Use the MATLAB Software Command Language To

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Use the MATLAB Software Command Language To


Course Goals . Use the MATLAB software command language to o Numerically Solve Engineering/Science problems that cannot be solved analytically; o Numerically Solve systems of multiple Linear Equations where analytical methods are impractically cumbersome o Import and Evaluate EMPIRICAL DATA to perform Statistical Analysis o Create 2D & 3D plots of analytical or empirical data as an aid to understanding the MEANING of the data o Numerically solve integration, differentiation, and Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) problems o Simulate Dynamic (time variable) Systems Using the MATLAB Tool SIMULINK o Solve SYMBOLICALLY (i.e., analytically) complex Mathematical Equations and Transforms using the MATLAB Tool MuPAD . Use MSExcel SpreadSheet Software to o Import and Evaluate EMPIRICAL DATA to perform Statistical Analysis o Create 2D & 3D plots of analytical or empirical data to aid understanding the MEANING of the data

Instructor: Mr. Mayer, PE Office: 2032 Office Hrsi: R 11-11:50a, TR 6:05-6:55p Phone: 510.723.7182 eMail: [email protected] Chabot Engineering WebPage:

Course Logistics 3.0 Units → Lecture: TR 1:15-2:05p, Rm1813  2hrs Lec Per Week Consultation/Tutorial Lab: TR 2:15-3:30p, Rm1813  3hrs Lab per week MATLAB Software Available in Rm3906 STEM Lab Final Exam: Tue/23May17/12:00n Text - Required: . William J Palm III, Introduction to MATLAB for Engineers, 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill, ©2011, ISBN-13 9780073534879 Software (Optional): MATLAB® & Simulink® Student Version – 64 Bit ONLY i Office hours may change from time-to-time based on the needs of the students and the college. Please consult the Engineering WebSite HomePage for the most current office-hour schedule.

© Bruce Mayer, PE • Chabot College • 03629b0dae25401e76bd872bedb6afe2.docx • Page 1 . Available for $99+Shipping from o Prerequisite: Mathematics 1. Strongly Recommended: Computer Application Systems 8 or Computer Science 8 Recommended: Computer Science 14 (concurrent enrollment is optimum)


Grade Weighting Function MiniQuizzes 5% HomeWork 25% MidTerm Exam-1 35% Final Exam 35% Σ-Total = 100%

Grade Assignment 88%-100% A- to A+ 76%-87.99% B- to B+ 64%-75.99% C- to C+ 52%-63.99% D- to D+ <52% F

The instructor reserves the prerogative to adjust the location and/or width of the Grade- Assignment bands based solely on his professional judgment of overall class performance.

NOTE: Keep ALL your GRADED work until AFTER you have received your final grade. This grading record will help to substantiate any grade-recording errors committed by the instructorii.

Human Learning Assistance → MATLAB Capable Students If available the course has will have a formal Learning Assistant (LA) . The Learning Assistant aids ENGR25 Students by Providing o A weekly 75 minute EXTRA-CREDIT WorkShop . Students attending the WorkShops earn EXTRA CREDIT in the Amount of 2 MQ-points – 1 point for signing-IN, and 1-point for Signing-OUT on the LA created Sign-IN/OUT sheets o Two 75 minutes Tutorial Office Hours The exact days & times for the WorkShop and Tutorial Office Hours will be announced by the LA. The days & times will also be posted to the ENGR25 WebPage.

Students are STRONGLY encouraged to take advantage of the assistance offered by the LA. In particular the instructor recommends attending the WorkShops. ii The Instructor’s ErrorRate is good, perhaps about 0.2%, but it is NOT zero

© Bruce Mayer, PE • Chabot College • 03629b0dae25401e76bd872bedb6afe2.docx • Page 2 Doing Well In This Course  In this course engineering students make the transition from LEARNING Mathematics to APPLYING Mathematics. While this change also occurs in PHYS4A (or the equivalent) this class extends the sophistication of the analysis through the use of computer tools. Student will solve Engineering/Science problems by . Analyzing the physical situation to construct a Mathematical Model. o This is largely done on PAPER . Use MATLAB’s or EXCEL’s specialized math tools to solve the problem . Use MATLAB’s C++ like syntax to write “programs” that employs LOOPS and/or DECISIONS to solve the problem . Use MATLAB’s (often unique) Array/Matrix handling command(s) to solve the problem o Often MUCH more compact than traditional “Looping” solutions . Use MATLAB’s ICON-Based simulation tool, SimuLink, to solve the problem by describing discrete math-operations connected by data paths/pipelines . Use MATLAB’s SYMBOLIC-Math tool, MuPAD, to solve the problem in completely analytical fashion . Use MATLAB’s or EXCEL’s “visualization” tools (tables or graphs) to analyze the problem, or to interpret/communicate the solution

