responsibilities. Mr. Blessing reviewed this list with DEMSOC and suggested that for the next DEMSOC meeting, each responsible agency should determine timelines and action plans for their assigned areas. The OEMS will be glad to consult with any agency that needs help concerning timelines and deliverables.

Dr. Megargel added that tracking the recommendations should be done by developing a project timeline along with agencies making regular reports to DEMSOC.

2) Reconstitute Finance Committee

Mr. Blessing explained that the Finance Committee has had no activity for the last three years. He suggested that DEMSOC appoint a new chairman and several members to a working committee to go through recommendations from NHSTA.

Secretary Schiliro made a motion to appoint Mr. Smith to be the Finance Committee Chairman. Motion was passed.

DEMSOC members Kevin Wilson, Larry Tan, Colin Faulkner, Robert Stuart and Sgt. Keith Mark volunteered to be committee members.


1) Chairman’s Report on Council Activities

Secretary Schiliro reported that as Chairman of the 911 Board, one of things that he still believes in is to implement a disabilities database within the 911 system. Headway has been made over the last several months and he wanted to bring DEMSOC up-to-date and seek their support.

Mr. Whitham added that this implementation was discussed several years ago through the ESF Workgroup. It was concurred to create a web based application to have pertinent information for special needs patients. The application enhancements include an audit process to keep information current and a mapping function for emergency management. When the final product is complete, Mr. Whitham will send out a link to DEMSOC members to review the database.

2) Agency Reports

Sussex County

The Sussex Technical High School/Sussex County EMS joint EMT-B training program was approved by Sussex County Council last month and will begin this Fall. The school will provide administrative support and some additional equipment, while SCEMS provide the instructors and some additional equipment.

SCEMS has participated in several drills and exercises: DelTech Disaster Drill, which was a joint exercise between paramedic, nursing and Homeland Security college programs at DTCC; Radiological Drill in a FEMA evaluated Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Plume and Ingestion Pathway Exercise at the EOC in Georgetown; School Shooter Exercise involving a active shooter table top exercise with several agencies including the School official, local fire and EMS, hospitals, local and state police, Del Dot and DEMA.

SCEMS implemented backpack-style bags system-wide in an effort to provide for the proper carrying of paramedic equipment on the backs of employees. This is coupled with new composite oxygen bottles and an intense effort by the equipment committee to reduce the weight of the bags by redistributing equipment.

New Castle County

Chief Tan reported that NCC EMS is working to complete their staffing and to fill vacancies. NCC is actively recruiting” ready medics” and processing applications.

3 NCC is also preparing to post for entry level applicants for the 2011-2012 paramedic class through DelTech.

NCC is proceeding to put some fleet replacements in service. Two supervisor and two paramedic response trucks are part of the annual fleet replacement plan.

NCC graduation and appointment ceremony for 2010 is scheduled for Wed, May 19 at 7pm in the NCC Public Safety Headquarters.

NCC is currently working with the state medical direction regarding reasonable patient destination policy.

Kent County

Chief Faulkner reported that in the past, Kent County Levy Court wanted KC EMS to develop a master plan for EMS. KCEMS instead developed a master plan for Public Safety in general, to include not just EMS, but 911 and emergency management to be able to focus on deployment, personnel, and capital projects. KCEMS could bring a power point presentation for DEMSOC members to review if desired.

DSP Aviation

Sgt. Mark introduced the new DSP Aviation Section Commander, Capt. Ronald Hagen.

Secretary Schiliro commented that most of DSP Aviation equipment is nearing the end of its lifespan and replacements need to be addressed. Funding issues are determining factors.

Capt. Hagen stated that new twin-engine aircraft is being looked into for the safety of the public and for DSP crew. A twin-engine aircraft would also give the capability to transport more than one patient.


Mr. Blessing thanked Sandy Hypes for not only developing the concept but who did an incredible job of getting everyone on track for getting the annual DEMSOC report completed.

Mrs. Hainsworth stated that DIMES programmers have developed an agency model which will allow each agency to enter in their own personnel, certification levels, assessability level to the system as well as billing information. This is currently in the in- house testing with testing to web sites within the next few weeks.

4 Fire Commission

Mr. Ricker stated that issues with the private ambulance companies are going day by day. The Fire Commission is in the process of updating ambulance regulations with a final copy out soon. Finishing stages are in place on legislation on having a wider arena of disciplinary actions available to the commission regarding private ambulance companies.


Mr. Wilson reported that the DVFA is working to secure a steady funding stream for the Fire and EMS services.

3) Medical Directors Report

Dr. Megargel introduced Dr. Chris Rogan, ER Resident at Christiana Care, who will become a mini EMS -fellow. There are three residents who are interested in EMS and will be spending time with the medical directors over the next two years attending various meetings and working on various projects to further their education and involvement in EMS in Delaware.

4) Ambulance Safety Committee Report

No report.


September 22, 2010