Our Lady of the Highways CATHOLIC CHURCH
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May 15, 2016 Pentecost Sunday
OUR LADY OF THE HIGHWAYS CATHOLIC CHURCH Pentecost Sunday Seventh Week in Ordinary Time St. John I St. Bernardine of Siena St. Christopher Magallanes and Companions Blessed Virgin Mary Armed Forces Day In one Spirit we were all baptized into one Tuesday: Jas 4:1-10; Ps 55:7-11a, 23; Mk 9:30-37 Wednesday: Jas 4:13-17; Ps 49:2-3, 6-11; Mk 9:38-40 body. Thursday: Jas 5:1-6; Ps 49:14-20; Mk 9:41-50 -- I Friday: Jas 5:9-12; Ps 103:1-4, 8-9, 11-12; Mk 10:1-12 Corinthians 12:13a Saturday: Jas 5:13-20; Ps 141:1-3, 8; Mk 10:13-16 Sunday: Prv 8:22-31; Ps 8:4-9; Rom 5:1-5; Jn 16:12-15 PLEASE PRAY FOR: OUR SICK & HOMEBOUND: Sandy Dean, Don Dean, Jean Latucci, Herbert Temple, Jerry Chambers, Frenda Tagliaferri, ROSARIES: Jeremy Brown, Paul McLaughlin, Michael Walsh, Karen Chambers, Joanne Henry, Ellie Brown, John Armstrong, Ted First Saturday of the Month Rampp, Arthur Reid, Pam Boyd, Gene Burcham, Peggy The Pro-Life Rosary is held outdoors, rain or shine, on the first Burcham, Jimmy Longo, Clara Jensen, Frannie Whitaker, Gloria Saturday of each month at 901 N. Main St. & Sunset Dr., High Juarez (daughter in-law of Delfina Paniagua), Wally Laskis, Point, at 9:00 AM . Frankie Wise, Jack Carrico, Richard Sturgis (family and friend of Jerry and Sally Sturgis), Sheila Polk (friend of John & Linda Dillon), Jean Williams, Sonia Bolz (sister and aunt of Ray Bolz), Sunday Morning Paul Stewart, Patty Purcell, Rosmary Pratt, Harley Stumbaugh (grandson of Lupe Armstrong) Rita Schmeltzer (sister of Pat Sunday morning to pray the rosary before the 10:00am Mass, Snider), Darin Boyd, Alice Radewicz (grandson and friend of in the cryroom. Jim & Pam Boyd), Tommy Hall (brother of Karen Also after the 10 am Mass. Chambers),Morris and Georgianna Lunt (parents of Darlene Brown), Miles McNutt, Nancy Reed, (family of Kathy Laskis), EXPOSITION OF THE Amanda Williams (daughter-in-law of Gary Provost), Lloyd Stover Sr. (Smokey’s father), Leonel Hernandez (Delfina Paniagua), Gabriel Ward (requested by Linda Conley), Joel HOLY SACRAMENT Schoeher (friends of MaryBeth Corron), Valentin Aguilar Exposition of the Holy Sacrament begins at 10:00 am each (nephew of Oswaldo & Maria Aguilar), Juan Carlos Castellanos, First Friday until 7pm followed by Mass for Devotion to the Marshall Rothnan (friend of Peggy Whitaker), Emiliano Deras Sacred Heart of Jesus. Flores (children with cancer), Dick O’Connor (Jim Whitehouse). To add or remove someone to our prayer lists, email [email protected]. MEET AND GREET FAMILY & FRIENDS SERVING OUR COUNTRY: Amanda Sturgis , David Reid, Sarah Smithling, Ryan Smithling, Angela Come join us for coffee, donuts, and milk after the 5:30pm Monserrath Solis, Michael Harris, Nathaniel Ramsay, Joshua mass each last Saturday of the month. See you there! Ramsay, Jason Boyd, Matt Gobble, Rebecca Schweigart, Raul Soto, Mac Figaro, Luigi Soto, Marc Green, Jasmine Leahy, Britt Baxley, Everett Henry, Nelson Ortiz, Felipe D. Rodriguez, Leslie Rodriguez, Alex Paniagua, Christopher Hackney , Josh SECOND SUNDAY Ducharme. FOOD COLLECTION THE SOULS OF THE FAITHFULLY DEPARTED This month we donated 302 pounds of food and $246 in the OUR NEOPHYTES: Ricardo Argueta Soto, Jose Henriquez, name of our parish to the Cooperative Community Ministry. Eder Ornales, Christopher Noyola Olmedo, Mara Camacho, We look forward to seeing all of you the weekend of 11-12 Berenice Noyola Olmeldo, Yakari Rosales, Gabriel Cabrera June when our donations will go to Alvarez, Yesenia Flores, Isidro Teoba Lozano. the Fairgrove FamilyResource Center. As always, God bless you and thank you for your support and generosity! - Pat & Joan White
WEEKLY READINGS Monday: Jas 3:13-18; Ps 19:8-10, 15; Mk 9:14-29 May 15, 2016 Pentecost Sunday
OUR LADY OF THE HIGHWAYS CATHOLIC CHURCH Pentecost Sunday Seventh Week in Ordinary Time St. John I St. Bernardine of Siena St. Christopher Magallanes and Companions Blessed Virgin Mary Armed Forces Day Spirituality Center.
