The Rotary Club of Nunawading Inc
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The Rotary Club of Nunawading Inc. Reg. Inc No. A0016092S
Club Bulletin The benefits of being a Rotarian include serving the community, networking and friendship, and promoting ethics and leadership skills
November is Rotary Foundation Month 14th November 2007
Last Week’s Guest Speaker Program Medical Supplies for Kijabe Hospital – Kenya Apologies: To be given to Colin Taylor before 10.00am on the day of the meeting.: As November is Rotary International Month, it was appropriate that Tel Work: 9305 3415 Home: 9804 3554 last week’s topic had quite an International flavour. Mobile 0418 322 575 Email work: [email protected] Email home: [email protected] Our Guest Speaker was Mr Peter Bird MBBS, FRACS, who is one of the volunteer expatriate medical personnel and Head of Surgery at Kijabe Hospital. Peter is a Melbourne trained surgeon with extensive 7th Nov Foundation - Mike Prior additional international qualifications and experience. He is in Melbourne for a short break. 14th Nov DG's Visit
Whilst in Melbourne, he is arranging the collection of donated 17th Nov “Relay For Life” - Weekend medical equipment to be shipped to the hospital in Africa. A st significant amount of equipment has already been donated by a 21 Nov Club Forum number of generous Melbourne hospitals, together with other 22nd Nov Girls Night Out equipment held by Rotary. With the support and expertise offered The Greek Spot Tavern (Hawthorn) by Rotary volunteers, it is hoped to ship this container to Africa in RSVP Ann Lynch the next two months. However to achieve this, $5000 is required to 28th Nov Wine Tasting support the purchase of the container and shipping costs. A short Partners & Friends Night term project has now been established in partnership with Rotary 6.30pm for 7.00pm Australia World Community Service (RAWCS) with the aim of shipping Tasting will be done by the container of donated medical supplies to Kijabe Hospital, by the Chief Wine Maker Justin Ardill end of 2007. Reilly’s Winery from the Clare Valley in South Australia Peter is using his time in Melbourne to raise awareness and support $25.00 per head (meal included) for this project, and his work in Kenya. 5th Dec Peter Koens - Man Behind the Badge
12th Dec Xmas Function - Partners Night
A few notes on Kijabe Hospital: 19th Dec Breakfast Meeting 26th Dec No Meeting
nd Dates to Celebrate – October /November 2 Jan No Meeting Birthdays Wedding Anniversaries Induction Dates 3rd Graeme Moorfoot 5th Colin & Jenny Taylor 02/11/1979 Ian Armstrong 4th Bob Hoskins 02/11/1998 Russell Warmington 7th Wayne Willoughby 03/11/2004 Susan Cross 9th Brian Dunkley 23/11/2005 Glenys Jardine 14th Jim Robson
Bulletin Editor: Graeme Moorfoot Email Address: [email protected] Club. Mont Albert and Surrey Hills are going to undertake a Kijabe Hospital, about an hour’s drive north of Nairobi, is separate project linked with Beaufort. The project our a 240-bed acute care facility owned and operated by board has committed to involves:- Africa Inland Church (AIC). It is a non-profit hospital and provides medical services to poor and other local Tightimpressive Skirt, detail Bus forStop many areas and traffic information Supply for ofhighways Christmas in majorFood packagesmetropolitan to a areas.value of $80 communities. Whilst patient fees assist towards the each to rural families in need with children attending One day, at a bus stop there was a girl who was wearing running of the hospital, volunteer expatriate medical the Description7 state schools located outside of the Benalla town a skintight miniskirt. When the bus arrived and it was her staff, and donated equipment helps to keep patient fees limits.Type in any unique place into the search, such as an as low as possible so as to maintain accessibility for local turnaddress, to get a on,business she realized name, anthat airport her skirt code, was etc. so tight she people. The hospital serves a local population (50 km couldn't get her foot high enough to reach to step. Each Theof the resulting packages map will will be show similar options but not on necessarilythe right-hand radius) as well as being a national and international Thinking it would give her enough slack to raise her leg, identical.side with little balloon indicators. tertiary and referral centre for Kenya and beyond. Care is she reached back and unzipped her skirt a little. She still couldZoom not the reach map theon the step. left Embarrassed, side or by using she plusreached and back given in general medicine, surgery, obstetrics and The board has agreed to fund our involvement as an paediatrics, as well as specialist services such as general onceminus again buttons. to unzip it a little more. Still, she couldn't alterativereach theto the step. donation made in previous years to and neonatal ICU, paediatric neurosurgery, orthopaedics, EasternZoom Family in for Relief. comprehensive street maps including almost gynaecology, laparoscopy, HIV/AIDS, urology and breast every street name. So, with her skirt zipper halfway