Neural Modeling of Flow Rendering Effectiveness

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Neural Modeling of Flow Rendering Effectiveness

A Data-driven Methodology for Producing Online Learning System Design Patterns

PAUL SALVADOR INVENTADO & PETER SCUPELLI, School of Design, Carnegie Mellon University

Online learning systems are complex systems that are frequently updated with new content, upgraded to support new features and extended to support new technologies. Maintaining the quality of the system as it changes is a challenge that needs to be addressed. Design patterns offer a solution to this challenge by providing guides to stakeholders responsible for making design changes (e.g., system developers, HCI designers, teachers, students) that will help them ensure system quality despite changes. Although design patterns for online learning systems exist, they often focus on one aspect of the system (e.g., pedagogy, learning). The data-driven design pattern production (3D2P) methodology utilizes data for producing design patterns in collaboration with stakeholders, addresses stakeholders’ concerns, and ensures the system’s quality as a whole. The paper presents five patterns produced by applying the methodology on the ASSISTments online learning system namely: all content in one place, just enough practice, personalized problems, worked examples, and consistent language. We made two changes to the pattern format: added in-text references in the forces section, and added an evidence section. The references allow the reader to learn more about the force in question. The evidence section highlights key findings uncovered from the 3D2P methodology. Four sources of evidence were considered in the pattern format: (a) literature – existing research on the problem or solution, (b) discussion – expert opinions about the problem or solution, (c) data – measures of the problem’s recurrence, and the solution’s effectiveness based on collected data; and (d) evaluation – assessment of the pattern’s performance when it was applied on an existing system. The changes to the format highlight linkages between pattern elements, theory, and empirical evidence. We believe that links further justify the design pattern, and make it easier for multiple stakeholders to understand them. Categories and Subject Descriptors: H.2.8 [Information Systems]: Database Applications—Data mining; H.5.2 [Information Interfaces and Presentation]: User Interfaces—Evaluation/methodology; H.5.2 [Information Interfaces and Presentation]: User Interfaces—User-centered design; K.3 [Computers and Education]: Computer Uses in Education—Distance learning; General Terms: Design, Human Factors Additional Key Words and Phrases: Design patterns, pattern prospecting, pattern mining, pattern writing, pattern evaluation, online learning systems, ASSISTments, learning analytics

INTRODUCTION Enrollment in online learning systems has grown rapidly. In the Fall of 2007, over 3.9 million students took at least one online course and over 20% of all US higher education students took at least one online course (Allen and Seaman 2008). Massive open online courses (MOOCs) such as Coursera, edX and Udacity have also become popular. Coursera, one of the largest MOOC platforms, has over 11 million users in 941 courses from 118 institutions as of January 2015 (Coursera n.d.). The success of tutoring systems like Cognitive Tutor and ASSISTments (Koedinger et al. 1997, Mendicino et al. 2009a, Morgan and Ritter 2002, Sarkis 2004) also led to an increase of users. Cognitive Tutor was reported to make over 250 million student observations a year (Carnegie Learning n.d., Sarkis 2004) and ASSISTments has been collecting significant amounts of data since 2003 from close to 50,000 students using the system each year in 48 states of the United States (ASSISTments n.d., Heffernan and Heffernan 2014, Mendicino et al. 2009b). Designing and maintaining the quality of online learning systems is challenging because it consists of many complex components (e.g., user management, data management, content management), stakeholders with different backgrounds are involved in its development (e.g., system developers, HCI designers, content experts), it is used by a diverse set of users (e.g., students, teachers, parents), and it is often updated to accommodate new technologies (e.g., mobile platforms with different screen sizes). Design patterns, which are high quality solutions to known problems, can address the development and maintenance challenges of online learning systems by providing stakeholders a guide for creating content, adding new features, modifying components, and adapting to new technologies. Although design patterns for online learning systems have been developed, they often focus on pedagogy such as strategies for presenting content, activities to promote learning, and methods for providing feedback and evaluation (Anacleto, Neto, and de Almeida Néris 2009, Derntl 2004, Frizell and Hübscher 2011). They focus on teachers’ concerns but not on the concerns of other stakeholders (e.g., system developer, HCI experts) or how pedagogical design patterns affect or are affected by other patterns in the system. The authors developed a methodology that extends the traditional design pattern mining and writing process by using data to guide the production of design patterns (Inventado and Scupelli, in press). In the methodology, stakeholders involved in the online learning system’s development are presented with pattern proposals uncovered from relationships observed in the data. Stakeholders can analyze the proposed patterns using actual data about student behavior in specific contexts. Actual data helps stakeholders communicate and collaborate in refining patterns, and to make design decisions that either satisfies all stakeholders’ concerns or strikes a balance between conflicting concerns. The methodology can be used incrementally to ensure the system’s design quality as new content is added, new functionalities are incorporated, new technologies are adopted, and more stakeholders engage with the system. Stakeholders involved in the development of online learning systems often come from diverse backgrounds such as learning sciences, learning analytics, computer science, psychology, interaction design, and education. The selected pattern format in the paper includes links to theories and empirical evidence to help stakeholders understand patterns better and show how they are grounded in science. A better understanding of the patterns may encourage more stakeholders to collaborate in the pattern production process. The paper first introduces the ASSISTments online learning system, which was used as the mining ground for patterns. This is followed by a discussion on the data-driven design pattern production (3D2P) methodology, which was used to produce design patterns. The pattern format is explained to show how it differs from commonly used formats and why it was selected. The next sections contain a short discussion of the patterns, a summary of the work, and future directions. Finally, the patterns generated from the methodology are presented.