To best learn the course material: 1. EXPLOIT The TextBook . Obtain the TextBook IMMEDIATELY and start USING IT . Do not merely read the text; WORK the text . The chapter problems closely follow the text discussion, so BEFORE attempting the HomeWork assignment, go thru the chapter-section with a PENCIL & PAPER. o Work the EXAMPLE problems until you UNDERSTAND them – this will greatly facilitate solving the homework and EXAM problems o The Test Your Understanding Exercises in the textbook offer an excellent opportunity to try new commands with answers provided. See Example at right. 2. LISTEN to the Instructor . A second point of view that differs from the TextBook aids understanding . And, What the instructor covers in his/her OWN WORDS usually ends up on Exams 3. Attend the TUTORIALS . The instructor will solve problems IN DETAIL during the Tutorial Labs o The tutorials will entail the solution to HomeWork Problems, or problems related to the HomeWork 4. Think PHYSICALLY . This is an APPLIED Math/Physics class that uses computer tools to solve engineering problems. To best solve these problems o Try to understand the system operation in terms of energy, continuity, pressure, force, power, etc., and not just in terms of abstract symbols.

© Bruce Mayer, PE • Chabot College • 03629b0dae25401e76bd872bedb6afe2.docx • Page 3 o Use UNITS to the maximum possible extent. Units connect an Engineer’s thinking to the Real, Physical World 5. DRAW LOTS of DIAGRAMS . When analyzing a physical situation DRAW or DIAGRAM it; sometimes after EVERY analytical step . Use MATLAB or EXCEL to graph data or analytical Solutions. The Instructors Advice: o When in Doubt GRAPH it. If you don’t know when to doubt, GRAPH it ANYWAY 6. PUT IN the TIME . A serious engineering student will spend 6-8 hours per week OUTside of this class studying the course-material and/or preparing for examsiii . Stay on the assignment schedule to avoid “Rush Jobs” that produce MINIMAL learning, and to avoid Late Penalties 7. ASSIST your COLLEAGUES and/or CREATE A STUDY GROUP . One of the best ways to LEARN something is to TEACH it to someone else. o If a ClassMate seeks your assistance with the HomeWork or in the Lab, do your best to accommodate him/her with a careful explanation . Some possible locations for Study Groups to meet include: o The Library in Bldg-100 o The Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Center in room 3906 which has about 15 MATLAB seats available for Student Use o The Student Study Rooms between the Physics Labs in Bldg 1800 eMail Communication → SpamFilter Avoidance = “ENGR25” On ALL eMail communication students should please include the text “ENGR25” in the subject line. Otherwise the student eMail may be sent to the college SpamFilter folder which is not often inspected by the instructor.

Supplies and Equipment Required . Scientific Calculator (NO CellPhone calculators allowed on exams) . Engineering Computation Pad, 8.5” x 11”, Green Background, 0.2” Grid . Access to MATLAB & EXCEL Software & Printer o ENGR25 Students have SoftWare access in the . computer lab in rm 1813 . STEM Center in rm 3906 o Printer access is available in STEM Center in rm 3906 . Students may to purchase a “GoPrint” copy card in the Library in order to obtain hardcopies in the 3906 lab – Suggest $5 minimum purchase  For More information on the GoPrint System see:  The GoPrint card is REQUIRED for exams STRONGLY Recommended . MATLAB® & Simulink® Student Version → MATLAB and Simulink Student Suite iii Anyone who has taken a “Programming” class knows that this type of course can be a “TIME SINK”. Some weeks students will spend 10-20 hours on the reading & homework assignment; other weeks it will be 3-4hours

© Bruce Mayer, PE • Chabot College • 03629b0dae25401e76bd872bedb6afe2.docx • Page 4 o Available from the MathWorks for $99.00iv . Recommended . 0.5 mm, Quality Mechanical Pencil . Quality Straight-Edge Ruler

Others As Announced by the Instructor during the Course of the Semester

Note that the current version to Student-MATLAB, 2016b, requires a 64 bit machine. Since all the computers in Rm1813 and the STEM are 32 Bit machines they MUST run the last 32 bit MATLAB version, 2015b.