down, she reached back surgery. Its large surgical service is one of the busiest in Some membersObtaining of thedirections other club’s to or frominvolved a location have indicated is easy by Kenya, with over 6300 procedures expected in 2007. and unzipped her skirt all the way. Thinking that she they wantedcouldusing toget the individually on indicator the step now, some she liftedof the up boxes. her leg only to Peter and his wife Sue and their family have been in realize Type that in ashe type still of couldn't business reach like "pizza"the step. and a ZIP Code If any Cluband member Google Mapswishes will to locatefund a nearbybox please options. let either Kenya since July 2000. His presentation on his work and Russell or Roger Wilson have a cheque for $80 payable to life in Africa was engaging and most interesting. We were So,Pan seeing by holding how embarrassed down the left the mouse girl was, button the and man moving the Rotarystanding Club behindof Nunawading. her put his hands around her waist and left in no doubt that his project richly deserved support. (It is notthe a tax mouse deductible or by using donation. the arrow keys. It is to be hoped our club can be involved in a small way, lifted her up on to the first step of the bus. The girl turnedPan wide around stretches furiously of territoryand said, by "How using dare home, you end,touch and a recommendation is being forwarded for the Board page up, and page down. to consider. my body that way, I don't even know you!" Rotary SpellingCakes, and Puddings capitalization & More…2007 doesn't count! Google Maps Max Drayton …. International Services Committee. Shocked,will correct. the man says, "Well, ma'am, after you reached Traditionalaround Scottish and unzipped Shortbreads my fly three times, I kinda figured These arethat packed we were in thefriends." same size tin as Cakes & Puddings (6 tins/carton),Guide Review fully sealed- Google for Maps freshness and flavour. Each More than a million donors put their money where can is Google supplied Maps with is thean next airtight generation separate in plasticonline mapping.lid for their hearts are resealing.Their This search is a greatis smart new and product, intuitive and and should one cansell searchwell for at $14.99just retail.(Including about anything GST)- the name of a business or point of During the past 50 years, over a million people have interest, an address, or a city and up will pop an contributed US$1,000 or more to The Rotary Foundation, Rotary attractivePlum Puddings map. The map is easily panned and zoomed earning the designation of Paul Harris Fellow – named Packedthrough in 1 kilo mouse tins with or keystrokes 6 tins/carton and thethe puddingsstreet names retail and after Rotary’s founder. These donors span an egalitarian at $14.99road each outlines (Including are crisply GST). displayed.Attractive Directionsprinted tins are will clear range, from big-city corporate executives to small-town help in andthe followsale of thethis roads well acceptedin vivid lines. product. I'm thoroughly schoolteachers. For many, $1,000 is no small sum. impressed. Google Maps is where I now go to map and This milestone represents a total of US$1 billion that has Irish Whiskyaddress Cakes or for driving directions, they did a great job and been at work making a profound difference in peoples’ These havethe site been will proven get even extremely better! popular, Packed 6 to lives around the world since the first Paul Harris Fellow the carton and retail at $14.99. Cost to Rotary clubs is was named in 1957. Paul Harris Fellows and the gifts they $11.97 of GST) for each 800 theregm cake. is a link to Google represent enable The Rotary Foundation to be one of the maps on our club website – refer links page (check out great humanitarian and educational foundations working Contactsyour for own Purchases: home) for world peace and understanding. District Clubs Alison Penington Our Club ------Bruce Simcox The Girls Night Out - 22nd November The Greek Spot Tavern, 559 Burwood Road, Hawhorn Ph: 9818 3312
Entertainment Book (C67) – 25% off Total Bill
RSVP by Sunday 18th November to Home: 9431 0236 or Mobile: 0419 008 759 or email
We will do the same as last time, let me know if you can bring voucher or wine. Ann Lynch Google Maps Drought Relief:- Google Maps are incredible. They're very intuitive, well Four of the five Whitehorse Clubs have agreed to designed, interactive, and the search capabilities are undertake a joint project with assistance from Benalla amazing. While there are still some snags, the site is one Bulletin Editor: Graeme Moorfoot Email Address: [email protected] be utilized if you're looking for directions or maps of anyplace. Google Maps also provides aerial photos in Melways 2008 Edition
Recommended Retail Price - $53.95
Club Price $37.00
To order these Melways contact John Vickers
PHOTOGRAPHY COURSES PLACE VICTORIA POLICE ACADEMY, GLEN WAVERLEY District Conference –Albury March 2008 TIME 7.00PM DATES 13TH NOVEMBER 2007 TO 11TH DECEMBER 2007 Len has co-opted me to assist him in regard to next years conference.