ASSISTMENTS ASSISTments was developed in 2003 to help students practice mathematics for the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS), to help teachers identify students that need support, and to identify topics that need to be discussed and practiced further (Heffernan and Heffernan 2014). It is an online learning system that allows teachers to create exercises with associated questions, solutions, feedback, etc. that they can assign to students and get student performance assessments from (Heffernan and Heffernan 2014). ASSISTments was developed by a multi-disciplinary team consisting of content experts, ITS experts and system developers among others. It was designed and built using architecture and interface development best practices with the help of Math teachers who provided expert advice and content. Figure 1 illustrates a Math problem in ASSISTments, which allows students to view a problem, request hints and attempt to solve it.

Fig. 1. ASSISTments interface for a word problem: (a) Students solving a problem can submit their answer and get feedback from the system (b) Students can request for multiple hints to help them solve the problem.

Initially, Math teachers were asked to provide the content (e.g., problems, answers, hints, feedback) for ASSISTments (Heffernan and Heffernan 2014). Later, questions from Math textbooks were also added and teachers who used the system were allowed to create their own questions or adapt their own versions of existing questions. Over time, ASSISTments underwent many changes to support feature requests (e.g., grading flexibility for teachers, parent access to grades) and improvements (e.g., adding a mastery learning component that required students to master a skill before moving on to the next topic) (Heffernan & Heffernan 2014). It also allowed researchers to run studies and collect student data with options to customize content, feedback, and other elements in a problem (e.g., Broderick, O’Connor, Mulcahy, Heffernan, and Heffernan (2012); Li, Xiong, and Beck (2013); Whorton (2013)).

A Data-driven Methodology for Producing Online Learning System Design Patterns: Page - 2 USING DATA TO PRODUCE DESIGN PATTERNS The data-driven design pattern production (3D2P) methodology illustrated in Figure 2, uses an incremental process of prospecting, mining, writing and evaluating patterns (Inventado and Scupelli in press). In pattern prospecting, data collected by the learning systems is first cleaned to remove noise and processed to make the data easier to analyze. Background knowledge about the domain and existing literature can help guide the selection of feature values or measures (e.g., answer correctness, number of hint requests, student frustration) that will filter data to find evidence of interesting relationships (e.g., correlation between student frustration and problem difficulty). Patterns can be mined from the filtered data by investigating feature relationships further and framing hypotheses from meaningful relationships uncovered. Resulting hypotheses can be used to write design patterns that are verified and refined in collaboration with multiple stakeholders. The patterns are then evaluated by conducting randomized controlled trials (RCTs) that compare the effectiveness (e.g., increase or decrease of incorrect answers, help requests or student frustration) of the original design and the adapted design (e.g., using textual hints vs. using hints with images). Ineffective design patterns can be refined further while effective design patterns can be shared with stakeholders to help them maintain the system’s quality when adding content, incorporating new functionalities, and adopting new technologies. Fig. 2. Big-data-driven design pattern methodology (Inventado & Scupelli, in press).