Students should check the bit capability of their LapTop prior to purchasing the 2016b Student Version of MATLAB. The 2015b version is more than adequate for all the work done in ENGR25

Finding your “bits”

Win10-32bit: Control Panelv → Control Panel Win7-64bit: Control Panel → System → System and Security → System

Attendance Grade-Performance in this course correlates strongly with class attendance; students who attend class sessions statistically receive better grades than students who miss lecture and/or laboratory sessions. The KEY to meeting the course goals is CONSISTENCY – Come to class EVERY time, complete EVERY HomeWork assignment ON-TIME. iv MathWorks Price Check on 05Jan17 v Using “Cortana” box

© Bruce Mayer, PE • Chabot College • 03629b0dae25401e76bd872bedb6afe2.docx • Page 5 A Student will be dropped from the class if he/she misses two, or more, class periods during the first two weeks of the term.

Coming-Late or Leaving-Early should be rare events. If a student needs to arrive late or leave early, please find a seat near the door. Please enter or leave quietly, so as to not disturb the rest of the class. Instructors consider a student walking between the instructor and the class to be a very inconsiderate and discourteous act.

MiniQuizzes 50-60, single-problem “MiniQuizzes” will be administered during the course of the term. The MiniQuizzes (or MQs) will be “pop” in nature; that is, the MQs are not announced in advance. Some details on the MQs: . MQs may be administered at ANY time during the o LECTURE class period o TUTORIAL LAB period . MQ’s will not be given during the Consultation Lab Time . Some Class Meetings will have NO MQ . Some Class Meetings will have MORE THAN ONE MQ . MQ content will consist of the subject matter covered during the previous class meeting o Content may be drawn from either the Lecture or TextBook . MQ Duration shall be 5 minutes. MQs will be collected promptly after the 5 minute duration; NO extra time will be allowed for any reason. . There will be NO MakeUp MQs for any reason . MQ’s will NOT be Returned . MQ scoring - MQs will NOT be graded for correctness; only for evidence of serious attention and effort: o 0 Points → Student does not take the MQ o 1 Point → Student takes the MQ, but shows NO, or LITTLE, evidence that the student gave his/her full attention to the previous lecture(s) and reading(s). o 2 Points → Student takes the MQ and shows SUBSTANIAL evidence that the student gave his/her full attention to the previous lecture(s) and reading(s) but the student arrives at an incorrect result. o 3 Points → The student arrives at the correct result AND Demonstrates UNDERSTANDING

Exams . Exams will entail, primarily, the solution of numerical, analytical, and graphical problems using both MATLAB and MSExcel Software programs. o The Exams may include some “short answer” or “hand-solution” questions . Subject matter covered in the reading assignments may be included in exams although not specifically covered during lecture . All exams will be OPEN TEXT-BOOK o Students may bring to the exam these, and ONLY these, reference materials

© Bruce Mayer, PE • Chabot College • 03629b0dae25401e76bd872bedb6afe2.docx • Page 6 o The required course text book (see “Course Logistics”) . A single, 8.5”x11” reference sheet prepared by the student (Both Sides, OK)  This “SRS” MUST be HAND-WRITTEN; No PrintOuts or PhotoCopies permitted . There will be ASSIGNED SEATING for all exams. o On Exam Days the instructor will place the exams on the desks, FACE DOWN, with a student name written on the back of the Exam. Each Student is requested to find the exam with his/her name on it and take that seat withOUT turning over the exam until notified by the instructor. o Turning over the exam early will be regarded as an act of Academic DIShonesty o Taking a seat other than that assigned will be regarded as an act of VERY SERIOUS Academic DIShonesty . NO InterNet Access is permitted during Exams o Using the InterNet will be regarded as an act of Academic DIShonesty as well o Students using “eTexts” on Tablet Computers MUST place the Tablet into the “AirPlane Mode” (prevents InterNet access) Prior to the Start of the Exam. . Make-up exams will NOT be given except in very rare circumstances and only at the discretion of the instructor. Please do NOT miss ANY of the Exams. o MakeUp exams are only offered in those cases where the student can provide 3rd party justification (e.g.; a note from a medical doctor or employer) for the absence. o Any MakeUp exam must be taken the NEXT day, at a time & location determined by the instructor. o All MakeUp exams are subject to a 15% score-penalty. . MakeUp exam takers have extra study time, and may learn about the exam content prior to the MakeUp. This is simply NOT FAIR to those students who make the (sometimes extraordinary) effort to come to the exam on-time.

