Cross Lutheran Church s6

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Cross Lutheran Church s6

Fourth Sunday After Pentecost C: Let us truly be the church you have called us to be. Help us to break down bar- riers that divide people and build bridges of extravagant love that others may Sunday, June 16, 2013 know of your love for us. As we have brought before you this day the names and situations of our dear ones who need your healing touch, may we be reminded Father’s Day Celebration that healing needs to take place in our hearts also. Surround us with your care. Mr. Zachary Pegues, Presiding and Preaching Bring us to places of hope and compassion, offering to build rather than demol- ish, offering to listen rather than pronounce our own ideas. Remind us that you are the God of all the people, seeking hope and healing for each one. For it is in Introduction this extravagant love of yours that we have our very hope and lives. Amen. The enormity of our sin is surpassed only by the mercy of God. We come, repentant, to the All may make the sign of the cross, the sign marked at baptism, as the presiding minister be- table of the Lord. In the body and blood of Jesus, in the announcement of our absolution, gins. all our sins are forgiven. “Happy are they . . . whose sin is put away.” Happy are we. P: Blessed be the Holy Trinity, + one God, the fountain of living water, the rock who gave us birth, our light and our salvation. The Elders serving today are Ed Carlson, C: Amen. Isaaya McClendon and Czerda Riley. P: Let us come into the light, the revealing and healing light of God. Silence is kept for reflection. GATHERING MUSIC Cross Praise Choir P: God of grace and glory, LITURGY OF THE WORD C: you have brought us through the night of sin into the light of Jesus’ resurrection. CALL TO WORSHIP Yet our lives are still shadowed by sin. Make us alive in Christ, O God. Make E: In the quiet of the morning, as we stir to greet the day . . . us new as you make all things new. Rescue us from evil and the gloom of sin, re- C: God hears our sighs and gives strength to our spirits. new us in grace, and restore us to living in your holiness, through Jesus Christ, E: In the business of the day, as we work and strive . . . our risen Lord. Amen. C: God goes with us, giving us courage and confidence. P: Rejoice with all creation around God’s throne! The light of the risen Christ puts to E: In the tiredness of the evening, as we begin to settle down . . . flight all evil deeds, washes away sin, restores innocence to the fallen, casts out hate, C: God is present, refreshing and comforting our souls. brings peace, and humbles earthly pride. Jesus Christ loves you and + frees you from E: In the hush of night, as sleep overcomes our weariness . . . your sins by his blood. To him be glory and dominion forever and ever! C: There is God, watching over us with patient love. C: Amen. ALL: Thanks be to God throughout all our days. Amen. GREETING PRAYER OF THE DAY P: Allelluia! Christ is risen! E: Patient God, how it must cause you sorrow when we erect walls of fear and condem- C: Christ is risen indeed! Alleluia! nation when you would have us build bridges of peace. We want to hold onto things P: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy and push away people who differ from us. We want to grasp and grab for all that we Spirit be with you all. can get, not understanding that it is we who have proclaimed this to be a place where C: And also with you. all are welcome. In the midst of the turmoil and terror stands your church, built with OPENING HYMN “Jesus in the Morning” #131, LMGM love and hope for healing. FIRST READING 2 Samuel 11:26-12:10, 13-15