The design patterns presented in the paper were produced using the 3D2P methodology. More details about using the methodology on ASSISTments data can be found in Inventado and Scupelli (in press), and Inventado and Scupelli (2015).

PATTERN FORMAT The pattern format used in this paper has two major differences from commonly used formats: the addition of in- text citations in the forces section, and the addition of an evidences section. When appropriate, in-text citations were used for linking forces to pre-existing literature. Such references allow the reader to learn more about the force in question. The evidence section was added to highlight key findings uncovered from the 3D2P methodology. These findings justify the recurrence of the problem identified by the pattern and the effectiveness of its solution. Four sources of evidence were considered in the pattern format: (a) literature – existing research on the problem or solution, (b) discussion – expert opinions about the problem or solution, (c) data – measures of the problem’s recurrence, and the solution’s effectiveness based on collected data; and (d) evaluation – assessment of the pattern’s performance when it was applied on an existing system. The patterns presented in this paper are at different stages in the 3D2P methodology, so some patterns may have more evidence than others. Some patterns have been revised after getting feedback from shepherding or getting new evidence. Revised patterns are indicated by a version number beside its name, and a short description about the revision below the pattern’s diagram.

DISCUSSION The 3D2P methodology differs from traditional design pattern mining and writing processes by producing design patterns from collected data. The methodology can address issues in maintaining the quality of online learning systems such as ASSISTments, which are complex, designed and developed by multiple stakeholders, used by diverse users, and rapidly changing as new technologies become available. Specifically, it supports prospecting, mining, writing, and evaluating patterns through data, provides concrete scenarios that stakeholders can use to collaborate in refining patterns, allows design patterns to be tested, and helps verify the quality of design patterns in actual use. The pattern format used in the paper differs from commonly used formats by highlighting links to theory and empirical evidence. Such links promote better understanding of the problem, as well as how and why the solution works. It can promote interest and collaboration between stakeholders and pattern authors because it allows them to contribute to the pattern production process without being pattern experts themselves. For example, learning analytics experts can uncover recurring problems and effective design solutions from online learning system data. Pattern authors can use results from the data analysis to create design patterns. Teachers can then test the effectiveness of the design patterns in their classes. The design patterns presented in the paper were primarily developed for the ASSISTments online learning system. However, the patterns were generalized so they can be used in other online learning systems as well. Specifically, the five patterns presented can guide teachers and content writers in ensuring the quality of online learning systems when they create new content or refine existing content.

A Data-driven Methodology for Producing Online Learning System Design Patterns: Page - 3 SUMMARY AND NEXT STEPS The paper discusses the application of 3D2P methodology in the production of online learning system design patterns. The resulting patterns can guide the development and maintenance of quality online learning systems. The selected pattern format contains links to theory and empirical evidence that could encourage stakeholders from different backgrounds to collaborate in the production and refinement of design patterns. More design patterns are being developed with the 3D2P methodology on ASSISTments data. However, the complex and rapidly changing nature of online learning systems will result in the production of a large amount of design patterns that cannot be handled by a small team. There is a need for community effort in producing patterns. The authors are currently developing an open pattern repository that can facilitate collaboration between interested stakeholders in the production of online learning system design patterns (Inventado and Scupelli 2015).