Attached is a copy of the conference agenda. The date for "early bird" registration is December 3, final date is January 21 2008.
Could you please advise, either in the positive or negative, by November 18 so we can ensure we get a good venue for the Club function on the Saturday night.
Please also indicate the accommodation level, eg 3.5 star, and the price range you would like us to pursue.
Best Regards
Brian & Len
Conference Theme – “Pushing the Boundaries”
Friday Golf Day The Commercial Club Golf Course 7th March Organisers – Rotary Club of Noble Park
Fellowship Dinner The Commercial Club city premises
Saturday Registration Albury City Conference Centre 8th March Ride To Conference ARHRF Cyclists welcomed at Conference Centre
Welcome BBQ Conference attendees welcome to partake from mid-morning onwards at the Conference Centre
Conference Opening Full afternoon Conference session including welcome, a message from RI President Wilf by his personal representative, plus keynote speakers.
Club Dinners Clubs arrange their own Club function. Woolshed option available.
Sunday Conference Full Morning & Afternoon sessions, 9th March Keynote speakers, various reports etc.
Food & Drink Lunch, morning & afternoon teas provided
Evening Extravaganza – King Richard and Queen Susan welcome you to Camelot. A night of feasting, Bulletin Editor: Graeme Moorfoot Email Address: [email protected] fun, & merriment. Design your own Club shield – bags given out at conference launch include your base shield ready for heraldic decoration.
Monday Foundation Breakfast and 1st Time Attendees’ 10th March Breakfast @Commercial Club, ...for Paul Harris Fellows, Centurions, Foundation Alumni, First Time Attendees, and all who support The Rotary Foundation. Note: No charge for First Time attendees
Conference Final Conference session. Morning tea provided. Keynote speakers & farewell to the RIPPR.
Farewell Lunch Say farewell to your friends at a Buffet Lunch at The Commercial Club.
Conference Registration fee $325.00 – which is great value at only $108.50 per day
If you have any problems with your attendance it would be really good if you could arrange someone to replace you.
Month Day Event Name November 13th Photography Set up 6.00pm to 6.15pm John Lynch Len Brear Course Auditorium Computer 6.15pm to 6.30pm Wayne Willoughby Cabling Parking 6.30pm to 7.15pm Kevin Thomas Bob Davis Demount 9.15pm to 9.30pm Max Drayton Graeme Moorfoot
November 14th Host Jim Robson Cashier Peter Schoner Recorder Andre Scibor-Kaminski Rotaract Wendy Bridgett / Colin Taylor
November 20th Photography MONASH Course
November 21st Host Bruce Simcox Cashier Ian Symons Recorder James Tan
November 27th Photography BUS TRIP Course
November 28th Host Colin Taylor Cashier Kevin Thomas Recorder Dick Tregear Rotaract Bob Davis / James Tan
December 4th Photography Set up 6.00pm to 6.15pm Auditorium
Bulletin Editor: Graeme Moorfoot Email Address: [email protected] Course Computer 6.15pm to 6.30pm Cabling Parking 6.30pm to 7.15pm Demount 9.15pm to 9.30pm
December 5th Host John Vickers Cashier Sue Warmington Recorder Wayne Willoughby
Bulletin Editor: Graeme Moorfoot Email Address: [email protected]