SECOND READING Galatians 1:15-21 Heaven and earth are full of your glory. MUSICAL SELECTION Cross Praise Choir Hosanna in the highest. CHILDREN’S SERMON Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. GOSPEL ACCLAMATION “He Is Lord” #56, LMGM Hosanna in the highest. GOSPEL Luke 7:36 - 8:3 WORDS OF INSTITUTION Through a dramatic encounter of rich and poor, righteous and sinner, Jesus teaches the re- P: Let us be glad and praise the Lord with shouts of joy, for His light has come, and His lationship between receiving mercy and responding with a lavish outpouring of love. Jesus glory has risen upon us. also provokes his host by claiming authority to forgive sins. C: Glorious and merciful God, we praise You and we thank You, that You did not GOSPEL RESPONSE Same as Gospel Acclamation leave us in darkness, You did not abandon us to our sin, You did not reject us SERMON when we faltered; but You led us out from the darkness and into Your mar- HYMN OF THE DAY “I Know Who Holds Tomorrow” #187, LMGM velous light. We thank You, we praise You and we glorify You; Prince of Peace, PRAYERS OF INTERCESSION Wonderful Counselor, King of Compassion. OFFERING AND PREPARATION P: Let us hear again the story of this hopeful meal: When Jesus knew the time for His OFFERTORY HYMN “God Has Smiled On Me” #185, LMGM death had come, and the darkness was gathering around Him, He shared His final OFFERTORY PRAYER meal with His friends. Taking the bread, He gave thanks. Then He broke it and gave E: Blessed are you, O God, ruler of heaven and earth. Day by day you shower us with to His disciples saying: "This is my body broken for you. Do this, whenever you eat blessings. As you have raised us to new life in Christ, give us glad and generous it, to remember Me." hearts, ready to praise you and to respond to those in need, through Jesus Christ, our C: We thank You, Jesus, for the broken bread. Savior and Lord. P: After supper, He took the cup and gave thanks. Then He gave it to His disciples say- C: Amen. ing: "This cup is my blood, bringing a new covenant and forgiveness of sins. Do DIALOGUE this, whenever you drink it, to remember Me." P: The Lord be with you. C: We thank You, Jesus, for the cup of wine. C: And also with you. P: Now, as we eat this bread and drink this wine, we proclaim that Jesus' life was not ex- P: Lift up your hearts. tinguished by death, we proclaim that Jesus' body was not held by the grave, and we C: We lift them to the Lord. proclaim the hope that we have found in Him. P: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. C: And we will keep doing this until our hope is fulfilled. Amen. C: It is right to give our thanks and praise. THE LORD’S PRAYER PREFACE THE INVITATION P: It is indeed right, our duty and our joy, that we should at all times and in all places P: The table of life is spread before you. Feast on the goodness and mercy of God. give thanks and praise to you, almighty and merciful God, through our Savior Jesus HOLY COMMUNION Christ, whose suffering and death gave salvation to all. You gather your people HYMNS DURING DISTRIBUTION Pre-recorded Music around the tree of the cross, transforming death into life. And so, with all the choirs POST COMMUNION PRAYER of angels, with the church on earth and the hosts of heaven, we praise your name and E: We give you thanks, O God, that you make your home with us, bringing heaven to join them saying: earth in this holy meal. Fill us with your Spirit as we go from here, that we may wipe SANCTUS away tears, tend to those in mourning and pain, seek the healing of the nations, and C: Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might, bring to earth the presence of your Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.

Cong: Amen. Cross Church Office Hours: Monday – Thursday, 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. The office is BENEDICTION closed on Fridays. Denise Davis begins working tomorrow as administrative assistant during P: The blessing of the Lord God Almighty, the blessing of + Christ, the Lamb who was the summer while Deb and Sandy are on vacation. slain, and the blessing of the Holy Spirit of truth be among you and remain with you always. Our preachers for the month of June are: C: Amen. June 23: Pastor Steve Jerbi from All Peoples Church ANNOUNCEMENTS June 30: Pastor Michelle returns from leave SENDING SONG “I’ve God Peace Like a River” #299, LMGM DISMISSAL AND PEACE Bible Readings: June 23: 1st Reading: Isaiah 65:1-9; 2nd Reading: Galatians 3:23-29; P: Go in peace. Proclaim the good news. Gospel: Luke 8:26-39. C: Thanks be to God. Congratulations to Pastor Michelle and family as they celebrate the new addition, Quet- From Sundays and Copyright 2013 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. zal Tomas Lopez-Townsend, born Thurs., May 9. Weight: 9 lbs. 4oz., Length: 21inch- Reprinted by permission under Augsburg Fortress Liturgies Annual License #23141. es. New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright 1989, Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America: Used by permission. All rights reserved. Announcements for the bulletin: Please turn all announcements for the bulletin in to the Excerpted from office by 10 a.m. on Tuesday. Please email them to [email protected] or leave a mes- sage on Sandy and Deb’s voicemail. COMMEMORATIONS FOR THE WEEK Friday, June 21, 2013 2 nd Annual Partners of Cross Golf Outing, Friday, June 21, 2013, Willow Run Golf Club, Onesimos Nesib, translator, evangelist, died 1931 N12 W26506 Golf Road, Pewaukee, WI 53072, 262-544-8585, 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.— Onesimos was born in Ethiopia. Captured and taken as a slave to Eritrea, he was there freed Registration, Shot Gun Start @ 1:00 p.m. Scramble Format, $75.00 per golfer. Entry fee in- by Swedish missionaries. He translated the Bible into his native Oromo and returned to cludes: 18 holes of golf, Dinner Buffet, Silent Auction, Raffles, and Prizes. Contact Lisa preach there. Quam or Ann Hogan at [email protected] (414) 571-0999) for more information. To down- load your entry form, visit our website: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * > Thank you for worshipping with us today. Please feel free to participate fully in today’s service. Join with us as we sing, pray, listen, respond, greet and encourage one another cele- Upcoming Birthdays brating God’s extravagant love for all people in Jesus Christ. You are especially invited to June 19 Isabella Ayala the meal of our Lord at Holy Communion where Jesus meets us through the bread and wine, June 20 Frances Bryant his body and blood. June 22 Owen Mahtar June 22 Delores Fayne If you have a pastoral emergency this week, please call Pastor Steve Jerbi at 238-7030. Upcoming Anniversaries June 19 Trish and Craig Dent