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1252297. We would like to thank David West, Christian Köppe, and Thomas Erickson for their invaluable advice and feedback in the development of our work. We would also like to thank Ryan Baker, Neil Heffernan, and their teams at Teachers College Columbia University and Worcester Polytechnic Institute for helping us analyze the data and gain insights on the methodology.


All content in one place

Context: Students are asked to answer problems in class or at home in an online learning system. Teachers have control over the content and presentation of each problem in the online learning system.

Problem: Students become bored or disengaged when asked to split their attention across multiple resources to solve a problem.

Forces: 1. Split-attention effect. Unnecessary processing of information imposes a cognitive load that interferes with learning. High cognitive load impairs performance, which could increase the difficulty of a learning task (Sweller 2004). 2. Affect. When students experience too much difficulty or get stuck in trying to solve a problem, they are likely to disengage from the activity (D’Mello and Graesser 2012). 3. Accessibility. Students may lack access to resources used in the problem (e.g., looking at a book and the computer at the same time, forgetting to bring home a textbook, having internet access, having access to a computer).

Solution: Therefore, consolidate all necessary references or resources needed to solve the problem in one place for easy access. Resources could be presented in the same page as the problem if it does not up take too much space to display. If the problem uses too many resources, the problem author could Keep it simple (2014) by splitting it into multiple problems.

A Data-driven Methodology for Producing Online Learning System Design Patterns: Page - 4 Consequences: Benefits: 1. Students can access all necessary resources used in the problem. 2. Students do not switch between the problem and additional resources. 3. Students focus better on problems that are simple and complete.

Liability: 1. Content writers will spend more time and effort in encoding resources into the online learning system.

Evidence:  Literature: Several studies have shown that split-attention increases cognitive load and have negative effects on learning in various settings such as: instructional manual usage while learning to use computer software (Cerpa, Chandler, and Sweller 1996), split-attention worked examples for geometry (Sweller, Chandler, Tierney, and Cooper 1990), and split-attention worked examples in math word problems (Mwangi and Sweller 1998).  Discussion: Shepherds and stakeholders (i.e., data mining experts, ITS experts, and educators) agreed that the problem recurs in online learning systems and the solution could properly address the problem.  Data: According to ASSISTments’ math online learning system data, boredom and gaming behavior correlated with problems that referred students to content in their textbook.

Related Patterns: When teachers create problems, they should Keep it simple (2014) to minimize the amount of resources used, thus making it easier for students to understand.

Example: When a teacher creates a problem in the online learning system, he/she encodes the entire content instead of asking students to browse their book (e.g., Answer problem #48 in page 587 of your textbook). Students will experience less cognitive load compared to constantly switching between reading the problem in the book and the online learning system interface.

A Data-driven Methodology for Producing Online Learning System Design Patterns: Page - 5 Just enough practice (v.2)

This is a rewriting and extension of Just enough practice (Inventado and Scupelli in press).

Context: Students are asked to practice a particular skill through exercises in an online learning system. Teachers design the problems for the exercise in the online learning system. They also provide corresponding answers and feedback for each problem, and design their presentation sequence. Problems may vary in type (e.g., multiple choice, true or false), topic (e.g., addition, subtraction), and difficulty.

Problem: Academic risk takers become frustrated when they are asked to repeatedly answer problems that test skills they have already mastered.

Forces: 1. Practice. Students need practice to learn a skill (Clark and Mayer 2011, Sloboda, Davidson, Howe, and Moore 1996, Tuffiash, Roring, and Ericsson 2007). It leads to greater improvements in performance during early sessions, but additional practice sessions lead to smaller improvement gains over time (Rohrer and Taylor 2006, Sweller 2004). 2. Expertise reversal. Presenting students information they already know can impose extraneous cognitive load and interfere with additional learning (Sweller 2004). 3. Risk taking. Academic risk takers are students who prefer challenging tasks because they want to maximize learning and feedback (Clifford 1988, Clifford 1991, Meyer and Turner 2002). They are often intrinsically motivated, explore concepts they do not understand, and can cope with negative emotions resulting from failure (Boekaerts 1993). 4. Limited resources. Student attention and patience is a limited resource possibly affected by pending deadlines, upcoming tests, achievement in previous learning experiences, motivation, personal interest, quality of instruction, and others (Arnold, Scheines, Beck, and Jerome 2005, Bloom 1974).