Use of material other than the approved textbook and the student reference sheet shall be considered a blatant case of ACADEMIC DISHONESTY


Homework Assignments . Homework Exercises will be assigned as noted on the course Schedule

Homework Due Date & Time . Homework is due in the instructor’s office at the end of the day noted on the course schedule (Officially LATE at 8am the Next School Day) . Homework will be accepted ONE CLASS Meeting Late. o Late HomeWork assignments will incur a 15% penalty (0.85 multiplier) . Late HW-Sets accepted until the end of the last REGULAR CLASS MEETING  Late Homework will NOT be accepted on the day of the final exam

© Bruce Mayer, PE • Chabot College • 03629b0dae25401e76bd872bedb6afe2.docx • Page 7 o The instructor may, solely at his discretion, accept late HomeWork in extenuating circumstances. In these cases Additional Late Penalties will be assessed up to a maximum of 50%. . Partial Submissions NOT accepted o Only ONE submission per Homework/Lab Assignment . If more than one submission, then only the First Submission will be Graded

Coursework Collaboration . Working in groups during the labs, or on the homework is fully acceptable. However, each student must turn in his/her own homework assignment.

HomeWork Grading . The instructor will select a RANDOM subset of problems for reading/grading . The “weight” of each homework set will have a maximum score in the range of 5-50 points, based upon the assignment difficulty.

HomeWork General Presentation . Homework will typically be submitted in HARDCOPY form; specifically on standard “Letter-Size” (8.5” x 11”) Paper . Homework sheets will be collected for grading and/or review as indicated on the schedule (subject to change at any time). . If more than one sheet, staple in the upper left corner. o If the assigned problem includes a statement similar to “Check your answers by hand” then please attach your hand-written solutions . Behind the Hardcopy if a HardCopy assignment o If the assigned problem includes a “program file” (i.e., a “.m” file) then please Turn in BOTH the . .m file “script” (the main “program”) . RunTime OUTPUT from the .m file . On each HomeWork assignment the following MUST appear on the top sheet: o Your Name o The Date Upon Which you Performed the work o The Course ID  ENGR25 o Assignment No. ______(e.g., HW-13) . CLEARLY INDENTIFY where one problem ENDS, and the next problems BEGINS by Text-Bolding or Physical Color-HiLiting

How to Study Like a College Student - EXTRA CREDIT . Students can earn EXTRA Credit in the maximum amount of of a typical HomeWork Assignment for completing the Take Home Quiz based on the College Student Study Skills presentation. o The Presentation may be found on the Course WebPage . The Take Home Quiz (THQ) is due as noted on the schedule o NO Late THQs accepted

© Bruce Mayer, PE • Chabot College • 03629b0dae25401e76bd872bedb6afe2.docx • Page 8 Laboratory Logistics . Tutorial Labs are normally held during the normal lab time; TR 2:15-3:30p in Room 1813 . These Lab sessions entail problem-solving demonstrations by the instructor o Tutorial Labs are JUST AS IMPORTANT as the Lectures – ALL students are expected to ATTEND the Tutorials o MiniQuizzes will be administered During Tutorials . Consultation Labs are also held during the scheduled lab time. o The Instructor and Learning Assistant (if available) will be available to assist students with Homework problems on an as-Requested basis, either at the Computer or on the WhiteBoard o Students are encouraged to work together during this time . The Day and/or Time for labs may shift from the normal schedule on occasion o Lab schedule changes will be announced in class, well in advance of the needed change(s)

Withdrawal From Course From the Chabot College WebSitevi Dropping Classes Students are responsible for dropping or withdrawing from classes. Failure to follow the withdrawal procedures may result in a grade of "F". Students who drop before the No Grade of Record (NGR) period will not have a grade appear on their transcript.

After the “NGR” date any student wishing to withdraw from the course to receive a “W” on his/her grade-transcript MUST, to completely avoid an “F” grade, initiate the withdrawal through the Admissions & Records process. In other words, the STUDENT must drop the course either using CLASS-Web, or in-person in building 700. . Do NOT ASSUME that the instructor will drop any student from the course o Any student who determines that he/she cannot continue with the course should FORMALLY WITHDRAW either . OnLine using the ClassWeb Utility on the Chabot College WebSite . In Person at the Admissions & Records office in Bldg-700

The instructor MAY drop students from the course at the “Last day to drop with a ‘W’ (Withdraw) as indicated in the “Academic Calendar” published in the Chabot College class schedulevii. Any student who fails to take the course seriously earns a W. Evidence of a lack of commitment to the course includes any of these W-earning actions: Not ATTENDING class for 3 weeks prior to the W-Date . Not ATTENDING class for 3 weeks prior to the W-Date . Not turning in HOMEWORK for 3 weeks prior to the W-Date . Not taking the MIDTERM EXAM

WARNING: After the “W date” the Instructor is OBLIGATED by College Policy to give all enrolled students vi See: vii

© Bruce Mayer, PE • Chabot College • 03629b0dae25401e76bd872bedb6afe2.docx • Page 9 Letter Grades. ONLY Chabot COUNSELING can approve “Late W’s”.

