Chapter 9 Study Guide

1. What is an ordinance? An ordinance is a set of laws.

2. The British anticipated they would defeat the colonists once and for all in which area of the country? Southern Colonies

3. What treaty officially ended the war? Treaty of Paris

4. How did France help the colonists win the war? France was our ally and sent supplies, ships, and soldiers to the colonists. They helped defeat the British at Yorktown.

5. What was a major turning point in the war? The American victory at the Battle of Saratoga was a turning point in the war. This means it caused important changes in the fighting.

6. What role did Native Americans play in the war? Native Americans were mostly neutral, but a few chose sides and fought.

7. What incentive did enslaved African Americans have for fighting in the war? They were promised freedom.

8. What is a blockade? A blockade stops goods from being shipped to a location.

9. Who set up blockades during the War? The British formed a blockade in the harbors and ports so colonists would not receive supplies.

10.What is a Patriot? Loyalist? Patriots supported the colonists and Loyalists supported the King.

11.How did women contribute to the war effort? They fought in battles and helped by bringing water and supplies. They ran farms and businesses at home while men were away fighting. They raised money for the war and wrote about the revolution. 12.How was the location of Yorktown important? Provided an opportunity to encircle the British. 13.What effects did the land policies of Congress have on Native Americans in the Northwest Territory? Most Native Americans lost their lands in the region. Some tribes fought US soldiers and settlers, and others formed treaties with the US Government, most of which the government broke. 14.What rights in the Declaration of Independence most affected how people viewed slavery after the Revolutionary War? The right to life and liberty made some people want to stop slavery. 15.A parallel time line is made up of two or more time lines. Each time line shows the same period of time but events that happened in different places. Be able to read this type of time line and determine when each event occurred.