Solution: Therefore, change the problem type and/or topic after students master it. Student mastery can be assessed in different ways such as, counting the number of times a student correctly answered a problem type and/or topic, or using individualized statistical models for predicting student knowledge (Yudelson, Koedinger, and Gordon 2013).

Consequences: Benefits: 1. Students get enough practice to learn the skill, but not too much to over-practice it. 2. Students do not spend unnecessary time practicing skills they already mastered. 3. Students practice on problems that challenge them. 4. Students with better learning experiences are more inclined to continue learning.

Liability: 1. If skill mastery is incorrectly predicted, the system can still cause over-practice on a skill or worse, prevent students from practicing a skill enough before it is mastered.

Evidence:  Literature: Cen, Koedinger and Junker (2007) used data mining approaches to show that students had similar learning gains when they over-practiced a skill and stopped practicing a skill after mastery. However, it took less time when students stopped practicing after mastery. Instead of over-practicing, they suggested that students switch to learning other skills.

A Data-driven Methodology for Producing Online Learning System Design Patterns: Page - 6  Discussion: Shepherds and stakeholders (i.e., data mining experts, ITS experts, and educators) agreed that the problem recurs in online learning systems and the solution could properly address the problem.  Data: According to ASSISTments math online learning system data, frustration correlated with students repeatedly answering problems they have mastered.

Related Patterns: The pattern can be used in conjunction with Spiral (Bergin 2000) to help students master a subset of the larger topic through practice, before moving on to the next subtopic.

Example: A teacher designs homework with different types of math problems (e.g., decimal addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division). He/she can use the online learning system’s control mechanism to switch between problem types whenever a student shows mastery on a particular type. The number of times a student answered each problem type correctly can be used to identify mastery. For example, if the student correctly answers 3 decimal- addition problems, then the student will be asked to advance to decimal-subtraction problems. Otherwise, the student will continue answering decimal-addition problems.

Personalized problems

A Data-driven Methodology for Producing Online Learning System Design Patterns: Page - 7

Context: Students are asked to answer an exercise in an online learning system. Teachers design and encode problems in an online learning system with corresponding answers and feedback. Teachers decide on the difficulty of problems in the exercise according to a general assessment of student ability in their class.

Problem: Students become bored or disengage from the exercise when they solve problems that are either too easy or too difficult for them to solve.

Forces: 1. Prior knowledge. Students may find it impossible to solve a problem when they have not acquired the necessary skills to solve it (Sweller 2004). 2. Expertise reversal. Presenting students information they already know can impose extraneous cognitive load and interfere with additional learning (Sweller 2004). 3. Risk taking. Students who are risk takers prefer challenging tasks, because they find satisfaction in maximizing their learning. However, students who are not risk takers often experience anxiety when they feel the difficulty of a learning task has exceeded their skill (Meyer and Turner 2002). 4. Learning rate. Students learn at varying rates, which could be affected by their prior knowledge, learning experience, and the quality of instruction they receive (Bloom 1974). 5. Limited resources. Student attention and patience is a limited resource possibly affected by pending deadlines, upcoming tests, achievement in previous learning experiences, personal interest, quality of instruction, achievement in previous learning experiences, personal interest, quality of instruction, and others (Arnold, Scheines, Beck, and Jerome 2005, Bloom 1974).

Solution: Therefore, assign to students problems that they have the ability to solve but have not yet mastered. A student’s capability to solve a problem can be identified using assessments of their knowledge on pre-requisite skills, or model-based predictors (Yudelson, Koedinger, and Gordon 2013).