Laboratory Facility - Rm 1813

Hours of Operation . The Rm1813 CompSci-Lab is NOT an OPEN Lab. That is, only Students in qualified courses can use the Lab facilities, and then students can only use the Lab with an instructor in attendance. The current instructor’s class has priority, and other qualified students may use the Lab only with that instructor’s consent. o Outside of normal ENGR25 hours Students are strongly encouraged to use the MATLAB software in the STEM Center

Software ShutDown This is a courtesy to the next user and/or the Lab Technical-Support Team, When done in the lab all ENGR25 students are asked to  CLOSE OUT all software associated with his/her lab session.  TURN OFF the computer  CLOSE the computer-access panel on the desk

© Bruce Mayer, PE • Chabot College • 03629b0dae25401e76bd872bedb6afe2.docx • Page 10 Figure 1 • OnLine MATLAB and SimuLink Tutorials Available at

OnLine Tutorials by the MathWorks The publisher of MABLAB, the MathWorks, makes available video and interactive tutorials for people new to MATLAB. See Figure 1.  The use of the MATLAB & SIMULINK & MUPAD video/written tutorials is HIGHLY recommended o MATLAB & SimuLink → tutorials.html o MuPAD → mupad.html  For A long list of useful video Tutorials. See Figure 1 o This tutorial on importing to MATLAB data from SpreadSheets such as MSExcel is particularly useful: . spreadsheets.html

© Bruce Mayer, PE • Chabot College • 03629b0dae25401e76bd872bedb6afe2.docx • Page 11 ClassRoom Courtesy As a courtesy to other students and the instructor in any classroom: 1. When coming-late or leaving-early, PLEASE do NOT walk in FRONT of the instructor while he/she is speaking . Please take a seat as UNOBSTRUSIVELY as possible. o The goal for coming-late or leaving-early students is that NO ONE notices the entrance or exit. 2. PLEASE do NOT activate any PRINTERS (or other noise-making objects) during lectures or discussions 3. PLEASE do NOT Type/KeyBoard during lectures or discussions 4. PLEASE do NOT hold side-conversations during lectures or discussions 5. PLEASE set all CELL PHONES to VIBRATE before entering the classroom 6. PLEASE do NOT bring LIQUIDS into Computer Labs 7. PLEASE DO ask QUESTIONS about the course content

Student Conduct - General Everyone in this class, including the instructor, is a mature adult, so Courteous and Respectful behavior is expected at all times. . Please & ThankYou go a long way to make a pleasant atmosphere. . Swearing is not appropriate for the classroom.

© Bruce Mayer, PE • Chabot College • 03629b0dae25401e76bd872bedb6afe2.docx • Page 12 VISITORS: Note that College policy does NOT allow visitors in the classroom.

EATING: Eating is not permitted in Chabot College classrooms. Please eat all food outside the classroom.

BE PREPARED: Bring paper, your book, and extra pencils or pens. Sharpen your pencils before the class starts. Take care of your personal needs before class starts.

HELP KEEP FACILITIES CLEAN & NEAT: Put all trash in the waste basket. Check your desk area before departing to ensure that you have not left any personal items. If you are working in groups, please return your desk to its original position.

Student conduct, and consequences for misconduct, shall follow the policies described in the STUDENT RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES” section of the Chabot College course catalog. . The minimum sanction for misconduct shall be removal of the student from Class for the remainder of the class period

“All students are responsible for complying with college and district regulations and for meeting the appropriate college requirements. The College has an obligation to maintain conditions under which the work of the college can go forward freely, in accordance with the highest standards of quality, institutional integrity and freedom of expression. In joining the academic community, the student enjoys the right of freedom to learn and shares responsibility in exercising that freedom. Therefore, a student is expected to conduct himself or herself in accordance with standards of the college.

Please refer to pages 67-71 of the 2014-2016 Chabot College Catalog, or on the Student Services website on student conduct: for detailed information on the Standards of Student Conduct expected of all students.”

