Autumn Holiday Home Work for Classes Vi Xii (2015-16)
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Class- X
Subject- Social Science
Prepare a PPT or a file on the chapter “Nationalism in India”.
Write any ten important questions from chapter “Popular struggles and movements”.
Test will be conducted after holidays of the chapters “Nationalism in India” and “Popular struggles and movements”.
Solve SA1 question paper in homework notebook.
------Home assignment for Autumn break
1. What are gametes?
2. What is the ploidy of gametes?
3. Name the cell division that gives rise to gametes.
4. Name the reproductive structures in plants.
5. Explain the structure of flower.
6. Draw a neat labeled diagram of flower.
7. Name the male and female reproductive structures in a flower.
8. Explain the steps of fertilization.
9. What is double fertilization? Write its significance. does pollination take place in plants? SUBJECT: ENGLISH CLASS X H.W. (Mrs.Asha Gupta –TGT ENGLISH) (Do it in H.W.copy)
1.(i) Read the Chapter Nos.15-19 of the novel ‘THE STORY OF MY LIFE’ and write their summary in brief.
(ii)Write the character sketch of all the characters given in the novel.
2.Write the following-. i.Formal E-mail. ii.Informal Letter. iii.Article on any topic of your choice.
1.Write the following in a file:-
(i) 50 verb forms eg.
(ii)50 degrees of
2. happy happier happiest
************************************************************************************* Home assignment for Autumn break
I. what is meant by classification?
2 what are characteristics?
3. Give examples used for characteristics used for a hierarchical classification.
4. Who proposed five kingdom classifications? Name the five kingdoms in living.
5. Draw a neat labeled diagram of bacteria and anabaena.
6. Write four characteristic features of each of the following:- a) monera b) Protista c) fungi d) plantae e) Animalia
------Holiday Home work
Class VII Subject :- English (By Mr.U.S.Singh Sir TGT(Eng))
Q1. Write article on following topics in 125 words:
(i) Wonders of Science
(ii) Save Tiger
(iii) Shoot Animals with a Camera not with a gun
Project Work
Prepare Bio sketch of a favourite cricketer.
Any one of the Tenses (Present / Past / Future)
Holiday Home work
Class IX Subject :- English (By Mr.U.S.Singh Sir TGT(Eng))
Q1. Write a story “ If I were invisible………..”
Q.2. Write a speech to be delivered in morning assembly:
(i)Education of Girl Child
(ii)Computers and Children : A Boon or Bane
Q3. Write chapter wise summary of novel’ Three Men in a Boat’ from chapter 11 to 15.
Project Work
Prepare a project on any one:
(a)Active and Passive Voice
(b)Reported Speech
1.Write a poem of your choice and learn it by heart. 2.Write a paragraph on the following- i. My Favourite Animal ii. My Aim in Life iii. Desert 3. Write model answers of SA-1 2015-16 (only section A & B)
1. Write any good thought on ¼ thick chart paper.
H.W. (Mrs.Asha Gupta –TGT ENGLISH)
(Do it in H.W.copy)
1. Write a short paragraph on the following topics:-
(a) A Visit to a Hill or Any beautiful Place.
(b) Convincing parents to keep pets at home.
(c) Science – A Boon
2. Write any story with a moral.
3. Write a letter to your friend telling how you spent your autumn break.
4. Write an application to the PRINCIPAL for fee-concession. PROJECT WORK (IN FILE)
1. Write any good thought on ¼ thick chart paper.
************************************************************************************* HOLIDAY HOME WORK AUTUMN (2015-16) (Computer Skill)
(By Mr.Sandeep N. Patil PGT(Comp.sci)
Draw any two Greeting using photoshop or paint , use all the tools from photoshop
Design 5 web pages using HTML on any topic (Sports, News, etc…)
Design 2 web pages using Java Script.
Design any 5 web pages using HTML code and insert videos, sounds and flash file in it.
Design any 2 web pages using Java Script. AUTUMN HOLIDAY HOME WORK (2015-16)
(By Mr.Sandeep N. Patil PGT(Comp.sci)
1.Complete Project and Practical file along with output. Solve the questions given below in Home Work Note Book 2. (a) Name the header file to which the following belong : (i) setprecision( ) (ii) gets() (b) What is global variable and local variable? Illustrate with examples. (c) Rewrite the following program after removing the syntactical error(s) if any, underline each correction. #include (iostream.h) void main( ) { Int x[] = { 60,50,30,40}, y ; count = 4; cin>>; for ( I = count-1; I > = 0; i-- ) switch(i) { case 0 : case 2 : cout< #include 2. (a) What is data abstraction? Give a C++ example to illustrate the same. (b) Answer the questions (i) and (ii) after going through the following class: class teacher { char subject[20]; int salary; public: teacher( ) //function 1 { strcpy(subject, “Computer”); salary = 10000; } teacher(char p[ ] ) // function 2 { strcpy(subject,p); salary = 1000; } teacher (int m) // function 3 { strcpy(subject,p); salary = m; } }; (i) Which feature of OPPs is demonstrated by using Function 1, Function 2 , Function 3. (ii) Write statement in C++ that would execute Function 2 and function3 of class teacher. (c) Define a class Library in C++ with with the following specification Private Members: B_code of type integers Description of type string No_of_pages of type integer Price of type integer A member function calculate( ) to calculate and return the price as (No_of_pages* Price) Public Members : (i) A function Enter( ) to allow user to enter values for B_code, Description, No_of_pages & call function calculate( ) to calculate the price of the books. (ii) A function Disp( ) to allow user to view the content of all the data members. (d) Answer the questions (i) to (iv) based on the following code: class Dolls { char Dcode[20]; protected: float price; void clcprice(); public: Dolls(); void read(); void show(); }; class softdolls : public Dolls { char sdname[20]; float weight; public: softdolls(); void sdinput(); void sdshow(); }; class electronicdolls : public Dolls { char Edname[20]; char Batteries[30]; public: electronicdolls( ); void Edinput( ); void Edshow( ); }; (i) Which type of inheritance shown by in the above example? (ii) How many bytes will be required by an object of the class electronicdolls? (iii) Write the name of all data members accessible from member function of the class softdolls. (iv) Write name of all the member functions accessible by an object of the class electronicdolls. 