Consequences: Benefits: 1. Students have enough prior knowledge to solve a problem. 2. Students do not need to “slow down” to adjust to the difficulty of the exercise. 3. Risk takers will get challenging problems, while non-risk takers will not be overwhelmed by overly difficult problems. 4. Students will solve problems appropriate for their skill level. 5. Exercises that are neither too easy nor too challenging can motivate students to spend more time performing them. Liability: 1. Content writers will need to provide content for students with different levels of ability 2. If students’ skill level is incorrectly identified, the system can still give students problems that are too easy or too difficult.

Evidence:  Literature: Research in different learning domains showed that personalizing content to students’ skill level had similar learning gains as non-personalized content, but took a shorter amount of time (e.g., simulated air traffic control (Salden, Paas, Broers, and Van Merrienboer 2004), algebra (Cen, Koedinger, and Junker 2007), geometry (Salden, Aleven, Schwonke, and Renkl 2010), and health sciences (Corbalan, Kester, and Merriënboer 2008).  Discussion: Shepherds and stakeholders (i.e., data mining experts, ITS experts, and educators) agreed that the design pattern’s solution could address the identified problem.

A Data-driven Methodology for Producing Online Learning System Design Patterns: Page - 8  Data: According to ASSISTments math online learning system data, boredom and gaming behavior correlated with problem difficulty (i.e., evidenced by answer correctness and number of hint requests).

Related Patterns: This pattern applies the concept of Different exercise levels (Bergin et al. 2012) in online learning systems, and Content personalization (Danculovic, Rossi, Schwabe, and Miaton 2001) in exercise problem selection. It can be used with Just enough practice to help students master skills and select the next set of problems according to their learning progress. Worked examples can be used when students have lack enough skills to solve the problem.

Example: A teacher would encode into an online learning system a math exercise containing problems with varying difficulty. As students answer questions in their homework, the online learning system would keep track of students’ progress to identify their skill level such as low (i.e., student makes mistakes ≥ 60% of the time), medium (i.e., student makes mistakes < 60% and ≥ 40% of the time) or high (i.e., student makes mistakes < 40% of the time). Based on students’ performance, the online learning system would provide the corresponding question type so it is more likely for students to receive questions that are fit for their skill level.

Worked examples (v. 2)

A Data-driven Methodology for Producing Online Learning System Design Patterns: Page - 9 This is a rewriting and extension of Worked examples (Inventado and Scupelli 2015).

Context: Students are asked to answer problems in an online learning system. Teachers design and encode the problems with corresponding answers in the online learning system. Teachers also design feedback such as hints, or bug messages (i.e., short explanation why the answer was incorrect) to address common student misconceptions or errors.

Problem: Some students don’t have an overview of how to solve the problem and where to begin.

Forces: 1. Prior knowledge. Students may find it impossible to solve a problem when they have not acquired the necessary skills to solve it (Sweller 2004). 2. Randomness. When students do not know how to solve a problem, they randomly combine elements they already know to form a solution and test its effectiveness. Although it is possible to find a solution this way, it could take a lot of time and effort especially if it is a complex problem (Sweller 2004). 3. Affective entry. When students are unable to achieve their learning goals, they may become frustrated, discouraged of their abilities, and dislike the subject (Bloom 1974). 4. Limited resources. Student attention and patience is a limited resource possibly affected by pending deadlines, upcoming tests, achievement in previous learning experiences, personal interest, quality of instruction, achievement in previous learning experiences, personal interest, quality of instruction, and others (Arnold, Scheines, Beck, and Jerome 2005, Bloom 1974).

Solution: Therefore, provide a worked example so that students can have an overview of the procedures to follow. Students may request for a worked example themselves, or the system could show the worked example automatically according to different mechanisms (e.g., too many attempts, predictions of student ability to solve the problem).

Consequences: Benefits: 1. Worked examples help students form new knowledge, which they can use to solve similar problems. 2. Students see an effective solution to adapt instead of finding solutions on their own. 3. Students will be more confident in their abilities and develop interest in the subject when they successfully apply the solution. 4. Students will be focused in activities they know how to perform. Liability: 1. Teachers and content experts will need to provide worked examples aside from hints and other feedback. 2. The online learning system will need to provide an interface to show worked examples.