Academic Dishonesty

Academic Dishonesty of Any Kind WILL NOT BE TOLERATED Any act of academic dishonesty . Will result in a grade of ZERO (0) for the assignment/task in which the offense occurred . May result, in the sole discretion of the instructor, in the assignment of a grade of F for the COURSE . May trigger the formal Chabot College Academic Dishonesty discipline process as described in the “STUDENT RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES” section of the Chabot College course catalog


© Bruce Mayer, PE • Chabot College • 03629b0dae25401e76bd872bedb6afe2.docx • Page 13 Remember Chabot With $-Support When a student earns his/her BS-Engineering (or higher) degree he/she will start an engineering-practice career compensated at 60, 70, 100+ $k/year. I ask that each such successful person consider making annual $-Donations to Chabot the Chabot College Foundation: . http://www.supp ortchabotcollege. org/make-a- gift.php o See Screen-Shot below

If any Chabot Alum wants to give but can’t find the Donation WebPage, then please eMail me!

I personally give regularly to my three alma-maters: Cabrillo, UCBerkeley, and Stanford.

Also check with you employer about MATCHING Gifts. My engineering-practice employer of 20+ years matched every gift to my alma- maters.

Consider also joining the Chabot College Alumni Association

© Bruce Mayer, PE • Chabot College • 03629b0dae25401e76bd872bedb6afe2.docx • Page 14 © Bruce Mayer, PE • Chabot College • 03629b0dae25401e76bd872bedb6afe2.docx • Page 15 Figure 2 • The “Give Now” page from the Chabot College Office of Development and the Foundation → Tentative HomeWork Assignments • 05Jan17 Adjustments Made As-Needed by the Instructor → Check Course WebPage Often H W chp 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 1Notes no. 1 1 1 2 4 6 8 10 13 15 18 2 1 2 2 3 6 7 13 14 20 22 24 8 4 1 3 3 1 3 6 7 8 14 17 20 3 Data File Input Probl em: ENG R- 4 3 25_ DownLoad from WebPage HW0 4_D ata_I mpor t_13 01.d ocx 5 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 11 16 2 2 6 4 21 24 25 26 31 35 41 R’s in P37 ALL in kΩ (kOhm) 3 8 7 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 15 P4: use Range = 0-15 2 2 8 5 18 24viii 25 26 32 36 2 9 9 6 2 3 5 7 10 1 16 18

© Bruce Mayer, PE • Chabot College • 03629b0dae25401e76bd872bedb6afe2.docx • Page 16 3 1 10 7 2 5 7 11 16 22 25 8

11 8 1 2 3 4 6 8 11 14 16 P8.6 → R3 = R2 =14000 1 12 9 2 4 7 9 10 16 17 HW12 Solns can be HAND 3 2 3 13 9 24 28 31 32 34 6 3 2 29e 14 10 3 7 9 16 22 P29 is EXTRA CREDIT 5 c 1 15 11 1 2 4 10 11 18 24 29 In 10,11,12 “Div Method” → matlinsolve 2 4 Exce l- Exer cises Han dOut : ENG 16 excel DownLoad from WebPage R- 25_ HW1 6_M SExc el_1 206. docx X ENG DownLoad from WebPage R- viii The Instructions for Prob 4-24 are incorrectly stated. Use these instructions instead: Write a program that computes the array B by computing the natural logarithm of all the elements of A whose value is no less than 1, and adding 20 to each element that equal or LESS than 1. Do this in two ways  By using a for loop with conditional statements  By using a logical array as a mask

© Bruce Mayer, PE • Chabot College • 03629b0dae25401e76bd872bedb6afe2.docx • Page 17 25_ HWX _Inst ructi onal _Vid eos_ 1608 .doc x NOTE: Solutions to some Problems are Posted on the Course WebPage Tentative Schedule • 05Jan17 • 26Mar17 Adjustments Made As-Needed by the Instructor → Check often the Course WebPage:  See also Website  Learning Assistant Christopher Hui will be available to assist students 1-to-1 during his Tutorial Office Hours.

