Michael Vey Who died of a heart attack when Michael was eight? What state did Michael and his mom move to? What is the name of Michael's best friend? Who is the girl that has the power to reboot people? How old is Michael? What is the name of the academy that Michael goes to? (Ch 1) What do you think cell 25 is? (Ch 2) Where does Michael Vey live? (Ch 2) What does Michael Vey have that makes him tic (blink, gulp, clear his throat)? (Ch 3) What place does the title "the armpit" refer to? (Ch 3) What happens to Michael that he gets sent to the principal? (Ch 3) What is Michael's best friends name? (Ch 3) Who is the girl (the cheerleader) that Michael meets in this chapter? (Ch 4) What happens to Michael after detention? (Ch 4) What does Michael do to stop the bullying? (Ch 5) Why does Michael want to hide the evidence from the fight from his mom. (Ch 6) How does Michael help his mom with her car? (Ch 7) What does Taylor do to the biology teacher, Mr. Poulson, when he catches her and Michael passing notes? (Ch 7) Who goes to detention with Michael? (Ch 7) What does Michael do to the bully, Cody, during detention? (Ch 7) What secret does Taylor share with michael when they meet at her house? (Ch 8) Who brings over the multimeter to test Michaels powers? (Ch 8) Where had Michael and his mother lived before Idaho? (Ch 8) Where do Michael, his mother and Ostin go at the end of this chapter? (Ch 9) Who all comes and sits with Michael at lunch? (Ch 9) What does Michael ask the bullies to do, now that he has their attention with his powers? (Ch 9) Where do Michael and Ostin go that they have never been to before at school? (Ch 9) What does Michael do to Tim, a boy who is talking to Taylor at the basketball game? (Ch 9) Who does Michael go to the party with? (Ch 10) Why is Michael nervous about going to the party? (Ch 10) What nick name do some of the basketball players give to Michael? (Ch 10) What do Corky and Michael do aoutside of the party? (Ch 10) Corky is much bigger than Michael, who intervenes to help Michael win the battle? (Ch 10) What does Taylor reveal that she did during the game to help the basketball team win? (Ch 10) The kids figure out that they were both born where? (Ch 11) Where does Michael want to go for his birthday dinner? (Ch 11) What does Michael get as a special birthday gift from his mother? (Ch 12) What do Michael and Ostin notice about his power when they test it again in this chapter? (Ch 12) What is the name of the kids secret group? (Ch 12) What do the kids discuss in their meeting that was unique about all of the births in Pasadena California during the time Michael and Taylor were born? (Ch 13) What does Ostin discover in this chapter from a Pasadena newspaper that he shares with Michael and Taylor? (Ch 13) What are the "spiders" the kids refer to? (Ch 13) What school is Taylor invited to attend? (Ch 14) Michael gets called to Mr. Dallstrom's office in this chapter. Is Dollstrom mad at him? Why is Michael called to the office? (Ch 14) When Michael, his mom and Ostin go to pick up Taylor from cheerleading to go to the aquarium, why does her coach say she is not there? (Ch 15) What animal do the boys take interest in at the aquarium? (Ch 15) Why is Michael's mom upset when he tells her about Elgen Academy? (Ch 15) What happens to them when they leave the pizza place? (Ch 15) Who is kidnapped at the end of this chapter? (Ch 15) Who are the new characters we meet in this chapter? (Ch 16) Where does Michael wake up after the robbery and kidnapping? (Ch 17) What is the name of the man with the gun who Michael shocked? (Ch 17) What unique item was the other man at the crime scene wearing? (Ch 18) What is the name of the mean girl who is messing with Taylor in the van? (Ch 18) What can Nichelle do (what is her power)? (Ch 18) Where do you think they are taking Taylor? (Ch 19) Who is the leader of the Elgen Academy? (Ch 20) Who is Michael staying with since his mom has been kidnapped? (Ch 20) Michael learns that Taylor has been kidnapped, who does he learn this from? (Ch 16) Where does Michael wake up after the robbery and kidnapping? (Ch 17) What is the name of the man with the gun who Michael shocked? (Ch 17) What unique item was the other man at the crime scene wearing? (Ch 20) Who is Michael staying with since his mom has been kidnapped? Ch 21) Who is the leader of the Elgen Academy? (Ch 21) What is the nickname they give to all the electric children? (Ch 21) What is Taylor's relationship to Tara? (Ch 22) What do the boys figure out about the gunman? (Ch 22) Who do the boys go to see and talk to at the jail? (Ch 23) Who does Clyde reveal made him hold up Michael and his mom? (Ch 23) What does Clyde say the Elgen Academy People want to do? (Ch 24) Who do the boys think can help drive them to Pasedena, California? (Ch 25) What do the electric children eat which is high in potassium? (Ch 25) What kind of life does Tara live at the academy? (Ch 26) Where do the girls go that is called the "miracle mile"? (Ch 26) What do the girls spend more than 10,000 dollars on while shopping? (Ch 26) When Dr. Hatch takes the girls out to eat, what type of food do they eat? (Ch 26) Who is Harry Winston? (Ch 27) Who gives the boys a ride and who else goes with them? (Ch 28) What do the boys talk about while they are driving? (Ch 29) What kind of evil plan is Dr. Hatch up to? (Ch 30) How many electric children are there? (Ch 30) How many electric children are "left" at the academy? (Ch 30) Describe Quentin. (Ch 30) Describe Bryan. (Ch 30) Where does Dr. Hatch announce that he is taking the kids to for a surprise? (Ch 30) Which kid gets in trouble at the Colby Cross concert when they arrive? (Ch 30) What does Dr. Hatch have Taylor do to the singer during the concert? (Ch 30) Why does Dr. Hatch have Taylor reboot the singer during the concert? (Ch 30) What is the story of the eagle and the chicken?