Evidence:  Literature: Learning from examples is a common learning strategy that students use to acquire new skills. Worked examples give a step-by-step demonstration of how to perform a task or solve a problem. It helps novice learners form basic knowledge structures, which they can use to acquire new knowledge and skills through practice (Clark and Mayer 2011).  Discussion: Shepherds and stakeholders (i.e., data mining experts, ITS experts, and educators) agreed that the design pattern’s solution could address the identified problem.

A Data-driven Methodology for Producing Online Learning System Design Patterns: Page - 10  Data: ASSISTments online learning system data showed that students rapidly requested for all available hints when they did not know how to solve the problem (i.e., based on hint request and answer correctness features). Students could have used hints as a proxy for worked examples, which showed them the entire procedure for solving the problem.

Related Patterns: Worked examples organize the solution into a series of steps much like Wizard (Tidwell 2011). Personalized problems can provide Worked examples to students who lack the skill to solve a given problem.

Example: When teachers create a math problem in an online learning system, they can encode the math problem, the correct answer, corresponding hints, and also a worked example. Students can request for worked examples to see an effective solution they can learn from, and use it to solve the current problem and similar problems in the future.

A Data-driven Methodology for Producing Online Learning System Design Patterns: Page - 11 Consistent Language

Context: Students are asked to answer a problem on an online learning system. The system allows students to request for hints to help them solve the problem. Teachers design problems, and their corresponding hints.

Problem: Students become frustrated when elements in the problem are written inconsistently.

Forces: 1. Working memory. Working memory can only hold a limited amount of information over a short period of time especially if it is new information. Cognitive load increases as more information is held in the memory while performing a task (Sweller, 2004). 2. Split-attention effect. Unnecessary processing of information imposes a cognitive load that interferes with learning. High cognitive load impairs performance, which could increase the difficulty of a learning task (Sweller, 2004). 3. Affect. When students experience too much difficulty or get stuck in trying to solve a problem, they are likely to disengage from the activity (D’Mello and Graesser 2012). 4. Limited resources. Student attention and patience is a limited resource possibly affected by pending deadlines, upcoming tests, achievement in previous learning experiences, motivation, personal interest, quality of instruction, and others (Arnold, Scheines, Beck, and Jerome 2005, Bloom 1974).

Solution: Therefore, use the same language throughout the problem. The term “language” is used broadly to include different aspects of the problem such as term usage, text formatting, color usage, notations, visual representations, and others.

Consequences: Benefits: 1. Students will keep track of less information in working memory. 2. Students do not need to spend unnecessary effort to discover the relationship between different representations used in the problem. 3. Students understand problems easier and are more likely to be engaged. 4. Students with better learning experiences are more inclined to continue learning.

Evidence:  Literature: Peterson and Peterson (1959) found that unfamiliar combinations of letters could only be held in memory for a few seconds. In a different study, Miller (1956) indicated that working memory could only hold five to nine chunks of unfamiliar information at a time. Learners are more likely to perform better when working memory is not overloaded by unnecessary information (Sweller 2004).  Discussion: Shepherds and stakeholders (i.e., data mining experts, ITS experts, and educators) agreed that the problem recurs in online learning systems and the solution could properly address the problem.  Data: According to ASSISTments math online learning system data, frustration correlated with problems that used its elements inconsistently. For example, a math problem dealing with angles used the degree notation inconsistently – “Subtract the given angle from 180°. 180 - 47 = 133.” In another instance, different instructions for inputting the answer were given in the problem and in the hints.

A Data-driven Methodology for Producing Online Learning System Design Patterns: Page - 12 Related Patterns: Using elements consistently throughout the problem help build a Familiar language (Van Duyne, Landay, and Hong 2007) for students. When they answer similar problems in the future, they can easily understand them. Less effort will be needed to discover relationships between different representations in the problem.

Example: When a teacher designs a problem involving angles, he/she uses the degree notation consistently to refer to angles. The same notation is also used in the hints and instructions associated with the problem.

Problem Hints

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