Mtg. Date Reading Assignment Assgn Due Notes 17-Jan- Roll-Call, Syllabus, THQ, WebPage, Adds, 1 THQ HW Construction 17 Intro 17-Jan- 1 AppMath Problem Solving HWX THQ is extra credit 17 19-Jan- 2 Chp1 MATLAB_OverView 1 HW-01 DownLoad HWX 17 19-Jan- 2 Consultation-Lab and/or Tutorial 17 24-Jan- 3 Chp1 MATLAB_OverView-2 THQ No Late THQs 17 24-Jan- 3 Consultation-Lab and/or Tutorial 17 26-Jan- 4 Chp2 Arrays Part-1 = Vectors HW-02 HWX NOT Covered §2.[6, 7] 17 26-Jan- 4 Consultation-Lab and/or Tutorial 17

© Bruce Mayer, PE • Chabot College • 03629b0dae25401e76bd872bedb6afe2.docx • Page 18 Mtg. Date Reading Assignment Assgn Due Notes 31-Jan- 5 Chp2 Arrays Part-2 = Matrices HW-01 17 31-Jan- 5 Consultation-Lab and/or Tutorial 17 2-Feb- 6 Chp3 Functions Part-1 = Complex No.s HW-03 HW-02 17 2-Feb- 6 Consultation-Lab and/or Tutorial 17 7-Feb- Chp3 Functions Part-2 = Built-In, User- 7 17 Defined 7-Feb- 7 Consultation-Lab and/or Tutorial 17 9-Feb- Chp3 Functions Part-3 = Handles, Fcn 8 17 Types 9-Feb- 8 Consultation-Lab and/or Tutorial 17 14-Feb- 9 Chp3 Functions Part-4 = Data Files HW-04 HW-03 17 14-Feb- 9 Consultation-Lab and/or Tutorial 17 16-Feb- Chp4 Programming Part-1 = Program 10 HW-05 DownLoad HW-04 17 Design 16-Feb- 10 Consultation-Lab and/or Tutorial 17 21-Feb- FLX NO Class Meeting - Flex Day 17 21-Feb- FLX NO Class Meeting - Flex Day 17 23-Feb- Chp4 Programming Part-2 = Logic 10 HW-04 17 Operations 23-Feb- 10 Consultation-Lab and/or Tutorial 17 28-Feb- Chp4 Programming Part-3 = Decision 11 HW-06 HW-05 In Prob 4.37 All R's are kΩ 17 Statements

© Bruce Mayer, PE • Chabot College • 03629b0dae25401e76bd872bedb6afe2.docx • Page 19 Mtg. Date Reading Assignment Assgn Due Notes 28-Feb- 11 Consultation-Lab and/or Tutorial 17 2-Mar- Chp4 Programming Part-4 = Loop 12 17 Statements 2-Mar- 12 Consultation-Lab and/or Tutorial 17 7-Mar- Chp5 Advanced Plotting, Part-1 = Plotting 13 HW-07 HW-06 17 Basics 7-Mar- 13 Consultation-Lab and/or Tutorial 17 9-Mar- Chp5 Advanced Plotting, Part-2 = Marks- 14 HW-08 17 Lines-Label 9-Mar- 14 Consultation-Lab and/or Tutorial 17 14-Mar- Chp5 Advanced Plotting, Part-3 = Log- 15 HW-07 17 InterActive-3D 14-Mar- 15 Consultation-Lab and/or Tutorial 17 16-Mar- Chp6 Models & Regression, Part-1 = 16 HW-09 Obtain GoPrint Card 17 Discovery 16-Mar- 16 Consultation-Lab and/or Tutorial TEST GoPrint Card 17 21-Mar- HOL No Class - Spring Break 17 21-Mar- HOL No Class - Spring Break 17 23-Mar- HOL No Class - Spring Break 17 23-Mar- HOL No Class - Spring Break 17 28-Mar- 17 No Class – Instructor Ill HW-08 17 28-Mar- 17 No Class – Instructor Ill 17

© Bruce Mayer, PE • Chabot College • 03629b0dae25401e76bd872bedb6afe2.docx • Page 20 Mtg. Date Reading Assignment Assgn Due Notes 30-Mar- Chp6 Models & Regression, Part-2 = 18 Assigned Seating 17 Regression 30-Mar- 18 Consultation-Lab and/or Tutorial 17 4-Apr- 19 MidTerm Exam chps1-6 • 1:15-3:15pm 17 4-Apr- 19 MidTerm Exam chps1-6 • 1:15-3:15pm 17 6-Apr- Chp7 Probability & Stats, Part-1 = 20 HW-10 HW-09 17 Histogram/Normal 6-Apr- 20 Consultation-Lab and/or Tutorial 17 11-Apr- Chp7 Probability & Stats, Part-2 = 21 W-Day = 17Apr17 17 Probabilistic Sim 11-Apr- 21 Consultation-Lab and/or Tutorial 17 13-Apr- Chp8 Linear Eqns, Part-1 = Gaussian 23 HW-11 HW-10 17 Elimination 13-Apr- 23 Consultation-Lab and/or Tutorial 17 18-Apr- Chp8 Linear Eqns, Part-2 = Under/Over 24 HW-12 17 Determined 18-Apr- 24 Consultation-Lab and/or Tutorial 17 20-Apr- Chp9 Integ & Diffren, Part-1 = Numerical 25 HW-11 17 Diff/Int 20-Apr- 25 Consultation-Lab and/or Tutorial 17 25-Apr- Chp9 Integ & Diffren, Part-2 = Analytical HOL HW-13 HW-12 17 Solutions 25-Apr- HOL Consultation-Lab and/or Tutorial 17 27-Apr- Chp9 Integ & Diffren, Part-3 = Numerical 26 17 Solutions