A N N O U N C E M E N T S Michele Mitchell - Cross member Willie Mae Hunter—Johnson Hunter's mother  Summer program begins tomorrow, June 17, at 9 a.m. Marie Collars - Cross member Betty Marx - Cross member Dorothy Hunter - Cross member Sally Jackson - Cross member  Church Council meets tomorrow, June 17, at 5:30 p.m. Shirley Mitchell - Cross member Dorian James - Brother of Keyva Riley  The last day of the Adult Center for this school year is Tues., June 18. Frances Love - Cross member Gwen Mounger - Cross member Start time: 9:30 a.m. Lottie Harrell - Adult Center participant June Torrence - Cross member BOHEM volunteers meet on Tuesday, June 18, at 1:30 p.m. George Aidoo—son-in-law of Marian Wasierski Larry Troher - Husband of Czerda Riley Minevra Williams - Roscoe Mounger’s sister Jacqueline Sims - Cross member BOHEM Advisory Committee meets on Tuesday, June 18, 3 p.m. Frances Bryant—Member of Cross Verlene Wilson - Cross member  Bread of Healing Ministry meets on Wed., June 19, at 11:45 a.m. Wendell Taylor - Brother of Vallery Ferguson Joanne Middleton - Niece of the Riley family  The quilting group will meet on Sat., June 22, at 10 a.m. Lisa Taylor - Sister of Vallery Ferguson Johnny Winston - Grandson of Ellen Johnson  Youth Praise Team will sing at Fondy Mall on Sat., June 22, at 9 a.m. Ed Williams - Cross member Antyon Holt Jr. - Son of Kendra Haney Wil Ladwig—Partner of Emory Churness DeAndre` Williams - Son of Bonnie Williams  Cross Community Gospel Choir will practice on Sat., June 22, at 11:00 a.m. Lonny Johnson - Son of Ellen Johnson Sherry Nutt—Friend of Sandy Adams  Cross Praise Choir practices on Sat., June 22, at 12:30 p.m. Janice Rahming - Friend of the Riley family Ellen Johnson - Cross Member  Worship is scheduled for Sunday, June 23, at 9:30 a.m. Jason Maciolek - Friend of Terry Spears Barnett Aleana Harrell-Williams - Cross member Pamela Patterson–Bread of Healing member Joyce Dunn-Fortineaux—Cross member Ricky Mounger-Son of Roscoe & Bertha Mounger Nancy Mahtar - Mother of Dawn Mahtar Second Lesson Readers for June Honesty Hope - Daughter of Kendra Haney Lillian Miller - Cross member June 23 Larry Adams, Galatians 3:23-29 Donnell Taylor--Friend of Joyce Dunn-Fortineaux Anita Knox - Bread of Healing member June 30 Sharon Adams, Galatians 5:1, 13-25 Emily Aidoo--daughter of Marian Wasierski LaTasha Mack--Niece of Renee Campbell Shannon Ferguson - Daughter of Vallery Ferguson Lucinda Gordon-Mother of Ellen Johnson Attention fund raisers: To comply with a recommendation from our auditors, you will now Tasha Mack—Daughter-in-law of Renee Campbell Desmond Sloan—Godson of Czerda Riley Evg. Brandy Jordan & Family--Bread of Healing member Viola Lee - Cross member need to fill out a fund raising deposit form when you turn in fund raising money. See Deb or Dominic James Wright—Great grandson of Gloria Wright Sandy in the office for the form. It will also require 2 people to count money and sign off on Marlan & Mary Erves - Friends of Joyce Dunn-Fortineaux the form.

If you have names of family or friends who should be taken off the prayer list, please let the church office know so that the names may be removed. Thank you.

Prayers of the People Keith Adams - Nephew of Bonnie Williams DJ Johnson - Son of Ellen Johnson Donneva Griffin--Granddaughter of June Torrence Richard Franklin - Cross member Lois Glover - Cross member Bobby Riley - Husband of Aroma Riley Kendra Haney - Daughter of Bonnie Williams Bonnie Williams - Cross member Bertha Mounger - Cross member Pauline McCollum - former Cross member Annie Harrell - Mother of Nikki Kendrick Keyva Riley - Cross member Kathleen Hoffman - Pres Hoffman’s wife Brandon Hayes - Cross member Joyce Briley - Adult Center participant Eunique Hayes - Cross member Juanita Williams—Sister of Emma Nash Beatrice Hicks - Cross member Cheryl Hayes - Cross Member Ophelia Callahan - Cross member

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