3 (a) Write a function in c++ which accepts a 2D array of integers, number of rows and number of columns as arguments and print the elements which are divisible by 3 or 5 . If the 2D array is The resultant 1D arrays is 12 , 3 , 9 , 24 , 25 , 45 , 9 , 5 , 18 (b) An array S[40][30] is stored in the memory along the row with each of the element occupying 2 bytes, find out the memory location for the element S[15][5], if an element S[20] [10] is stored at the memory location 5500. (c) Write a function in C++ to print the product of each row of a two dimensional integer array passed as the argument of the function (d) Write a function PUSHBOOK( ) in C++ to perform insert operation on a Dynamic Stack, which contains Book_No and Book_Title .Consider the following definition of NODE, while writing your C++ code. struct NODE { int Book_No; char Book_Title[20]; NODE *Next; }; (d) Evaluate the following Postfix expression showing the stack contents. 2 , 4 , * , 3 , ─ , 10 , 5 , + , / 4 (a) class PracFile { int Pracno; char PracName[20]; int TimeTaken; int Marks; public: void EnterPrac( ); // function to enter PracFile details void ShowPrac( ): // function to display PracFile details int RTime() // function to return TimeTaken { return TimeTaken; } void Assignmarks (int M) // function to assign Marks { Marks = M; } }; void AllocateMarks( ) { fstreamFile;“MARKS.DAT”,ios::binary|ios::in|ios::out); PracFile P; int Record = 0; while ( char*) &P, sizeof(P))) { if(P.RTime()>50) P.Assignmarks(0) else P.Assignmarks(10) ______//statement 1 ______//statement 2 Record + + ; } File.close(); } If the function AllocateMarks () is supposed to Allocate Marks for the records in the file MARKS.DAT based on their value of the member TimeTaken. Write C++ statements for the statement 1 and statement 2, where, statement 1 is required to position the file write pointer to an appropriate place in the file and statement 2 is to perform the write operation with the modified record. (b) Write a function in C++ , which should read each character of a text file “NOTES.TXT”, should count and display the occurrence of alphabets A and E (including small cases a and e too) Example If the file “poem.txt” contains the following lines, Kamlesh is captain of Udaipur cricket team. Tourist generally visit Zoo of udaipur. Today telephone is dead, please note down complain. The function should display the output: A/a= 11 E/e= 12 (c) Given a binary file “AMOUNT.DAT”,containing records of the given class outstand type. class outstand { int memno; int outamt; public: void getit() { cin>>memno>>outamt; } void putit() { cout< DESIG W_ID SALARY BENEFITS DESIGNATION 102 75000 15000 MANAGER 105 85000 25000 DIRECTOR 144 70000 15000 MANAGER 210 75000 12500 MANAGER 255 50000 12000 CLERK 300 45000 10000 CLERK 335 40000 10000 CLERK 400 32000 7500 SALESMAN 451 28000 7500 SALESMAN i). Display FirstName and City of Employee having salary between 50,000 and 90,000 ii). Display details of Employees who are from “PARIS” city. iii). Increase the benefits of employee having W_ID = 210 by 500. iv). Count number of employees whose name starts from character ‘S’. v). Select MAX(salary) from desig; vi). Select FirstName from employee, desig where designation = ‘MANAGER’ AND employee.W_ID = desig.W_ID; vii). Select COUNT (DISTINCT designation) from desig; viii). Select designation, SUM(salary) from desig Group by designation Having count (*) > 2; 6 (a) State Distributive Law. Verify it with truth table. (b) Write the Sum of Product form of the function F(x , y , z), truth table representation of F is given below: X Y Z F 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 ------xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx------HOLIDAY HOME WORK AUTUMN (2015-16) (Computer Sci.) CLASS :- XI SUB:- COMPUTER SCI. BY:-SHRI. SANDEEP N. PATIL PGT(COMPUTER SCI.) 1. Project in C++ using if else, for loop, while and do while loop. (Hotel Mangement,Library Management or any other topic) 2. Complete Practical File, write all the programs covered in classes along with output. 3. Solved the following questions in home work note book: 1 a) What are the different functions of operating system? b) How the information can be used as a data explain ? c) What do you mean by unary operators d) What are the different parts of CPU? Explain every part in brief. e) Define System Software and what are its two main types? Give examples. f) What is Booting? g) Which of the following are hardware and software? (i) Capacitor (ii) Internet Explorer (iii) Hard disk (iv) UNIX 2. Explain the following term: (Give answer any six) i) Variable ii) Token iii) Array iv) Debugging v) Comment vi) Keyword 3 a) What is the difference b/w “while” & “do while” loop? b) What are data types? What are all predefined data types in c++? c) What will be the size of following constants? ‘\v’,”\v”, d) Write the corresponding C++ expressions for the following mathematical expressions: i) √ (a2+b2) (ii) (a+b)/(p+q) 2 e) Evaluate the following, where p, q are integers and r, f are floating point numbers. The value of p=8, q=4 and r=2.5 (i) f = p * q + p/q (ii) r = p+q + p % q 4 a) What is the output of the following? i) # include