ANNUAL WALKATHON Support, Inc. is planning the annual Walkathon, which is Alpha’s largest fundraiser for Saturday, September 17th at Grimes Park. They are in need of early sponsors for expenses and help to keep their doors open. Please plan to SALESIAN attend or become a sponsor. Contact Alpha at [email protected], www.alphapregnancysupport, or PERSPECTIVE 336-242-1218.
We have just heard Jesus announce the new creation.
As God breathed life into Adam, so Jesus breathes new life into his disciples – the gift of the Holy Spirit. As they breathe in the Spirit, they are able to receive and give forgiveness. IMMIGRATION St. Luke describes the coming of the Spirit in more dramatic Catholic Charities offers Immigration Consultations at: fashion. As the Spirit descends as tongues of fire on the 627 West Second Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27101. disciples, they begin to make bold proclamation of the Good The fee for all consultations is $50. To schedule an News in an astounding way. appointment please call 336-727-4745. Call soon because appointments fill fast. The same Spirit is given to each of us at our Baptism, and his presence has been strengthened in Confirmation. St. FAITHFUL SERVANT Paul points that that we are one in the Body of Christ because we all share the one Spirit. LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE June 19 – 25, 2016 – A Weeklong Catholic Leadership Each of us has special gifts that have been given to us as a experience for mature high school students. Daily Mass way of manifesting the Spirit’s presence in us. Our gifts are along with sports options each day including horseback given, not for our own good, but for the good of others; riding, swimming, rugby, and many more. when we use our gifts for others, we witness to our oneness Practice the skills you need to succeed in life and grow in in Christ. No one’s gift or ministry or work is more important holiness. Register today while space is available! than anyone else’s; all are needed for the unity of the http://education.charlottediocese. community of the Church. org/youth-ministry/youth-services/faithfulservant
Each of us is important because each brings a gift or talent or way of working that no one else can bring to the group. MASS FOR US MILITARY We all lose something when an individual person’s gifts are His Excellency, Bishop Peter J. Jugis, will celebrate a Mass not welcomed or used in the community. for U. S. military personnel on Monday, May 30, 2016 at 11:00am at the Cathedral of St. Patrick in Charlotte. The That’s why a welcoming attitude is so important in the mass and rosary (to be recited at 10:30 am) will be offered Church community. It’s also why forgiveness is so important for all military personnel who have died and for those who among us. We need one another in order to experience the are now serving. All personnel are invited and encouraged full wonder of God’s love for us. to come in uniform. Photos of those who have died or who are now serving will As we celebrate this feast of new life, our breathing can be be displayed in the Cathedral. To include your service a graced reminder. The Spirit is as close to each of us as our member, preferably in uniform, please mail a photocopy of very breath, taken deeply into our lungs thousands of times them with their name and military rank on the back to: every day, a constant life-giving force. Nancy Weber, Office of the Bishop, 1123 South Church Street, Charlotte, NC 28203 no later than May 23, 2016. As we exhale, the Spirit’s power directs us outward to our (Please do not send original photographs as they will not be mission - spreading the love, peace and forgiveness we returned) have inhaled from the risen Lord Jesus. EUCHARISTIC CONGRESS May we breathe deeply today! Did you know that it costs approximately $35 per person to stage the Eucharistic Congress? Your gifts to the Congress Rev. Michael S. Murray, OSFS, is the Executive Director of the De Sales help offset the cost of this free event. Make a donation May 15, 2016 Pentecost Sunday
OUR LADY OF THE HIGHWAYS CATHOLIC CHURCH Pentecost Sunday Seventh Week in Ordinary Time St. John I St. Bernardine of Siena St. Christopher Magallanes and Companions Blessed Virgin Mary Armed Forces Day online at www.GoEudharist.com or send a check to the Diocese of Charlotte Eucharistic Congress, 1123 S. Church Street, Charlotte, NC 28203. GRADUATE RECOGNITION If you or anyone that you know is or has graduated this year, please submit his/her name and name of the school to Kathy, Delfina, or email to OLHSecretary@gmail no later than May 31, 2016. SAVE THE DATE Our Annual Yard Sale will be held on June 18, 2016. Donations for the Yard Sale will NOT begin until May 31st thru June 15th. Mark your calendars for this worthy event! BISHOP MCGUINNESS HS Bishop McGuinness Catholic High School in Kernersville is looking for the following coaching positions for the Fall Season (starting August 1). These are paid stipend positions: Head Varsity Volleyball Coach, Asst. Varsity Volleyball Coach, Asst. Football Coach, Asst. Cheerleading Coach. Please contact Jeff Stoller at [email protected] if interested.