© Bruce Mayer, PE • Chabot College • 03629b0dae25401e76bd872bedb6afe2.docx • Page 21 Mtg. Date Reading Assignment Assgn Due Notes 27-Apr- Chp9 Integ & Diffren, Part-4 = MATLAB 26 17 Solutions 2-May- 27 Chp10 SimuLink, Part-1 HW-14 HW-13 NOT Covered: §10.[5,8,9] 17 2-May- 27 Consultation-Lab and/or Tutorial 17 4-May- 28 Chp10 SimuLink, Part-2 17 4-May- 28 Consultation-Lab and/or Tutorial 17 9-May- Chp11 MuPAD-1 = Introduction to 29 HW-15 HW-14 NOT Covered §11.[7,8] 17 Symbolic Math 9-May- 29 Consultation-Lab and/or Tutorial 17 11-May- Chp11 MuPAD-2 = Find Symbolic 30 17 Solutions 11-May- 30 Consultation-Lab and/or Tutorial 17 16-May- 31 MSExcel Plotting HW-16 HW-15 17 16-May- 31 MSExcel Calculations 17 18-May- 32 MSExcel Integration/Differentiation 17 18-May- 32 Excel Case Study - ThruPut Testing 17 23-May- HW-16 due at exam 33 Final Exam: chps 7-11, Excel • 12n-1:50p HW-16 17 START

NOTES . All Exams shall have ASSIGNED SEATING as described in the “Exam’s” Section of this Syllabus . Bring to all Exams a BLANK USB-Drive . Please Turn-In HW-16 BEFORE the Final Exam START . Chabot Final Exam schedule as applied to this class:

© Bruce Mayer, PE • Chabot College • 03629b0dae25401e76bd872bedb6afe2.docx • Page 22 College Final Exam Schedule • Sp17 Day classes (classes meeting before 4:30 PM) include the following combinations in the class schedule:  GROUP I: MW classes; also MTWR, MWF, MTWF, MWRF, MTRF, MT, MR, MF, WF, M only, W only, & Daily classes  GROUP II: TR classes; also TRF, TW, TWR, TF, RF, WR, MTR, TWRF, and T only classes  GROUP III: Classes scheduled "by arrangement", and R only and F only classes NOTE: R = Thursday Common block times in BLUE.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Exam Hours May 22 May 23 May 24 May 25 May 26

Group I - 7:00, Group II - 7:30, Group III - 7:30, 7:30 - 9:20 am 7:30, 7:45, 7:45 am classes 7:45 am classes 7:50 am classes

Group II - 9:00, Group I - 8:00, Group III - 8:00, Group II - 8:00, 8:00 - 9:50 am 9:30, 9:45 am 9:00 am 8:30 am classes classes 8:30 am classes classes

Group I - 10:00, Group I - 9:00, Group III - 9:45, Group I - 11:00, Group II - 10:00, 10:00 - 11:50 am 10:30, 10:40 am 9:30, 9:45 am 10:00, 10:45 11:30 am classes 10:30 am classes classes classes 11:00 am classes

12:00 - 1:50 pm Group I - 1:00, Group II - 1:00, Group I - 12:00, Group II - 11:00 Group III - 11:30, 1:15, 1:30, 1:15, 1:30 pm 12:30, 11:30, 12:00 pm 12:00, 1:00 pm 1:45 pm classes classes 12:45 pm classes classes classes

Group III - 2:00, Group I - 2:00, Group II - 2:00, Group I - 3:00, Group II - 3:00, 2:00 - 3:50 pm 3:00, 4:00 pm 2:30 pm classes 2:30 pm classes 3:30 pm classes 3:30 pm classes classes

© Bruce Mayer, PE • Chabot College • 03629b0dae25401e76bd872bedb6afe2.docx • Page 23 Print Date/Time = 19-Jan-18/00:54

© Bruce Mayer, PE • Chabot College • 03629b0dae25401e76bd872bedb6afe2.docx • Page 24

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